***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

at John Lewis, you'd be closer to a size 18 - click, nowhere near a 20!
So really any of these charts proves that it's not a 2 size difference between countries. Which makes me feel better in a way. I just see threads with girls saying how huge they are at a size 16, etc and I think holy crap if a UK 16 is a US 12 and they think they are huge than I must be really gross to them. :dohh:

I only ever wear one brand of jeans but I think old navy jeans I would fit into a 14 from what I've heard. My bigger friends love old navy because of the generous sizing there. :haha: I only ever wear american eagle brand though. Stylish and they last forever.
Cleck, I love that corset! Corey won't be able to keep his eyes off your boobs :haha: Don't be silly about your nose- you look really good :thumbup:

And about hair- I have to trim Kira's bangs while she sleeps. She refuses to wear a barrette too. This morning I put a barrette in my hair and she had a complete meltdown because I refused to take it out :rofl:
Aww Kira gets traumatized by hair clips. :haha:

I keep thinking if I just let Emma's hair grow a bit longer than we can tuck the hair behind her ears and it won't go in her eyes anymore. My mom used to cut my bangs when I was a kid and I look back at those pictures and just cringe. :rofl: So I really don't want to cut Emma's hair if I can help it. :lol:
Wowsers Cleck you look amazing in those photos - you definitely look more like a UK size 12 to me. Corey is definitely going to be all over you. I can't believe after losing so much weight your boobs are so pert. Mine have drooped so much from losing the weight I did before we got married. :haha:

Sorry to hear about the house. I still can't get over the price of it, you wouldn't even buy the materials here for that. We built on a sun room last year and DH built it himself, he did all the structure and tiled the roof and a friend did the electrics so the only thing we paid labour on was the plastering and that was only €150 and it still cost us €2000 and even at that it was timbre frame instead of block which is cheaper and DH actually there is very little wall space as it is mostly windows and a door to outside and they didn't cost us anything because DH got them from somebody who was throwing them out. Fingers crossed you will come across another bargain like that because it would be my dream to be mortgate free. :cloud:

Spidey: Natasha used to also hate clips in her hair and would pull them out, but I bought a load of bright colours and she has a little box for them and loves to sort through them when I'm doing her hair and thinks they are the best thing ever now. I also get Natasha's hair cut as it sticks out everywhere, I think she has my hair which is neither straight or curly. I never wanted to cut it except the fringe and the hair dresser talked me into it and said that if I kept getting it trimmed the fly away baby hairs would soon be gone and it would thicken up and she was right because it seems to be getting a little better every time it is trimmed. :thumbup:

MJ: I hope everything is still in order with the house and the one you wanted is still available. :thumbup:

Shiv: I see from FB Sophia wants to play all night, we had one of those nights last night too, thankfully she didn't want to get up, but I couldn't sleep knowing she was awake and was waiting for her to cry :dohh:

Well we had a busy weekend as my friends dad took very sick and had a few mini strokes and had to be brought to Dublin so I had her little fella who is going on 12 here yesterday and today. It was so weird looking after a child who really didn't need to be looked after, he was out playing with his friends all day yesterday and all I had to do was phone and check on him a few times and today he was just on the laptop all day and there wasn't a peep out of him. I kind of felt I wasn't looking after him properly because he wasn't in my sight all the time or I didn't have to entertain him, but I guess that is because I'm used to having a toddler around. It did make me sad though to see the grown up side of children even though it is only a few years away really as I know I will miss not playing or entertaining Natasha all day :haha: Maybe it will be different when it is your own, but I really didn't know he was here all day and was chatting to him as much as I could without annoying him, but at that age I think they are happy to be on the computer and left alone.

It also made me realise how quickly the years go by because it only seems like yesterday he was a tiny baby. I feel like I want to stop time and stop Natasha growing up and at the moment she does seem to be growing up every day, although watching her grow is nice too.

Last night she told me she loved me without me saying it first for the first time. She has been saying love you anytime we say it for a while now when we say it to her but it has only been "you" and for the last week it has been "ove you too" because when we say it and she says it back we always say love you too again, well when I put her down in her cot at night the last thing I say to her is night night, love you, sweet dreams and last night she was playing at away in her cot in the middle of the night and I went in and said you should be asleep, its night time and her new thing is she has to have mickey and minnie and her glow worm all lined up beside her under the covers, she never snuggles into them, she just likes them in the bed beside her, so when I told her it was night time, she wanted them under the covers so I lined them all up and she then said "night night ninnie" to Minnie and gave Minnie a kiss, then "night night key" to Mickey and gave him a kiss and then "night night usic" for Music which is what she calls the glow work and then she said mammy kiss and I gave her a kiss and out she spurted "night night mammy - ove you too" before I got a chance to say anything. I know it was only because of routine and not that she really knows what it means, obviously she knows what love feels like but not what the word means, but it still melted my heart - even her little thing of kissing them all good night was so lovely.

We are really having to watch what we say now because she is really trying to copy all of our words, funnily enough DH and I were talking last night and I was getting on to him that he will need to make sure he doesn't curse in front of her and he said he didn't so I said yes you do and he said you curse far more than me, which I always did but I said to him, since Natasha has started talking I have become so aware of it I dont anymore and that he was to watch me over the next few days and he bet me a fiver that I would curse in front of her before he did and of course first thing this morning he let me lie in as I hadn't slept last night between Natasha being awake and worrying about my friends dad and when after her breakfast he was getting her dressed and I went into the room but I had gotten out of bed too quickly and was seeing stars and I said shite and of course for the first time Natasha had heard me curse in a long time, she had to repeat it after me :haha: so I lost the bloody bet :haha:

Anyways that is enough stories from me and I best get to bed as I have work in the morning.
sorry Jean, but I had to laugh at you swearing first :rofl:

(I'm a terrible swearer, dread to think what Adam will be coming out with.)

fingers crossed the new house will be ours! it went back on the market while we waited to get an offer on ours but didn't sell, so the vendor agreed to sell to us again. :D we're thrilled but not counting any chickens.
jelr- :rofl: at you swearing first. I am a horrible swearer as well. Especially when angry. I come out with a different swear word every other word when I'm upset or angry. :dohh: Sadly DH is even worse so I'm going to have to really be on his case when he gets back. I drop the F bomb quite a lot even in emails to DH. I've caught myself doing it on here too but I always have to backspace. :haha: Yay for her saying love you!! Emma hasn't even said it the first time yet. Let alone to me on her own. :dohh:
aww, jelr, Natasha sounds so sweet :cloud9: I love how she said goodnight to all her favorite sleepy toys. I tried convincing Kira that she should like hair bows.. I bought really pretty ones with polka dots (she loves anything with polka dots!) and I made a big deal of how pretty they look in her hair. My plan actually backfired because now she will randomly run her hands through her hair checking for barrettes that mommy might have snuck in!

On the weekends DH tries to keep sleeping after Kira wakes up and I always tell Kira that if you give Daddy a kiss he will wake up. Now she does it all on her own and DH loves it :cloud9:

As far as talking, Kira still can't say anything :haha: When I say "say mama" she says "pa" :rofl: She can say the first sounds of a few words, but nothing with 2 syllables. So combining words is a loooong way away. When she wants me to cook an egg, she runs to the kitchen and says "ee" for egg. I keep the pacifiers near the eggs and when she wants a pacifier she says "dee", so I never know which one she wants. She must get so frustrated since I have to point to everything and say "this? this? this?" until I get it right. I have a feeling the pediatrician will be sending us to speech therapy. I actually think her speech has worsened... at one time she used to say baaafff for "bath" which is the only time she has made an ending sound to a word. So she says "pee" for pig, "du" for duck, "bu" for bubble, etc... haha, so my point is that we don't have to stop our cussing anytime soon :haha: I have a potty mouth too, so I've been trying to cut back on the cuss words!

MJ- I hope things work out this time for selling your house. What a relief it'll be once it's over.
spidey- can you imagine you guys taking her to speech therapy and the only words she comes out with are piss, shit, ass, and fuck? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Emma has about 50-60 words but not very many sentences. "there it is" and "thank you" are her only sentences or phrases. I'm amazed at those of you that have toddlers singing entire songs already. I just can't even imagine Emma doing that yet. It doesn't help that I don't sing to her ever so she doesn't even know any songs. :rofl:
If Kira could talk she would be cussing up a storm! We call her Uncle Joel "uncle fuck-tard" and DH is always shouting "shut up you bitch" or "fuckoff" to his mother from our front porch to hers. We are pretty trashy :haha:

My secret talent is making up songs without practice since I'm really quick to come up with rhyming words to make songs about anything. :blush: The only people who I will sing around are DH and Kira since I sound awful :haha:. Some days I sing all day about the various things me and Kira and doing. When we read a book and see a picture of a spider Kira will rock back and forth because she expects me to sing "itsy bitsy spider", and when I read her the hanukah book, she expect me to sing the dreidel song on the page with a dreidel... and when she sees sponge bob, I have to sing the sponge bob song :rofl: A few times a day I sing "happy birthday" and let Kira blow out a candle. So even with all the singing, Kira doesn't sing. The closest thing is she says "haaaaa" (for happy) and rocks back and forth when she wants me to light the candle so she can blow it out :lol:

My nips aren't hurting anymore so I think there is no bfp this month for me. :growlmad: My nip pain was really minor and if it wasn't for the opk backing up my guess, I would be doubting myself right now on whether or not I ovulated. I know it's not over until AF arrives, but I really thought I had a chance this month since Kira has been bf much less during the day. It will be interesting to see what my luteal phase is.
I laughed out loud at you guys yelling shut up you bitch to his mom. :rofl: I would love to have you guys as neighbors. :haha:

And that is so funny that you sing happy birthday and let her blow out a candle every day. :rofl: She'll be a champion candle blower by the time her actual birthday comes around. :lol:

Do you think you'll start taking B-complex vitamins if your luteal phase is still short? It might be worth a shot! I mean, they haven't worked for me so far but they do work for some people. I definitely think it's a matter of us having low progesterone while BFing. I'm not quite to my ovulation yet this month so who knows what it'll bring this time around. I'm still taking the vitamins religiously every day but I feel like I'm doing it for nothing.
unlce fu*k-tard:haha:

I wrote a big post earlier but it wouldn't post because it took me so long ot write as Ihad to keep stopping to see to Sophia :dohh:

Cleck what US size do you wear? In your photos you don't look anywhere near a UK 18.

MJ - fingers crossed the house moving runs smoothly for you this time.

jelr - that is SO adorable Natasha telling you she loves you, that would make my heart melt.

Spidey - well if you don't get a BFP it will be interesting to see if the redued breastfeeding lengthens your luteal phase

Hair cuts, we have trimmed Sophia fringe once but we want to grow it out. She refuses to wear anything in her hair so it is constantly in her face, we will persevere though!

Sophia has been a bit difficult the last few days, generally ok during the day but really hard to get down at night. I am putting it down to a canine I can see emerging.

When is your playdate Spidey that you signed up to on yahoo? I have arranged to meet some local mums at a soft play area on Thursday, I am cacking my pants. I found a group on netmums and they also have a facebook group. Why is trying to make new friends so nerve wracking. It would be cool if we were like little kids and just went up to kids and started playing! Either that or i could get really drunk before meeting up with them :haha:
I'm a US 16. :flower: I have really big hips though. Like 44 inches around. :wacko: but my waist is only 35 inches. I honestly think if I hadn't had a c-section, my hips would be smaller now. The thing that makes them so big is my stomach still hangs down over the scar so that is part of the measurement. :sick:
I think I need to see a photo of you stood next to Spidey, as I just can't imagine that you are a US size 16. I think I need to invest in yoru camera :winkwink:
oh and I can't stop checking out your boobs in your avatar pic \\:D/ (no idea what that smiley is supposed to be but i like it :haha:)
:rofl: I would probably look huge standing next to spidey. I think the fact that I'm fairly tall(5'8") hides my weight a bit better. You are gonna give me a big head if you keep it up. :winkwink: I used to be a size 8 and when I hold those jeans up to my body, I think I'll never fit them again. :nope: I think I might just get rid of them because I can't see ever fitting them again. It's that stupid overhang on my belly.
Before we moved I threw out a ton of clothes that I just had to admit i was never gonna wear again (alot of them were tops that i can't wear a bra with and my boobs just hang so low now that i can't go braless) - the things having children do to us eh?
I'm a US size 7. Cleckner, a 16 isn't that big and you have your weight in good spots so it makes you look good :thumbup: My waist is a bit thick compared to my hips and I don't have boobs :haha: I've always had a boyish shape and sort of stick like, but now I'm a bit softer around my middle.

ooooo Shiv- tell us how Sophia's play date goes this Thursday!! The ad I answered was for a mom looking to start a playgroup and/or have a play date for her daughter. I haven't heard back, so I'm relieved but a tiny bit disappointed too.

Cleck, what dose of B vitamins are you taking? Do you take them after ovulation too? I'm still not certain if I want to try them. I'm not really worried about having a supply decrease since I can stop them at anytime, but I hate taking any sort of medicines. Have you noticed a decrease in supply?

Oh, and Kira is so good at blowing out candles! She patiently waits until the right part of the song to blow it out too :haha:
Size 7? So do you get a size for each number then in the US? Like size 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 etc etc I have never heard of a size 7 before! See now I think that it can't be 2 dress size difference because that would make Spidey a size 11 over here (not that we have size 11) but i would put you at a size UK8 max Spidey which would be a US 4?!?!?!?!?!? None of it makes sense!

Oh and does Kira actually think it is her birthday every day?
spidey I can't believe you are a 7! I think you look like a 4 at most!

I agree shiv, it's crazy the sizing differences.

I am taking 2 pills of this https://www.amazon.com/Nature-Made-Super-Complex-Tablets/dp/B0010L4J28 every day. I have no clue how many mg it is exactly off the top of my head but it's not very high of a doseage. I am exactly the same about medicine. I HATE taking anything. Remember I debated back and forth about these for months before actually trying them. It made me feel a bit better knowing they are just vitamins and not actual medicine. I haven't noticed any difference with my supply. I haven't noticed any difference with anything really. :rofl: But I'm going to keep at it because I've read in a few places that it could take up to 6 months to work. :dohh:

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