Laparoscopy & Endo Removal.... pregnancy?

Hey all,
Well I finally resigned yay!! But I don't finish up for another 2-3 weeks! Sooooo happy though! It's now a struggle going to work! Haha! Nothing else new here my af is now back to 7 days which is good I think! My dh thinks the time off will do me good!
plastik- are u going to find out? That's soooo exciting babe!
Little- have u finished injecting yet? How everything! Does everyone no yet?
Goldfish- u must have ov now yeah? Did u bd ur heart out? Hehe fx
Nats- good to see ur taking it as it comes, glad to hear it's getting better! Xx
That's it from me! Pretty boring I know hahhahaha! Well looking forward to hear back from u all! :hugs:
Plastik - Good luck on Wednesday, looking fwd to hearing about it!

Love - Hooray for resigning!!! I can't quite bring myself to do it - boss was already convinced I was going to do it this week but nope!

I got a positive OPK today so hopefully will O very soon!! I can't believe I'm so excited over such a little thing, this TTC process is nuts!
Hello ladies, how are we all doing?

Love - Congrats on the resignation hun, good on ya!!! Whats the plan when you finish up? Just take it easy for a while? Hey, when is your O/S holiday booked for again? Its the States you are going to isn't it?

Goldy - Sending you baby dust for this cycle, have fun on the bd'ing train! ;)

Plastik - So excited about your scan and finding out the gender, yay for you! (are you going to tell anyone the sex?)

AFM - had my 12W scan today, and the little one is continuing to do well, dates on track and everything where it should be, so I am wrapped! only 4 more weeks of jabs, and a just a couple of weeks of the other meds, so looking forward to being drug free soon, I have blown up like a balloon due to the meds, so I am hoping once I get off it all I will deflate and be back to the actual size of a 3 month along pregnant woman, at the moment I look about 6 months, so its going to be a little confusing when I start telling people I am only 3 months. Now we have crossed the 3 month mark I will start to tell friends and extended family, followed by the Facebook reveal not long after that. I have a coffee meeting scheduled 1st thing Monday to tell my 2 week old boss I am up the duff, I think it will go ok, but he still can fire me as I am within my probation, ah well, guess I will just be up front and honest, that's all I can be. Looking forward to having it all out in the open to be honest, I hate the big secret!

Anyway, not much more from me, I hope you all have a great weekend..

take care of yourselves :) :) :)
Little - that's great hun, only 4 more weeks of those awful jabs and drugs! Good luck telling your boss.

AFM, my temps have gone a bit crazy. I'm pretty sure I did O but just not sure exactly which day as it's a little ambiguous. Removing one my temps gave me dashed crosshairs so now trying to work put the best day to go get my blood test done next week! Meanwhile ive started eating pineapple core again in this TWW!
Love, well done on resigning, YAY!! :happydance:

Gold, well done on the positive OPK!! Ignore the mad temps and just keep having fun!! The month we got our BFP I found the fact that I wasn't really sure when I ov'ed oddly refreshing and helped me refrain from testing until I was 17/18dpo!

Little, glad that your little bean is doing so well, and well done you on being so good about the injections and meds! Can't be easy! Hope your meeting with your boss goes down ok, let us know what happens! :hugs:

AFM ladies, well, I'm having a BOY!!!! SO frikken excited! We've told all of our friends and family, don't really see much point for us in keeping it secret. We've also semi-picked a first and second name! It's still really early, so we're keeping our minds open if another name crops up that we really like, but for now little Bean is going by Ethan James :dance: James is after my daddy, which I'm really chuffed about.

Hope all of you ladies are doing well, can't wait to hear more good news from all of you! :friends:
Oh plastik, congratulations! Awesome news! Simply love the names you have picked, very cute.

Goldy, frustrating that your chart is all over the shop! Good to hear you are on the pineapple core, you may as well through Brazil nuts in for good measure too, I know I did! Sorry Hun, what is the blood test for again?

aFM, told my boss and he was so lovely about it, so now all my stresses are out of the way and I can enjoy being pregnant! Although it would seem I have a weight issue already, cos my 3 year old said to me this morning 'your bottom is getting bigger mummy'...oh dear I hope all this fluid disappears when I finish my meds... :/
Plastik - yay for team blue!! I can't believe you've already picked out a name - so organised, and I love the name Ethan too! It's a nice touch to pick a second name after your dad :)

Little - phew, glad it went well with your boss. LOL about your 3yo's comment though - gotta love the things they say sometimes, but don't take it too much to heart :) The test I'm having is the "day 21" test - which is best done around 7dpo (rather than day 21) as they measure progesterone and check if you've ovulated. It's just formality, as I seem to be ovulating based on my charting, but I'll also be having a "day 3" test done if AF arrives at the end of this cycle - that one measures other reproductive hormones such as FSH, LH, oestrogen etc

AFM, FF moved my crosshairs back 2 days after today's temp (back to when I originally thought I ovulated).
OHHH Plastik its a BOY YAY!!!! thats sooooooo exciting for u and ur family!!!!!! and yes i love the name Ethan!!! YAY!! Ive been waiting for u to post that!

Little, so glad ur boss was soooo good! so how long are u staying there for? as for my holiday question u asked we are still trying to go but were waiting to see if I can get a temp job for a bit?

goldfish, its great ur having a few test run on u, I had the 21 day test before it was one of the first test they did on me i found it quite interesting on what ur blood can show!! so have u had it done yet?

as for me, not too much counting down the days until ive finished work for good!!!! hehehehe!! an still hoping i will magically fall pregnant some time soon :( anyways it dinner time for me!! love u all xox:hugs:
Congrats on the blue news plastik! I love boys so much easier than girls lol

Afm not alot going on really think i missed the egg this cycle so at least havent got the hellish tww, other than that just hoping and praying for a sticky bfp very soon xxxx

love to you all xx
Goldfish - oh, that's good you are getting the cd21 test, that should make things a little clearer for you hopefully and make sure things are in working order. Last I heard you were waiting for your doc appointment, was he the one that ordered the blood test? What is the next port of call when you get the results back Hun?

love - I plan to stay at the job until April, giving me about a month until the birth, but they are going to let me work from home too if I want to after that, it just depends on how I am feeling...very very lucky to have flexibility. I hope you can find a temping role that isn't too stressful Hun, I think the best thing I did was quit full time work, within a couple of months out of the workforce I was UTD, I truly hope that this is the push your body needs to get there too :):)
Little and Love - yes, the GP I saw last week was the one who ordered the blood tests. I came in all prepared to explain why I wanted tests done etc, but he was really sympathetic, which I wasn't expecting at all. So today I got my "day 21" test done - I think I'm around 8dpo so hopefully it's ok. I find out the result next week so will update then. I've got paperwork to get a "day 3" test done if AF arrives, but of course I'm hoping I won't need it [a girl can hope ;)]

Little - do you think you'll give up your job after the baby arrives? how much maternity leave do you get?

Love - enjoy your last few days of the job!

Nats - that's a shame, hope you get better timing for next cycle!
Hey Goldy, got your results back yet?

In answer to your question, I won't have any maternity leave, but I am not too fussed, this new job is just to help with the finances until #2 arrives, think I will go back into my old job when I feel it's time to go back to work :)
Hi Little - no blood test results yet! I was supposed to get it back last Wednesday, but when I rang they said to ring back on Thursday, so I rang Thursday and they said the Dr is busy, he will ring you Friday morning... well I waited all day Friday and still no call! Hmph, I'm going to ring them again on Monday until I get those results. I also had more bloods done on Friday (CD4) to check my other hormones as well.

How is your bump going?
Oh bugger, can't believe you have to chase the results, how annoying for you. I truly hope you have had some luck by now in getting the back...hope the news is good! :)

Bump is all good, still bloated like a blowfish, but started to ween off my steroid tabs, so hope to be back to norm in a week or two. Other than that can't complain at all. All set for my 20w scan on 14th dec, although we aren't going to find out the sex, looking forward to seeing a much bigger peanut...

how is everyone else traveling? finished up at work yet?
...plastik? How is your pregnancy going?
Little - that's great you're coming off the injections, I'm glad things are going so well with the bump :)

Well after 6 phone calls, I finally got a dr to ring me back with my blood test results!! Although he said all hormone levels were fine, I asked for a printout of the actual numbers... they don't look good :( It said my post-O progesterone was 13 nmol/L (these are UK numbers, different units to what is used in the US), and that "ovulation occurred but poor follicular development with luteal insufficiency in this cycle may have occurred". I'm quite annoyed that he didn't tell me this despite this statement being clearly printed on the test results!!

Also I noticed my CD3 estradiol was really high - google tells me that this might be due to poor ovarian function, or that the follicle is growing too early for the endometrium to be ready in time for the eggs to implant! Gah, just feels like the did the tests for the sake of it and didn't analyse it properly!! I don't know what to do...
Sounds like you might need a second opinion Hun, is this doc just your gp, or a specialized gyne? That is dismal that they didn't analyze it all for you.... You poor thing :(
It's just a regular GP. I have an appt with my lap surgeon in a few weeks so I'm hoping he will actually take me more seriously this time (got fobbed off last time as we had only been trying a few months and he refused to discuss any future options!).
I truly hope that appointment goes better for you, you know your body better than anyone else and know if there something isn't right... Make sure you keep us posted with ow things go :)
Hi Ladies!! Sorry I've been so scarce!

Gold, I hope the specialist is more helpful when you see him. Not cool! Sending good vibes your way!

Little, awesome that you are coming off of the injections. I'm sure you're going to feel fabulous and things are going to keep going swimmingly for you!

Well we had our 20wk scan today, although little Ethan is officially 20wk4days. The Dr really took his time and measured EVERYTHING and all looks great! In fact, his words were "Your baby is perfect" which was really AMAZING to hear! He said that this and the Apgar test are the two most important tests our LO's will ever pass in their lives! Amazing! One down one to go :haha:

Little Ethan was very sleepy and kept putting his hands and arms up in front of his face. We got an awesome DVD and even have a 3D image on there of him giving a big yawn, it is gorgeous!! We saw all his little fingers and the chambers of his heart, his stomach, bladder and ventricles and aorta going from the heart. No cleft lip or anything either, and his spine is covered. Dr measured his head, abdomen, femur etc, and all measured one or two days ahead, looking great! He weighs about 328 grams which he said is pretty average for 20 and a half weeks.

I'm feeling him move every day, but can't feel it from the outside yet. It's getting stronger though, so should be soon!

So all in all, things are fabulous! Hope you ladies are all doing well!! :friends:


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Plastik - so good to hear from you! You're over the halfway point now and it sounds like evrythings going great, yay!!

Well after my not-so-good blood test results, I got really stressed out and read all sorts of negative things online...then 3 days ago I started bleeding like AF, so I'm pretty sure I had a strange anovulatory cycle - it was only 15 days, which has never happened to me before!! Feels like I wasted a month since that's another cycle gone :(

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