I'd like to interject with the observation that everyone here seems to be focusing on the original post as though it's a criticism of the mother leaving her baby with people for periods of time, when that's not really what it's getting at (at least from my POV). It's about both parents, at the same time, deciding to go out and leave the baby with people for periods of time. Honestly, these two are distinct to me. If the mother needs to get out to feel human, she could always have left the baby with the father. If the father needs to get out to feel human, he could always have left the baby with the mother. If they need one night a week to heal a relationship that they feel is suffering from lack of attention, that's one thing. But really read what she wrote. Both parents, overnights each week, and then days out multiple other days of the week where they're both away from baby, and then weekends without the baby. That really does seem like it would be objectively excessive for BOTH parents to need to be away at the same time at such a young age.
It's not about whether the parents are there for the "good" and the "bad", it's about whether the baby has a parent there during the baby's "good" and "bad". You can't assign times for bonding. Bonding just happens when it happens, but you have to be there for it. I would never object to a baby being taken care of by another loving adult caregiver, but at such an early age (especially by any tribal community standards because that was brought up in a previous post), when the baby can see, what, a few inches from its nose, there's no reason the parents need to leave for hours at a time to achieve that and "the village" effect takes place at an older age than 24 hours, when the village would instead be focusing on taking care of the mother's needs so that she can competently and happily care for the baby.