***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Before we moved I threw out a ton of clothes that I just had to admit i was never gonna wear again (alot of them were tops that i can't wear a bra with and my boobs just hang so low now that i can't go braless) - the things having children do to us eh?

I hate that I can't go braless anymore!! :nope: I loved my ability to walk around with no bra and no one could tell because they were so perky and perfect. I wish I would've taken naked pictures of my body before having Emma. :haha:
i was thinking that after my last post. my boobs were tiny but very pert and I used to go braless all the time. Now, well it took a couple of months after Sophia stopped breastfeeding fo rme to go without a bursing bra in bed just because I hated the way they felt saggy - I still hate the way they feel saggy but got over wearing a bra :haha:
I have pics I took of myself - not nekkid but in nice undies - about 6 years ago. man, I wish I'd appreciated it back then! I have never had a toned tummy but there is a ridge of semi-toned muscle nevertheless that I doubt I will ever see again in this life. *pout*

I tried on my maternity bras from last time and I think they shrunk in the wash. do you think that's even possible? they're a 36DD but I feel pretty squeezed in. :dohh: and if I am not bruised round the ribcage tomorrow I'll be surprised. just don't want to have to buy more, I've been appreciating the fact that there are only a few things I *have* to buy this time round. might have to wear my nursing bras, they are 36E I think. jesus.

how are you getting on in Berkshire, Shiv? how's Sophia enjoying her new home? kudos to you for trying to find some mummy friends! I'm going to have to be proactive about that when we move, too. my mummy friends here are all people from a child-friendly AA meeting I go to - it was actually quite bizarre, back in November or so, I bumped into an AA friend of mine I hadn't seen in *years* (5 at least), she was with her little boy, who turns out to be 6 weeks older than Adam. I was amazed and so was she to see me with Adam. anyway she told me about this meeting, and it turned out that there were 2 other old AA friends of mine who also go, one just had her 1st baby last Oct, and the other had her 4th boy in Feb 09. all these women I have known for over 8 years but hadn't been in touch with for a while. it was brilliant to find the group. and through it I made another friend, a lady whose son is a month younger than Adam, and we also go to playgroup together now as she lives really locally to me. I am going to miss them all terribly, and have consiered making the effort to still go to the meeting but realistically I can't see me trailing from Sutton to Lewisham for 10.30am every Monday morning, with 2 kids. it really is a shame because they're all around my age (in fact *I* am the baby of the group at 37, the others are 38, 39, 43 and the last is somewhere in the early 40s). it's just been so amazing to talk to them about everything, especially the ones who just had their first baby as well.

I am planning to go to some toddler groups but might look into a specific meet somewhere as well, because I am shy and it takes a while for me to talk to people. it's even harder I find with a toddler. it shouldn't be but I spend half my time chasing after Adam and stopping him from doing stuff he shouldn't (steal biscuits, try and get a cup of tea, raid the money jar, sneak out via the fire exit...)

Spidey, so cute about Kira and the candles :D do you sing Happy birthday to her or something else? Adam doesn't sing much, nothing I can recognise, but he likes it when I sing. usually it's made up songs but sometimes I think and remember proper ones. :lol:

Cleck, haven't had a chance to say, but I just love the pics of Emma in your sig. she looks so demure, sort of coy. she's such a strikingly beautiful little girl. :kiss:

we're not much further on with the house moving thing, waiting for our buyer to arrange a survey. she told our agents that she hoed to complete in 4 weeks, well I hardly think that'll happen. 6 weeks would be mid-July. I am thinking conservatively and would be thrilled if we are in by Adam's birthday. though realistically it would be better if it *was* mid-July so we can get the damp proof course done, the woodworm nuked, the new flooring and carpets down and buy some furniture before we have C's family round for A's party. we're not bringing our bed, just the mattress, because our new bedroom is small and our bed had this ridge round it that makes the bed 6in wider and 4in longer than it needs to be. and I think we'll need to buy a couple 2-seat settees for the living room as ours is a 4-seater and I would be amazed if it fits. it's hard not to get too excited about things, but I am hyper aware it could all go wrong again, so we're not buying, getting rid of, or even packing a thing until we've exchanged contracts. after that if someone wants to pull out they pay a penalty, so it's fairly safe to assume they won't. barring natural disasters or death. it's possible that Adam and I will go up to my mum and dad's for a week or so while C stays here, while the work gets done on the house. (but that depends on being able to get the damp course people exactly when it suits us!) I just don't really want to have to deal with a toddler while everything is a mess. the house isn't big enough for us to do one small bit at a time, basically the whole of the downstairs will have no floor for a while.

super tired right now. it's insane. makes me think I might be a little bit anaemic even though my blood results at 9 weeks were ok. trying to eat more red meat - had a salad of spinach, tomatoes and a whole packet of roast beef slices for lunch today. :haha:
you are all right to laugh I laughed myself at being the first one to curse, was kicking myself too though because DH always wins our bets, it is like he jinxes me the minute he says I bet blah blah, and I was sure I was going to win this one because I have been so careful not to curse in front of her and then only a few hours after our conversation, the first word out of my mouth is a curse :dohh: :haha:

Natasha doesn't sing full songs she more has the tune and the odd random word of the song comes out with the tune, it is cute though. DH is like you Spidey and makes up songs, but he tends to make up songs out of existing songs about whatever is going on in the day. He is really good for remembering songs, modern and really really old well before his time. The song that Natasha mostly sings is a song about Daisy, it came one day from Daisy being on Mickey Mouse and he started singing "Daisy Daisy give me your tits to chew" :haha: so I made him sing the proper song when Natasha was around everytime it came into his head so the real one is a really old song that I dont even like but now I sing it all the time because it is the one that she sings the most words of :haha:

Cleck: Eh if you say your boobs were pert before having Emma, they must have been like coat hangers because I think they are so pert now. Mine just head downwards and as a size D that is not a pretty sight :haha: I know you can't tell us when Corey is home but is it in the middle or end of the month?

Spidey; :rofl: at your DH calling his mom a fucking bitch - Oh God I can just see my mams face if I dared, I would say she would knock me out :haha: I love that you sing happy birthday to Kira and she blows out a candle, I think Natasha will be an expert candle blower too from all the birthday parties we had a few weeks ago, she did spend a couple of days singing "happy birbay you too" and then blowing out pretend candles but she has forgotten now about it and doesn't do it anymore I must actually upload our videos as I think I might have gotten one at the time. You must get a video of one of your birthday days :haha:

Girls I'm lost with the sizes, I wonder have we got it totally out as I would agree with Shiv, I would put you as a UK size 12 cleck and you as a size 8 Spidey. :shrug:

Thanks for the lovely comments about Natasha - "ove you too" has turned into "ove e too today :haha: - Still melts my heart though and she says it in a little squeal too. it is something that you girls will all love when you hear it and I doubt it will ever get old.

Shiv: Eeek at the play date, I can image it must be scary, but I'm sure it will go really well and once you get over the inital nerves you will really enjoy it. I hope that tooth comes in quick for Sopha and she settles back into sleeping. They dont ever tell you that the sleepless nights continue for 2 years do they :haha: How have you settled into the house and the area yourself?

MJ: that is great news on the house. FX it all goes through this time. That is a great idea of a AA toddler group, hopefully like Shiv though you will find something in the area. I do know what you mean about finding it hard to talk with a toddler. I'm like that even with my own friends who I know for years, it feels like I have half conversations with them because you always have one eye on the LO's too and I'm am so bad for being able to concentrate on two things at once - DH laughs at me as he says he thought women can multi task but I'm useless if I can't watch tele and be on the laptop at the same time because I end up concentrating on what I'm typing or reading and dont take in any of what is on the tele. I'm always saying to him what was that or how did that happen and he can manage both perfectly fine :haha: so when I'm watching Natasha and trying to talk to a friend, I end up missing half of the conversation :nope:

Well not much else from me - AF arrived yesterday so it was only a 32 day cycle which wasn't too bad. Hospital appointment is next Monday so not long now and I have also lost another 2lbs so that is 8lbs in total in just over 2 weeks and 4lb's from the previous couple of weeks doing low carb so I have 12 in total gone and only another 5 to go and I'm starting to fit back into my clothes so I'm thrilled with that.
I think a 7 is the same as an 8. So it's 3/4 5/6 7/8 9/10 and so on. I shop in the juniors department (which is meant for teenage girls :blush: ) because I like the jeans style better. The juniors department usually goes with the odd numbers whereas the ladies section uses the even numbers. Atleast I think that's how it works :haha: There is no way I can fit in a 3/4.. I use to fit in that size when I weighed 95 pounds and now I weigh 120.

I'll try to get a video of Kira with her candle tomorrow and I'll post it if I can get past my awful singing voice :haha: Kira is going to LOVE it when her real birthday comes. She is practiced on unwrapping gifts too since she demands that I wrap something up when she sees the wrapping paper in the closet.

MJ- don't forget to take before and after pictures once you get started on renovating the house :thumbup: You know how much I like snooping in other peoples houses :blush::haha:

jelr- the time has flown by.. when you first told us about your hospital appointment it seemed so far away!

Cleckner- thanks for the vitamin link- I have it saved so if I decide to try them I'll get the same kind. :flower:
MJ - Berkshire is ok. I really like our house (and will be very sad when we have to leave as we won't be able to afford to buy a house this nice, it is nothing fancy just suits us well), I also really like the area. We have a park a minutes walk away, a duck pond just round the corner, town is a 15 minute walk away. I mainly miss having my parents close by. Not having a babysitter pretty much on demand is a bit depressing to be honest. We never wentout much anyway, but it was nice to know we could have if we wanted to!

I am rubbish at toddler groups, if I go and nobody makes a real effortto talk to me, then I just follow Sophia round and leave early. I am hoping that because I am meeting a specific group (I don't know how many people will be there) that I will be forced to talk. I also got a facebook message from a girl who moved here 4 months ago and she she to let her know if we fancied a play date (her daughter is 21 months as well (and she has a 4 month old). I like the idea of people coming ot my house one at a time (I am so sad), I'd be on my home territory then and would have to "entertain" if you know what I mean.

If I am honest I am more scared/nervous about this than I have been about anything in a long time, even giving birth. Silly really I suppose.

Sophia took an hour to go to sleep again last night. David put his foot down and said she is not comign downstairs again once we have put her up, so I said fine, but you can go up to her! She calls out on the monitor "mummy, want out of the cot, go downstairs" and when I go up to her there is no placating her. Anyway, he went up a few times and eventually she went to sleep. She was up an hour early again though.............

MJ - how are you sleeping with this pregnancy? I am getting about 2 hours a night, what with needing to wee ad terrible hayfever :dohh:
Shiv, have you thought about finding another NCT group? one that meets for tea every so often? I would like to, have only ever once been to an open house thing, and that was with a lady I met through toddler group (this particular lady is extremely friendly and stops to speak to everyone she sees with a baby or toddler, she's actually a bit of an evangelist - she's religious as well) and it was ok but stressful with Adam going through the house like a dose of salts. I could barely believe that a toddler lived in the house because other than locks on the kitchen cupboards there didn't seem to be any child-proofing, down to them still having books and important and fragile things on low down shelves! well, most of that got moved within a few minutes of Adam arriving! and I don't think it's very conducive to making new friends when you have a toddler who wants to take the place apart. I really wish I'd started doing things like that when Adam was a baby (not on the move anyway) because then by the time he was dismantling things they'd have got to know us and realised he's just an active interested little boy, not an undisciplined monster. that's the theory anyway...

we don't have family round here and won't have anyone local enough for me to leave Adam if I decided to take the new baby to something like that. it's a shame. you'll really really miss that. we don't go out much either, and I don't think we'd go out much more if we did have a local babysitter, but it's when there is an emergency situation that you really benefit. we'll both just have to pray for no emergencies...

it's not silly to be worried about meeting new friends! the point is that despite that worry and fear you're still going to make the effort. would be so much easier to not bother, but then you risk being lonely and isolated. how is David's new job going? do any of his new colleagues have young kids? any chance of some family-type socialising there?

as for sleeping - gah. I don't sleep at all well at night. (Adam is great at the moment, we haven't had to move him into a new bed or bedroom yet obviously, so he's all happy and ignorant that it's going to be changing. am expecting some hard times once we've moved.) I have horrid heartburn so I have to eat Rennies before bed, and then after each time I drink water in the night. I think I'm up maybe 4-5x a night to pee, and I have to have water then as well because I'm parched. it's especially annoying because I know how it's going to get worse when I get bigger, and when the SPD ramps up (it's ok right now, pretty mild), but I'm so physically restless despite being so tired. I feel like I'm either tossing and turning or I'm up peeing and chewing on Rennies. I don't even have bad nasal congestion like I did last time (that really affected my sleep). And despite being exhausted it's hard to *get* to sleep most nights! I don't go to bed till after midnight because there's just no point, and then Adam is usually up at 7am. I can stave off getting up by putting Charlie & Lola and Postman Pat on my iPhone for him but then I only get snatched 10 minute sleeps in between programmes (and I feel like an awful mummy for doing that, but he likes it). my one saving grace is that he still takes long naps so I go up and sleep in the day for 1-2 hours. even so I feel like a wrung-out dishcloth most of the time. :( I keep looking at pics of myself from last time and wondering how I'll wrestle Adam around when I'm the size of a house again...
So today is the day for me to go and try to make some new friends! Sophia woke up at 5am (what is going on with her sleep?) so i look and feel like a zombie! Wish me luck!
good luck Shiv :D

am off to doc this afternoon, have officially had enough of heartburn. last night it felt like a drilling pain rather than a burning, which is how it was when I had stomach ulcers about 3-4 years ago, and I'm not dealing with that, so rang up and going in at 4.20pm. also going to ask about a couple of strange scabs that have appeared on my right boob. they're kind of itchy. no idea what they are, eeeek.
goodluck Shiv! I bet you're at the playgroup right now! It's 8am here, so that would be 112 or 1 there? I understand completely about you preferring to have one on one playdates at your house- I'm the same way. I don't do well in groups at all. I can be chatty with 1 person but I completely shut down when its a group of people that isn't my immediate family!

MJ- I hope the doctor can give you some relief for the ulcer pain. I use to suffer from terrible heart burn and ulcer pain in my early 20's before I was diagnosed with gluten allergy, so I know how hard it is to sleep or function- besides the fact that you have to pee all the time!

Nothing new with me. No AF yet, but it's still early. Kira was sooo moody yesterday and I tried 3 times to have her blow out a candle but as soon as she saw the camera she would melt down! She does a new "fake" cry where she sticks out her tongue into a U shape and makes a crying sound. :haha:
thanks Spidey :D stomach/ulcer pain is just awful, I went through agonies a few years ago, but of course I wasn't pregnant so they could give me the good drugs. doctor was nice, one I hadn't seen before. I told him all I'd been prescribed last pregnancy (Gaviscon, then ranitidine, then omeprazole) and because I'm only 21 weeks he wants to wait a while if poss before giving me omeprazole again (last time I got it at 7 months). so I have a giant bottle of Gaviscon, and to go back in 2 weeks if it isn't helping. I expect I'll be back, I know how this goes. :( for my boob scab, he gave me a steriod/antifungal/antibiotic cream, and to go back if it doesn't clear up in 2 weeks. he seemed puzzled as to what it is. I am, too. absolutely no idea why I'd suddenly get an itchy scab!

Adam was - not good. he's ok if we only have to wait 5 mins max in the waiting room, but then he just wants to leave, and spends his time running to the waiting room door and trying to open it. obviously it's a door that's in use a lot and it's heavy and there isn't an thing on to stop it closing sharply, and I could see a broken fingers incident coming up, so I couldn't let him. plus it was clear he wasn't playing, he was serious about wanting to leave. kept shouting "go" and "home". once through that door there was another to the lobby, and he could open that easily, and then the door to the outside was standing open. he would NOT have it that he should stay and play, that we need to see the doctor first, we'll go soon... so I had to put him in his pushchair and wait in the lobby. pushchairs aren't allowed in the waiting room, for health & safety reasons, but they're obviously not strict on the rule because there's often buggies in there, so I asked the receptionist. she had witnessed my struggles and said it was fine. by this time Adam had calmed down because he was watching Charlie & Lola on my phone, and though he cried a bit when we went back in the waiting room, he settled down when I gave him a dummy.

this is all since he was in hospital 5 weeks ago, when he was on the drip and had the awful experiences when they had to take blood (it took 4 of us to hold him down) and he had to stay in overnight... he was always fine about the doctors but now he is only fine for the first 3-5 mins and then wants to LEAVE NOW. which is unrealistic as there's usually a wait of at least half an hour, if not longer.

when we move my main criterion for finding a new docs is how safe is the building, how easy is it to escape from. right now I am totally capable of chasing after him and grabbing him but I won't be in a few months. :(
MJ- :hugs::hugs: Sounds like you had a rough day with the struggles at the doctors office. And the stomach issues sound rough too. :( Hopefully the Gaviscon helps ease your discomfort a bit. It's insane the things we go through to have a baby. Just keep your eye on the prize. You're over halfway there. :hugs::hugs:

Shiv- Hope your meeting with new friends went well! I know it is SO nerve wracking trying to make new friends. It's my least favorite part of moving for sure.

Spidey- :wave: :haha: Emma has a fake cry too. It's quite irritating if I'm being honest. :dohh:

Nothing new here really. DH's ship is currently in Hawaii so we've been spending the past two days on the phone with eachother. It's nice to actually be able to call and text again now that he's in the states. Only a week left for him to be home. :dance: I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I always worry that we won't like eachother when we get back together. :rofl: Because so much changes in six months time. So we have to relearn eachother.
MJ - glad teh doctor is nice and hope the gaviscon can ease your symptoms a little until he will give you something more effective. i get pretty bad heartburn whilst pregnant but find that milk really helps so obvioulsy not as severe as you. Itis horrible when you can feel it at night though.

Cleck - well a lot sure has changed over the last 6 months with you, you are half the woman you were, Corey will enjoy relearning you for sure :haha:

Well my playdate went ok, there were 5 ladies there with various toddlers (all boys apart from Sophia). i would say on first impressions there are probably 2 women I could actually be proper friends with, and the other ladies were all nice and woudl happily meet up again. Do you know what I mean when i say that almost without anyone talking I had sized who I thought was friend potential. Probably terribly judgemental of me, but I'll keep an open mind. i managed to keep Sophia happy where we were for about half an hour before she wanted to go off and explore so I didn't speak to anyone much after that. One woman there said she was coming along to these things because her husband had left her 2 months earlier for another woman and she was trying to rebuild. She mentioned it several times and i didn't know what to say. "what a *******" sprang to mind, but I just nodded supportively! She said I could pop round for a coffee anytime so that was nice.

There is a bigger meet up on Monday so I might go to that and there is another lady who messaged me, but I haven't heard back since I suggested she pop round for coffee and cake (obv i sounded far too keen/desperate :dohh:)

Spidey - when is AF due?
:rofl: @ Corey rediscovering me. :haha:

Your playdate sounds like it was a pretty good success! I know what you mean about judging people right at the start. I'm the same way. Definitely don't go by a first meeting though. I've found that some people end up surprising me and being great friends even if the first impression was bad. Go you for being so brave!! :thumbup:
thanks Cleck. I know it's all just part of pregnancy, and it's not like I didn't go into it with my eyes open, :haha: I knew that I'd get all the stuff I got last time. plus extras, actually, just grateful the nausea/sickness only lasted about 8 or so weeks. :lol: I can deal with it, but heartburn at night is just awful. Shiv, milk worked in the first few weeks, and it still gives me some relief during the day, but not at night. I know it's all going to be worth it. eventually.

Am with Shiv, Cleck, I think Corey is going to enjoy getting to know you again. :haha: How long is he home? How long will he be away next time? You have loads to plan for if he's getting out in a year's time, it's exciting. :D

Playdate sounds like it went pretty well, Shiv. Hope the next meet goes well, too, and that you manage to tempt someone round for cake! (I'd be there in a flash, your cakes look yummy). I know what you mean about sizing up people, but do keep an open mind, I have been surprised before now when my first impressions have really missed a lot. My AA friend I go to playgroup with, I didn't have a very positive first impression of her at all, but it turns out we have exactly the same sense of humour. (plus a lot in common, given our life situations, but you'd kind of expect that given where we met and given we have toddlers practically the same age.) I'm still pondering finding some NCT things to go to. Wish there was a specific group for pregnant mums with toddlers who are new to the area! I might ask Aunty E on the FB group, since I am pretty sure she has been to NCT things since moving to where she is now.

Spidey, awwww at Kira and the candle and the camera! Adam has been terrible with cameras for a while now. As soon as he sees it he wants it and won't give up, so I have barely taken any pics in ages, other than when we went to Legoland. It's a shame, I had so so many and now they've just tailed right off. Cleck, how do you get Emma to keep posing nicely? what's your secret? :rofl:
MJ - I looked into NCT, you can do a refresher class which is 3 or 4 sessions and women only, and is for women who are pregnant with their 2nd (or more) baby. They didn't have one vey local to me and the one closest was running so that the postnatal meetup was planned in for 2 weeks before I am due to give birth. So i think i am going to give it a miss.

Have you checked out netmums, they have a meetup section and that is where I found my meet-up?
MJ- It's pretty bad that I know all the drugs you mentioned :haha: I use to take esomeprazole (nexium) but luckily was able to stop it after my diet change. I LOL about your new criteria for your next doctor :rofl: I actually interviewed pediatricians before picking one for Kira, and one of the questions I asked was average wait time. One doctor admitted she was always really late seeing her patients and she was crossed off the list of potentials right away! I never thought of building safety back then though :haha:

Cleck- The next week will probably crawl by for you! I was actually thinking of you today (yeah, like a weird stalker :haha:) and wondering how Emma will react to seeing Corey. If it was my DH and Kira, I bet Kira would remember him but still need her space at first to warm up. My DH would want to scoop her up and hug and kiss her, but I know that would result in screaming... and DH would be upset too. Gosh, I am a hormonal mess and tearing up thinking about it :haha:

Shiv- yipee on making it through your play group! :happydance: Where did you meet? Did the lady whose husband left her one of the ladies you had a good friend vibe about?

In an ideal 14 day luteal phase world, AF is due on June 19th, but I'm expecting her on June 13th :haha:

I still haven't heard from my future play date friend. Such rejection!! I'm planning to go to the park on Monday when the weather cools off to try and "run" into the lady with twins again. I am determined to make a new mommy friend!
Right ladies we should make it our aim to make one new mummy friend each (cleck you can be excused from this exercise if you like as you'll be too busy having sex to worry about making new friends for the next 6 months :haha:) and MJ, you can postpone until you move. But Spidey, I shall give us a one month deadline, by which time we must have made an actual, real life friend!
heh, Spidey, omeprazole is my 3rd PPI, I was also on rabeprazole for quite a while, and lansoprazole briefly. fortunately my ulcers healed and my iron levels went back up (I was anaemic because of bleeding ulcers - they bled slowly, just a trickle, so there was never a major crisis) when I stopped taking ibuprofen (used to overuse it somewhat). all this was in the few months before Adam was conceived, my iron was back to normal by then and I didn't have any further stomach issues. until I got pregnant - and that was one of the first indications to me, after having zero heartburn/pain for a good few months, it was suddenly creeping back. :haha: I'm generally ok when not pregnant, thank goodness. the doc today asked if I'd been on domperidone - no - and I wondered if he'd try it... I know it has a side effect of increased milk supply when bf, so I wouldn't mind being on it in a few months' time. :lol:

I don't blame you for asking about time-keeping when interviewing for a doc, I'd do the same if I could! unfortunately most of the docs here that I've ever been to either start out behind schedule because they're late (my last doc was terrible, I used to arrive 1st at the drop-in morning session and would still wait up to a hour because he just hadn't arrived) or else they just run behind. the doc I saw today, we waited about 40 mins I think, and then when I saw him, he was quite slow with the consultation. which was fine by me, he was very nice and pretty dishy, and it was nice not to be hustled out in 3 mins like usual, but I could see quite why it was that we'd waited 40 mins if he was that slow with everyone.

Shiv, amgoing to check out the NCT website for Sutton & Epsom, and also Netmums. I think I am registered there and have used it to track down stuff to do round here, but never thought about finding a meet-up in Sutton yet. though I did find out that there are some playgroups that run in halls within about 15 mins walk away, which is ideal. just hope they don't start too early in the morning, I'm not good in the morning at the moment. I have managed to get to my AA meeting every week (starts at 10.30am) but haven't been to playgroup (starts at 10am Fridays) for about 3-4 weeks. it wasn't on last week because of half term, but previous... I just couldn't get out of bed a couple of times and the the other time I was all set to go but Adam had been up very early and was clearly really really tired by 9.30am, AND then I had a text to say my friend wasn't going either, so we both just went back to bed. I have to get myself together because really, an earlier playgroup is better for Adam because he usually sleeps from 10am-ish to 1.30pm-ish, give or take half an hour here and there, and he's ok about going to bed at 12ish if we've been out, but there's no way an 11am start would work. we just would never get out of the house.

Adam's funny around people he hasn't seen for a while now, though it's actually only if they come here to the flat. if he sees people anywhere else he's fine but if they're in his space, he gets very very clingy to me (which is so rare I find it to be rather bizarre), and at worst he tries to leave the room and cries. he was shy around my mum for the first 10 minutes when she came down last month (he had seen her a couple of weeks before at Legoland, but she hadn't been to the flat since January) and the same with my best friend when she came over. he's never usually at all wary of people.

oh and speaking of escaping - my little monkey actually escaped from my AA meeting on Monday. I haven't told anyone this, not even (especially not) Chris... it was a really really scary moment. we were clearing the room at the end of the meeting and suddenly it felt there was this massive gap in the room where Adam wasn't! he had been hanging round the door, and it seems someone went to the loo and didn't notice him slip out as well. problem was, the hall we use is a Salvation Army church, and they have a charity shop in the foyer and a side room off the foyer, and the front door was also open. my monkey had run out into the street - fortunately not a main road but cars still go up and down - and I found him standing next to someone's car. my heart was absolutely in my mouth, it was awful. I hate not being able to take my eyes off him for more than 10 seconds, but now he is getting tall enough, and strong enough, to open doors, but he is not obedient and has no concept of danger... eeek. it's a scary age!
I really struggle getting to playgroups as they all start at about 10am, on a good (normal) day, Sophia won't wake up until 8.30am and then is happy playing in her cot for half an hour. So by the time we get downstairs, read some stories and get breaskfast, there is no chance of getting out of the house on time. i moaned this morning becasue Sophia was up at 5.30am but realistically at least it meant I was on time to meet these women (10am an di was first there!).

I like leisurely mornings, we often stay in our PJ's until just before lunch, Sophia likes to read for half an hour or so before breakfast, then she can take up to 40 minutes to eat breakfast, then more playing and reading before persuading herto go upstairs to get dressed, then lunch, then a nap.........what a lazy pair we are! i think it is good that she is not used to doign exciting things every day as when the new baby comes I guess we won't be doing too much for a while :haha:

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