--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Tsia- Happy birthday to Mylo!! Congrats on the teeth and walking too :-)

MJ- I hope you can get a bigger place soon so Adam (and you!) will get a better sleep! I can relate on the annoying toy! MIL bought Kira a toy that has a very loud volume and the toy says things and makes animal noises. The guy's voice is sooo annoying, but Kira really likes the toy so I feel bad when I hide it to get some peace! LOL

Pippin- congrats on the pregnancy!

Jelr- How did Natasha sleep last night? I hope she's back to normal now!

Cleck- I can't wait to see your pictures!!! Thats a really cute idea to make a video of Emma's first few months. You inspired me to watch some of Kira's early videos and I had forgotten how helpless they were that young. Using iphoto I made a photo book of Kira over her 1st year to give to her grandparents and 2 other family friends who have really helped out this past year. I'm going to surprise them with it on her birthday this Saturday. It looks really professionally done!

Heidi- I hope you're doing okay. I have a friend who was 4cm dilated from 24 weeks and she was put on bedrest and she managed to make it to her due date. I can't imagine being on bedrest with a 1 year old though! I hope you have family and friends nearby who can help.

AE- woo hoo for finding the HB on doppler! Such a relief I bet!

Kira said her 1st word! She can say "ball"... so much for saying mama or dada first, LOL. Still no signs of walking here- it seems like lots of the Lion cubs are walking now! I'm really looking forward to her birthday this Saturday! I'll try to write more updates later when Kira gives me some time
Thanks for wishing Mylo a happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Harvey too!

its a year gone wayyyyy to fast for me! lol
spidey- I'm glad I could help inspire you!! :D:D I originally hoped to do a DVD of the entire year but there are SO many video clips of her because I was constantly taking them for DH since he missed so much of her growing up, so I didn't have the time to do the entire year. So I just used the first 4 months instead. :haha: I didn't realize you could make something with iphoto! I'm gonna see what I can do now. :D
your welcome tsia,

im so excited for jesses party now its getting close oo! cant wait! i need to stop buying him presents though LOL
Hi Ladies.

I'm back after a brief hiatus following my mmc a month and a half ago.
I'm getting back to normal now but still have my moments. Which I guess is to be expected.


Cleckner: Thanks for the comment on my thread in WTT hun. I didn't realize I was missed. :blush: It made me feel good. Thanks. :hugs:

Everyone whose cub is/has turned/turning 1...WOW! Can you believe a whole year ago we were all eager anticipating labor and childbirth? Can you believe it was that long ago? I know, I cant! Bryson will be 1 in just 2 weeks! :shock: I cant believe how fast it went by! They grow far too quickly I think. He's already on the verge of walking and just getting so big and while it's exciting to watch him grow it's heartbreaking at the same time because I just wanna be able to cuddle him for as long as possible before he's telling me "maahhhhhmmmm... let me go! I wanna go plaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!" Hehe! :haha:

Hubby and I are about to TTC again in Oct/Nov. I am waiting until then to let my body get back to normal following my mmc and to let myself time to emotionally recover as well. Hoping to have our little girl. More about that later though.

I better get going though for now. It's dinner time here and I better get to it. Talk to you all soon. Many big :hugs: for you all! :flower:
:wave: I'm glad you stopped by! Of course your missed hun! We often talk about the women that seem to have disappeared from our BnB group! Although we can still keep in touch through FB, it's just not quite the same. :haha: :hugs::hugs:
Awwww!! :D Well I'm here to stay! I haven't left our group, I promise. Life just seems to keep getting in the way. But since I'm about to be TTC anyways, I think I'm about to spend a lot more time on BNB again hehe. :haha:

So what all have I missed? :hugs:
Angelstardust: Nice to see you – Hope the children are all well.

AuntyE: Glad MS is not too bad – Ah Imogen will know her mummy no problem

MJ: Sorry to hear you are still having broken sleep also – it is not easy – I always thought it was something I would get used to, but unfortunately its not lol – I hope you get a new place sorted soon as you seem to be really sick of it now. On the bright side though, at least you are getting loads of cuddles from Adam when he is next to you. I have taken Natasha into bed with us, but she never wants to just sleep in with us or cuddle, she just wants to play ha ha. That camera looks cool.

Cleckner: 755 pictures wow – I thought nobody could beat us with the amount of pictures we take as we take them of everything and have so many now that Natasha is here and the joke with our family and friends is that the camera is attached to DH – but I don’t think we could beat that – I just saw some of them on facebook and it look like you had a fantastic day and Emma is as happy as ever. I love your multicoloured cupcakes.

Pippin: Yay on the digi results – I’m so happy for you. Hope you had a great holiday.

Spidey: Yeah she has slept through since thank god and is in much better form now during the day. Yay for ball – I saw your video on FB, she is just adorable and so cute saying it. Natasha loves the remote too.

Tsia: Happy belated birthday to Mylo – Hope ye had a great day.

Booth: How many presents have you gotten now? How will you fit them all into the house lol

Kimberly: Good to see you back and glad you are feeling a bit better, It does take time honey.

Well AFU – We finally have a crawling baby, she is still not that bothered and is only crawling for a bit and then plops back down onto her belly and army crawls and rolls to get to things but it is so cute to see and I’m not so worried now about her having arthritis like the silly Public Health Nurse said.

Natasha is also now saying something that sounds like Dog, We were at DH’s nieces birthday party and their dog was there and DH kepts saying thats the Dog and she started repeating him.

DH put up her birthday swings last night and put together her smart trike from her uncles, we still have to put up her slide and garden playhouse – but it got too late, I’m so excited now, I was like a child when he put them up last night.

Well we have an appointment with the health nurse again this morning as she wanted to see Natasha back when she was a year and I phoned yesterday to see if we could go this morning as next week I will have enough to do with the party and the week after I am back to work – I’m only in for a couple of days but she also needs to get her next set of jabs and I dont want to have to do anything in case she is unwell. I’m so glad Natasha is now crawling so hopefully this appointment will go better than the last one and even though we will be gone for only 10 mins I am bringing the Nappy bag so as I don’t any snide comments like the last time.
haha jelr not that many, feel abit of a spoil sport compared to some of my friends, the toys hes getting are mostly 1-3 or 1-4 etc so they will last him a few years and be his base of toys, so im not too fussed about him getting loads it wont be the same next year, weve set a limit after this birthday of £200 for christmas and £100 for birthdays, lol us of how big family is we really dont need to spend any more on him, i think by the time iv bought party food and cake im gunna be on about £400, but its only once isnt it, he wont have a big amount for birthdays again :) xx
i forgot to say we went to see my aunty yesterday and we have 3 huge bags of presents from her in the kitchen lol :dohh:
ha ha - yeah we both have big families too Booth so I would say it is going to be fun trying to fit it all in, thats kind of why we opted for the outside stuff from ourselves. it all adds up though doesn't it - It doesn't feel like we have gotten Natasha that much with her swing, house and a doll but it all added up pretty quickly - God you are doing well for £400 I would have said double that in what you have bought in presents alone, you have gotten so much - toys must be a lot cheaper in the UK than here as what you have got would definitely come to nearer €800 or €1000 here.

You are so right though they will only turn 1 once.

Lol at the 3 bags from your aunty - you are going to need an extension at this rate - Imagine if all your family come with 3 bags what will you do??
haha well this particular aunty got him 20 christmas presents!! nearly as much as we got him!! i think most of it is clothes from what iv seen! i know a few will my mum has bought him,

big garage,
noahs ark shapesorter,
paddington bear coat,
a train that has his name on the carriages,
lots of clothes,

there was a couple of other things too

it must be cheaper over here tbh iv looked around and got best deals on things cus we dont have a fortune haha, i just like him to have nice things, i cant wait not long now!!

i ordered some more decorations today lol x
chatty chatty ladies - i like it!

Lets see hwat i can remember!

Congratulations Pip , wishing you a happy and healthy nine months and a baby girl! Good to see you back in here and look forward to your updates

AE - glad that your nausea is tailing off now, have a nice realxing time while Mog is up in bonny Scotland

Boothh, Sophia has the Noah's arc shape sorter and she loves it!

Cleck - the photos are great, it has made a little bit excited (and not as sad) about Sophia's birthay next week.

Kim , Tsia and angelstardust - good to see you back in here

spidey - can't remember what you have been up to :blush: :blush:but hi!

MJ - men are so bloody useless at reading instructions!

sorry to those I have missed!

will come back later with an update form us, Sophia is grabbing teh laptop as i type and is making it difficult!
wow had quite alot to catch up on there!!!

welcome back to the mummies returning to the thread...and congrats on the pregnancy pippin!! hoping for a pink bump for you!! xx
also hoping for a bump soon for you too kimberley!! xx QUOTE]

Thanks hun! :hugs: Hopefully mine will be pink also. It will be our last baby and we already have 2 boys. Just need our little princess to be complete. :winkwink:
Booth: My God he is a lucky boy - Can I have an aunt like that lol - yep you definitely have gotten great value for money - our swing / playhouse and just a little doll came to €330 alone - I definitely wont be going as big next year as I can't get over how much the party is costing and we definitely couldn't afford it every year and if we have another - we would have to re-mortgage just to have parties lol. What decorations did you go for? We went for 1st birthday party ones in pink and even they set me back €50 which is madness on paper plates and stuff but I couldn't get them anywhere over here so stupidly ordered them on ebay and didn't work out the total as everything seemed so cheap so I just clicked on commit to buy and I got an awful shock when it came to the total - the prices were in sterling so by the time it was changed over to euros and the postage it ended up at that, which is an awful waste as they will all go in the bin. I think I just got carried away with the 1st birthday thing ha ha - It will be the eurosaver shop next year if we have a party I think lol.

Nutty: I'm so glad you had a great time - I must go and have a nosey through your pics now. We also have had plenty of tantrums today.

Shiv: it is so hard to manage to type when you have a baby trying to grab for the laptop too lol

Kimberly: Hoping for a pink bump for you too.

Well AFU - Natasha had out and out tantrums today - she really wasn't in good form this afternoon, so I dont know if another tooth is on its way as she has a little rash on the crease of one of her legs and it tends to come up when her teeth are coming through, but my god - every time I put her in the high chair or somewhere she didn't want to be she screamed her head off and then the same when I was changing her nappy and she was kicking me like mad with temper also - I would say we are in trouble when she hits the terrible two's as my god she has some temper lol

Although with all her tantrums I think she wore herself out and fell asleep on me again tonight so I got lovely snuggles for a half an hour which as I was saying to ye all before, she normally doesn't do and I wish she would as I would love more snuggle time from her lol - so that just melted my heart and the stressed mammy went right away lol.

Well I'm working for the next two days and then I'm away at the weekend with the girls - one of my best friends has moved up the country so myself and another best friend are going up to stay with her for two nights - we are not going to leave until Natasha is in bed on Friday as I really didn't want to be away from her for two nights but it is a 3 hour drive so most of Saturday would be gone by travelling. Being honest I dont want to go now as I have never been away from Natasha for more than a night and not without DH but if I dont go before I am back to work properly I will never get there and we have all been friends since school and it has been a big up rooting for her so I will have to make the effort and I will probably enjoy it once I am there.
morning gals.. I did Mylos christening cake last night.. what dya think?


The only think I DIDNT DO Was the cake itself. Its slabs of genoa fruit cake put together into the shape of a cross by me! LOL
the baker wanted £70 to do summink like this! but I am not paying that!!

Dead chuffed with it!

I also did his guest book at the weekend too.. like I said.. I aint paying £25 for one of those either so made that too! lol

https://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s51/tsia977/Image0856.jpg https://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s51/tsia977/Image0859.jpg

He turned a year monday..
has everyone else had their baby 'lion cub' christened now already?
Ahhh crap just wrote long post then lost it as I'm on my phone grrrrrrr, Sam just woken so have to do it again later, ohhh that makes me cross (lossing the post not Sam waking)
tsia jesse hasnt been christened yet OH is anti religious so im fighting a losing battle i think, i would like him to be done in the near future though :) and were did you get the book for the guestbook iv been looking everywhere and cant find anything suitable as a guest book for jesses birthday party!

jelr - he has a mixture of jungle buddies stuff and the cheapy jungle range from tesco, lol, oh and a few bits of fun to be one stuff! i know i know im rubbish at themes but none of the ranges had everything i wanted so i had to mix and match i mustve spent about £50 on decorations and table ware at least! oh well only 1 once!! :)

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