***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

:rofl: Emma and Sophia are adorable! Its funny how they all like boobies :lol:

Cleck, it's so cool we will both ovulate together :haha: Now if only we can both get pregnant together! I get the same pressure from my MIL who doesn't even know we've been TTC. If I mention anything about having an upset stomach, craving a certain food, being tired, etc etc, she says "ooooo, is there something I should know about?" :dohh: I'm SO glad she doesn't know we've been TTC for a year now otherwise she would be driving me crazy each month!
ha ha Shiv: that made me giggle at Sophia saying honk honk to the radiator cap (have no idea if that is the name, but that is what we call them :haha:) in your belly button :haha: - Natasha loves those caps too and takes them off all our rads in the house, but she hides them everywhere :haha: - they really do things to make us giggle now don't they. Natasha caught her sippy cup handle on her top yesterday and scraped her chest and said "ouch me booby" and I laughted my heart out :haha:

Actually do anybody elses babies say me instead of my - Natasha says "me boobies" or "me dink (drink)" and so on and I tried one day to tell her it was "my toys" and she got upset with me and said "no tasha toys" as she thought I was saying they were mine :haha:

Cleck: I told you, he is fantastic chef, but there is no way you could diet if he was your husband, I reckon if he still lived at home I would be as big as a bus :haha: - Oh no at your mom asking if you are pregnant yet, I hate when people say things like that, although I'm sure she didn't mean to put pressure on you. I can remember when we got married first all of a sudden everyone was saying so are you pregnant yet or isn't it about time you two had some children and it used to drive me nuts, they had no idea that we were trying and were having trouble and I found it really hard after the first MC. DH was going to start saying, do you think we never had sex before we got married or something, but I managed to stop him, although I felt like it myself sometimes. FX you are only having a long cycle and your luteal phase is not too short.

Spidey: Even though Natasha spelled out the letters that day, she still cant pronounce her name properly and still says Tasha. Natasha also can't pronounce her K's and says "tiss" for kiss and "but" for book :haha: - I love Kiras new game, she has a great little imagination and is so creative. I hope those nips are right and you OV soon. I love your butterfly theme for her birthday. We have been thinking about Natasha birthday this year and we had planned on going to the soft play are for convenience but when we worked out the prices, it will work out far more expensive than having it at home, at first I thought it would be cheaper as we spent an absolute fortune last year, but for the amount of children it would cost €250 plus we would still have to get the cake and present so we are going to have it at home but I will have to be really disiplined as last year I spent more than €250 on food and a fortune on decorations, and half of the food wasn't wasted. so even though we will still have loads here as we both have big families and Natasha has been so many birthdays this year, I will only do a small amount of food and keep the decorations to a minimum and not themed as I could only get the decorations that were themed last year online and it was very expensive, so It will be just plain 2 decorations which I feel is very boring :dohh: but it will have to do with money so tight and it will get tighter over the summer when I have no work as I dont get paid. I can't wait to see pictures of it Kiras party when you have it together. I love themes for parties and would love to have done a minnie mouse one this year as Natasha loves Minnie so much (I think I will still treat her to a minnie cake though)

I may run as I think Natasha is waking up.
MJ - sorry about your new toy - I feel your pain! Can you get a replacement lead?

I hope you had a nice day to yourself. did you have that double cheeseburger?

I had no idea you worked for NI. I feel sorry for the innocent victims but what the paper had been accused of is pretty shocking, it is just a shame that the guilty ones have ruined it for everyone.

Cleck - my body shape has definitely changed, even when I was pre-pregnancy weight i was buying clothes a size bigger, they fitted over my hips, but were big on the waist so kept showing off my bum crack - nice!

jelr - I hope you have a blast at the wedding. We play a CD for Sophia in the car with nursery rhymes on, she loves it and will say "put songs on the radiator" - we keep telling her it's a radio! So you could try that for your journey. We also haev plenty of snacks on hand!

Natasha is such a bright spark spelling out her name, it is so lovely hearing about everyone's proud mummy moments.

I hope that the bride doesn't wear a cleavage enhancing dress other wise Natasha is for sure gonna shout boobies as she walks down the aisle!

As for the me/my thing. Sophia hasn't grasped the whole me/you concept yet. She uses the word you for me, and vice versa, i suppose because she is copying us. So she will say "shall I start reading then" - but what she means is - "will you start reading", but she has copied what we say. If that makes sense?

Spidey - that sounds like such a cool game with Kira. Bad rabbit! She might not say much but that takes a serious amount of comprehension to understand that game. I can see that Bad Rabbit will be getting into trouble for years to come!

Cleck and Spidey - that is cool that you will ovulate at the same time, an exciting 2 week wait for us spectators! Fingers crossed. I was reading a thread in the pregnancy club section about women who had got preggers with a 10 day LP, so it is definitely possible!
Sorry Spidey I missed your other post today when I was writing :haha; - that is cool that you too will ovulate at the same time, maybe it is just destiny and you are both meant to get pregnant at the same time - that would be so lovely :thumbup:

Yep I'm hoping nobody is going to show off their cleavage Shiv :haha: or I could be in trouble, although it does seem to be more mine that she is obsessed with more than anybody else - DH keeps saying he has taught her well :haha: - DH also said it is a good job that I'm not wearing a top that is low cut as I'm doing a reading and he reckons it would be priceless if she was to start shouting mammy's boobies :rofl: - It does sound priceless, but it certainly would not be at the time. I would probably either turn bright red with embarrassment at the top of the church or start to laugh :rofl: - but I'm all covered up so hopefully it will be all good :haha:

that makes total sense what you are saying about Sophia saying - I did think it was a bad habit that she had picked up because where DH is from the tend to say me tea or me coffee as slang, but then I read somewhere that babies tend to talk about themselves in the 3rd person which she does and says Tasha's toys etc or that they can say me instead of my so I'm hoping that it is just a phase and DH is very aware now and is using my all the time instead of me.

That is a great idea about the nursery rhymes as she is singing loads of them now and loves playing her glow worm at night and I have to sing along to it before she sleeps and I actually have a cd with nursery rhymes on it in the car that I bought when she was born (more for me to learn them all again :haha:) and I actually haven't played it for her since she has started singing some of them herself.

I see on the fb thread that you are considering a home birth, I think that might actually be a great idea for you at the moment. Didn't Tsia have a home birth water birth so that might curtail any mess to just the pool. How is the ringing around for company those weeks going? At least that way whomever is staying with you could watch Sophia when it is all going on and if she is asleep could keep you company too (Well depending if you are comfortable with that and who they are I guess)
i haven't phoned anyone yet to ask if they will come visit me, mainly because I am scared they will say no! not because they don't want to but because of work commitments etc.

Home birth seems like the logical answer, but it scares me a lot. I have also started looking into Doulas (as suggested by Spidey) and that makes a home birth appeal more (although i would have NHS midwives in attendance as well).

oh I dunno, david won't like the idea, the midwife in Kent suggested a home birth and he was dead set against it, but as i said in the fb thread he could end up not having too much say in the matter, as at the end of the day i need a plan that i am comfortable with.

I just don't know, I think it is the cream carpets in my rented house that are putting me off :haha:
ha ha I just posted and went back to fb and saw you had said about a waterbirth - I knew there was something in my head about you wanting another water birth or having one already.

I definitely think this is an option for you, I know what everyone was saying about being scared if something went wrong, but If it was that frequent they wouldn't do home births at all and at least your mw would be there with you the whole time and if anything was wrong, you would be straight to hospital in an ambulance rather than driving yourself as you said.

I also think if it was me I would feel more in control of the situation with having this all planned so I would know what to expect and exactly that this is what my plan was going to be, rather than planning a hospital birth and worrying the whole time that maybe it would happen when DH is away. So I definitely think the best thing to do is research it as much as you can and even have a look on here and see if you can speak to others who have done it already and once you have all the info, at least then you can see how you feel about it all.
Aww double posts all over the place - popped back in here after fb - posted and now see you have too :haha:

yeah I can see where you are coming from with DH not having a say when he may not be there, I do think get all the info - then see how you feel - then speak to him too and explain to him that you need a plan and I reckon if it is what you decide to do he will go along with it if he thinks of it logically, as in does he have a different plan if you do go into labour without him.

Is there any options to plan both as in if David is home have a hospital birth and if he is not have a home birth??

I wouldn't worry about the cream carpets either as I'm sure there has to be a way to keep the mess in check or nobody would do it, they probably have some plastic sheeting or something or if not get some yourself so at least you are not in labour and worry about the carpets (which I know I would) as you will have enough to do and worry about then.

The Doula is definitely a good idea though if everyone does have work commitments, which is a very good point they might have, but then maybe ask anyway if you would be more comfortable with somebody close to you and if they can't then you know you have the doula option.
I think I'm ovulating right now! I had some blood when I wiped so I suppose that could be from ovulation- I never had that before. And now I'm having some cramps. I am super excited this month because I get to follow Cleckners 2ww! :happydance: There's no hope for me especially since Kira increased her booby time this month.

Personally I think having a birth with a midwife either at home or at a birth center is safer than having one with a doctor in a hospital. I know tons of people would disagree with me so I don't dare say so on FB :haha:
You would never know Spidey, didn't you get pregnant on Kira on a long cycle, your not out until the :witch: arrives :)

Yeah I definitely think the midwives know more than the doctors most of the time.

MJ: I hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday.

Shiv: Dont you have your meet with the mummies today, hope it is going well and that your research into doulas and home births is going well too.

Cleck: Hope your getting plenty of :sex: now that you are due to OV.

Well girls I will probably be MIA until next Monday as I'm calling to my friends this evening and tomorrow I have to do my nails and get my tan done and get all de-haired :haha: and I also need to pack - not looking forward to packing everything but the kitchen sink for Natasha especially since it is a hotel and not a friends house that we could improvise with stuff if I have forgotten it - aww well fx I wont forget anything important and then we are off early Thursday morning.

I will have my phone with me so will probably have a read every now and again if I have a minute, but I know I wont have time to reply as there will be so many family around and I reckon it will be a busy few days and I'm cr*p at posting on my phone anyway as I'm all fingers and thumbs and it really annoys me when I'm used to touch typing (hense my fifty million typos as I never proof read :haha:)

Keep your fingers crossed that we dont have a cranky girl for the next week as she is constipated again today and yesterday and didn't sleep the last two nights so those teeth must be at her again (although I can't feel anything there - so I dont know what is going on really :shrug:)
Hi all! Maybe now that I got my glasses (after having eye surgery in april) I can keep up with this thread more!!

Good luck to all of us ttc!! Maybe we all be due in april together LOL
jelr, have a great time at the wedding! I bet Natasha will enjoy the extra attention and she'll forget any teeth troubles that she's having. I've always found that teeth pain comes in waves with Kira, so about 3 bad days and then it eases up for a few days before it returns.

I've had more spotting this morning so I'm assuming thats still from ovulation. Before Kira I had a 50-ish day cycle and then I must have had a short one after that in order for my strange methods of birth control to fail :haha: So she was actually conceived on a short cycle. Now my cycles are about 30-33 days long which are short for me. I've had a few long ones thrown in there (post Kira) and with those longer cycles my LP has been longer (but still not ideal). With this current cycle I didn't OV until CD 26. I'd love to have an April baby but I can't get my hopes up.

Good luck this month overcomer!
Spidey- that's odd that you are getting bleeding. You sure its not implantion bleeding or whatever they call it? Are you crampy too?

I ovulated yesterday. We definitely got busy so we'll see if it works. :shrug: If I get pregnant this month he wont be there for the birth, though I told him I don't even care at this point I just want another baby. :rofl: I go back and forth with this whole baby thing. I've been doing so well with weightloss so I keep thinking that if I don't end up pregnant I can lose another 30 lbs while Dh deploys in november. :haha:
Cleck - if you lose another 30lbs there won't be anything of you left!
:haha: It would put me just a few lbs under the maximum for healthy bmi though. I need to be 164 lbs to be a healthy bmi. Which is still 24 lbs away. Although it's more like 25 or 26 because I gained weight from ovulating again this month. :dohh:
The bleeding is weird for me since I've never had it this time of the month before and there is no cramping involved. Post Kira, I've been getting mid-cycle bleeding 7 days before ovulation and I did have that sort of bleeding with this cycle. I'm almost certain that this new bleeding is not from implantation since my nips just started to hurt Saturday and my opks gave me an almost positive Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday (Monday I was out of tests). I know an almost positive isn't a positive though. I do find it strange that the second line has been so strong because its normally all or none for me, and normally I have 2 strong positive opk days so its not hard to miss my surge. :shrug: But based on nips, I'm going with Monday as my ovulation day :thumbup: This is just a wonky month because my nips barely hurt too. I just feel very un-hormonal and non fertile. Hope that ramble made sense :haha:
Hmm interesting. OPKs pick up pregnancy hormones too. :winkwink: So your nips are saying monday. I ovulated monday too so we are together on this month. :thumbup: I used my diva cup after :sex: :haha: To keep the spermies in there as long as possible. Is that weird? LOL!
I took another opk and my LH levels are back down, so no sneaky pregnancy for me :haha:

LOL Cleckner, thats another great use for a Diva cup :rofl: I've never put my hips up high or anything like that after :sex: to keep them in but maybe I should since it seems that everything falls right out due to my stretched out vagina :blush::haha: Hey, maybe thats why I haven't gotten pregnant yet :lol:

Does anyone have fun weekend plans- I know Jelr does :thumbup: Cleckner, when are you leaving to go back home?
2ww update from Spidey: my spotting let up on Thursday but today its back but even heavier. I'm hoping its implantation bleeding (I ovulated on Monday) but more than likely my uterus is being cranky this month and not staying intact very well. TMI, but the blood is mixed in with a bunch of clear mucous too. I also bought 20 cheapo pregnancy tests so I don't have to be so hesitant about wasting my precious few :haha:
I don't like to tempt fate, but when I go tmy BFp this time I got lots of clear mucous (usually only get EWCM leading up to ovulation) and a little bit of spotting - so you never know Spidey - fingers crosses.

Oh and when I was ttc Sophia, I got my BFP the month I started to put a pillow under my hips after dtd to keep the spermies up there so it is definitely worth a try!

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