***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Oh yeah I was gonna ask that. So natasha has all of her teeth but the second molars. Emma got her last canine in today too so she has them all but second molars. What about the other lion cubs? Kimberly- I remember you saying that Bry was already getting his second molars right?

It's a relief to get all of her teeth in for the time being. I don't think the second molars typically come in for a while now right?

jelr- have fun with your friends when they come! That's the hardest time when dieting. When a group of people get together and food is around. I know my friends just eat whatever they want so it's VERY hard to keep myself in control in that type of situation. I'm worried bc I go back home in July to visit and everything usually revolves around food when we are home. Giant family breakfasts, going out for dinner, etc. Not good when I've worked so hard to lose it. So I am hoping my DH can help motivate me to be good or slap my hand full of food away from my mouth. :rofl: As for weighing in, I still weigh in every morning. I've been trying my best to not let it get to me when I gain but my logic is that how would I know if I'm gaining that week and need to cut back more? :lol:
ooo crossed posts there.

Spidey- your hair is amazing!! Man, I wouldn't cut it at all if I was you. Let that grow long and crazy. :lol: Just dye it a fun color or something. Red is nice I hear. :winkwink: I don't really know how Emma will respond. I have movies of him saying good morning to her and than one saying goodnight to her. And every time I play it for her, she gets a shy grin and kind of hides against me while watching it. But I think she knows somewhat who he is. I'm hoping that she just warms up quickly and it won't be a hard transition. She won't really have a choice because he'll be sleeping in our bed that night. :lol: As for AF, I am actually cutting it really close to me ovulating when he comes home I think. I should ovulate tomorrow so if my luteal phase is finally longer this month, than he would be coming home in perfect timing for me to ovulate next month. :thumbup: If my luteal phase is shorter, he'll be home like literally the day of ovulation so not much chances there for actually getting pregnant next month. :dohh:
Kira has all of her 1st molars (3 of which have completely grown in) and tiny points from 2 of her canines. So she has 2 more canines to go.

Cleckner- fingers crossed for you that you can get knocked up next month!!!! My life is so boring that I'm really looking forward to you having :sex: and peeing on sticks :haha: I was reading a little bit about luteal phases and it said that progesterone cream can help lengthen it. Is progesterone our problem, or is prolactin our problem, or does prolactin cause progesterone to be low? I need to read more because I'm so confused about the whole thing. If you ovulate the day that Corey arrives, put a video on for Emma and then lock yourselves in the bathroom for a quickie! :haha: Then report back here and tell us :rofl:

That top I like is from fredericks of hollywood and I've been eyeing sexy lingerie on there too. I might have to make a purchase on our next payday. :muaha: I already have a lot of lingerie but it's always good to have more. And I should probably buy new panties that don't look like parachutes. :rofl:

I've read progesterone is the problem too. But I didn't know whether those creams are safe. I thought about buying some. They sell it online. But it just seems sketchy. If you figure out exactly what we'd need, let me know and I'll try it. You have a much more scientific mind than I do and I just don't understand some of the stuff I read about the body chemicals, etc.. :dohh:
I'm pretty darn sure my CBFM missed my ovulation this month. I'm having thick CM and I was getting crampy last night. I also gained a lb. overnight which is another sign of ovulation. But my monitor still only says 'high' not 'peak'. :( I've had 5 days of highs now and no peak. So I think it missed it somehow.

Can we get all the signs and symptoms of ovulation and still not actually ovulate?
I think so, sometimes you have gear up for it but the egg never actually comes around... (sorry for invading you thread , the Lion Cubs where the first and most prominent group of bumop buddies I saw when I first joined up ^^)(and I am gone again ^^)
You can invade all you want. :D

Hmm I wonder if I'm even gonna ovulate this month than. :( Booo! It really sucks because I still gained my usual pound from it. :dohh:
Hi Morri :wave:

My guess is you ovulated but the monitor failed to tell you. Maybe the calibration was a little off this month.

So Cleck, I did some more reading and it does seem that luteal phase defects are from low progesterone. I guess taking vitamin B can help a little since it lowers prolactin levels which in turn could increase progesterone. Even if we did get pregnant with our short luteal phases, it seems like the chance of early miscarriage could be higher since progesterone levels aren't high enough to maintain the pregnancy and the placenta doesn't start making its own progesterone until later. If I went to the doctor, I doubt they would do anything or prescribe progesterone... they would tell me to wean. To me it seems dangerous to self-prescribe progesterone, but I found people on message boards doing it. I guess you would have to keep taking progesterone supplements for the first part of the pregnancy. It seems too risky to me though. Personally, I can't take hormonal birth control since my mom is quick to get blood clots (which have almost killed her a few times) so I was told to avoid them too. My mom actually took clomid to get pregnant with me (at 20 years old after TTC for a year), but she got pregnant with my brother when I was still nursing (no clomid needed). Oh well.. what will be will be. Kira isn't ready to wean so I'm going to keep TTC but I won't be surprised if it doesn't happen anytime soon. I wish I was much younger so time was on my side. I'm only 30, but I do feel limited in the # of babies I can have, especially if they all turn out to be booby monsters. :haha:

I'd love to see some sexy lingerie! If my DH could only be so lucky :rofl:
And I have been trying to slightly wean Emma down but today she has had booby more than ever. :dohh: I don't really understand where my urgency is coming from because I'm only 24. But I think the fact that I'm on a deadline of only 5 months to try, makes me feel like time isn't on my side.

Although I've been thinking a bit about it lately and I think the great thing about a slightly bigger age gap is that the newborn years are spread out more if that makes sense. If I already had another right now, than the baby years would go by faster between the two kids. I don't know if that makes any sense at all. :rofl: I just know people have all of their babies and than they are done. And than they get upset because the 'baby years' are over too quick. So it's one positive point to spreading them out. How many children do you want spidey? I think we will have 3. I used to want 4 but it doesn't seem realistic when you factor in needing a much bigger vehicle, etc. So 3 seems like a nice number. Although if we have a boy next I might just stop at 2. :haha:
I think I know exactly what you're saying Cleckner about the baby years thing. I want 2 kids since I have 2 bedrooms and I like the idea of them having their own rooms. But having 3 might be nice too. I really liked being pregnant (except for 1st trimester) and I loved giving birth. BF has been great, and having time to enjoy Kira at each age has been wonderful. So if I can't get pregnant until Kira is 3 or 4, then I will get to enjoy that all again while Kira will be in preschool and kindergarten. Some days I can see why people say to get the baby years over ASAP, but on average I've really enjoyed these last 2 years.

I can definitely understand your urgency though since Corey won't be home long. But try to make TTC the lowest priority while he is here so you don't end up too disappointed or frustrated if it doesn't happen.
Yeah. That's kind of why I'm glad I'm focused on weight loss right now because if I don't get pregnant I can just keep trying to lose weight instead. I think I also might be moving back home pretty soon. Even if DH makes it and gets to stay in the navy, we've both somewhat agreed that it's pointless for me to be here in california when I could be back home with family and friends. And I could be saving a ton more money if I didn't have this place. Rent here is $1830 a month. :wacko: So I would probably get an apartment back home so I'm not stuck living with other people but we'd still be saving bc rent back home is only $700 at the most. Seems like it'd be a good idea since DH is just leaving for 6.5 months again.
wow, your rent is ridiculous!! Moving back home sounds like a great idea to me too. If Corey isn't laid off (or whatever they're calling it), when will he be done with the Navy? If it's soon, it might be worth buying a place back home since the mortgage shouldn't be much higher than rent. I owe 117k on my house and pay 650/month for the mortgage at 6%. Plus you can get a really low interest rate (around 4%) and claim the interest paid on your taxes and get money back. Being isolated like you are isn't good. Having people nearby who I trust to watch Kira is a VERY important part of my life. When Kira is cranky, seeing one of her Grandmothers is sure to cheer her up, plus I get a much needed break too. Also, when I'm sick it's nice having people willing to entertain Kira as I try to rest.

Now that I'm pretty certain pregnancy isn't in my near future, I'm starting to plan a trip to the ocean this summer! It's a 2 1/2- 3 hour drive from my house but I want to spend the night somewhere and make it a longer vacation rather than a day trip. It's so expensive though, so it might not happen this year. The other option is to drive 2 1/2- 3 hours the other direction to the mountains and do a camping-type trip which would be much cheaper.
Oh yeah. I forgot to update a bit on DH's situation. I'm not sure if I told you guys about this list that has 16,000 sailors on it and they are going to review them all and shove people out as much as they can. Well, DH's name was on that list. And he was chosen. :wacko: So if he doesn't make it on this next exam than he will be out in June 2012. The exam is a test you have to take every six months to advance to the next rank. And you can pass it all you want, but that doesn't mean they'll advance you because they only advance a certain percentage of passers. The last test cycle they advanced 0% of passers in my DH's rate. :dohh: Literally no one made it even though a bunch passed. This time around is a 13% chance. Well, if DH can somehow miraculously make it, than his job is safe for now. But if not, than he's out next June. DH is so happy. :roll: But I'm panicking again. I now have 10k saved up and this'll give me a year to save more and I think I could save another 10k in that time. ESPECIALLY if I move back home. The biggest thing I"m scared about is losing our healthcare. Thats the worst part of it for me. Bc right now we don't pay for healthcare at all and I have no clue how much it would be a month. And I'm thinking it would be a bad idea to buy a house now because we really don't know what town or city DH will find a job in. So I think I'll actually end up living with the inlaws until we figure it all out instead of wasting money on rent. And I'm now trying to think of ways I could make money while back home. The only things I've come up with so far is babysitting and cleaning people's houses for them. I want something that I could still have Emma. I know cleaning houses I could put Emma on my back in the carrier and do it all. But obviously babysitting would be a more ideal job bc people would bring the kids to me and I wouldn't be wasting gas driving all over. I'm not so sure if I could do this while living at the inlaws though, but I am trying to make back up plans. :haha:

So that's my drama of a life. I've been planning a Los Angeles vacation for this year and already saving money for it so I was all upset that we wouldn't be able to go now but DH says there's no way we are giving it up and he even wants to go to hawaii next year in june when he gets out. :rofl: That was our second option for a vacation that we wanted to do while living on this side of the country. So once I save up for this LA trip, I'm gonna start saving for a possible hawaii trip next year. Waste of money? Probably. :rofl: But DH says he wants to go when he's finally 'free' for the first time ever. Because right now he can't do anything without permission. They even have a bedtime on the ship. And they don't let anyone watch TV after 10 pm. :wacko: Did you know he can't even get a tattoo without written permission from the military? :wacko:
Oh yeah. Also, my monitor finally peaked yesterday and today. So I am confused about all of my symptoms showing up early for ovulation. But at least it finally peaked. I have a feeling this will be a SUPER short luteal phase this month. :dohh:
oh wow, so its looking pretty certain your DH will be out of a job soon. Private healthcare is expensive, but you can buy cheaper plans that only cover for emergencies and have a high deductible. I wish I remembered how much my plan cost- it was nearly 10 years ago though. DH use to work at home depot part time and I'm pretty certain they offered health care, so places like that might be something to look into. Right now my DH has the best health coverage and benefits and he works for local government. He doesn't make much money, but the benefits make his job worth it... so if Corey could find a job like that it could be really good. Even something like a school janitor would be nice. Whatever happens, I'm sure everything will work out so you can't spend too much time worrying. As long as you have some back up plans, you'll be good.

As for ways to make money.. I've been thinking of this too since I'll be out of work in September. I've thought of babysitting, cleaning houses, tutoring and after school care for older kids. Sometimes I see adds in the paper for people needed to run errands for an older disabled person, which is doable with a toddler. If I think of anything else I'll let you know :thumbup:

Thats bizarre you ovulated later than you expected based on symptoms. It'll be interesting to see how long your luteal phase is. Are you taking a higher dose of vit. B this month?
hmm so still not certain about Corey's future in the Navy then? Does he really want to stay in? I like the idea that you will get to move nearer home regardless of what happens. The rent where you live is crazy, let me just go convert that to pounds..............about £1150. Similar to ours and completely outrageous! You would be able to save a bomb back home!

I think it's great that you are still going on holidays, you need these things planned to keep your chin up, and I am SOOOOOOoo jealous of you going to Hawaii. I went to LA a couple of years ago but only for a few days passing through on my way to the South pacific.

Ok so if you could go ANYWHERE on holiday for 2 weeks (just one place though - no round the world trips allowed!) no expense spared, no worries about flying with baby etc - where would you go? I am going to go away and think about it and get back to you!
Well the hawaii trip is more of a dream right now. :haha: It depends on our situation at the time I guess. But I am definitely up for saving for it and if it doesn't work out than we'll use the money for something more local next year. I think that is the one thing I refuse to give up. I want to at least have one nice family vacation every year. Even if it's a week of camping or something. Niagara falls is fairly close to back home and I've never been there either so that could be a possibility if Hawaii falls through. I just never got to go anywhere as a kid and I'm making up for it now. :lol:

If I could go one place with no worries about costs. I think it'd be australia. The entire country of australia. Does that count or does it have to be a specific city? :lol: I was originally going to choose italy but I am absolutely scared of countries that I can't speak the language. My SIL and BIL went to paris on their honeymoon and I don't understand how they managed it without being able to speak french. When I think about it, it just makes me nervous. Obviously people there must speak english and people do it all the time taking trips to those places. Some day I might get brave enough to go. I know it's easier for you UK girls to visit mainland europe and I'm WAY jealous of that. It seems like you ladies pop over to paris like it's nothing. But that'd be the biggest vacation we've ever taken if we ever went. :blush:
Australia counts!

Pretty much everywhere you go in Europe, people will speak enough English for you to be understood. i always try and speak a little bitof "guide book" whatever language when I go as I think they appreciate you trying to speak their language even if you sound ridiculous!

I LOVE italy, mainly because of the food and wine :haha: it is also ridiculously pretty in places. You are right I take for granted being able to take a holiday to a different european of choice each year and it only being a 4 hour flight max. Although I haven't been out of England since I fell pregnant with Sophia. I shall start being more appreciative of that :thumbup:

Although i think you are lucky too, America has so many different terrains, you can hit the beach, mountains, lakes, forest etc all in one (albeit massive) country! I have only ever been to LA in North America, but my parents used to visit florida regularly (not the theme parks though) and loved it.

I am still workign on my holiday of choice. I am very lucky in that I am (i think) pretty well travelled, as I did a little bit of travelling when i finished uni and have been on some amazing holidays............still plenty of the world to see though! I think my major travelling days are behind me now until Sophia is older and we can hopefully afford to go somewhere exotic again!
I seriously cannot think of a place that I want to go, but I know what I want so I would have to meet with a travel expert before booking my dream vacation :haha: For 2 weeks I don't want to see anyone else, so it has to be in the middle of nowhere. A nice clear lake for fishing, lots of trees and no mosquitoes. I would love to see birds that I don't see around here, so a place with different kinds of birds and wildlife would be ideal. :thumbup:

I'm not well traveled at all. Once I drove to Florida, but besides that I've only been to the neighboring states (which are all within a 3 hour drive).
spidey I'm not well traveled either. I think that's why vacations are so important to me now. My dad used to always say he'd take us on a vacation and than we never went. We once went down to florida bc my great grandma died and my parents had to clean out her apartment. So we spent almost the entire time at the apartment and one day at disney world. And I dont even remember it because I was 4. :wacko: So I would be the kid in school that during every spring break I didn't get to go anywhere and all of my friends would come back talking about all the cool places they went. :dohh:

But than I married DH and he was in the navy and it was so exciting just moving to Virginia. :haha:

I notice in the UK overall, they take far more vacations than US people. I've seen some take several 'holidays' a year and there is no way we could do that. One is all we could afford.

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