Congrats Plastik!!! You have done very well with recovery....lucky fish!!
Yip, no one seems to really warn you about the full implications a newborn has on your emotional health & well being

Unless you are one of the very lucky few who say their little ones slept through straight away (which I find hard to believe), the sleep deprivation can turn you into an emotional train wreck.
Well done on doing so well, and so glad to hear your baba is so well too
Goldfish & Nats : Really hope you get your BFP's soooooooon!!!!!!!! Often wonder how everyone is doing. So nice to hear from you boh again so we can all have a quick catch up........and yes, I have been missing for AGES myself. Work just became so hectic that I didnt have a second for myself EVER!!!!
AFM : I have my third laporoscopy in September. Endo was by far the worst it has ever been and he told me it would either be a hystorectomy or I would need the op annually going forward. Was so bad that the right tube from the kidney to the bladder was SO "squeezed/covered" in endo that my kidney was only processing 20% of the urine out to my bladder. Hence the cyst in the kidney last January and the constant kidney infections thereafter. My right ovary was also firmly attached to the tube and the growth so was pulled right back and twisted. That's why I had ovulation pain only on the left every month, the right ovary wasn't even working!!! Gynae said I would take at least 3 months to heal mildy and 6 for full recovery with all the intense lasering and moving around of parts etc.
Well, after having a serious P.A.R.T.Y. December (as in serious lack of sleep - like 2 hours to sleep before getting up for work kinda sleep), holiday season drinking, and just general hectic-ness.....I was greated to 2013 with a BFP early in Jan. I seriously could NOT believe it!!!! Of ALLLLLLLLLLLLL the months in the year I should NOT have logically been able to fall pregnant, I do!!!!
I did HCG bloods 6 times every 48 hours to make sure it was progressing well, and was put onto progesterone (actually I asked for that because had bleeding with my son 9 years ago).
I sit here today officially 20 weeks pregnant today!!! Half way mark today

So there IS light at the end of the tunnel. After trying for 7 years with my ex-husband for another child with fertility meds etc etc, and getting nothing, to THIS...our natural unexpected Christmas miracle!!! Turns out (going back on dates) our little miracle was conceived 24-26 December 2012....if that's not a true miracle then I don't know what is.
Have a super day ladies!!!!!