Large Age Gap/Starting Over with a Baby

My boys are 16, 15, and 12.....they are so excited at the prospects of being big brothers again :). My hubby and I have been married 20 years......found out I was pregnant right after our 20th anniversary ;). We've just been overwhelmed with how excited folks are for us. I'm 40 and hubby is 42. We've laughed at how much things have changed in the last 12-13 years. We didn't even have the internet the last time I was
Was just thinking the same Tracy how things have changed! We got our first computer with internet when the kids were 3 and 4 and now we all have a laptop!!!! When I was at the hospital yesterday it was like my first time rather than 3rd! xx
Hi Ladies, just found this thread.

I'm 41, and due with my fourth child in April. My other children are 17, 13, and 7. We are ALL excited! This was a surprise pregnancy. We had thought we were done, after a mc 4yrs ago. I was soooo astounded when I didn't get my period, and I was peeing all the time. I kept thinking "no, it's not possible". And when I took a pee test, I didn't know how to tell my dh at first. But when I did, he was so happy!

It's odd starting over, but my kids are all so excited. Especially my 13yr dd (the other two are boys). She loves talking about baby.

LOL Tracey. I did have internet when my youngest was a baby, we actually got it when my dd was a baby. I've met a few online friends back then, and we are still friends today, although we've never met in real life!
Hi I am new to the this site however I have eight children. Ages 22,21,20,18,13, 7,5,2 and currently due in January. This is our last, child. I know that you are wondering I have six yes I said six girls. my last three have been boys. I also have a blended family. I am lucky enough to find my husband who was willing to help me raise my five girls during the most trying time teen years. The age gap between my oldest to my youngest is huge. But my girls love their little brothers.
So I do understand how hard it is. My last three are boys thank goodness Gabe 5 , Blake 2 and the baby I am carrying is a boy.. My girls could not be more excited. Good luck everyone
This is the best thread! I love reading all the posts and feel like things might actually be okay for us:) The one who seems to be struggling the most is my oldest son who's 16, I'm sure he's got all kinds of emotions running through him, but I think he's afraid he's going to lose his mom, does that make sense? My husband says he's looking to us for direction on how to feel, and I need to be positive for the kids sake, what do you gals think and what has helped with your older kids?
I have been looking all over the place for a group that is going through what I am because I didnt think it was just me. A little bit about myself, I am 38 and I have 2 teenage boys (18 and 15) from a previous marriage, I have been married to my new husband for a little over a year and we are wanting to add to our family (he has 2 older children as well). I have many obstacles in my way at least healthwise.

I have PCOS and my cycles have always been all over the place but even with it I never had a problem getting pregnant with my other kids (granted I was a lot younger too) and I also had my tubes tied back in 99 after my 2nd son was born, but was able to have surgery to have them reversed in Oct '13 and the only problem is they had to remove one of them due too much scar tissue and damage from the initial tubal surgery.

I have had all the blood work and based on results my LH and FSH are really good considering age and other factors. My doc told me that I could still concieve naturally but it just might take a little longer than most healthy women my age.

I am frustrated becuase I never know when I ovulate and I have been "tracking" everything but I am not able to find a pattern and what use to be enjoyable for us has now seem or at least feel like it has become a chore. I know stress is never good when trying to conceive but how can you not stress out? LOL :wacko: SO we have only been trying since Dec '13, which I know isnt a long time but it def feels like a lifetime.

My boys are excited about the possiblity of a little brother or sister but part of me thinks "wow, starting over ... eek", here I am trying for a baby after all these years when all my friends are now becoming grandparents, its a little weird. I guess I just need somewhere to vent and ask questions. Its been so long since I was pregnant I dont even know what symptons are pg or "shark week" related. If this thread is still active I will keep you ladies updated on our progress. :D
My dd is 20 and ds is almost 16 each kid different dad starting over is scary and weonderfull at the same time
To Thought it was just me--well, it's not! There are quite a few of us here. Though I wish I had someone like me to have coffee with. Instead, my friends with kids my older son's age are looking forward to having empty nests soon, and my friends having babies all have young children. No one I know personally has both! So in real life I'm the odd woman out.

There's been lots of times I've felt too old to do it again. Mostly because the pg has been so, so hard, which I didn't really count on. I hope you get a bfp soon and things go smoothly for you until birth. Because after that, well, you know how it goes! :)
Our age gap is not huge, but my daughter will almost be 9 when this one is born. She will be a great helper. Also have 3 yr old son. People thought that gap was big lol. Thought we were done. Only have a two bedroom home! Surprise blessing.
Hi everybody!

My DS from 1st marriage is 10 , and will be almost 11 when this baby gets here :cloud9:
and i hope he'll be happy, cause he really loves babies and he is so cool with his stepdad :happydance:
Great thread!! Our oldest and only is 15 and we're now expecting twins! Lol... I guess at times I think he's disappointed in losing that oh so special 'only child' status, but I know when the babies are here they'll win him over :)
I am 35 (36 in August) and DH & I have DS 15 and DS 10, THOUGHT we were done, had an 8 year block where I had to care for my Mother and Great Aunt on a daily basis, Another child was completely out of the question...Fast fwd to today, my mother is the Healthy recipient of a Kidney transplant and happily Re-married! My great aunt lived to see her 100th B-day but has sadly left us just last month (I feel she must have had something to do with our blessing!!) I feel so overwhelmed with everything, It is like we are starting over again, but I am so happy and haven't felt this way in years. I was concerned over the age gap, but really, what is age? everything will work out just fine for all of us! <3 :hugs:
Adopted son 24
Step son 19
Step daughter 16
Step son 14
Son 3
Pregnant again

38 years old =) DH is 41.
Hi Ladies!

I posted here when I was 43 and pregnant. We lost that pregnancy and many others, but now I'm 46 and pregnant again. 10w1d. We were not happy about it at first...we had started to make plans to buy some land and move in a couple of years. But we're really happy about the possibility of having a baby now!

My 25 year old son just graduated college and will be starting a Masters program. Unfortunately we had to tell him immediately because we had a 10 hour long car trip planned to go to DH's parent's 50 anniversary party and there was no way I could do it as sick as I was.

He knew I wouldn't have missed being there for them for anything so I had to explain what was happening. He wasn't even shocked when I told him and he was so understanding and cute.

We were NOT trying. Our very beloved elderly dog passed right around the time we conceived - we only had sex once all month because of how stressed out we were. I was so upset I couldn't really eat or sleep or get anything done. Honestly, I don't even remember having sex, but apparently we did. ;-)

And your Great Aunt, we think our precious dog had something to do with this. (So sorry for your loss.)

Aside from feeling physically horrible on and off, this pregnancy is going well. I just had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby waved to us! S/he had a great heart rate. I've always had horrible B-hCG levels, but they were great this time.

But I'm so scared of something going wrong that I won't even make a ticker for my signature!

I would LOVE to hear updates from previous posters!
Hi Ladies, I'm 35 and have a 17 yr old daughter. I met hubby 6yrs ago and married last year.. he is 38 and has ni children but is Godfather to many .
Miscarried in August 13 and December 13.. trusted in God, exercised like mad and now 9 weeks pregnant with twins. ( I think I saw triplets on scan . :wacko: But he said 2)

The sickness, nausea, indigestion and tiredness with this pregnancy is 10,000,000 worse than any of the others , not sure if its age or twins, but I feel worse then my 93 yr old granny who currently moves around more then me. So excited l wake up each morning wishing I was further along and their arrival is just around the corner.
Different emotions with this pregnancy as when pregnant at 16, single and being rejected family I cried throughout the pregnancy and the baby arrived so quickly.

This time I want to fast forward to the end .

My first Post I hope it Was okay.
Welcome melliejha and congrats!

Does your daughter know yet?
Yes. She kinda knew from a few week prior when she returned from college to find me still in the same place and no dinner cooked, with my spit bottle. She has been my arms and legs these past few weeks as my husband was away.

She came with me to my first scan and was so excited about the twins, she thought she saw 4 babies:blush: but it was placenta..

She speaks about dressing the same as them when she takes them out.. she has siblings on her fathers side but has no contact with them, so she is excited about the new arrivals and being a big sister.

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