--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thank you, hasn't really sunk in yet and work will kill me but sod them, can never be cross at a bfp can you :haha: just coming back on here to try and make it all seem a bit real. Getting nausea already when with Sam I didn't till 6 or7 weeks so fingers crossed it's a good sign, only 10 or 11 dpo I think today so still early days. Will be happier once I've got my digi's through the post and it say pregnant in clear black and white. Due date 18th April :happydance:
spidey: yeah Id say she is not far off crawling as she goes onto her hands and knees to get from sitting to her belly before she army crawls, but she just hasn't figures out that she can move that way yet lol - Glad Kira is not so cranky now and hopefully her teeth botherine her have passed.

Cleckner: Yeah it definitely melts your heart when they lean in for cuddles, so I will take every minute of it - Hope your having a great time with your parents and at Emma's party today.

Heidi: I'm glad your sticking with Lily too, I thinks its adorable.

Tsia: Yay for steps and teeth - Hope he is getting a hard time with them and hope he has a great birthday and you all enjoy the day.

Booth: Yeah we started putting on cupboard locks and things this week - I keep forgetting they are there and yanking the kitchen presses. Natasha is getting so annoyed with them too as she can't get into the presses lol

MJ: I think its a man thing not reading the instructions - my dh never does and it always ends up taking longer lol - Adam looks adorable in his new seat.

Jai Jai: Good to see you, I'm so delighted Adriana is doing so well, she sounds like a happy little thing. How come your feeling lonely?? I'm so glad you are enjoying midwifery.

Angelstardust: Happy 1st birthday to Amber - Hope ye had a great day. lol at the bad

Pipping: Ah that is fantastic news - I'm so happy for you - Huge Congrats.

Well we have a speedy army crawler now and she is into everything already ha ha - so the cupboard locks went on pronto. we have had 3 sleepless nights so I dont know what is going on - I had changed her out of babygrows at night and into pjs and it seems to have started since then, so I'm going to try and babygrow again tonight and see how that goes, but other than that she is in good form. I have a rotten cold so I'm hoping that she isn't coming down with it and that is what the problem is.

Now that she is flying along the floor she is eating every scrap of dirt and fluff that she can find - definitely nothing wrong with her eye sight as even though I sweep the floor before I put her down on it, she will manage to find the one scrap that I have missed lol.

Her Swings and playhouse for her birthday present arrived today and my brothers also got her smart trike yesterday. I wanted DH to put them all together today as I'm so excited but he wont until nearer her birthday as he says there are two weeks to go so its too early lol
jesse has been standing up lots today like hes suddenly got the hang of it properly just today he was stood up on the sofa holding a cup for like 5 minutes!

then stood on the floor for a few minutes too then in his room he stood up next to his cot and did a side step like he would cruising but he wasnt holding anything and he did it later on next to the fridge!

we first noticed him doing it for like 20seconds this morning and he was very wobbly but throughout the day hes figured it out and he seemed really good and steady this evening!! im soo excited!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Can't do a long post cause I'm on the phone but wanted to say congrats pip!! And boothh that's so awesome he's standing longer! Sorry I'm not ignoring everyone else but I just skimmed through real fast to see what everyones up to.

Emma is so cute today with her presents. It's going so well and she loves everything so far. We still have the rocking horse and kitchen to give her but she got so worn out so she's napping now. :haha: I made a video of all the clips I took the first few months after she was born. So we sat and watched it. It had us in the hospital with her when she was a day old up until she was four months. Dh teared up and I tried to hold back the tears.mom and dad loved it too. So although the video isn't completed I'm still glad I showed it today. I can't believe she is almost a year old. Makes me sad but a happy sad I guess. We are going to the zoo after she wakes up and than will finish up her gifts and have cake tonight. Tons of pictures to come!!! :d
Also wanted to say emma is pretty much full blown walking now. She has been walking everywhere the past few days. The only thing she cant do yet is stand without grabbing something. So she has to crawl to something if she falls to stand back up. I keep laughing cause shes so cute and funny when she falls. Bad mommy. Lol
Yay for Jesse, what a little champ :-) I just can not get over how cute he is. I want a Jesse of my very own haha. <3 :)

And oh my goodness, I can not believe Emma is walking now, doesnt even seem like that long ago when she was scooting on the ground trying to get your phone haha.<3 Shes amazing, so glad she is enjoying her presents and you are making the best day for her, I'm sure.

Well went into the ER last night due to cramps, we have a 5 pound, 9oz little girl inside me who is breech. They said they doubt she will turn on her own, so unless they can turn her which they will not even try to do until 37 weeks, she will be a c-section.
I am 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced and -1 station. They said there is no way we will make it to 39 weeks to get induced, and so they put me on bed rest..I just went to take a bath and I am 99% sure I just lost my mucus plug in the tub, gross I know....but it's freaking me out, I am going to keep my feet up tonight and relax and hope nothing starts, because I really wanted to have a natural vaginal birth again, so I wanted to give her time to flip :(
aww glad you had a good time i was worried for a second i thought id forgot to mention her on the thread title but i forgot your having her birthday early!

and yaay for walking, i dont think jesse will be long now hes figured out standing, its so fun to see them growing up! glad she enjoyed her presents, just a week til jesses now and im so excited! i keep buying more stuff though so i need to stop cus he has too much already! x
heidi how many weeks are you now? please try and rest hun! i know it must be hard with caylee but sit tight and we are all thinking of you and lily :hugs: xxxxxx
I am 34 weeks. I am resting as much as I can, sooo bored. Ross goes back to work tomorrow night so it will get tough on me again, but I am going to make a baby play ring in the living room so I can rest and watch her at the same time :) :hugs: thanks for the thoughts!
try not to worry too much hun my mum had my sister at 34weeks and she was 5lbs and she didnt need any help she was just a teeny bit jaundiced! is there nobody else to come help you? try rest as much as you can everyday is a bonus! :hugs: xxx
pip congrats on the BFP i want 1 but there is no way yet as got my wedding next yr and 2 is hard work lol

heidi my mate had hertwins at 32weeks and they was very small with there being 2 but only stayed in hospital for 2 weeks
Booth: That is brilliant Jessie is standing for longer - he will be flying around before you know it.

Cleck: Ah I'm so glad the party went so well and you had fun - hope the rest of the day went as well and yay for Emma walking.

Heidi: I hope LO stays put for another while and that you get plenty of rest - over 5lbs is still a good weight - one of friends babies was only that at full term so dont please dont worry too much and fingers crossed she will flip for you - Another one of my friends babies was transverse for weeks beccause she had her babies a year apart like you and the docs said that the baby had more room to move around as her womb was still loose from the first baby, but she did turn into the correct position and she had her naturally so fingers crossed that will happen for you too.

TMR: God your wedding is getting so close now, it will be around in no time.

Well AFU: I tried putting Natasha back in her babygrow last night and it didn't work and I even gave her some cereal going to bed as she wouldn't take a bottle to make sure it wasn't hunger that woke her - but she still woke at 9 and cried until I picked her up and then she was full of smiles - so I think it is just a habit she has gotten into as we have tried everything like giving her nurofen as we thought it was teeth - give her the extra food and so on - so I really think she just wants to get up and play. I know some of you dont agree but we decided to let her cry for a while - it would be fine if she was just waking at 9 and staying up for a few hours but the night before it was 3.30 and 4.30 and she just wanted to play and she was so tired and cranky yesterday and her little eyes were just black from lack of sleep so we thought we have to get her back to her routine for her own good. So we let her cry and kept going in every 5 minutes to settle her and she did cry for about 20 mins and then went off to sleep and slept through. I think it was the hardest thing I have had to do as she has never cried before without one of us holding her, but thankfully it did work and she wasn't crying for too long as I dont think I would have lasted much longer and DH was as bad and she is definitely in much better form this morning and her eyes are not black like yesterday so fingers crossed tonight will go better.

Well I best run as we are off to DH's nieces 10th birthday party today - I have to work 2 days this week to do internal assessment for the august assessment and then i'm off for a week and back then the following week, so this week is kind of easing me back in. I so wish I didn't have to go back as I have really enjoyed having more time with Natasha but unfortunately I dont have much choice as nobodys job is safe here at the moment especially in construction where DH works, so we have to have a back up in case anything happens as our mortgate is quite high as we bought right in the middle of the boom, but I shouldn't complain really as it is only for 3 days and there are so many out there that are doing 5 days and have more than one child so I guess its not too bad.
Heidi, have they scanned to confirm the breech? They said DS2 was breech from 30 weeks, but we had a growth scan at 33 weeks and he was head down with a bony bum.

Even if she is breech, and you do go early you may still manage a vaginal birth if its what you want.

Try not to worry, DS1 was 35 weeks and weight 5lb5oz, 2 weeks with jaundice and some other minor problems but I had pre eclampsia. DS2 was 33 weeks and 5lb12oz more problems due to his birth. But it does amaze you just how quickly they catch up once in the big world.

Rest, send someone to buy some tiny baby sleepsuits and vests, make sure your bag is packed and have child care on stand by. Oh and fill an envelope with cash for if you have to send someone else out to buy things.
Congratulations PIP! Hope it's a pink bump for you :) We're not really fussed, I change my mind every five seconds about whether I would prefer another girl or a boy. Obviously I adore Imogen and she's been such an easy baby I can't help but think that another girl might be just as easy, and we do only have girls' names picked out...oh well, six weeks more and we'll know.

So glad you all agree on the MiL front, I was beginning to wonder if I was just a horrid person, pregnancy does make me intolerant and grumpy. Back from my hols now, mucked up flat booking so had to drive home overnight from the last show, what an IDIOT!

No walking here, but crazy fast crawling. Mog is with her dad in Edinburgh at the festival for two weeks and I go pick her up (on the train, ulp!) in two weeks. Hope she hasn't forgotten who I am by then.

MS settling down, so long as I eat small regular meals. Never been sick, but I didn't enjoy the nausea at all! Much respect to those of you who put up with proper morning sickness.

Found baby's heartbeat just now (didn't take doppler away with me), nice and easy to find, 176BPM. :) I have an appointment next week with the midwife and then my 12 week scan the day before Mog's birthday. Glad I can check bub's heartbeat before then, I remember being terrified that I would have had a MMC at my first 12 week scan (even though I'd had a private scan the week before). This is of course a much cheaper way of not going INSANE with worry ;)

Happy birthday to all the darling lion cubs - I can't believe this time last year I was incredibly jealous of all of you who had had your little ones and hoping I wouldn't be the last!
congratulations Pips! so pleased for you :hug:

Heidi, fx Lily stays put a little longer for Mommy and that she does a little somersault. just wondering, how do you manage bedrest with Caylee around?

jelr, sorry to hear about your difficult night with Natasha, glad she dropped off before your nerves weren't totally frayed. we have broken nights, to some degree, pretty much every night, and I blame our one-bed flat. it's getting unbearable, actually, I cannot wait to move, it's increasingly stressful. Adam needs his own room now because we all need an unbroken night. I couldn't tell you the last time he slept all night in his cot, so long ago. he goes to bed alone no bother (at night and for naps in the day), he sleeps anything from 2-4 hours, and if he wakes before we've gone up to bed, he'll be resettled ok. problem is if he sees us in bed he will NOT settle back down in his cot. it's right next to the bed, he is inches from us but that's not good enough. so because we need to sleep we do the easiest thing in the moment and bring him in with us. I am ok with co-sleeping now because he's big enough that I don't worry about smothering him, but it's just the whole palaver every single night... I've amost wondered about just having him in with us the whole night and not bothering with the cot, but that's not the way I wanted to go with it, but while we are in the same living situation I don't see that it's going to improve. :( if I really thought some degree of controlled crying would help I might consider it for in a few months time, but I don't know if we could do it, simply because WE need sleep; even though the long-term result would hopefully be more and better sleep for all, the short-term stress would be - stressful and yuck, and I know me and C would need to be on exactly the same page to commit to doing it, and we aren't. He doesn't like always sleeping shoved into the wall, but he isn't prepared to deal with Adam screaming all night either. :cry:

He sleeps grand as soon as he is in bed with us. I don't blame him, so nice and cosy and comfy with mummy and daddy, and I do love waking up with him there... just would love some more sleep myself.

Boothh, yay for Jesse standing! Adam has been doing the same for the last 10 days or so, and is now taking steps a lot more often. it's so cute!

Cleck, so pleased Emma had a great party! where are the pics? :D

afu - we went to Bluewater today and finally I bought Adam a birthday present - a V-Tech camera. he is obsessed with my camera (well, he is obsessed with all my gadgets but he already has a little plastic phone and I am not getting him a toy laptop because I do my best to discourage him from touching mine and I don't know if it'd send a mixed message and confuse him!) and C is a photographer, and I saw it in Boots and thought, ah, baby has to have a present to open on his birthday morning. he can play with it on the way over to C's sister for the party. :D he will have lots of presents, I am sure, but we aren't getting him a lot of stuff till we know what he already has, because we really don't have room for too many big items - I want him to have a ride-on toy but he might get one from someone else, so I have to wait. it's hard because I've chosen things I like and would like him to have and I'm sure he won't get them. oh well. am sure he'll love his presents! we had to buy him a little Leapfrog singing aeroplane today as well, he grabbed hold of something else (a Leapfrog night time teddy thing) and took a huge fancy to it (but we weren't sure if it was the box he really loved) but didn't want to buy it as we thought it was a bit young for him now, and it was £15, so we took it from him and to stop the screaming gave him the aeroplane, which was only £5, and he was pacified, but then screamed the place down when we tried to take THAT... so gave in and bought it. fair play to him, he's been enjoying it all the rest of today. only thing is it sings the alphabet song and it's ANNOYING. it's recorded with an English accent, which is understandable, but it means when they get to the end it says "double you, ex, y and ZED" rather than "ZEE", which I know is them doing it the British way rather than American but now it doesn't rhyme and it really really REALLY jars.

MJ- Well, I'm working on the piccies! :D I had my camera, my mom's camera, and my other camera that needed uploaded onto the computer. I've been trying to work on it as much as possible today but there was 755 pictures just from yesterday. :shock::shock: I am down to 398 and am still sorting. :haha: But with my parents here, it's harder to get stuff done. I'm so glad you finally started with the birthday gift buying!! And I had no idea the british alphabet song sounded different. :haha: I kinda want to hear it now. :thumbup: That camera you bought him is cute!
Hey ladies thanks for all you well wishes, it was confirmed with a digi today so I feel happier it's progressing. One more left for next week to see the numbers go up.

Heidi how are you today?

Cleckner wow on so many pictures!!! I thought I was bad but it's worth it for the memories.

MJ yay for buying presents, I haven't started on Sam's birthday yet as we are still on holiday. When I get back I need to get started asap.

TMR :yipee: for wedding getting so close. Exciting.

Aunty E how are your symptoms any ms or anything, mines started already and with Sam it didn't start till 7 weeks so different already.

Everyone else :hi: good to be back in here.
Some MS with this one as compared to none with Mog, it's just a bit of nausea though, and the same loss of appetite I had with Imogen. Not much fun, but nothing to complain about compared to real morning sickness. No IBS attack of death though, so that was nice :) The black mood is just the same as last time, I can't remember when it lifted unfortunately, wish I'd made a note. I think it was after my twelve week scan, so not long now with a bit of luck. At least none of my relatives committed suicide or died so far this time (touch wood).

I've found that the bloat was a bit worse with this one, but it's eased off this last week or so, and the tiredness is just as bad, but more difficult to deal with as I have Imogen around. I feel a bit like this one is getting short changed, as it's obviously not a great voyage of discovery like last time, but I'm not as hysterically anxious as I was first time round, so bubs is probably having a slightly easier ride of it.

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