I don't see a line, but my eyes are bad!
Ladies, my dh is driving me CRAZY! Sometimes I wish I didn't have kids so early so that it would have been easier for me to get out. I'm just so tired of his mind games
Ok so like today for instance, I asked him Friday, Is he working Monday, he says yes, Sunday night I asked him if he is working the next day he says yes. (Only because Tuesday is a holiday so I wondered)
Ok so then this morning he doesn't leave at his normal time, so I wake him up and asked him doesn't he have to go to work, and he says no he has today off. So I'm like "You TOLD me you were working" in which he says "Noooooo, I said I had today off!" like I KNOW he was awake for this. So I figure whatever, and let him sleep and went on with my day with the kids.
Anyways, a couple hours later he comes flying out of here in a rush saying he slept through both alarms.

so I'm like "Where are you going?" and he says "To work, I told you I had to work today" so I'm just baffled staring at him..

and I'm like "You said you have today off"... and he says all condescendingly at me "Nooooo, I told you I have to go in to work today" seriously wth?!