Latest CC/CIO Study? What's everyones thoughts?


Mother of two boys
Oct 26, 2010
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What do you think?

oooh dear

I think i may just watch this thread :haha: :flower:

I have no opinion really on this as i pick up my daughter when screaming, but i let her whinge it out sometimes (no tears!) til she needs me.
Interesting! I am a believer in CIO for certain babies. I think every baby is different and a newborn should NEVER be left to CIO. But I do think it can be beneficial for some babies over 5 or 6 months old to learn how to self soothe.

We did some CIO with my son when he was 5.5 months old and he started waking every 2 hours to nurse, but he would barely eat anything, then hed fall back asleep. He was doing it because he didn't know how to fall asleep on his own.

The first night was the hardest, i think he cried for close to 30 mins, then after that got better and better.

Now he wakes 1 or 2 times per night, (he is 7 months old) and I usually give him a few minutes to fuss and see if he will fall back asleep before I rush to feed him. Many night I end up feeding him 1 or 2 times because I want to go back to sleep and he eats a lot at those nursing sessions.

I think its a personal choice and you have to do whatever you are comfortable with. Some babies are just good sleepers, and some babies need to learn how to self soothe. I think its best to wait until at least 5 months, 6 months is probably better though
i think its a very contraversal subject with my DD1 i used to use the "camp out" didn know it had a name lol i would read her a story then sit in her room where she could see me untill she fell asleep if she opened her eyes i would just say "close your eyes its night night time" it worked for us and she never got stressed or upset.

i started when she was over a year and i couldn rock her anymore lol
Interesting study. On the voting option at the end of the article I voted 'no' that I would not let a baby cry it out, but from the results of the votes it seems that more people have voted that they would let their baby cry it out.

Personally I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I'm also scared of any negative consequences and I've always found it easier for both of us just to pick LO up when she cries. I've been warned time and time again by older relatives that she's manipulating me and will become clingy. I think that the more secure and safe I can make baby feel now, the more secure and confident she will be when she is older. She's only six months at the moment, but she's one of the clingiest babies I know, she won't be held for long by anyone except me or DH, she will only play for very short periods before crying, she won't accept sippy cups or solids because she's so used to the breast and she still can't roll over because she won't be put down for long enough. So at the moment it's hard to know whether I've done the right thing to be honest and I'm just hoping that in time she will become the secure and confident person I've heard that they should turn out to be?!
I've just done CC with my LO. I think it has to be used carefully and in certain situations. In our case. LO was waking every 20 minutes all night and through every naptime from the time she was 9 weeks until 2 weeks ao. She was overtired and grouchy all the time.

We had a little setback because she had a tooth come throug and so she was cuddled as much as she wanted for comfort. Once it had settled down we went back to CC. I have never left her more than 10 minutes and if she is really upset I go to her straight away. Our first night she screamed blue murder but didn't shed a single tear! It took her 2 hours of 10 minute intervals to drop off. It got better from there and she now goes into her cot, I give her a kiss and tell her I love her and leave the room and she drops off with no fuss. She now only wakes once a night, generally, for a feed, although sometimes were up for a long time as she's practising crawling!

She wakes in the morning cooing and chatting with a huge smile on her face and is around a much happier baby. She used to wake up form every nap crying her heart out because she was still tired and that's also a thing of the past.

It was definitely the right choice for us. It. Don't believe it should ever be used for younger babies ... Why would you want to when you can enjoy sleepy cuddles for a bit longer!

It broke my heart to hear her cry but her, myself and OH are all much happier and less stressed now.
I just don't agree with it at all, and could never do it. I prefer gentler methods to get them to sleep, now lo is 5 and a half months i want to try and get her falling asleep without being rocked/fed etc to sleep, so i lay her in her cot if she just fusses a bit i lay my hand on her but if she actually cries i pick her up and cuddle her till calm again then lay her back down, and just keep repeating it till shes asleep. after a couple of days of doing it as soon as i lay them down they just fall asleep.
I think it's up to each Parent to do what makes sense for them and their LO- as each baby is so unique. What worked for my LO or myself, may not work for my friend or her LO. We were lucky our LO has always been a great sleeper- once asleep- how she get's to sleep and how hard she fights it has certainly varied over the past 11mos. Sometimes she's easy peasy- while other times she'll fight it HARD. So for us, we did what we needed to do to get through the tougher times as best we could. It wasn't always the same response. There were times we used some controlled comforting- as I just couldn't let her fuss for long... while other times we snuggled her to sleep for a week or two till she passed through that particular "phase"-- and tbh, no matter how we responded, it always passed in a week or two and she got back to her "usual" self and we could put her down sleepy but awake. So who knows what the answer is... NOT ME! LOL.
I just spoke to my OH about this. I haven't looked up the study yet but I'd be interested to see how it was carried out. 326 babies isn't a particularly large sample group for this sort of study and I hardly think 5 years constitutes long term as far as the effect it could have.

The studies my OH has looked at for his social work degree show that issues can show up in adult life when forming relationships.

Personally I could never do CIO/CC and neither could my OH.
I personally think its an encouraging study that means that people don't neerd to beat themselves up about it if they do. None of the anti cc/CIO studies held up anyway and were picked apart, based on hugely neglected children, tiny control groups etc. However it becomes one of those it's right for one parent and their family and not for another. Like many parenting choices we can be made to feel guilty about them, hopefully this study will help a little towards aliviating some of that guilt.

It's not for everyone but is for others.
Interesting study. On the voting option at the end of the article I voted 'no' that I would not let a baby cry it out, but from the results of the votes it seems that more people have voted that they would let their baby cry it out.

Personally I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I'm also scared of any negative consequences and I've always found it easier for both of us just to pick LO up when she cries. I've been warned time and time again by older relatives that she's manipulating me and will become clingy. I think that the more secure and safe I can make baby feel now, the more secure and confident she will be when she is older. She's only six months at the moment, but she's one of the clingiest babies I know, she won't be held for long by anyone except me or DH, she will only play for very short periods before crying, she won't accept sippy cups or solids because she's so used to the breast and she still can't roll over because she won't be put down for long enough. So at the moment it's hard to know whether I've done the right thing to be honest and I'm just hoping that in time she will become the secure and confident person I've heard that they should turn out to be?!

Ultimately you are doing what's right for your family and no, your baby will be just as well rounded and secure as anyone else's, cc or not. Be comfortable in your choices as a mummy your doing great! :flower:
I cant let my lo CIO at all. It kills me and she is way too stubborn to give up! We have tried letting her whine etc for 5 mins and go in and settle and so forth (if she screams I go and pick her up) there are times when she has gone off after approx 15-20 mins but generally she WILL NOT give up and I have even tried it for up to an hour of her whining and she just doesnt go to sleep. Also when we go in now she doesnt settle even then!!
Everyone should do what they're comfortable with.

I wouldn't ever be comfortable leaving my LO to cry, I literally am on the verge of having a panic attack when she's crying her heart out and I'm trying to let my OH comfort her and it's not working...I just figure, if I'm there and know I can comfort her, why wouldn't I? What's the point in her screaming her face off and me sitting back wanting to cry myself? Doesn't seem healthy.

BUT, every baby is different and every mom is different. I don't doubt that moms who try CIO do it because they feel it's what's best for their baby and their situation. To each their own.

That being said, I think it's important to wait until the baby is older. The six month mark gets thrown around a lot but my LO is coming up to six months and she still seems so small.
Interesting study. On the voting option at the end of the article I voted 'no' that I would not let a baby cry it out, but from the results of the votes it seems that more people have voted that they would let their baby cry it out.

Personally I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I'm also scared of any negative consequences and I've always found it easier for both of us just to pick LO up when she cries. I've been warned time and time again by older relatives that she's manipulating me and will become clingy. I think that the more secure and safe I can make baby feel now, the more secure and confident she will be when she is older. She's only six months at the moment, but she's one of the clingiest babies I know, she won't be held for long by anyone except me or DH, she will only play for very short periods before crying, she won't accept sippy cups or solids because she's so used to the breast and she still can't roll over because she won't be put down for long enough. So at the moment it's hard to know whether I've done the right thing to be honest and I'm just hoping that in time she will become the secure and confident person I've heard that they should turn out to be?!

Ultimately you are doing what's right for your family and no, your baby will be just as well rounded and secure as anyone else's, cc or not. Be comfortable in your choices as a mummy your doing great! :flower:

Thanks :) It's hard at times knowing what is the best thing to do, but I'm going to carry on trusting my instincts! :D xx
I honestly wish I had stuck it out with CC when Maria was about 9/10 months old. I think its so much harder and more upsetting when they are toddlers (plus impossible for me to do now with Maria) and her sleep is terrible (but I'm used to it now :haha:)
i think its a very contraversal subject with my DD1 i used to use the "camp out" didn know it had a name lol i would read her a story then sit in her room where she could see me untill she fell asleep if she opened her eyes i would just say "close your eyes its night night time" it worked for us and she never got stressed or upset.

i started when she was over a year and i couldn rock her anymore lol

This is the method I intend to use when LO gets a bit older. I used to think CC was the way to go ut, since having my own LO I don't think I could. There are so many studies contradicting each other I think you just have to go with what you feel is right for you and your family.
I think they can do as many studies as they want, but only the parents know if CC/CIO is right for their baby. I feel like by saying absolutely yes or absolutely no, you are denying that babies are individuals with different sets of needs. Just my opinion.

That link has more accurate details on the study.
How did the researchers interpret the results?
The researchers concluded that behavioural sleep techniques do not cause long-lasting harms or benefits to the child, their relationship with their parents or their mother’s health. Parents and health professionals can confidently use these techniques to reduce the*short- to medium-term burden of infant sleep problems and maternal depression.
Lead researcher Dr Anna Price said: "For parents who are looking for help, techniques like controlled comforting and camping out do work and are safe to use."

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