Saturday was so not great concerning my dh.
I may as well post a long blabby rant
Ok so my dh's nephew was having a graduation get together type thing. So we were invited, we were gonna spend the night at my in laws. My dh asked his parents about this weeks in advance. Anyways, come Saturday he says no that we will not be spending the night, with no valid explanation!
Which sucked because then I had to break it to the kids that we weren't spending the night after telling them we were!
So anyways we arrive there later in the day and my in laws are there, and my mother in law tells me that they were waiting all day for us to come at their place

I felt so bad!! because I know that feeling and hate it! Anyways then she thinks that we're gonna go there afterwards to spend the weekend... and I'm thinking oh no! Like he could have atleast told his parents he cancelled! So I tell him there that he NEEDS to let his parents know that we are not going there afterwards. Which he puts off and puts off, then he finally does but blames it on me!

I was so mortified! Like already I felt so bad that we stood her up and then for him to blame it all on me... horrible! Like then my mother in law is glaring at me..

Then, my dh says we will spend next weekend there, and then says to me "If that is ok with you?" in such an accusing tone I just wanted to die!
And one more... right before we leave my mother in law says "Which one can I have?" and I have NO idea what she is saying and then shes like "The kids which one can I have?" And I'm like "I have no idea what is going on, no one has said anything to me!" And then his mom says "Well we were thinking of coming mid week and taking one or both kids for a few days" so I look at my dh and say "Well this is news to me! We will have to discuss this later" and then he says "Theres nothing to discuss we already talked about it" Referring to his parents and him...
I honestly don't know why he was being so jerky!!!