--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

tsia, nice cake! Adam was baptised at our wedding, on March 12th, he was almost 7 months old. It was lovely and made it all extra special. We had a wedding cake and a christening cake, wedding cake was chocolate, christening cake was lemon (I preferred the lemon :lol: ), both were pretty plain and simple, and not exactly as I'd envisaged but they were fine (a friend of OH's auntie did them).

gah, Pips, I hate it when B&B or my laptop do that and a post goes into thin air. though it's usually my own fault for accidentally pressing backspace. another forum I post at the post stays in the box if you do that but not this one. GAH! how are you doing? when are you back from your hols?

shiv, Adam is a monster for wanting the laptop, I am constantly opening and closing it when he's around because even when I think he's busy with something else, and I have a minute, he's suddenly right there again and smacking the keys...

jelr, I am with you on the tantruming! Adam has days like that as well. he's also not much of a snuggly baby so when he is in the mood it's super special. he is very friendly though, very smiley. hope you have a good weekend away!

happy birthday Emma! I love the pics, Cleck, what amazing cakes! :kiss: can't believe one year ago was my due date... I've been reading back some of my posts from our third tri thread and remembering how irritated I was with my dad by that point. it's funny because my parents are down in London right now (came yesterday after 3 weeks in Norway, staying till after AE's birthday) and I am SO GLAD they're here because they've taken Adam out for the day and I am HOME ALONE :happydance: - not that I am going to do anything fun, quite the opposite, much as I'd just love to go to bed and watch stuff on iPlayer all afternoon, I have loads of stuff to do in our bedroom, more babyproofing. he is getting so tall and so much more into everything and it's a mess and I basically want to clear a load of stuff out and we'll take it to my best friend's flat, to go into storage in her basement; and I need to transfer stuff from the chest of drawers that we regularly use (ie his cloth nappies) and put them into storage boxes on higher shelves. We've had to put locks on the drawers because he can reach them and I am scared he'll just start climbing and pull the lot over, or leave the drawers open and bang his head on the sharp corners, and it is super annoying opening this bloody locked drawer several times a day, so I thought I'd stick stuff in there we don't need too often. I figure I have maybe 4-5 hours... hope Adam is good, sure he will be. :D

I wish I could stop him eating his books, they are all chewed round the edges. I know he enjoys it as he is teething, and has some more just through, but he's destroyed so many of his books recently, what with the nibbling and just being really over enthusiastic with them, loads of broken spines - not to mention the ones I had to throw out because he weed on them once too often... :dohh:

OOOH, one good thing - my sister in law in Norway sent over 2 suitcases full of cast-offs from my nephew for Adam :D I've sorted out all the stuff that'll fit now/in the next few months and the rest is going to my mum's for now... but it's so cool and will save us LOADS of money. she had kept everything till she was done having kids, and now they had their last baby and she was a girl, guess she was ready to let go of the boy things. :happydance:
jesse loves his books iv bought him aload more for his birthday, he has lots of those 'thats not my..' touchy feely books which he adores, some of them are abit bitten but he is good with books we sit and 'read' together alot, i read my book and he will 'read' his lol, i want to start doing bedtime story with him, but we dont have enough books to do it properly but hopefully after his birthday we will! he loves me reading each peach pear plum to him though thats the first book he had and we read it all the time (now that one is bitten and battered lol) i got him hungry caterpillar for his birthday too :D
Weeing on his books? Does AE spend a lot of time with his nappy off? I often wonder if Mog should get a bit more 'air-time' but I just can't face the peeing (she peeed on the backseat of the car when I was changing her once, sigh) and she never has nappy rash, so I figure she must be alright.

happy birthday Emma!

We haven't had Mog christened yet, we're just being disorganised though, we know where we're having it done, and we've picked her godparents out, we just haven't sorted it properly with the vicar yet. It's slightly more complicated because we want to have her christened where we got married, and we don't live there. I'd rather have her done before the new baby arrives though, having them done at the same time will just make it very clear to everyone that I wasn't organised enough! We might sneak it in at christmas if we can't manage before. I have a gorgeous christening cake recipe somewhere, with the cutest sugar paste baby in a bassinet and frills. Must get practising on the piping ;)
jesse i would say has an hour each day nappy free, about 30minutes in the morning before he gets dressed and about 30mins each night before his bath time, he doesnt often wee, and hes only pood once which was horrific lmao, he weed on the sofa this morning during nappy free time this morning, hes never once had nappy rash either!
Boothh, I got it on ebay.
Ideally I wanted white hardback A4, horizontal binded, plain pages etc.. looked at sketching books in my town nothing was suitable.. found this guy online.. it was black but after covering it in padding and old white shirt cut up of OH's you cant see the black now! :thumbup:

tut i wish id have known earlier i dont think it would arrive in time if i ordered now, think im gunna have to go down the sketch book route! xx
Argh, hiding from the March Mummies thread as I think it's about to go ballistic :( Why don't people think before they type?
oo just read it and cringed slightly, tbh i think too many people are too quick to jump on to off the cuff comments and label them 'racist' 'homophobic' etc, i say loads of things that probably offend people, but its just the way i speak not that i have a problem with any particular group :/ i wish people in this forum would stop whinging about every little thing that 'offends' them!
That is a beautiful cake Tsia! :D

I hear you on the tantrums Jelr, Caylee is getting so bad, it's like everything I do she screams at me haha. I can't win with her. At least you got some good cuddles in.

Jesse is a super lucky boy, he is going to have an amazing birthday :D Can't wait to see pictures from his party when it happens.

Abbi sounds a lot like Caylee haha, so cute. :D

So funny about Adam weein on his books :p Caylee is IN LOVE with books, I like that she sits and tries to read them on her own, its so adorable. Adam will stop chewing on them soon I'm sure, but Caylee still puts EVERYTHING in her mouth..drives me bonkers haha.

Thanks for all the well wishes. Baby has FLIPPED. We had a scan yesterday and she is head down and ready to go haha :D Still at a 3 so we have another scan on the 17th to see how she is doing, they all think she is going to be an august baby, so we will see :)
Bed rest is hard with Caylee...but we manage, lots and lots of rest during the day and sleep during nap times, she is just EVERYWHERE so it is almost impossible. Hoping Lily comes when she good and ready, because wooofta, I want my baby here. Here is a scan picture of her sucking on her fingers :D

Thing is, Adam hasn't really had proper planned nappy-free time in ages, it's always just in between nappies/right before bathtime. He started being difficult about lying down for nappy time when he was about 6-7 months old, I am sure I mentioned it, well it was horrendous for a while but since the HV labelled him "non-compliant" he's improved beyond belief. However I am still in the habit of taking his nappy off where he is standing/sitting/kneeling and going in with a quick wipe and not even attempting to lie him down until it's time to put the new nappy on. I change him in the bedroom, on the floor, and it's by the bookshelves, we have some of those coloured foam floor tiles down for him, and he has some toys and books there (distraction devices). So the books are usually pulled out on the floor and that's how they've got weed on when he's done a stealth wee in the 5 seconds between the nappy coming off and the new one going on. Okaaaaay, sometimes it's longer than 5 seconds, but often it's happened when I am RIGHT there and about to pick him up. When I have noticed straight away and he's weed on something other than the floor I rescue it as best I can, but it's happened and I've not realised for 5 minutes (usually when I've stood in a bloody puddle) and - things have had to be destroyed. :cry: It was his That's Not My Penguin book last week, and his Wheels on the Bus musical book has been put away for a while to recover (it also has a broken spine from being stood on). He's never done a poo on me (unless you count on my birthday morning, his special present was a few days of diarrhoea) and he's never pooed when he's got his nappy off. I think I'd know if he was about to as it's fairly obvious!

Speaking of the bedroom floor, I really need to clean it properly.

What's going on in the March Mummies thread? is it as bad as the falling out we had in 2nd tri with the Septic-embryos? :lol:
jesses favourite is his thats not my penguin book its the one he plays with the most infact he was looking at it like30seconds ago haha,

the time jesse poo'd we thought he had finished asnd changed him but i guess not then my rug got destroyed!

that pic is super cute heidi! xx
Jelr- how did Natasha's appointment go? Were they happy with her crawling skills?

Boothh- In one of your pics on FB I saw the each peach pear plum book- Kira has the same one and loves it! How does Jesse like the hungry catepillar book? I was thinking about buying that one too. Kira's other favorite is one with pictures of animals and I say the name of the animal and try to make the animal noise too. :haha:

MJ- Kira eats her books too :dohh: She also eats her wooden puzzle pieces and anything else she can get into her mouth!

Tsia- awesome cake!!

Heidi- woohoo for head down! I hope you can avoid a c-section!

Happy Birthday Emma!!!

Only 3 more days till Kira's b-day! I am starting to make lists of everything I need to do and since I have to work Thursday and Friday I have only a little bit of time to get everything organized for Friday at 11am for her party!
I know Nutty- not much time!! I'm so frazzled that I said her party is on Friday, but its actually Saturday :haha:

Kira is the same way with strangers and it is embarrassing. I always feel like a bad parent when Kira acts like that, and feel the need to apologize to everyone! Thats why her party will have just the people she's least likely to scream at :haha:
hi guys!!

yay great news heidi!! so glad shes being a good girl and spun round for you!! not long now! :)

LOL its so weird to hear u say 'march mummies thread' i only come on here now to reply to subscribed threads and hardly ever look around the site anymore...so its weird coz its like the only mummies group that exists to me is the august one LOL

spidey....youve totally made me freak out about how little time left till Abbi's birthday!! she is ONE on FRIDAY! i think its only just starting to sink in! LOL
ive got the top tier of her cake in the oven right now....her stroll along walker thing is built up in the bedroom and her toys have been de-boxed and loosely wrapped so they are easier to open. ive bought some pink balloons....but the invites are only just going out tonight :rofl: not that organised!!

abbi had each peach pear plum too, and hungry caterpillar (which i originally bought for kai) and ;thats not my snowman' LOL we have TONS and TONS of books coz kai loves reading, but Abbi seems to be totally opposite to kai in every way possible!

she HATES strangers....she even screams at my brothers and shes seen them loads of times! someone will just walk into the room n she will scream her head off!! its well embarrassing LOL
o yes....that will be a warning for you booth :rofl: dont be offended if she cries at you...its nothing personal LOL she does it with everyone!! ha ha

Abbi doesnt really have nappy-free time...i dont think i could cope with the mess!! kai makes enough mess as it is spilling his breakfast on the couch CONSTANTLY! LOL

jelr...i agree youll have a fantastic time once your there....just go, it will be a nice break and will be good for you!! xx

aw i hope im an exception haha, how do you think she would react to jesse? we will have to get some quick pics of them together :p aww haah xx
Oh it's ok, they're slightly less angry people than the septic-embryos or that crazy gal from our thread. Someone made a comment that sounded kind of racist and someone else said they were a bit offended and then a third person jumped in to defend the first person, and I thought it would all go BAD. But it was ok, the first person apologised and explained what she meant and it all went quiet. Phew :)

Mog not a fan of changing time either, I have to blow bubbles on her tummy to get her to lie still, and we have a mobile above her changing mat. She's generally ok on the changing table, it's when I try and change her out and about that she goes ballistic and occasionally needs a knee on her chest to keep her still!
Just read through real fast. I'm wiped after today. Walked the zoo literally all day. My parents saw part of it on Saturday for Emma's party but we went again today to see what we missed. This zoo is so awesome because every time we go, we see something new. It's just full of winding paths and random animals. Anyways..:blush: You all know I love the zoo. :rofl: I will be sorting and posting the last of her first year pictures to my facebook once I get a chance to sort and digital scrapbook. :( I'm so sad that I'll be starting a '2nd year' scrapbook now!! We got one of those caricatures again drawn of just Emma today at the zoo. It's so cute. She is riding an elephant on it. I'll try to attach it on here in a second. She laughed the entire time the guy was drawing her. I have no clue why but she LOVED the attention. She's such a ham.

So we let Emma play at the little playground thing at the zoo and a little girl walked up to her and the mom came over and asked how old and all that. When I said Emma was a year the woman was like 'oh my baby started walking at 10 months'. Cause Emma is still wobbly and you can clearly tell she's new to walking and she still falls alot. :roll: Why did this complete stranger feel the need to brag to me? I don't get it. Her kid looked like a 3 year old. But was really only a few weeks older than Emma. She kept saying 'be nice, it's a BABY'. In this voice towards her daughter. I was irritated to say the least.

And that's funny that there is drama in the march mummies club. Well at least they settled it nicely. We've all been guilty of our own fair share of drama when we were all pregnant. :D It was fun! :haha:

Thanks for all the birthday wishes girls!! I'm excited to see everyone else's birthday piccies!!! Don't forget about our thread in the photo section ladies! We gotta keep it going with these special parties!! :thumbup:

Here's Emma on her birthday. :rofl::rofl: I love it!
That picture is SOOOOO cute haha.
And who cares when her kid started to walk, did you ask her....no, so she should not have sat there and added her two cents, stupid idiot haha. I would have looked at her and said "Aw...well arent you just the picture of perfection!!!!" with a big cheesy grin. LOL.

Glad she had fun at the zoo!! :D

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