Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

Was it a nice day for you hun? This weather is very unprecitable at the mo.
Hope it was sunny.
Heres some :dust: for you.
Hi Ladies

I am 32 and have been ttc for 15 months! Wish i had started trying sooner but shouldn't have regrets.

Feeling very low and am thinking it might never happen for me.
berrukins - We didn't use OPK's or temp this month but I've bought a big pack of OPK's so might use them in the future unless I get a :bfp: soon. For now I rely on ewcm which I seem to get regularly in my monthly cycle so fingers x'd it works!! And we try to bd every other day throughout the cycle anyway so that we don't run any risks of missed opportunities! I have long cycles too, same as you - 34 on average. I've read that if you have longer than 35 days it might be abnormal?! Mine vary from 29 to 39, hope that's not a problem :( xx

Hiya PetiteMoi .. Yup I read somewhere that any cycle longer than 34 days is considered irregular, but I'm giving myself the benefit of the doubt that my body is yet to regulate back to its normal pre-pill self! I was on the pill for almost 5 years before quitting last Aug. Since then I've had semi-normal cycles ... with horribly long cycles twice!

Sending over some :dust:! I'm hoping that you won't ever need to use the OPKs next month, when you get the :bfp: this cycle! Hmm, :sex: every other day is a superb method, lucky you! U'll very likely get the egg! And with EWCM, u go, girl!

DH and I are going for every other day too since CD15 ... since my Ov date is very unpredictable, we're gonna keep at it till we get clear confirmation that I've Ovd. Still no +OPK, but I got mild cystitis instead!! argghhh :dohh:
DragonMummy - congrats on your wedding hun!! I got married last year as well, it's such an amazing thing isn't it. Good luck with ttc! xx

worrisome - do u mean that it would be strange to succeed the second month trying?? Sorry I probably misunderstood you, mashy brain today due to a bad cold :wacko: xx

Berrukins - that sounds like a safe theory that your body is 'recovering' from using the pill, but I didn't use the pill so have no natural explanation :huh: I'm hoping it's still ok as I seem to ovulate and AF comes every month just a bit irregularly and most often it's less than 35 days.

I think every other day seems to be the best method too; then you don't have to worry about when you ov! Although it might not be great for your sex life if you force yourselves to it but so far so good :D Did you read the article I linked to earlier, where they claim it's ok to bd every day? Quite interesting I thought, although not sure we could keep up with bd'ing every day!!!! xx
oh and berrukins - cystitis doesn't sound nice, hope u recover soon! And sending LOTS of :dust: right back at ya xx
Everyday! Oh gosh, not in my world, I think, as much as I hope. We are both pretty stressed out people, thanks to work, so it's a blessing that we're trying every other day now :rofl: I'll quote my DH's infamous line during one of our spats, "I am not a 20 yr old anymore!" and so that sealed the deal, we don't normally try until I'm in my fertile phase, much less daily, hahaa ... It's funny how my DH and I could do long-distance cycling previously, but age has really gotten the best of us, now a lil :sex: and our legs are jelly the next morning! Oh my gooodness, hahaaa ...
Every day:rofl: OMG ouch!!

Petite, no hun what I meant was I got caught with second son first month of ttc and it would be very rare for it to happen again as this is our first month ttc no3

Well got another sympton (tmi alert) I sqeezed my boobie:blush: and it had a bit of colostrum. So I googled it, like you do and it says it can be a very early preg sign due to hormones. Told you my body likes to mess with me.
Also went to pick my son up from school and the teacher was talking to me, son looked really sad and I nearly started crying, god knows what thats all about.


Berrukins, sorry about the cystitis, ouch, have you had an cranberry juice brill for this.
hahaha berrukins, I know what u mean, dh and I usually :sex: once a week tops so we've really had to make an effort now we're trying for a baby. We don't expect it to be good, we just do it for the sake of wanting a baby asap :D We'll see if we can continue this way or if we might settle for just bd'ing around ov! xx
worrisome - ah I see, but perhaps you're just very fertile right now!! Wow another two typical symptoms as well, my, I'm getting really excited for you hun. Counting the days till you can test!! xx
We must be the lucky ones then - since we got wed 2 weeks ago I haven't been able to leave DH alone! Seriously, he doesnt know what's the matter with me! I went off it big style after having HArry as I had PND for over a year and then just body confidence issues. Now, I couldn't give a stuff and he's getting it daily! Lucky beggar... will wear off soon, I'm sure!

Me again. Am new to this and wasn't sure what to write, seems like you have known each other for a while apologies for just writing a random message earlier today.

Thanks x
Hi Ladies

I am 32 and have been ttc for 15 months! Wish i had started trying sooner but shouldn't have regrets.

Feeling very low and am thinking it might never happen for me.

Hi Devers,

And welcome. Sorry to hear you are feeling so low. 15 months must seem like a long time. I am also 32. This is my 3rd cycle and I feel low after 2 attempts. Have you been the doctor? What did he/she say?

Hi to everyone else. Sorry I haven't been on for a few days. Have been licking my wounds. Am on CD4 and temps have only dropped slightly but still way over the coverline.I think my temps might have risen due to B-50.

Me again. Am new to this and wasn't sure what to write, seems like you have known each other for a while apologies for just writing a random message earlier today.

Thanks x

Hi Devers

Don't apologise hun. Were all in this together and all here to support each other.

To be honest I missed your posting, going to go back and have a look:blush:
Devers, Im sorry your feeling down. Please try and stay positive. It took me 5 years, and they were long ones at that. I was so depressed I felt like ending it Im sorry to say. But you have to remain positive otherwise it gets a hold of you. Hope that makes sense.

Like Leelee said (Hi Leelee) have you been to the Dr's. Have you had your day 21 bloods checked? How are you cycles?
Hi Worrisome!

How are you? How many DPO are you now?
Devers keep your pecker up (ahem... so to speak...) it took me nearly three years first time round... You'll get there mate. xxx
Hi Leelee and Worrisome

Thanks for your messages. I have been to the doctors had all the usual tests 21 blood test, ultrasound. I am ovulating every month but my cycles are quite long 33-35 days.(all the tests were normal)

I felt loads better after reading that it is quite normal to feel low/ depressed , started to think i was being a bit dramatic. A majority my friends are pregnant at the moment which makes it quite difficult to talk to them so thank you so much.

Positive thinking all round.

Thanks again
Hi Leelee and Worrisome

Thanks for your messages. I have been to the doctors had all the usual tests 21 blood test, ultrasound. I am ovulating every month but my cycles are quite long 33-35 days.(all the tests were normal)

I felt loads better after reading that it is quite normal to feel low/ depressed , started to think i was being a bit dramatic. A majority my friends are pregnant at the moment which makes it quite difficult to talk to them so thank you so much.

Positive thinking all round.

Thanks again

Hey - no problem at all. What did the doctor say is your next option? There is a thread on here about Agnus Cactus. It is supposed to make you O sooner. Also have you considered charting? I find it very useful.

This is a really supportive group as well:
Hi Leelee

Not 100% sure think I am cd20 and had ov signs on Sat 10th so possible 8dpo or 9dpo. ut could have been later than that. God knows lol

Hi Devers

God totally normally hun. I would think it wasnt normal if you didnt feel that way. I remember my friend coming round to see my hubby to tell him our other friend was going to announce she was expecting at a meal we were going to. She thought I was delicate. How right she was.

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