***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

wow. well done!

I managed not to buy *more* chocolate today, much to C's disgruntlement. I had bought the multipack of Dairy Milks yesterday (4), and we both had one, and he had his other when he came in from work. now I have to resist him being persuasive about going out later for more. or else persuading me that I can have his (little chance). didn't buy any more crisps either even though there are some good multipack offers on. got ricecakes for me. but we have very little cheese left, and no cream cheese (I like either sour cream dip and cheese OR cream cheese and marmite). we have ham but I'd have to be desperate to snack on ham.

are your Discos multipack? what kind of cheese? and I can't believe you only have one 2-finger kit-kat. you are the model of restraint.
yeah i don't think I would snack on ham either!

Yep discos are from a multipack, cheddar cheese, a lump about a cm in diameter, and I do have plenty more kitkats in the cupboard but am hopig I might feel full wnought not to eat them!

A bit of chocolate won't hurt especialy i fyou've had a pretty good day otherwise :thumbup:
I'm not keen on ham at all, actually, much prefer sliced chicken and roast beef, but we had chicken and the shop had no beef, and I am still pretty much banned from cooking while it's so hot. so I got ham. Adam loves it anyway.

so today has gone thus:

branflakes & chocolate weetabix
small bag of crisps
egg, marmite & cucumber sandwich, plus salad and houmous
roast chicken, sliced ham, 1.5 tortilla wraps, spinach, cucumber, onion, tomato, salsa, sour cream dip, coleslaw, carrots
annnnnnd... Dairy Milk (I got it :haha: )

that might be it. depends what time I go to bed and how loudly the ricecakes call my name.
MJ- I prefer a daytime nap over a longer sleep at night too. I often take a daytime nap with Kira :haha: I hope Adam goes back to a daytime nap soon- I think sometimes they like to mix things up to keep us on our toes.

Congrats on the self control girls :lol: I have none as I just ate 2 chocolate cupcakes during Kira's nap and I have atleast 2 more in my future today :haha:

Speaking of forcing a toddler to nap. Kira falls asleep nursing for her daytime nap, but it requires alot of cooperation on her part to sit on my lap, nurse and close her eyes. She use to hold her stuffed guinea pig for naps, but recently she's been holding other random things. To give her a sense of control over the nap situation, I let her pick something to hold. Today she dragged in the kitchen garbage can to hold :sick::dohh::haha: So I had a nasty ass garbage can sitting next to me on the sofa as Kira got her booby and slowly allowed herself to drift into sleep land :haha:

Looking back at recent posts, I have no idea what these foods are :haha:
digestive- by the name it sounds gross, LOL
caramel magnum
marmite- I've heard of it but I have no idea whats in it.
spag bol- I'm assuming this is spaghetti in a bowl??
That's a good day MJ - well done :thumbup:

Here is mine

2 weetabix and glass of OJ
ham, cheese and salad sandwich with grapes
more grapes
homemade chicken and lentil curry with rice
disco's, cheese, apple, kitkat

A good day for me, well doesn't get any better.

Baby is giving me a good kicking tonight, feels a bit weird!

Spidey - i bet your DH will be glad to get back to work, after all those chores!
ok Spidey, I'm going to fill you in on some British delicacies :thumbup:

digestive- by the name it sounds gross, LOL
a digestive biscuit is I think similar to what you call a graham cracker. they're yummy. wholemeal, sweet with a touch of salt, and they come plain or half covered in chocolate: clicky

a yummy chocolate treat made by my good friend Mr Cadbury: Twirl!

a crispy snack made from reconstituted potato, rather like Pringles, but Discos were around in the UK years and years before Pringles made it over here: mmmm

caramel magnum
a luxury chocolate covered ice cream on a stick - yummmy

marmite- I've heard of it but I have no idea whats in it.
it's a very salty, savoury yeast extract spread, it's so strong you only need a very tiny amount to spread on a ricecake (my favourite), I'd literally only just have enough to cover the very tip of a knife. it's full of B vitamins and actually very good for you, salt notwithstanding. I believe it was originaly a byproduct of the brewing industry. it's very popular on toast. people seem to love it or hate it. I suspect the haters used too much in one go, it's not nice if you overdo it. clicky - in the pic in the link, there is about 5 times more than I'd use on one go on the knife. there's also a lot of Marmite flavoured products available now, Marmite crisps are very good.

spag bol- I'm assuming this is spaghetti in a bowl??
short for spaghetti bolognese - spaghetti with a tomato/mince sauce. :D

that looks like a really good day, Shiv. :D I forgot to add, I did eat a bit of Adam's leftovers as well, a bite of banana, about a quarter of his houmous sandwich and a small chunk of cheese. :dohh: other than that it *was* a good day, I managed to eschew the massive vanilla cupcakes at the cafe we went to this morning, usually I can't resist. they are thick with butter icing. mmmm.
Well done girlies, you are doing really well and eating really healthy I think. I actually rarely snack but just manage to put on weight by eating too much dinner ha ha and if I eat too much bread it piles it on :dohh:

although when I was pregnant I was a divil for custard, pots of ice-cream and cream crackers.

I'm more a crisp person myself than chocolate but I do try and stick to the low cal ones like snax and skips and I have been known to snack on ham when I dieting and really hungry as it is very low cal :haha: and it satifies my salt cravings :haha:

Spidey: eek at Kira wanting the trash can :haha: - I would say that you didn't manage to nap with the smell from that if it smells anything like ours does :haha: Poor Kira being so upset over the cake. Natasha had a melt down this morning because she wanted different shoes put on :dohh:

Shiv: I saw on fb last night that you were going to use your slow cooker - how did it go? and did you just throw it all in? That is so cute about Sophia "mind you dont fall out" I hope baby doesn't keep you awake with the kicking.

MJ: Natasha usually sleeps from 8 at night until 8 or 9 in the morning and can nap from anywhere from 40 mins to 2.5 hours, but it is usually 1.5 or 2 at the moment but she does go through phases where she just doesn't want to nap and will chat and play and then only sleeps for 40 mins and is very grumpy then. I also curtail her naps and take her up no later than 3 but she is usually always up between 1.30 and 2 as I put her down at 12 as she tends to get sleepy then and if I leave it any longer she gets overtired and wont sleep or if she does go down no problem later she wont sleep that night.

She did go through a phase where she wouldn't nap at all and would kick up and I actually found that only giving her the dummy at sleep time has changed all that. She was taking it with her one day when she wouldn't sleep and I said no dody is only for sleep time and she did get upset but then I distracted her and used to hide them and when they were out of sight she didn't look for them at all (I say them because she has to have one in her mouth and one in her hand :dohh:) and now we play a game where she puts them under pillow and says "mind tasha dody teddy" and is quiet happy to be without them unless she is going to sleep and when it is nap time I say do you want to have a snooze with your dody's and she is delighted about going down.

Well so much for not having a hangover instead I feel like a bus has ran me over for the last two days :haha: - and to top it off Natasha cried in her sleep every twenty minutes last night so I definitely think it is teeth as she is constipated too the poor thing and she always gets constipated when teeth are coming through. I can still only see a teeny bit of one but then she doesn't really let me have a good look. I only get to peek when we are playing and she is laughing. I gave her soaked some prunes last night and gave her the juice from them today and gave her oranges as her fruit today so I'm hoping it might help as the hard lump she actually managed last night would have hurt me it was so solid (sorry tmi I know) and the worst of it was she did it in her at some stage in her cot. She did play away for about an hour singing to herself when we put her down last night so it must have been then because I dont think she could have managed this one in her sleep and I only noticed around 11 when I went to check on her before I was going to bed and got the smell so I had to waken her to change her and it was from then on that she cried and she was so so cross this morning but thankfully she cheered up after a while and was in good form for my mam all day.

Well last day tomorrow girls - even with being wrecked I managed to get all the paperwork done. I kind of knew i would because I'm really organised this year but didn't want to bet on it because everytime I tend to get really organised and think stuff will only take so long - something urgent that has to sorted lands on my desk but thankfully it didn't this time :dance:
Oh and by the way Shiv and MJ - I really dont know how you eat marmite Yuck :sick: - but then I think you either love it or hate it dont you :haha:
haha, thanks MJ for the food lesson :flower:

In my mind I pictured a digestive as some sort of cracker that was supposed to help prevent indigestion :haha: Out of all the snacks, I would go for a twirl :thumbup: And thankfully I can stop picturing spag bol as a microwaveable instant bowl of spaghetti :rofl: Bolognese isn't a word that you hear around here often.

A treat that all the Baltimore locals go crazy for is a snowball with marshmallow

If I go 4 minutes in any direction I will hit a snowball stand. Right now I eat one every 3 days but during the summer when I was pregnant with Kira I had one every day. Pure heaven!

jelr, enjoy your last day tomorrow :happydance::happydance:
hmmm, nice tip about the dummies and bedtime, Jean, might try that. not sure how it'll go though since he is more attached to them in the day than I'd like, actually having tantrums about having one. :( but it's worth a go! he's not in a proper bed yet but in effect he is, as he's in his cot with the side off, so he gets in and out when he likes. I have a feeling he'd get the dummy and rather than settle down, he'd get up and play!

hope poor Natasha's teething poo troubles clear up soon, that's not fun. Adam usually goes the other way and has disgusting sloppy nappies. yuck.

wow, what is that blue marshmallowy thing, Spidey? it looks like a blue slush puppy! what flavour is it? I presume its ice/sorbet in there?

well, at least it's cooler today. don't think I'm going to get much of a nap out of Adam, given he slept for 14 hours. from 8.45pm to 10.45am. it's ridiculous! I also slept that late, but in my defense, I went to bed at midnight, spent over 2 hours not being able to sleep, before finally my stomach started hurting badly (it's less of a burning and more of a drilling when it's empty, horrible, going to doc next week I think) and I got up for about an hour (and ate a load of plain yogurt AND 3 ricecakes with cheese and sour cream dip :dohh: ), then sometime after 3am I finaly fell asleep. so I was sort of appreciative that Adam wasn't bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7am, but I was so shocked to realise how late it was when he eventually reached for my phone to watch Postman Pat (his signal he's awake :lol: ).

so though we had no plans for today we're going to go out. I am still feeling really tired. it's irritating. last night my brain just wasnt tired at all, now, even though I have slept, it wants to go back to sleep. wondering if I need to be really strict with me and Adam an try to get us both into a better routine? I mean, I know I can't make either us sleep if we can't/don't want to, but I can be more disciplined about getting up at a time that might encourage a better sleep time later?

i LOVE marmite and pretty muchpread it like chocolate spread! When i was little i used to have it so thick it burned my mouth :haha:

jelr - the slow cooker was ok. i did a chicken curry and it was tasty but a bit dry. I guess it will work better with beef or lamb.

I hope natasha's teeth come in quickly - poor little mite, especially with the poos. Sophia has vey sloppy poos when she is teething, very messy to clean up! she is still getting her top two canines in.

I hope your last day went well, ROLL ON THE SUMMER!

Spidey - I saw your pics on the breastfeedin thread and laughed out loud, especially at the one of Kira holding the giant blue ball, it is so cute and a tad rebellious!

Sophia sleeps between 12 and 14 hours a night and usually has about a one hour nap in the afternoon. I am appreciating any lie ins as like you MJ, itis taking me hours to get to sleep at night, I am so uncomfortable and can't get comfy on my sides, so I toss and turn for hours and then eventually justthink screw it and fall asleep on my back (but usally not until about 5am!). David woke me up this morning my giving me a huge slap on my arse 9as it was sticking out of the covers! I went mental at him, as it felt like I had only just gone to sleep (it was 7am), he usally just gives me a quick kiss so i was not happy with this new wake up call!

Well i have been "good" again today with my eating, no chocolate so far so I will enjoy my little kitkat later! i also walked the 2.5 miles to the doctors surgery and back.

My friend is on weight watchers and I haev set her a challenge that she has to lose as much weight as I put on until bubs is born! I told David about this and his response was "is it safe for a woman to lose that much wieght so quickly" - cheeky sod :haha:

David is away on work next week, so I have been asking him when he is leaving (sunday night or Monday morning). Anyway I asked him again today and he said he still doesn't know, but basically not to plan anything for him for the 2 weeks" - AHEM 2 weeks?????????????????? Where did the second week come from, apparently it could run over by a week! Not happy. If he has told me he would be away for two weeks from the off, thne i would have mentally prepared myself for it. I can't stand teh inconsistency of his job!

Oh moany post from me today, i'd blame hormones but quite frankly I think I am just pissed off :haha:
oh my, Shiv, I'd have been mad if Chris had woken me in that way, ESPECIALLY if I'd had a poor night's sleep anyway :rofl: well done on the walking. bloody hell, 2.5 miles.

and I'd be mad if I was suddenly left alone with Adam for 2 WEEKS. crikey. are you going to have anyone to stay in that time? meant to say before, but it's great that you're getting to see family every couple of weeks. means there's never too long to have to wait. I'd be really happy if I could see my mum that often, but we talk so much on the phone anyway (probably over 3 and a half hours' worth just today, though that was a long time even for us - over 3 calls :lol: ).

though I did have stuff on my mind. my best friend found out today she has cancer, so I'm really upset and scared for her.

Adam napped for 2 hours, which amazed me, after his mammoth 14-hour sleep last night. we went to the shops and just wandered around and he dropped off on the bus on the way home and stayed asleep through the transfer to his cot. so that was nice. of course he played up at bedtime and refused to settle down till C went up (after the Apprentice at 10pm).

as for food - not terribly bad, but not brilliant.

bowl of bran flakes & a handful of Cheerios and milk
a roast beef & horseradish sandwich (from M&S); to my credit I didn't finish off all Adam's leftovers (he had chicken & mayo), even though I was tempted, I took the other half home and he had some at dinner time. also to my credit I *got* the sandwich at all rather than go for a double cheeseburger at McD's (only thing that stopped me was the knowlege that fries would also have been involved)
slice (large) of cheese & onion quiche, plus salad and a bag of spicy Transformasnacks (puffed corn snacks) :wacko:
4 teeny weeny Thorntons's milionaire's shortbread squares
(and I blame you for this Shiv) a bag of cheese and onion DISCOS.

so no chocolate per se, though there is a Wispa (Spidey, this is a bar of aerated Cadbury's choc) in the fridge that did have my name on it :D

anxious about going to bed now bcause I can't stand not sleeping. :(

is that you free for the summer now, Jean? NICE! :D

Cleck, where are you? hope everything's ok! - ok, edited after going to Facebook, you've been busy with your family! great pics. :kiss:
Mmm Spidey the bit on top looks lovely, is that the marshmallow. I would love that bit, not so sure about the blue slush puppy part though as I reckon it would be too sugary for me. I tend to go for more salty rubbish than sweet rubbish. - Is your bathroom all done yet?

MJ: Natasha was extremely attached to her dummies to during the day and surprisingly when we took them away she only looked for them and got upset a couple of times, the out of sight really worked and it was definitely more habit with her, we used to give it to her in the car if we were travelling to DH parents which is about 40 - 50 mins away as usually it was around nap time and we were hoping she would nap and then my mam started giving it to her in the car so then even though she didn't have it during the day she would cry for it the minute we got into the car and again one day I just told my mam to hide it in the car (as she did keep it in the door nearest to Natasha's seat) and I just told her to remember teddy has it and is minding it for when you go to bed and she gave out that day and then the next just asked and I told her the same and she didn't give out and hasn't looked for it since.

I also love my lie ins and thought it was great when DH was off as Natasha started sleeping until 10.30 but then the day started going pear shaped and she wouldn't nap and was grumpy or was ready for a nap too late and then wouldn't sleep at night and because by the time I got her nappy changed and breakfast ready it was 11 and she getting her breakfast and then she wasn't ready for lunch until later and dinner was running nearly into bedtime so I had to give the lie in up and just get her into a routine so now if she is not awake I wake her at 9.30 and the days goes well as she has breakfast by 10 - funnily enough is hungry enough for lunch at 12, then goes for a nap around 12.30 or 1 and sleeps for around an hour and a half and as if it runs later or she sleeps later I get her up by 3 and she has a snack and then her dinner at 5.30 or 6 and then goes off to bed no problem at 8. so she seems to like a routine and the days just seems to work better and really I am still lucky that I get to sleep until between 8.30 and 9.30 usually if I'm not working which I never expected to be able to do with a toddler :haha: (although I still love Sundays when DH give me a lie in and some days really feel like staying there and not waking her until if she is still asleep :haha: but know the day just goes to pot if I do for the sake of an extra hour :dohh:

Shiv: Sorry you are pissed off today, although I dont blame you, if I got a wake up call like that especially after not sleeping I would be pissed too grrrr and that would also do my head in to only hear at the last minute that DH was going to be away for 2 weeks instead of 1. Men just dont understand do they, DH would be like that and tell me stuff at the last minute and doesn't get that I like to know in advance to plan and get my head around it :dohh:

Sorry to hear you girls are not sleeping I do remember that horrible pregnancy symptom so vividly and actually now that I think if it that is where I did a lot of my snacking as I would aimlessly walk around the house at night when I couldn't sleep and was bored and start to eat just for something to do mainly and because I would end up starving from being awake so long after my dinner :dohh: - I hope it is short lived for you both.

Well thankfully Natasha slept all last night and had a good full soft nappy today so hopefully those teeth will back off for a while as she is back to happy self today.

I didn't sleep well though as I had the most horrible dream - I dreamed that Natasha was dead and DH had these other 2 children (dont ask me who the mother was or where they were all of this time) but we were now going to look after them so I was fine with Natasha not being here and then the youngest one which looked around the same age as Natasha said she needed her nappy changed and I realised she didnt' talk like Natasha or sound like her so I started to completely freak and realised that my baby was gone and I was trying to pull of my ears because i would never hear my baby again and I was trying to scratch out my eyes because I would never see her again and then I thankfully woke up crying and in a cold sweat so I couldn't sleep again after that it freaked me out so much and I spent most of the night checking on her. I was horrible.

I wondering if it maybe coming from the fact that I'm a little bit like you were last year Shiv and dont want her to hit two. I just want to stop time and stop her growing up as it seems to be happening all so fast, I just dont know where the last 2 years have gone and she seems to be growing up before my eyes every day. She just seems to be advancing at climbing on things and we are now getting loads of sentances and she is singing more and more songs and it is just scary because it just seems to have happened over night. Also I really love this age (bar the tantrums :haha:) - She is just full of affection and kisses and cuddles and is just so much more interactive with us now with every day things, she wants to help with every thing I do and is so funny to see her copying everything. Tonight I was cleaning the glass on the oven with some spray and she wanted a spray bottle so I have a travel spray bottle that I had bought in boots and never used so I give her that when I'm cleaning but usually she just eats it or plays with the lid and then she asked for some towel as I had kitchen towel and next minute she was beside me making a spray noise with her bottle and then was wiping with the towel and she has followed me with a cloth before but tonight she mimicked my actions perfectly and somebody actually called to the door and DH laughed because he said whoever walks in there will think we have the poor child cleaning because she was doing it perfectly :haha:

and the random things she is coming out with - On Saturday we were all lying in bed and she kept pulling up my pjs and was saying mammy boobies and I was messing and said leave mammy's boobies alone and next minute she looked at me with a grin and said not mammys, daddys boobies it was so funny. she also cursed properly for the first time as stood on a chair for something and my knee gave way getting down and I said "fuck" and next minute she said fuck and I saved myself quickly by saying yeah mammys foot is very sore as she had seen me limp and she made an ouch face and said mammy toe toes sore.

Anyway enough ramble - I just want to eat up her cuteness at the moment and dont want her to hit the terrible two's of non stop tantrums and I just want to stop her growing up really :haha: so I'm wondering these feelings are where the dream came from :dohh:

Oh and on a happy note - Work is finally finished so I can really enjoy her for the next few weeks (although wait she will probably have nothing but tantrums instead - I'm hoping that will jinx them away :haha)

I'm also doing bad with the weight as I managed to put up 2lbs over the weekend with eating out and feeding my non hangover on Sunday so I'm now 4lbs away from my goal and my brother that is home from London is a chef so he cooked fajitas on Monday so we ate in my mams and then when I asked him what spices he put on the chicken as it was so tasty (there as a load of different spices and a ton of sugar and salt :dohh) and he is now cooking us all a proper 3 course meal Friday in my house and I know there will be loads of nasty things for my waist in it as he is a typical chef and doesn't give a crap about the calories as it is all about the taste and then we are away next week for the wedding so it will be all eating out - do I'm doomed :dohh:
Sorry MJ - It took me so long to write that mammoth post you got in before me :haha:

I'm so sorry about your friend - what type of cancer and what is the outlook for her, no wonder you were upset. I really hope it can all be sorted.

I'm glad Adam napped for you, he probably knew you were upset and need that time on the phone with your mam.

Well done on resisting the McDonalds :thumbup:

Funny I am so near you and up until now all the food is the same but I had no idea what Transformasnacks were until you explained :haha:

I hope you get some sleep too. I do know how horrible it is not being able to sleep and the night is always so long :(.

Cleck: must go and have a look at photos now, I hope everything is going well with DH home and that Emma is getting more used to him and you are feeling more relaxed about the future.
Jelr, Shiv and MJ, I hope you all are sleeping peacefully tonight. Shiv, I would have been so irritated with being woken up with a smack on my butt too!

Shiv, fingers crossed DH is only away for 1 week. Do you have any plans for the week (or 2) that he's gone?

MJ- I'm sorry about your friend, thats very scary :-( Oh, and a wispa sounds very yummy :thumbup:

jelr, I LOL about Natasha and her comment about your boobies being daddy's boobies :rofl: Thats an awful dream and I wouldn't dare go back to sleep after that :cry:

Snowball- there are probably a hundred different flavors for snowballs, but they are pure sugar and very sweet. The marshmallow makes them even sweeter. It sounds gross, but they're actually very yummy :) The marshmallow gets stuck all over your lips and mouth as you eat them and your tongue turns colors :haha:

The bathroom is almost done, DH still needs to make a towel bar and a toilet paper holder. He does black smithing once a week at an old fashioned forge nearby so he's working on them still. And he's going to make a shelf for above the toilet too.

Before- it's a perfectly good bathroom, but DH wanted to try his hand at making his own wood flooring and I needed to paint the walls since the current paint had water stains all over it.


The wood floor DH made- he had rough lumber and sanded it down to make the boards for the floor

TTC news- still no nip pain so no ovulation for me yet and its cd24 I think. I think I jinxed myself to get pregnant this month. First, I really stocked up on maxi pads since I had good coupons :haha: I bought 5 very nice new bras that fit my currently small boobies. AND... I have fun plans for Kira's birthday and would actually prefer NOT to have morning sickness during it.
OMG I just typed out a really long reply to all the past posts and I accidentally hit the back button and it was all lost. :cry::cry:

I replied to everyone too. :growlmad:

But now I've lost my steam and I have to go deal with Emma so I will just :wave: and sneak back out. :dohh: I'll try to post more tonight after Emma goes to bed.
Ok. I'm gonna try this again....

spidey- That bathroom looks awesome! Your DH is very talented. It looked nice in the first place too but I love the wood flooring in there now. :thumbup:

jelr- Your dream sounds absolutely awful. :(:hugs: I'd have had trouble sleeping after that too. I once had a dream that my mom died and I woke up so distraught and couldn't stop crying. I even nearly called her even though it was at a crazy hour at night. :blush: Your brother is a chef? That's awesome! Is he single? :muaha: I might need to book him as my second husband. :winkwink:

MJ & Shiv- You ladies quit fretting over your weight! If I remember correctly you both lost the baby weight fairly quickly after the first LOs were born. You both are smaller than me and that's even after I've lost all this weight. :rofl: Enjoy being pregnant and indulge those cravings and don't feel guilty about it!! :hugs:

Weightloss for me is nonexistant almost. Last week was the exact same 190 weigh in. This week I'm losing so far but not sure what the official weigh in will be. I am hoping to at least lose a lb. or 2. I've been following myfitnesspal this week but not as religiously as I could be.

We went to the county fair for fourth of july and you ladies would be so proud of my self control. Greasy food as far as the eye can see and I didn't have a single bit of it. I packed our lunch and dinner and stuck to my calories for the day. BUT I did have an ice cream treat for dinner that I didn't count. :haha: I told DH as long as it wasn't anything fried than I would eat it. So he got a banana split and this mudpie thing that was icecream with oreos and fudge drizzled on it. DH was SUCH a whiner the whole day about the food though. Everything we passed he wanted to buy. Like greasy burgers and kebabs that people were carrying around. I tried my best to just stare straight ahead and not even look at the food though. And I did good I think. :smug: Now if only I can keep up that willpower when we fly home in a week and a half. :roll:

No ovulation or anything yet here so no TTC news. Last month I was already getting high readings by this day so I think my luteal phase will be short again this month. :cry: Go figure. DH leaves for five weeks in September/october so we only have 4 months to try now instead of the 5 months that I thought we'd have. I have a feeling it just won't happen for us yet though so I'm trying not to stress myself out. Which is part of the reason I've been avoiding this site with all these accidental pregnancies going on here lately. :gun:
Wow I didn't know this thread existed!!! OH and I are in our second cycle of trying. I hope its easier than last!!
Cleckner, you should be very proud to walk pass greasy fair food and not eat any! :thumbup: It's going to be extra hard for you with DH and his cravings. You said he lost weight too so he should be happy having you as the diet enforcer :haha: Oh, and you should skip all the other threads on BNB and only come here :lol: I think my luteal phase this month will be shorter than my 11 day record too. :growlmad:

Hi overcomer :wave:

Shiv and MJ, I wanted to say last night that if your sleep problems continue, you might want to look into hypnosis to help you sleep. I did a hypnobirthing course starting at 30 weeks when I was pregnant with Kira and once I learned all the relaxation skills I started using the hypnosis to help me fall asleep. I still use it every night to help me turn my brain off and fall asleep since sleeping has always been an issue with me. So if you get desperate its something to look into :flower:
Jelr - gosh that dream sounds awful, I am sorry it was so horrible, i hope it never happens again. Natasha will always be your little girl no matter how grown up she gets.

She sounds so cute with the things she is doing and coming out with. Sophia pointed at David's chest the other week and went Daddy's boobies - he was not best pleased!

And don't worry about the weight loss, you've had a lot on these last few weeks, enjoy the wedding and think about the weight afetrwards!

oh and i have never heard of transforma snacks and i live about 30 miles away from MJ. i am assuming they are transformer brand crisps?

Spidey - i didn't sleep well again, I may look into hypnotherapy.

your bathroom looks great, your DH is very talented.

As for nip pain, you said you conceived Kira on a long cycle, so you never know!

cleck - on your orders i have just been to the shop and bought an obscene amount of chocolate/ice-cream/cake/biscuits. You'll see why soon enough!

I think you did really well to resist all of that greasy food, well done. And maintaining your weight in the first week Corey is back is a great achievment.

fingers crossed for ttc over the next few months.

The photos of your family fun are great, we might see less of you on here but I really like seeing all your pictures!

Hi Overcomer, good luck with the ttc.

Right well if you thought last nights post was moany and hormonal - just wait for tonights. I suggest getting a cup of tea and a biscuit and settling down in a comfy seat!

So David comes home from work tonight and says he has been told when he will be working away over the coming months.

First off let me say that i know everything David does is to provide a home for me, Sophia and bump, but does that mean I shouldn't be allowed ot be upset, afraid and angry?

So.............. he is supposed to be away for the whole month of September. Bare in mind that bump is due on the 26th Sept and i gave birth to Sophia a week early. So his boss has said, as I am due the 26th Sept he can go out to Holland (oh did i forget to mention the work is in Holland?) for the first 2 weeks of Sept and then come home. So i will be 38 weeks and 2 days when he gets back (assuming the dates don't change). So not only am I gonna have to deal with a toddler on my own when I am very heavily pregnant, but christ knows what I am going to do if i go into labour while he is away. My parents are on holiday until the 16th Sept so they won't even be here. Who is gonna be my birth partner, who is gonna look after Sophia?

Then.......... he needs to go away fro work again to Portugal in October, work is hoping it will be late October for a few weeks. So I will be left with a toddler and a baby who is a few weeks old. lets hope to god I don't have to have a c-section.

So me being me, I haven't reacted to any of this yet. he told me over dinner so I didn;t want to upset SOphia by getting angry, so I mainly just aha'd throughout the whole conversation. As soon as Sophia was in bed i walked to the shop and bought hideous amounts of bad food which I am now steadily munching my way through. David know something is wrong, but I just can't talk about it yet, it all feels too much. i need to formulate a plan in my head of what i am going to do. There is no point being hideously upset about it (which I am) without having some sort of plan.......I need a plan! But mainly I just want to cry!

Oh and Cleck I have no idea how you have done without Corey there with you for so long and knowing he has to go away again. Kudos to you and you so rarely moan.

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