leaving baby overnight??

This is me this weekend, I realy need a night out and im plucking the courage to leave her with the MIL overnight. Id prefer for MIL to look after her at ours but having to get up at 7.30 with a hang over isent good :dohh:
Haven't done it yet but when we do LO will be nearly 15 weeks. Dreading it but going to a wedding in England (ie: plane journey) and it's miles more practical than trying to bring him with us. He's staying with my parents - they see him most days so at least I know they'll and he'll be fine.

Just me I worry about! Think that's the main consideration really - LOs at that age will be absolutely fine, too young for any separation anxiety - it's us that it's hard for!
Bella is 1 and i still haven't left her I'm not ready and i know if i forced myself to, i'd have a miserable night. I trust my mum whole heartedly to take care of her, but i don't want to.

It's upto you when you feel ready.
If you dont feel ready you dont have to hun :hugs:
Eloise is 9 months and i havent left her at all.
glad to hear everyone is the same, i think you are all right that if i dont feel happy leaving her then i shouldnt!! kitty B let me know how you go on when you leave the little 1> xx
We have a ball to go to in march. So oliver will be 12wks the first time we leave him overnight. I left him for the first time on saturday at 7wks for a few hrs and it wasnt as bad as i was expecting.
I still haven't at 7 months! We've been for nights out but always come back to him, I know i'll have to bite the bullet sooner or later though! xx
Still haven't done it mainly because we have no one to even babysit for an hour let alone overnight! My family is in a different country and DH's family dont live close.
hi all

just wondering how old your LO was when you left them over night? me and my husband have a party to go to at the weekend and his Mum is coming to ours to look after DD and we will come homearound 12 ish but my husband is saying let her stay over at his Mums but i get really upset at the thought of coming home and her not being here! i never thought i would be sooo soft i want her to get used to stopping out i dont want her to be clingy and i want me and hubby to have a night to ourself but just cant bring myself to do it!!

our DD is 12 weeks do you think this is too young? have you any advice on what would make her stopping out easier and does it get better the more they stop out?


Poppy is almost 8 months old and I've never left her with anyone overnight and I don't intend to do so any time soon either. For me personally I don't see any reason why I would want or need to leave my LO overnight with anyone else at such a young age, but that's just how I feel.

Do what makes you feel comfortable... if you are going to spend most of the time away from her worrying, then to me it seems pointless, but if you feel that it would be beneficial for you to have a good nights sleep after the party and you feel you could relax and not constantly worry with her away from you, then go for it!
My eldest is 21 months and I still haven't left him overnight :lol: but I am planning to attempt it in the summer for one night for my wedding anniversary when he will be 2 and a half :dohh: and LO will be 6 months :happydance:
There is no right answer to when is the right time, you just have to go with your gut. No point in having an overnight babysitter if you don't enjoy yourself and just fret about baby the entire time.
Absolutely agree with what everyone else has said! If you don't want to then don't, you probably wouldn't enjoy your night anyway as you'd just be worried! My LO is nearly 6 months and today was the first day I left her at all, it was just for 3 hours during the day and I found that difficult enough lol :)
Aisling is 22 months and I still haven't left her overnight! :blush: Only do it if you're ready to, if you're worrying about LO all night you won't enjoy yourself anyway xxx
lo was right around 3 months. my mom babysits while im at work and dont get home till 1 in the morning, so one or two nights a week she just brings him back to be with me as soon as he wakes up instead of dragging him out in the middle of the night. :( he is with her tonight, because of the horrible weather. :(

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