***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

We call knickers panties or underwear. :D

And don't feel sad about your bucket vagina. :muaha:

That sucks that Sophia hates sand. How weird! Our park has sand at it and Emma would rather sit and play in the sand than play on the big toys. :dohh:
Sorry ladies but if there was a competition between us for baggy vags I'm claiming the crown with 3 pregnancies in 3 years :haha: - Random but imagine if there was a competition for that - how would they measure it? Although there probably is a competition in the porn industry somewhere :rolf: Anyway so I'm only here cause I have a baggy vag and saggy boobs :haha:

Cleck: 5lbs in 1 week is amazing - well done you - I think I will have a look at that my fitness pall - as I only lost 1lb so far this week and we ate out today with DH's family so I'd say that lb is out the window too.

Spidey: that is crap about your pay also being affected - I agree with Shiv - the goverment are idiots - all employers are lol - I think we are going to wait until June when I'm back in the hospital and see what they say or if there is anything I can do to prevent another mc - but then I could change my mind again tomorrow lol - although with DH's work being up in the air I would say we will wait until then at least, Definitely not going to not protect until we are trying when I got pregnant so easily this time.

If they have come to an agreement does that mean there will definitely be no pay freeze??

Shiv: Natasha liked the sand last year but she hasn't been near any this year so it will be interesting to see how she gets on as lately when we are playing in the garden she is not liking it when her hands get dirty. Hope your birthday picnic went well. Happy Birthday for Tuesday. xx

Hey pippin - good to see you.

AF is nearly gone for me and surprisingly was really really light - so whether the silly bitch was luring me into a false sense of security and it going to kill me next month I dont know.

As for shopping I hate dressing room rules too and hate trying on clothes in general so now if they shops do refunds I just pick up what want and try them all on at home and bring back what I dont want and DH loves the stripping on and off of clothes lol

Well the bed clothes that I ordered for Natashas new room finally came and I'm so mad -They were quite expensive once the shipping was included as I decided feck it - we had the money saved to pay somebody to make up the wardrobes and it only cost a fraction of the cost when DH did them himself so it was money we weren't going to have if he was working anyway and I feel in love with them when I saw them and we deserved a treat after all the crap and I just want to spoil Natasha. But the colour is totally different than was on the net and the curtains are really flimsy and cheap looking and I got caught for customs tax when they arrived :dohh:

Here is the link to what they are on the net https://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6E.aspx?GrpTyp=ENS&ItemID=171a459&DeptID=70753&CatID=71584&SO=0&Ne=6+4+5+877+1031+1007+18+949&PCatID=70753&NOffset=2&CatTyp=RLE&Dep=KIDS+++TEENS&N=4294953126&Cat=kids+bedding&Nao=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=70750|71584

I ordered the quilt and curtains but the pink that is in them is actually a salmon / peachy coloured pink so the curtains are totally different then the colour of the main wall - the wall is the colour of the dark pink of the flowers on the quilt in the picture on the actual quilt it is red - I think I might get away with the quilt as I wanted loads of different colours so as it wouldn't be too much pink anyway but the curtains are just too way off so may go back if it doesn't cost me a fortune to post them back :nope: - Aww well lesson learned - do not make rash purchases when feeling crap and dont buy bed clothes from the net.

We had a lovely day out today and it was a beautiful sunny day - the sun always really cheers me up and Natasha had so much fun outside with her cousins all day so I got over the bed clothes pretty quick lol
So Jelr gets the award for most used vagina... but only until Corey returns and then Cleckner will have the most used one :tease: :rofl:

Luckily Jelr, everything seems okay with my work now and no threat of a pay freeze on the horizon. But come September I am out of a job unless they somehow come up with the money to keep me. I worked there for 10 years but my boss went a little psycho and quit. For now the big boss is keeping me until September which is when my contract runs out and he's only attempting to keep me longer because he feels sorry for me. :haha: In the official "you will be fired in September" meeting we had a few weeks ago he learned that I'm a first generation college graduate (in a family where most people don't graduate from high school) and I'm just a simple local girl from a poor family, LOL! So now he feels guilty for firing me and is trying to scrape together some money to keep me on.

Shiv- thats funny how Sophia hates sand. Kira loves sand and no matter what the weather, she insists on playing in her sand box. I have sand in every crevice of my house! Cleckner- Kira's the same way. The mulch at the playground is more fun than the playground!

Jelr- that bed set is so pretty! Too bad the colors are off :growlmad: I have a JC Penneys within walking distance of my house :)

Kira is screaming at DH so I better get in there and give a booby!
last night I was meaning to ask a very important question!

How do you refer to your LO's vagina? (or future LO) Growing up we called them "suzy's" but I've never heard that term used anywhere else. I tried calling it a vagina, but that seemed so clinical. DH calls it a front butt :dohh: which I'm not thrilled with. I need a nice word for it when telling Kira to be gentle with hers :haha:
We can't come to an agreement on this either. I called mine my privates when I was little but I'm not a big fan of that. I treid vagina once (that sounds much more lesbian than I intended :haha:) but it doesn't sound right either. So i don't know!

Oh and NO-ONE can compete with me when it comes to saggy boobs!
I just call Emma's a vagina. I see no point in beating around the 'bush' about it. :haha: I just feel more stupid using pet names for it vs. saying the real word.
Yep I reckon with all the built up frustration cleck you will definitely have the most used vagina when Corey gets home - you will need size 10. :rofl: Was your pun on the bush intentional :haha:

Shiv: I reckon I would give you a run for you money on the saggy boobs too - especially once I lose this new weight - they are like used tea bags from putting on weight and then losing it again and putting it back on - my boobs went up a size again this time :holly:

Spidey: I'm so glad your pay is not going to be frozen (Oh and your DH's too Cleck) - Sorry to hear that your job may not be there in September though. Fingers crossed your boss feels really sorry for you and comes up with the money.

We have had load of conversations about what to call it too. When we were young we called it a tail and I hated it as it was like we were animals :blush: - I can't bring myself to call it vagina either as it sounds too grown up for a little girl and the word just sounds foreign to me as i dont use it myself. I tend to just say my bits and DH calls it my box :blush: but they seem to vulger for a little girl too.

We were going with privates and it sounded a bit clinical and then we heard some call it minnie but she loves minnie mouse so I thought it might be a bit confusing. I think we are going with totty as it is what DH's family call it - although I'm not sure either as I have never heard anyone else call it that but we just kind of started it until we decided and now Natasha says it too so I reckon it will stick.

Oh Lord just goes to show you really need to think about what you are saying. I was about to write we played around with privates - how wrong would that sound :dohh:
I decided to not be so lazy and put some smilies in - I'm not doing too bad now eh??
Yes the bush pun was intentional. :haha:

See that's the thing, all the cutesie names for it will only remind her later in life that flower=vagina or minnie=vagina. I know I'm a bit immature but I'd probably laugh every time I heard the word flower if that's what I was grown up calling my lady area. :haha:

And is Emma the only one that is always playing with her daisy? She seriously won't leave it alone sometimes. I just let her get on with it. I figure it's her body so I can't really stop her from exploring it. :haha:
Thats a good point cleck - Vagina still feels foreign to me though lol - ha ha and now I just realised what I said and that pun was not intentional :haha:

Nope Emma is not the only one. the minute Natasha's nappy is off she has her hands down there. I let her at it too and reckon the same thing, she is only exploring and it is her body. I heard a friend of mine telling her daughter to stop one day and that it was dirty and I would be terified that by saying that later in life she would have sexual hang ups (not that I even want to think of my daughter and sex or playing with herself, but the fact is she will one day, so I dont want her thinking it is dirty)

Although I get email updates from babycenter and a few months back one of the links was about babies at their privates and that little girls can even orgasm by playing downstairs Now that freaked me out and I'm hoping that wont happen for years to come and not in front of me anyway :blush:
I admit that I started masturbating at a VERY young age. Like 10 or possibly even younger. :blush: I have no idea why but I learned really early that water running on it feels good. :shy:

That is pretty weird thinking our little girls could potentially orgasm. :wacko: I really hope Emma and I have the kind of relationship that she can come talk to me about sex & all the other female issues that might come along. i could never talk to my mom because she'd get embarrassed which would make me embarrassed.
Kira's hands go down there too as soon as her diaper is off and sometimes I do say "be gentle with your _____". (vagina, lady parts, front butt...) But if she's not tearing and clawing at herself, she's welcome to explore.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with vagina naming issues. I was dead set on calling it a vagina and I still do sometimes, but I get stuck on whether or not I should use the words labia too :dohh: I am making this vagina naming issue much too complicated :haha: To me, private parts makes it seem naughty. I like the sound of "lady parts" and thats been my new favorite :haha:

I have memories of being very young and twiddling with my lady parts because it felt good.. perhaps 9 or 10 like you Cleckner. But I don't think I had real orgasms till later.

It would be great if Kira could talk to me about vagina's and other girl topics. In real life I am very laid back and it's almost impossible to shock me... so maybe Kira will trust that I'll stay cool and calm no matter what she needs to tell me.
That's what I'm afraid of though. I'm wound pretty tight about some things like cleaning and things being done a certain way so I don't want her to think I'm a complete jerk and not want to talk to me. Corey is the laid back one so I'm the one that has to stress about everything IYKWIM.

I didn't even know until recently that the vagina is just part of the entire thing and that vulva is part of it. I just always called it a vagina. I didn't think about the individual parts. :rofl:
Good morning ladies! AF paid me a visit this morning almost an entire week early :wacko:

I don't think my luteal phase is looking so good, and my Diva cup isn't supposed to arrive till this afternoon. Just a big shitty day so far.

Here are the numbers:

AF arrived on cd30
cd20 at 9pm and cd21 at 1pm I had strong positives on my opks
Perhaps I ovulated cd21 or cd22?

I guess my luteal phase could be 8 or 9 days??

The only thing keeping me happy is that DH has taken off work and today is my super shopping Wednesday :happydance:
Aw sorry AF got you and the your luteal phase is shorter than you hoped. Enjoy your shopping spree and make sure you show us what you get!
Oh no hun. :( I'm sorry you are having a shitty day. Hope the shopping helps you perk up a bit. I seriously hate this luteal phase crap. It's SO frustrating. I hope this was just a one time blip for you bc you said the last few months it has seemed longer from nipple pain to period starting.

I'm off to buy a b-complex vitamin today. I guess b-6 wasn't correct. I needed a b-complex with all of the b vitamins in it. Whoops. So I'm a little late starting it this month but hopefully I can find a good one that I can start taking. I hate putting random stuff in my body like this. :nope:

Edit to add: I've already lost 3.2 lbs this week and it's not even friday yet! :dance: Let's hope it stays off for the main weigh in. I haven't been riding my exercise bike much this week either so I'm actually slacking in that regard. But I plan on ramping it up the next few days because I'm really hoping the 3.2 lbs stays off. :haha: THIS is why I weigh myself every day. Because it makes me know when I have to ramp it up a bit. :thumbup: If it stays off that means I only have 5.2 lbs to lose before June to meet my goal! :yipee:
thanks girls. I had a super great shopping trip :happydance::happydance:

I'll take a picture of all my loot later! I was going to cut the tags off but Kira needed a booby, so she's hanging off me right now and letting me type this :)

You're right Cleckner about my luteal phase. This cycle and last cycle had very short luteal phases (last cycle was my record 26 day cycle), but before that I had 14 days from nipple pain to AF's arrival, so I know my luteal phase was okay. So who knows what's going on. It's very aggravating though. Kira was sick with her ear infection and then antibiotic reaction so for an entire week she pretty much ate only breast milk which could have affected my luteal phase.

Obviously my body doesn't think its time for another baby to be made because I have a baby that still needs me and my milk. Lets see what next month brings.

I am in shock right now- Kira fell asleep on the booby!! She NEVER does that :haha:
OMG Cleckner- I just saw the updated part about your weightloss. That is so wonderful :happydance:

Come on UPS man... I need my Diva cup!!!!! :rofl: Cleck- have you slept with your Diva cup in?
Well I have had great weight loss this week - I have lost 3lbs overnight lol - god a stinking bug and was violently ill yesterday evening and still not the best today, but am getting there. It would be nice though if that 3lbs stayed off but I know it will be back once I eat right.

Ah Spidey I'm sorry about your lutual phase - hopefully next month will be better when Kira is not bf as much now that she is feeling better.

Cleck: that is fantastic on the weightloss - well done you - 5lbs left is nothing you will have more than your goal gone by June. I didn't do too bad after last week and did actually lose 3lbs after AF went - dont think this week will be as well though as low carb went out the window today and all I could face was toast.

I really hope Natasha will look on me as her friend too and will be able to talk to me about anything as like you my mam used to get embarressed about stuff - I reckon I will be okay as my younger brothers come to me about their girl friends and sex so I hope it can be the same with Natasha, although I must admit at the moment thinking of my daugher and sex does freak me out because she is my baby and I dont want her to grow up and have sex ifykwim - so I hope I do get over that and that she is comfortable telling me anything.
here are my clothes- DH is getting tired of me talking about them, so I can bother you girls instead :haha:

I only spent $118 so I did really good! Kira has matching plaid shorts, so we can dress the same this summer :rofl:

The halter top is actually a bathing suit top. I bought bottoms too but I need to exchange them for the right size since the hangers had been changed and I bought an xsmall instead of medium. :dohh:

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