***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Congratulations Cleck on being Overweight :haha: But seriously you are an inspiration! When can we have another photo?
:rofl: I never thought I'd actually be excited about being overweight. :lol: I'll take my next picture at 190 lbs so still a few weeks probably. I'm really going to work hard at it though so hopefully not TOO long and I'll be able to take another. I never thought I would even meet my 200 goal before DH came back but now it looks like I'm even gonna meet my 195 goal before he's back. It's a good feeling! Hopefully I can keep losing as much as possible and than get knocked up. :haha:
:happydance: wooohooo!! That is some great weight loss :thumbup: You should be really proud of yourself! I can't wait to see another picture!

DH is a sleepy man. He stays up till midnight or 12:30am most nights and wakes up at 5:45, unless it's Monday or Wednesday and then he "sleeps in" until 6:30! He needs to stop since it's not safe to be so sleepy.
Sleeps in till 6:30. :haha: I am one very pissed off woman if I have to wake up that early. My mom HATED me back when I was in school because I would be a total bitch every morning when she'd try to wake me up. :blush:
I guess to be fair, DH does get to sleep in more on the weekends- till 7:30. But this past weekend Kira woke up at 6am Saturday and 6:30 Sunday. Usually she wakes up at 7:30 exactly. Luckily I'm more of a morning person so waking up super early for high school only made me a little grumpy. HS started at 7:10am here- soooo painfully early!
Yikes!! What time did your school end in the day? Ours started at 8:01 am. And ended at 3:01 pm. I have no idea why they did the :01 part but that's how it seriously was. :rofl:
My school ran from 9 - 4pm I can't imagine having to be in school at 7am :wacko:

I just did my first and only bit of packing. I packed all the foodstuffs that we are taking with us. i chucked lots of stuff but we still had 2 boxes full, one pretty much full of herbs and spices that I ahev built up over time and didn't want to chuck out. Luckily the removal men are packing up everything for us, I just didn't trust them to pack the food and not end up with flour and sugar everywhere!

So tonight is my penultimate night in the house! Still not actuallu thinking about the emotional aspect of it - DENIAL is my friend :haha: We move out of this house on Thursday and then move into the new house on Saturday (the removal firm we're booked on friday so couldn't move us then0 so we are staying with my parents on Thursday and Friday night. I think that is going ot be the worst bit, I know my mum is really upset about us moving, but is putting a brave face on it!

My best friend and I were supposed to meet for farewell lunch tomorrow, but we decided not to, and are just gonna arrange a date when we will see eachother next instead.

We went out for our leaving night on Saturday. it was a great night. We went out for dinner and then to a casino. I ended up stayign out until it got light 9i have never done that sober before). I could seriously become addicted to gambling, I won £110 on blackjack :happydance:. I told everyone before the night not to mention us moving as I would get upset and everyone stuck to that, so much so that it took a few people giving me ridiculously big hugs on saying goodbye to realise why they were being so weird! But I just carried on with my denial, said "see you soon" and left it at that. I was quite proud of myself!

Anyway, that is all from me, rambled on as usual!
ooo.. I was wrong. DH says it started at 7:17, but the 1st bell rang at 7:10. :haha: School was over at 2:05, which was really nice since there was still plenty of afternoon left to have fun. For a long time they were trying to get high school to start later since kids can't think straight that early in the morning, but for whatever reason they haven't changed it yet.

Thats crazy it started at exactly 8:01 :haha: I wonder who made up that start time.
Aww Shiv. :hugs: I'm glad you had a good night out and lucky you winning all that money!!! Send some my way will ya? :winkwink: I truly think in the end, it will take a few days to a week of coming to terms with the move and crying it out and you will feel much better for it. You have the most important things you need close to you and thats your DH and Sophia. :hugs::hugs:

Spidey- Well, 7:17 is a pretty random number too. :rofl: I would've much preferred waking up later in the morning and going to school later in the day. I never ate breakfast as a kid because there was just never time. I lived in the country and had to ride the bus for a few hours in the morning too so we usually woke up around 5:45 to 6. Although that number got later and later once my brother started driving us to school and than even worse once I started driving myself. I drive a really slow four cylinder jeep wrangler but I could seriously get that thing moving on the back roads into school. :rofl::rofl:
haha, we posted at the same time Shiv. Good luck for the next couple of days and I hope your denial can shift right to acceptance and some happiness too :hugs: Congrats on your gambling wins :thumbup: They're building a casino 10 minutes from my house so I'll get to gamble for the 1st time very soon.. but I'll probably lose money :haha:

Cleck- taking a bus for a couple of hours :shock: I'm a suburbs girl so my bus ride was only 10-15 minutes.. or 5 minutes by car. We live right next to the elementary and middle school so Kira won't have to ride a bus until she enters high school.
Just a quick run in but I have been reading.

Cleck: Wooo Hooo on being overweight :haha: - that is fantastic well done to you and also I never thought I would be saying this but congrats on DH losing his job :haha: - I'm so happy for you guys to be together as a family and to get to move home to your family and friends. :dance:

Shiv: :hugs: - I really hope the move goes well and that it is not too emotional in the next few days, so glad your night went well. Fair play to you staying out till morning stone cold sober, I have never managed to stay up that long either apart from being in labour :haha:

Spidey: lol at your DH falling asleep again and standing you, I think I would definitely fall asleep too if I was up at 5.45 :haha: - Getting up at 7.30 is a struggle for me when I'm working. I'm so happy Natasha likes her sleep like her mammy and sleep until 9 or 9.30:sleep:

Things a bit hectic here with DH properly back to work and I'm up to my eyes now for the the month until the holidays to get everything finished off - but I'm still reading and thinking of you girls. Xx
Hi everyone - it's gone quiet in here, I hope it is because you have all been having lots of fun!

jelr - do you get 6 weeks off over summer? If you do then just keep that time in mind as you work your arse off this next month!

Cleck - how was your weigh in yesterday? Photo yet? Are you still looking for houses? Also i have no idea where you are in your cycle, has your luteal phase improved any on the higher dose B-vits?

Spidey - gambling is lots of fun. My only advice is to go there with an amount you are happy to lose and have fun. If you lose it all then it doesn't matter and if you win then it is an added bonus! I have to be careful and only go to teh casino once in a blue moon (I hadn't been for 3 years when I went last week) as I can easily see that I could get addicted :haha:

Well we moved in to the new house today. We were up at 6am to drive here. The removal men got everything in by 1pm and so far we have managed to unpack the whole of the downstairs and make our bed! So I am quite pleased with our progress, although upstairs is still full to the brim with boxes! Sophia is with myparents until Monday (when they will bring her over) so hopefully we can get he upstairs done. Our main problem is that we have moved from a house with built in wardrobes to one without, so we have no hanging space for our clothes, and we have a LOT of clothes between us. SO we need to go and buy some cheap wardrobs tomorrow!

Pretty exhausted now, so an early night and a bit of a lie in tomorrow. I am sleping really badly now, up once in the night to pee, and the heartburn has kicked in big time (so early, I have another 18 weeks of it!), so I want to prop myself up in bed, but then i think i should be lying on my left side, so just end up in some sort of uncomfortable compromise :haha:

I hope you are all having a great weekend. CLeck I just remember I saw a fb update saying you were picking up a friend from the airport, so i hope you having fun. Also it can't be long until Corey is home :happydance:
Shiv- That is impressive that you even made your bed! If you keep at this rate, you'll have the whole house done by the time Sophia sees it. Did you sleep good on your 1st night in the new house? Is the bathroom close to the bedroom for those middle of the night pees? When does DH start at his new job? I can't imagine not having closets! I have soooo much crap stuffed into my closet and would have some serious downsizing to do if I didn't have them.

It's memorial day weekend here so DH has been off work since Friday and he'll be going back Wednesday. We have a BBQ with the MIL on Sunday and Kira has a playdate/BBQ lunch Monday. It's been HOT here this past week so Kira has been playing in her pool and running thru the sprinklers. Besides that, not much else is going on and my nips aren't telling me anything either :haha:

Jelr- :hi:

I hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
Glad you are having a good weekend Spidey, sounds like Kira is having fun, the weather has been rubbish here the last few days, rain, wind and cloud, although I am glad it isn't too hot as we can't open windows or doors because we need to keep our cat in for a few weeks before he can be allowed to roam.

Well today we have pretty much unpacked upstairs, we are going out after lunch to buy some clothes rails and then we should be pretty much sorted (except for all the boxes we shoved straight in the garage and loft, but we won't count them :haha:)

I slept really well last night (for me!), no pee trip needed, and my heartburn didn't bother me too much. I think i was just exhasuted so would've slept wherever I fell!

What does memorial day commemorate Spidey?
Memorial day is for the soldiers who died in war and people usually have a BBQ and spend time outside. It's also the 1st weekend that public pools are open (memorial day to labor day). Since I'm close to the ocean, around here everyone heads to the ocean for the 1st weekend at the beach.

Shiv- I saw on FB that you're done unpacking which is so impressive. How did Sophia like her new house? How are you feeling about the whole thing now?

It's been balls ass hot here so our BBQ's have been bringing me to the brink of heat stroke :haha:
It's good that you get a national holiday for that Spidey. We have remembrance day here, but no day off for it!

Sophia got dropped off with us and she has settled in straight away, made a tip of the place with her toys within 10 mins of being here! She seems a bit unsettled in her new room tonight though, keeps waking up and screaming then (luckily) going back to sleep!. The plan is to get her used to her new room, then introduce a pillow and duvet (instead of sleeping bag), then take the side off of the cot, then eventually move her into the bigger bedroom once we have brought the double bed etc.

As for me, is it posible I am still in denial? No tears, no nothing. I like the new house (shame we don't own it :dohh:) but I don't think it will really hit me until David goes to work on Wednesday, leaving me and Sophia in a town we don't know. I am like, what are we gonna do with ourselves?

Still we shall see, I think I just need to make some plans, like one day go to the park, another day find some ducks to feed, find a softplay area that sort of thing.........need to do some googling!

It has beed raining here all day!
Shiv: if I ever move house again - I am sending over for you and hiring you :haha: - how did you do all that in a week. All packing and unpacking done. Fair play to you. I can remember packing up stuff for weeks when we moved here and we dont have half the stuff we have now.

Remember Natasha did that screaming in her sleep the first night we changed to a duvet so I think they just really feel change, but it only lasted the night and she was completely settled into it as if she had always had it after 2 nights, so I reckon my Wednesday night she will be as iff you were always there. it will actually be like a whole new adventure for her to explore a new house.

I think that is a brilliant idea to keep busy when David goes back to work, spend loads of time exploring and hopefully that will make it easier :hugs:

Spidey: I would love some of that heat, we have had rain and cloud and it has been really really windy - some of the days are sunny but because we live next to the sea, we can't even bring Natasha out in the garden as she would be blown over. We really have had awful weather for May. I'm think positive though and hoping that the good weather is waiting for me to be finished work for the summer :haha:

Cleck: I hope you are having a great time with your friend and her baby. - Hope the weight is going well and you are definitely on the countdown to Corey coming home.

Poor Natasha woke up crying yesterday morning and we could not settle her at all, she wouldn't even have any breakfast and didn't eat much lunch either. She has had a touch of a runny nose this week so I thought maybe she was coming down with something so all three of us spent the morning in our bed watching care bears and she perked up a bit and is right as rain today so I have no idea what it was all about as it is really out of character for her to be off her food.

On the weight loss - I have lost 4lbs this week :dance: so I'm delighted with that. I had a really rough week the week before last and was almost bordering on depression I was so low and I have no idea why, but I think it may have been hormonal because it has passed now and was right around when I should Ov. Only 2 weeks now until my appointment and I think I'm going to ask them is there anything for pmt, because it is worse it is getting. So between the hormones going back to normal and my weightloss and the holidays getting nearer I'm feeling really good this week and although I know work is getting crazier, I can see the finish line for being off :happydance:
jelr - well done on the weight loss, ho wmuch more would you like to lose? Also glad you are feeling less hormonal.

As for us packing and unpacking in a week. We paid someone to pack up for us! It cost us an extra £260 to have the removal men come in on the mornign of the move and pack up for us. We didn't do anything, they took stuff from the cupboards and wardrobes etc. It was amazing and for the money I would definitely recommend it :thumbup:

We did do the unpacking ourselves though!
Shiv, I don't think you're in denial anymore. Perhaps your denial stopped after that night where you cried and DH called you weird :haha: It should be fun exploring the town and finding playgrounds and parks :thumbup:

jelr- I hope Natasha is feeling better today. That's cute that you all stayed in bed and watched care bears.

I would love some rain for my garden- it is sooo hot again and will be this way the rest of the summer so I better stop complaining and get used to it! We bought a gazebo tent with mosquito netting so Kira can play in her sandbox and pool and not be swarmed by mosquitoes or be baked by the sun. I'll take pictures later!

With my impending job loss I'm starting to think about ways to make mom friends. At the park last week there was a mom and dad with twin 2 year olds and we actually chatted for a minute (normally I don't talk to anyone because I'm so shy!). The kids seemed to like each other, but I have no idea if it's okay to say "hey, you guys should come to my house" or something like that. What should I say? Has anyone done this yet, and what did you say? I have a few mom friends at work who I'll keep in contact with as long as they stay in the area, but it might be nice to have more friends for Kira and people I can chat with too! I know Cleckner had that awful playgroup experience, so part of me is afraid of trying to join an already established playgroup.
Hey girls! :wave: I've been around just being quiet. My friend left saturday and since than I think I'm kind of depressed. 1)Because I'm all alone again after having a house full of kids and a friend to chat with. 2)Because everyone in the freaking world keeps announcing they are pregnant. I swear half of my friends list on facebook is hidden because it's all constant pregnancy updates. :( No offense to you pregnant ones bc I love hearing updates on here but on facebook I just don't expect if IYKWIM so when I sign in on mornings and get hit with a million pregnancy related things, it's upsetting. Especially because two of my friends on there are accidentally pregnant and aren't even with the dads. :dohh: 3) My period started and my luteal phase was only 8 days this month. I had increased my B-complex vitamins and it made no difference. So I guess I'll have to deal with the jealousy about pregnant people for a really long time still with DH deploying again in November. Because obviously I won't be getting pregnant yet. 4)I gained 3 lbs while my friend was here. It's my own fault because I have a hard time saying no when it comes to food. She's a candyaholic and is constantly eating sweets. We even made a stop at an ice cream shop and I had a brownie sundae. It was so good but so not worth it. It's amazing how fast I can put the lbs on though. :( .... And that's all. I don't feel like getting out of bed lately, let alone clean my house and actually do anything with Emma. Seriously I don't know what my deal is but I just want Corey home now and I think I need to ban the internet from my life if I don't get pregnant quickly. :lol: Poor Emma keeps saying 'walk' and pointing to the front door. She wants to go out and I just don't feel like it. I don't want to even get dressed to get the mail, and she wants to walk. I've managed to distract her with baths each time. She loves taking baths. :haha:

Okay..Enough about myself and being depressing.

Shiv- It is seriously amazing when people come to pack for you. We had that when we moved here and it was SO much easier and less stressful. They packed and shipped it. Than they even would've unpacked the boxes if I wanted them to but I declined because I LOVE unpacking and decorating and all of that. It's like an organizers dream. :haha: I'm glad sophia is adjusted fairly well in the new place! Kids are amazing when it comes to changes like that. I'm glad you like your new place too. :hugs: Hopefully it'll be an amazing experience and you end up loving the area too.

jelr- Well done on the weight loss!! :dance: Keep it up!! You can't have much more to lose now right? I think you only had a bit to lose in the first place. :dance: Send some of those weightloss vibes to me. I've been kinda stuck all month. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like your bordering on depression. I think I must be too right now. You know it's bad when I don't even feel like signing onto BnB to talk to you guys. :blush:

spidey- I've mentioned to random people that I chat with at parks that I come there the same time every day. In hopes that they will come back and meet me there again. But so far that hasn't worked out too well. :dohh: I used to take emma every day after lunch to the park. But I got out of the habit of going now. It is really tough to make mommy friends. I was lucky enough to meet a girl from BnB but than she moved away on me. :haha: She's the one that visited this weekend. Do you have a local library near you? My mom is a librarian and they always do 'story hour' where they sit and the librarian reads stories to the kids and than they do crafts. Stuff like that is EXCELLENT for meeting new mommy friends. I plan on taking Emma every week once I move back home. Especially since it's my mom that does the reading. :haha:

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