***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

spidey- CUTE outfits!! I love the bermuda type jeans. I could never get away with those little dinky shorts though. Even when I'm skinny my thighs still rub so shorts ride up in the middle. Not pretty. :rofl: Yes I do wear the diva cup overnight. It didn't leak a single time I used it either. Which is seriously amazing. :thumbup:

jelr- Well done with your weightloss this week too!! :dance: How much more do you have to go than? I think my next goal before DH is back is to get to 'overweight' bmi instead of 'obese'. So just 9 or 10 lbs to go I think because I think 196 is overweight for my height but I'm not 100% sure. :haha:

Okay, I'm off to nap with Emma. :lol:
I love the clothes spidey, especially the skirt with the leggings under it :)

Did your diva cup come after?

Yesterday I had 14lbs to go but this morning it was only 11 lol, it was nice to see this morning but i know it wont last and was only from being so sick, I think i will stay away from the scales until weigh in next tues as I think I'm going to give the low carb a miss for the rest of the week as I just wanted toast today and probably will until I'm 100%

You surely not still in the obese category, you look fab. Those charts bug me.
Yup, still obese! :haha: I just calculated and I have to be 196 lbs to be overweight. Right now my BMI is 31.2. Which is great considering it was 36.5 a few months ago. I hate bmi charts too. I've never been a 'normal' weight. Always slightly overweight according to the charts. But no one would've guessed it by looking at me. I just weigh a lot I guess. Sexy weighs a lot and I have a whole lotta sexy in me. :winkwink::muaha:
spidey, I had to look twice at those clothes to figure out if they were for you or Kira! very cute, especially the shorts (which I thought might be baby jeans). :dohh:

sorry to hear about your luteal phase, hope it's a temporary blip for you. :(

jelr and cleck, WOW and well done on the weight loss (though sorry yours came at a price, jelr, hope you feel better soon, toast sounds like an excellent idea).

I'm doing ok, mostly, SPD is coming back, though, and my rosacea has flared badly, and I feel sick tonight, after being a lot lot better the last week or so. weird, it just came back tonight. I've been more energetic and more able to cope with Adam, which is obviously a good thing, as he's hard work at the best of times :dohh:
Jelr- I must have posted at the same time as you! Congrats on the weight loss but it's such a crappy way to lose it. I hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs:

Cleckner- DH thought those plaid shorts should be dinkier!! :haha: I told him those are the closest things to "booty" shorts as I'm going! Those BMI charts are so annoying. If they consider you obese than that's insane! You are way too sexy to be listening to those stupid charts!

MJ- LOL about those be Kira's clothes. It's good you're having more good days than bad now.. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow so you can keep after Adam!

YIPEEE! My diva cup just arrived!! I was typing this so DH and Kira decided to open it for me :rofl:

yay for diva cup!! Did you buy the diva wash too? I didn't buy it so not sure if it's actually worth using. I just used regular soap and water to clean mine. What does your DH think of it? :haha:
I didn't get the diva wash since I'm sure it's just a bottle of soap. After I took that picture, my mom called and then Kira snatched up my Diva cup and ran off with it in her mouth! I yelled at DH to get it before she chewed on it and then of course I had to explain to my mom what I was talking about :haha: Right this very moment I am wearing my Diva cup :rofl:

I had to take it out once already to trim that little nub part, and it had already collected some mensus! The weirdest part is the suction cup noise it makes- does yours do that too? I can't feel anything now, but at first I felt a little heavy down there and then suddenly it felt like I needed to poo. I would like to shove it up there more, but when I do it travels back down so the nub is sort of strangely hanging out. I did have a 10 pound giant headed baby come out of my vagina, so I should be happy it's staying in at all :rofl: Tampons don't like to stay in these days, and now...

DH's little swimmers exit the building immediately after we dtd :rofl:
LoL at your entire post. :rofl: What'd your mom think of it? It hurts removing it because it gets caught on like a vagina muscle or something. :sick::rofl::rofl: Like it pops when I pull it out and it's a slight pain for a second. I have the opposite problem where it sucks itself so high up that I have to search for the nub thing. :dohh: The first time it did it, I panicked because I would really hate to have to make a hospital visit because my vagina ate my diva cup. :rofl::rofl:
:rofl: I wonder how many people lose their Diva cup and have to go to the emergency room! My problem is that as I'm sticking it up there, it opens up too early, like when its still half way out and then goes "sluuuurrrrp" :blush: I try to shove it up while its already open. Right now I'm not wearing it since I'm at work and not too certain how I feel about cleaning it in the sink here, but as soon as I get home I'll try to get it up there better :haha: I haven't had any pain removing it probably because I don't have any vagina muscles left :rofl: Cleck, you are much more of a virgin than me. :flower: Last night I put the whole thing in the sink before emptying it in the toilet (I forgot) and it was quite gross. Good thing DH wasn't around or he would have been scarred for life.

Oh, my mom thought it sounded interesting. She gets really heavy periods (like 2 tampons at a time heavy!) and she liked the idea of the little measurement marks to see how much you collect :haha: She asked me what it looked like, and I said it was sort of the size of a shot glass. Then she said "oh, that would fall right out of me" :blush: :rofl:
OMG LOL @ your mom saying it would fall right out!! :rofl::rofl: I think there is another brand called instead cup that is disposable but it's bigger around the edges. Maybe she could look into that brand. :thumbup: It's a disposable version though so you'd have to buy more whenever you run out but you can wear them for like 12 hours without changing them.
Well I lost 4 lbs this week! :yipee: I'm down to 204.4. Only 4.4 left to meet my top goal before DH is back and still 2 months before he's back! :dance: I feel such a relief to be so close to my first goal. I'm still gonna stick to it hard and maybe I can somehow get down to 190 before DH is back. Than I'd just need to lose 10 more to meet my ultimate goal. But I don't want to get ahead of myself here. :haha: So the main goal is still pre-Emma weight. Anything after that will be a bonus. :thumbup:
Cleckner thats so amazing!! :happydance: :dance:

I can't believe how much you lost over the last 2 weeks! Have you been eating more calories still? What new things are you eating? Soon it will be time for another progress photo!!!

If my mom wants to know more about the Diva cup, I'll tell her about the instead cup too. :thumbup: She has a complex since her last OBGYN called her vagina "floppy". YES- he really did say that she had a floppy vagina :shock: I'm pretty sure the Diva cup would work just fine for her though :haha:
Cleck - that is SO great! I reckon you can easily lose a stone in 2 months to get down to 190lbs. I would also love to know what you are doing differently as you must have really kick started your metabolism to be losing weight so well. And yes i think another photo is needed next week :thumbup:

You two and your vag talk :haha:

Well we are in the place we are movig to this weekend to try and find a house to rent. Today we saw a complete dump and a lovely house that we can't really afford :growlmad: But I did find the area that I would like to live in long term when we buy a house (we could just do with wining £100000 or so to help afford a house!
Woohoo Cleck - that is amazing I agree with Shiv - we definitely need to see another pic sure that is nearly another 10 gone in the last two weeks. dont mind those stupid charts, they dont take in your body shape and I dont believe one chart can fit all because you look amazing so no way you can be obese.

Spidey: Lol at your mom - I can't belive the obgyn was so rude - I would be scarred for life if somebody said that to me.

Girls i have to say though between slurping and pain and shaving bigs off your diva cups you are not good advertisement - I sounds ouchy :rofl:

Shiv: I really hope you can find somewhere nice to rent as I know you are nervous about the move and it would really help if you can feel at home. Yay for finding the place where you would like to be long term though. You will get there honey, everything happens for a reason so FX you will be really happy there.

MJ: Yikes on the being sick again I really hope it is short lived and that the doc can sort you would with something for your skin.

Well I think I'm good again still dont have much appetite so have only had toast and bread and chickin in the last few days - I haven't weighed myself again but I reckon the 3 overnight lbs will be back on and probably more as I lost it with low carbs and all I have been carbed out with all the toast I'm eating - aww well next week is another week.

Some good news here though - we got notification today that DH's company are going into liquidation so that means the liquidator will fill in all the forms and DH will get what he is notice and reduncancy, dont think he boss has a clue what he is doing though as he made all those poor guys sign away their notice when we was going bust and it would have been paid from the social fund anyway. I'm so glad DH waited it out, and at least we dont have to go through a messy tribunal and it will be sorted much quicker :happydance:
Yes I've been trying my best to eat more calories. I've been managing about 1400-1600 a day and when I started I was only eating about 1200 or less a day. And some days probably a lot more bc remember when I said I ate a giant omelette with salmon and eggs? That was probably a lot. :haha: Really the only thing I'm eating differently now is not much processed stuff anymore. Before I would eat mac and cheese from a box and not even think about what's in it. But it turns out it's packed full of sodium so one box would nearly be my max of sodium for an entire day. :wacko: I threw out some of my processed stuff just to get it out of the house so I don't have to look at it anymore. When I got groceries a few days ago I only shopped the outer rim of the store. So fresh veggies and fruit, meat, dairy, and that's it. But I did get a few canned items to make some things in the slow cooker and I got some frozen veggies because when I'm in a rush I like to use those steamer veggies that you just toss the bag in the microwave and it steams them for you. :haha: But those were the worst things I bought. Before I would have a cart full of things like kraft mac n cheese, hamburger helper, these little compleat meal things where you just poke holes in the top and microwave for 90 seconds and it's a meal. :blush: Which all those things were fine with calories but awful with sodium.

I didn't tell DH how much I had lost until yesterday and his response? 'HOLY SHIT!!' :rofl: So I think he's excited to get home. :sex: I'm just thankful my boobs haven't went yet. That was my fear that my boobs would shrivel up but I think they'll stay put until Emma stops feeding. Than I'll have to roll them up to get them in a bra. :haha:

spidey- OMG I can't believe her doctor said that. :shock: I hope they have known eachother for years or something and he said it as a joke. That's insane.

shiv- It's good that you guys are scouting out the area in advance though! DH and I once rented an apartment without even seeing it first. Heck the place I'm in now we didn't even see so we are really lucky that it turned out to be nice. :lol: Hopefully when you get settled in there you end up loving it.

jelr- Yay for your husbands job situation being settled instead of fighting it!! :dance: I hope he can find a new job quickly. :hugs:
:rofl: I just had a mental image of you rolling up your boobs to put them in your bra - and laughed my heart out. Mine are just like used teabags :haha:- although DH still loves them so that is all that counts lol.

It is scary what is in processed food - I was determined to give Natasha real food instead of jars because I don't eat much veg and it stuck in my head when the health nurse told me that they are finding that babies fed on jars are more fussier than if they are fed normal food (that was probably just the health nurse trying to frighten me but it worked) so bought a book I know the author is banned from here so I wont even try and put in the name of it as before when I wrote her name on a post it wouldnt appear and she talks about all the things that are found in food today and in one sense it was the best thing I could have read because it has made me so aware but also the worst because now I'm terrified to give Natasha anything processed and I have become obsessed a bit :doh:

but it really is scary the crap they put in our food and we think we are eating healthy food - msg is one of the worst things that is in food and it is in nearly everything. I wish they would just leave our food alone and we could still have quick handy food. :nope:

Before that I was the queen of processed food (and still am for myself sometimes when we are both working and that is where my stash of frozen meals I have prepared comes in handy for Natasha).

I have a nighmare losing weight with pcos and I think that is partly whey the low carb works for me because there is not a lot of processed food that you can have on it. although I still only ever lose 3lb max so I think you are doing fantastic. :thumbup:

Frozen veggies are good though as they reckon that they are probably fresher than what they call fresh fruit and veg as it can sometimes be weeks in transport and on the shelves and need loads of preservatives to keep them so long where as the freezer actually preserves the frozen ones

Anyway that is my food rant over :ignore: - I bet you can lose that last 10lbs before DH gets back. :dance:

You will definitely need a size 10 diva cup after DH gets home :blush: because between how long you haven't seen each other and how good you are going to feel in yourself and he gets to come home to a totally new body - you two will be :sex: like rabbits for sure or then again maybe hopefully you wont need a diva cup because you will be preggers :happydance: :baby:
Shiv- I hope you found other possibilities on your house hunt that are nice and affordable. Keep us updated and share any pictures!

Cleckner- Thats crazy how you can get all your sodium from boxed mac and cheese! I've been shopping the outer rim of the grocery stores ever since my gluten allergy. It takes more effort to cook meals, but its worth it because it is so much healthier. I always cook more than we need so we have leftovers to freeze and lunches for the next day :thumbup:

Jelr- I'm happy to hear that things are finally working out with your DH's benefits. It's a shame they made him wait so long. How are you feeling?

Today Kira went to a birthday party and she did so well :cloud9: I'm sure you guys remember me saying how she screams around strangers. She did some screaming at first and then hid her face for awhile on me, but after 20 minutes she warmed up and went around playing with toys and having fun. It was so nice seeing her have a good time around so many strangers. She is such a flirt and was flashing smiles and giving everyone the eyes :haha: She also didn't ask for booby the entire time AND didn't want her pacifier!
Okay I just typed a mile long post and Emma hit the delete button on my computer and it backed out. :cry::cry: My day has been horrible and that was just the icing on the cake. :growlmad: Emma hasn't napped at all today. That should be enough explanation right there. :rofl:

She also spilled water on my macbook pro this morning. :cry: Everything works except I can't click on anything. I can scroll around and type but can't click. But luckily my HP wireless mouse works for the apple so now I have to use a freaking mouse with it. Which I hate. I'm gonna wait till DH gets back to take it in to get fixed because 1) apple is hard to find. 2) it's always incredibly crowded in the apple store and 3) the people that work there are usually complete assholes so I don't want to deal with them alone. :haha:

I haven't walked or done any sort of exercise at all today because I thought Emma would nap and than we could go. Well it got later and later and it's now 8:20 pm and no nap. And I'm exhausted so I really doubt I can stay up for an hour bike ride when she's asleep. So this week is already off to a horrible start with weightloss too. :dohh: Does anyone else's LOs skip naps now? I hope this isn't a daily occurrence now because I am wiped and Emma is a complete asshole today. That's right I called my baby an asshole. :rofl:

spidey- That's so great Kira was good today!! She sounds like a sweetie. Emma hides too with strange people. But she does the same and warms up within about 20 minutes.

jelr- I know it's crazy how bad boxed food is. I'm glad I've learned. I grew up eating things like hamburger helper and kraft mac n' cheese. :dohh: No wonder I've always been a little fluffy. :haha: Do they have hamburger helper there? Anyways...:haha: And I really hope my vag gets worn out when DH gets back. :muaha: He owes me for 6.5 months worth of sex. He always does a good job making up for it though. :sex::sex:

Okay. I'm off now. I've had enough of this day. :lol: I just gave Emma a spoonful of peanut butter to keep her quiet so I could type this out. :haha:
Oh yeah. A little off topic here but does anyone else completely HATE dora the explorer? I want to shoot my brains out watching this. Emma loves it. But I go to bed at night with "Backpack, BACKPACK, Backpack, BACKPACK" playing over and over in my head. :roll: Emma grabbed some Dora shoes when we were in the store last week and I quickly put them back. I refuse to buy a single Dora item. It's my own little protest. :rofl::rofl:
I hope Emma takes a nap today. I can't imagine if Kira skipped her nap- it would be a nightmare of a day. She usually takes hers from 1pm- 3pm/4pm. Sometimes if she's at my mom's, my mom can get her to take a morning nap too. When do babies usually stop napping?? At night Kira usually sleeps from 9:20pm-7:20pm. Getting her to sleep is still a 20 minute struggle where DH bounces her on the birthing ball. Recently for the afternoon nap she fights me when I try to bounce her, so we have a deal where she falls asleep on the booby while I sit on the couch. It's funny because she's not a booby sleeper, so this new way of taking a nap is pretty easy for me.

I spilled water all over my macbook once. It was awful. :cry: I turned it off and disconnected the power and then 2 days later turned it back on and it ran just fine (I'm using it right now). Fingers crossed your clicking problem resolves itself on its own. :hugs: In my area we have some small computer repair shops that are mac certified repair shops, so even though they mostly repair pc's, they also do mac's and will get reimbursed by apple if the computer is under warranty. I'm not sure how to search for them- perhaps on the apple website?? I have an apple store 30 minutes from me and I know what you mean. The small independent repair shop near my house was so nice and they were very appreciative of my business :thumbup:

LOL about Dora the Explorer. Kira loves that show too, but I'm not anti-Dora :haha: Kira has a Dora baby doll and a few other Dora things. Kira prefers Team Umizoomi over Dora though (and I do too!)

Da da da da da DORA da da da da da DORA!!! DORA DORA DORA THE EXPLORER.. :twisted:

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