OK, I feel as though I should let everyone know what happened when the FS called me back, because a lot of it I didn't know, and personally, I'm not happy with it.
Apparently, this op is diagnostic ONLY. That means they are only going to see what's wrong, and then I will need to go back in for a second op to actually fix whatever's wrong

I'm furious, how can we need two surgerys?! However, my FS has suggested that I ask to sign a consent form BEFORE this surgery to say that I am happy to have anything fixed there and then, rather than needing a second surgery. Please make sure you all ask as well. The thought of others not being told this is heartbreaking.
Secondly (and I don't know whether this is just in my area or not) I've been advised to call up and try and book a follow up appt now, because currently the next available follow up is December, meaning I need to wait 2/3 months after surgery just to find out what they did (because also I probably won't be told what they did straight after the op). They said it depends on the time of day of the op, because if I'm one of the first then it's likely that the surgeon will go straight into theatre with the next person...Mine isn't until 3/4pm, so I'm hoping they will be able to tell me. But I think I'm also going to ask the nursing team to just have a look at my notes, so that I know what happened.
Sorry for the long post. I just don't feel that any of this was made clear to me when I first booked my lap, and don't know whether others were made aware of all this.