--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!


is anyone else still plagued by pregnancy aches and pains? my SPD has never gone and today it's a bit worse again (it had faded significantly). and my knee pain, which started in the last month-six weeks of pregnancy, is worse, it's even hurting when I'm not bending my knees - this morning I went back to bed as AE was having a nap and lying down I was getting shooting pain. :(

don't know what to do! apart from lose weight and that's not something I'm actively going to pursue while I'm breastfeeding and definitely not this soon after the birth.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *pouts*
MJ - i still have all my pregnancy pains - my hands are still very sore and my knuckles are still swollen and I also still get shooting pains in my pubic bone. I assumed these would disappear after the birth - pout pout!!

My nipple is still a complete mess - but i am persevering and just trying to enjoy feeding Sophia off of the good boob (and not dreading feeding off the other one!). Sophia is still a gem - sleeping 11 -4 at night and 5 - 7.

We are going to register her tomorrow which is quite exciting!

We put Sophia in a dress yesterday - and she looked, well, wweird!! I am so used to seeing her in a baby gro - that to see her in a dress made her look like a doll or something!! Probably didn't help that the dress was a bit big!

Sophia weighed in at 7lb 2oz yesterday (birth weight - 6lb 12oz) so she is growing nicely and getting plenty of milk which is encouraging.

Chin up to all the ladies having a hard time - well done and keep going, you are all doing amazing jobs and your Lo's are lucky to have such great mummies who care so much xx
thanks Shiv, and sorry you're still suffering, too, especially with your poor nipple :( mine are tender now, and red, but Lansinoh has kept them from getting worse.

as for Sophia in a dress :rofl: - I put Adam in trousers for the first time today, jogging bottom type things that OH's sister gave us (among a whole load of stuff her son had grown out of) and I melted... he looked like a little boy, quite grown up! I'd also only had him in babygros and body suits so far, because it's been warm enough not to need anything else, and it was quite a difference to see him dressed "properly".

he's a strong little chap, practically rolling over, which bothers me, I want him to lie still at night - this morning I woke and he was 90 degrees away from where he went to bed, with his legs almost poking out of the bars of the cot. I just hope he doesn't wriggle away from the motion sensor pad on the monitor because it'd freak me out if the alarm went off.

Adam has a new cousin, born yesterday - his mum is OH's sister whose first baby died in 2007 (stillborn at 35 weeks), so we're very very relieved that baby Freddie is here and all is fine. :D So AE has 2 boy cousins around his age to grow up with, the other is 5 months old next week.
Hi all

Just popping in for a quick hello. Sorry I haven't been here at all, but ended up with a huge infection in my womb and between that and the anemia, I have just been wiped and I have no idea where the days go. My brother is home from London at the moment to see our little lady so that is also keeping us busy but it is good as we didn't think he would get home as there was swine flue in his work place but it has been clear for a few weeks now.

Anyways hope you are all managing motherhood well. I love it but am finding it very demanding, hoping I will get into a routine soon and will have more time to chat.

:hugs: to you all. Xx
Jelr, ouch! That sounds horrid, hope you're feeling better soon.

So cutting out orange juice seems to have helped Imogen's windy nights - she slept right through again last night, which was wonderful. Guess I'll just have to find something I like as much as OJ. Her vibrating bouncer is also great for bringing up burps and curing hiccoughs.

Re the whole terries thing, I'm really enjoying combining terries and disposables, and I'm sure I'm still saving money as the terries were only about £10 for a dozen. She's leaked a bit occasionally in terries, as she's a heavy wetter and her wraps are still too big, but as she's in disposables at night, it's not really been a problem. And I do like her silly big bum ;)

Am now trying to fend off a visit from the MiL. I don't want to be left on my own with her all day. In fact, I just don't want her in my space. And she will NOT leave me alone to breast feed. Jeez. maybe I should offer to go visit them for a night.
Quick update girls. Had Emma weighed yesterday and she weighs 8 lb. 1 oz.!! :happydance::happydance: So she has finally gotten up to and exeeded her birthweight. And yesterday she only ate about four oz. of formula. The rest was all boobie juice!! I am so freaking proud of her! :happydance::happydance: I give her an 'allotment' of 7 oz. of formula a day but she just didn't need it yesterday so my milk must be really building up. Although she does still get frustrated at the breast when my let down doesn't come as fast as a bottle gives her milk. But instead of stressing about it I have learned to just calm down and relatch her.

Shadow- I COMPLETELY agree with you when you say that everything you said you would do went out the window when the LOs are actually here. I always said I would never co-sleep. But all the lactaction consultants tell me its best to have her sleep with me for the milk supply issues. So she is at my breast most of the night. I always said no pacifiers but we have resorted to using one in the first week or two. I've since taken it away now that feeding is getting a bit more settled. But I am with you on it. Nothing has turned out the way I thought it would. Starting with the delivery and c-section. lol. They really do have minds of their own. :wacko:
hiya ladys just a fast post as cleaning up lol trying

lucas sleeped from 6pm untill i woke him at 12am for a feed then back down at 12:30am untill 6am i was so happy with him.

on the weight thing i lost all my preg weight in the 1st 2 weeks so now back down to what i was when ttc but my belly is still big and fleshy cnt stand it oh says it fels nice but i dnt like it what having kids dose to are bodys lol
hiiiiiiiiii ladies and babies!!! :hi:

sorry not been on much, and sorry ive not had chance to re-read all your lovely posts!

hope i've not missed anything too important!? Did read a quick few on this page tho, and by the sounds of it im not the only one doing things i said i wouldn't (cleck & shadow) i too have been co-sleeping the odd night, not all night though, usually after her early morning feed, around 5am, then i just let her cuddle in with me, but i am scared lol!

she's so bloody gorgeous, im so proud of her guys, im beaming with pride just now, looking at her lay on my bed, she's watching all the colours on the telly, and fighting her sleep so badly lol!

she had her check yesterday, and her jabs :( :cry: it was HORRIFIC!!!!!!

they sat her on my knee and told me to hold her leg, then , omg they jabbed her, and she screamed so hard, and as if that wasn't bad enough, then they did the other leg, i couldn't bare it, i started bawlin my eyes out, my OH didn't know what to do cos both his girls were so upset lol!

anyway, hope all ur LO's are doing ok, and you guys too!


the check was ok though, she now weighs 8lb 3oz! chubby little monkey! she's 8 weeks and 4 days old today, but her corrected age is actually 3 weeks 3 days! She's startin to try and smile now, i've seen her do it properly twice lol! its soooooooo sweet!
Hey guys, so lovely to have so much to catch up on in here!! It’s great to share everything with you all, we’ve all got our own little situations going on, and yet we can offer each other so much in terms of advice and what we’re all going through. It’s cool that we’re all at slightly different stages with our :baby:s too, we can pass on our knowledge as we learn! :happydance:
So we got some mail today, some things I ordered for Vince online: He now has a Tiny Love Gymini Super Deluxe play mat (LOL) which I thoroughly enjoyed playing with earlier (Vince was less impressed, but he will grow into it!!) and also some wrist rattles and foot finders which are soooo cute, and although he didn't really enjoy wearing them today, he did follow the little black and white stripey bug on one of the wrist rattles as I moved it past his vision for aaaages! He was mesmerised hehehe it was lovely to see him track something like that :)

Joey: I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the reusable nappies so much :) Also great to hear that George doesn’t get any nappy rash with them :D What wraps do you have? Because we have a few different types, but the Motherease Rikkis look like the most promising to me at the mo, also the nature babies look pretty good...

Moo: Sorry about Rose’s reflux :( Vince is very good at keeping even vast amounts of formula down, it amazes me in fact, when I make up his bottles I think for sure that he won’t be able to hold all of that in his little tummy but he always does!! Also sorry to hear that you’ve been having a bit of a rough time emotionally honey :hugs: It is, of course, very normal, although I know that won’t help you much- Just keep reminding yourself how well your little missy is doing, great to hear that she’s progressing nicely despite her early start :winkwink: Try to make the most of the MIL coming, don’t fret about keeping her amused, just make the most of any help she can give you!! That’s what families are all about when a little one is born eh?!

Aunty E: LOL @ your MIL’s predictions about terries and your energy levels! My MIL today asked whether we were using the terries yet, and when I said no and that we were having second thoughts now, she had “that look” in her eye that said “oh, I knew it, you were all talk, and I always knew you’d give in when he actually got here!” :rofl: which, of course, made me want to try them again even more!! I like the sound of using terries sometimes and disposables at other times... I may do a trial of a week or so of using terries for most of the day and then using disposables at night or when we go out / if we’re really exhausted and stressed and just want to get him changed real quick!! There’s no harm in giving it a go, is there?

Mimi, you’re welcome on the review of the bio nappies: I really really love them, I can’t say enough in favour of them really, just excellent :thumbup: :D Glad to hear little Mimi is a tall lady too, Vince is not alone in being a big tall baby!! His Grandma spent the day with us today and was amazed at how big he’s got! She just saw him last week!! We realised today that he is now wearing vests for 3-6 month olds! Also thanks for wishing a quiet night for us last night, it must have worked because we had the best night we’ve had so far!! It seems to go “good night, bad night, good night, bad night” !! So We’re hoping that patterns is broken tonight :S But our good night went like this: Last feed at 10:00, went down to sleep like a dream, next feed at 2:30, no stress at all, went back down like a dream, slept soundly until 5:00 (which isn’t great, but he was soo good that we just went with it and fed him early anyway) and then went back down again easily (which doesn’t normally happen at that time!) until 8:30ish, when we were all SO happy and well rested that we all got up and went to the park together! It was just lovely :) Not sure about your post count, it says 240 now, I hadn’t spotted that it was frozen! Maybe it takes time to update sometimes?? :wacko:

...I also think that an all-or-nothing attitude (to anything, really!) is unhelpful; I mean, I'd love to exclusively breastfeed but I am not able to right now and may never be able to (and it's no surprise), so I feed what I can, he loves it, and then he gets his bottles and he loves those, too. as with the nappies. if we sometimes use disposables it's ok. if we use them 50% of the time, it's ok as well. if the reusables turn out to be more bother than they're worth, I'll sell them. I feel a lot more relaxed about my decisions now AE is here, it's all about doing what works when you actually put the choices into practise. if it's something different than my pre-baby principles said, then so be it. :D


MJ, I couldn’t have said it better myself, What a wonderful outlook, I think this is SUCH a healthy viewpoint, and EVERYONE should keep this in mind whenever they feel bad about any part of bringing up their little ones. You have so many profound philosophies, my dear, I love talking things through with you :) RE: Pregnancy aches and pains, although my SPD is totally gone now (BLISS!!!) I have had lots more trouble with my sacro-iliac joints again :( They were really bad at the end of first trimester, then again through third, but seemed to settle a bit right at the end (probably because I wasn’t walking ANYWHERE at that point!) but it’s getting very painful and clunky back there again now, think I need to sort out my physio regime again! Also, I’m sure I need to lose the rest of the pregnancy weight soon, my body is not very happy carrying all this extra around! I’d like to lose about another 7kilos (just about a stone i think) and I’ll be much happier. I’m wondering whether I’ll ever have my old stomach muscles back (it’s so squashy now!!! Used to be like a ROCK!!) Congrats on Adam’s little cousin!!! My SIL is 16 weeks pregnant now and is getting soooo excited: They live in Holland so Vince won’t grow up with their kid, but we’ll stay in touch online etc. And so I’m sure they’ll feel very close anyway :)

Shiv, well done on the BF through the nasty nipple :( Hope it clears up for you soon!! Must be so painful... LOL @ Sophia in a dress for the first time. Like MJ, I LOVE to see Vinnie in little trousers and tops, like a “real boy” hehe :) I just bought him some new bits and bobs from Asda of all places! (online) - He wore some combat trousers and a lovely red top today and looked soooo cute and handsome!! It’s funny to be dressing them in “proper” clothes all of a sudden though, isn’t it?? Sometimes I dream of having a girl so that I can go crazy buying cute dresses and things, but I enjoy the really boyish stuff too hehe :) OH and I can’t wait till he’s big enough to start playing with Lego, so that we get an excuse to play too!! :rofl:

Jelr: UGH!! :cry: you poor thing, I didn’t know you’d got an infection!! That must be nasty, I hope you feel better soon. It’s not surprising that you feel even more tired than you might. I know that with my chest infection and anaemia and exhaustion after hospital, I felt like an absolute zombie for a while. But as you get better and you learn how to manage things more efficiently, as Natasha gets a bit bigger, you’ll find things get a whole lot easier in no time I’m sure! It feels like we’re flying with Vince now, sure we have the odd tricky time still, but we feel very well able to cope with it now. It’s a wonderful feeling! And it means you can enjoy things so much more, with less to stress about :) Get better soon honey!! How’s the arthritis going? Have you had to take steroids for it? I hope you don’t flare up too badly :hugs: xxx

Cleck :wohoo: YIPPEE for feeling so much better about things!!! It’s great to hear how well the BF is going for you, I hope you can reach your goal of solely BF if that’s what you’d like to do, I think if anyone can do it it’s you: You’re so tenacious, it’s admirable! :D And a relief to know that you know just where I’m coming from on the whole “everything going out the window” thing... But like MJ says, what works, works, and there’s no need to feel bad about it: There’s just no way we could’ve known how things would REALLY be until we had our little ones and jumped in and started trying things out! :hugs: Good luck with the continued BF, and well done on getting Emma up to a good healthy weight, it must be very rewarding to see it all paying off like that! Xxx

Tmr... A gvery good night with Lucas!! I can’t wait for the days when Vince has only one night feed, and even more so to the first time I wake up in the morning and realise that Vince hasn’t woken me at all in the night!! :thumbup: but tonight I’d just be happy with two nice, smooth night feeds hehe!!

Ash, bless little Kara, sounds liek she is really thriving now!! :D You've always been sooooo sweet when you talk about how much you adore her, it's just fantastic to see how strongly you've bonded and how well she has fit into your life :) How amazing to see those first smiles now too! Can't wait for my turn!!

Wow, this post is getting loooong! I should probably go to bed now just in case we don’t have as good a night as yesterday... It’s wonderful to have OH home with me all the time though: One or other of us can always catch up on sleep through the day, which is just lovely. Once again, I cannot fathom how some people do this alone, as single parents :shrug: but I suppose if you have to do it, you just find a way! Anywho, a lovely day for us today, hoping for another good night and another happy, smiley day tomorrow!! :dust: happy dust and good sleepy dust to all the Lion Cubs mummies!! We are all wonderful mummies, and we should be soooo proud of ourselves :D
:hug: to everyone!

Shadow x x x x
:shock: omg, that must surely have been the longest post in here so far? :blush: ooops... But it's so GREAT to share everything with you guys! And getting online less often means I feel the need to put more in each post haha!

Anyway, gonna scoff my hot chocolate that Vincent's lovely Daddy has just made for me, then off to bed!!

Nite all :) x x x x
Yes Shadow wins the award for longest post!!

As for nappy wraps - I mainly use the ones that came with my little lambs - they had mixed reviews online but have been great for us so far. I also have a couple of patterned ones but TBH I think patterns are a bit wasted on a boy coz they can only really be teamed with a T-shirt. Patterned wraps are less of an issue than cute patterned nappies though, I have one - get him set up with a matching T & socks then he needs his bum changed and the new nappy doesn't go. At least with patterned wraps they can stay on for a few changes most of the time.

My patterned wraps are 1 bambino mio star print, 2 totsbot polka fleece and one cow print one frpm pocketbots.co.uk
Welcome to kaygeebee and baby Owen!! :flower: Glad Owen is home now and getting all better :D good luck settling in mummy and little man! xx
Wraps - I bought motherease airflow, but they're the small size and they're miles too big. A couple of days ago I went out and got the Imsevimse newborn size and they're WONDERFUL. Cutting the terries down to 50cm really helped too (they were originally 60cm), as I can roll them in round the legs for poo catchingness. I've kept the offcuts and am going to hem them to use as terry boosters when madam gets bigger.

My first nappy wash came out lovely and white, few pale yellow stains, but not bad at all given that they were drypailed for the best part of a week and then just washed with a prewash in the machine on 40 degrees (with bio I'm afraid, non-bio just won't cut it with poo).

Imogen's cord FINALLY fell off last night, so we're going to try out the tummy tub in a minute. Quite nervous, as I had hoped to wait for OH to be around before bathing her for the first time, but madam is very flaky today, and I think that a good head to toe wash ought to scrub off some of that dead skin. I'm loving the little me organics range from Sainsburys by the way, the lavender and chamomile body cream is scrummy scumptious and Imogen seems to like it too. She was less keen on olive oil ;)

I didn't like the idea of co-sleeping either, but I've been bringing madam into bed after her early morning feed quite a bit. And occasionally, she's in there all night (don't tell OH) if she's grizzly when we go to bed, because I feed her and then fall asleep with her latched on. I've worked out how to feed while lying down, and she's in quite a secure place when I do it, so I'm not worried about her. The respisense would wake us up anyway if she stopped breathing. I don't want to make a habit of it though, as she will have her own room eventually.

Bad mother confession alert: a couple of nights ago I fell asleep with her in my arms and dropped her off the bed. Thankfully, I'd put a couple of pillows on the floor next to the bed in case I wanted them and she landed on them and didn't even wake up, but I was HORRIFIED.
Hey Ladies,

Just checking in to say Hi. Not much to report here apart from the same nappy, feed, poo, sleep routine. Although have successfully got Sam to sleep in his pram today twice after a feed so maybe just maybe I can get him to go in his moses basket tonight. Normally he likes to sleep on my bob the fuss about dropping off on his own (posted a thread in baby club).

Lots of visitors today which is a pain to tell you the truth they all want to come at once, I rather they spread it out but hey ho.

Hope your all enjoying your Saturday. x
Afternoon all... Shadow that officially takes the prize for longest post of the thread thus far - rivalling jelr in the 3rd tri days! :D Sorry to hear about your joints playing you up again, that sucks, but hooray for the SPD disappearing! mine isn't SO bad, it's a long way from the last 6 weeks or so; it's kind of how it was in the very beginning, really, so greatly improved just not all gone. knees are a little worse again, though, they've started to hurt walking up and down stairs! midwife I saw today said some women get a bit of arthritic type pain after giving birth and that it should go away but if it hasn't by my 6 week check up at the docs to mention it. I am certain it's pregnancy/post-natal/hormone related because surely both knees wouldn't develop real arthritis in exactly the same way at the same time, would they? I also need to shift some pregnancy weight, 2 stone would be good. 3 would be amazing! 1 would be a start... :rofl:

jelr - eeeeek, hope you're feeling better after your infection! and that Natasha is doing well. love your Facebook pics!

Aunty E - good news about Imogen's wind and that you were able to identify what was causing it/contributing to it. Adam is pretty windy but it's hard to tell what might be the cause (though I hope it's not chocolate...) - it could be his formula (Aptimil, he gets topped up, but hoping to decrease the amount if poss) or it could be my breastmilk. it's not bad enough for me to look more closely into things, he's not colicky, thank god. I have a bad mother confession as well - it was during the first week home with AE... our cot is a co-sleeping cot so it should be able to butt right up to our bed, however, our bed has a ridge of frame that sticks out further than the mattress so we can't have them exactly together. to get around this, we pushed the cot mattress over the ridge. but that left a gap of a few inches between the cot mattress and the cot frame. I put AE in for a nap, hoping he'd be too small and weak to pull all the way from the middle of the mattress to the gap but of course he's a strong un and he did and fell in ... only down the depth of the mattress itself but he was trapped... thankfully he yelled and I fished him out straightaway. I felt terrible about it and promptly put the cot back to how it's meant to be, with no gaps anywhere.

let us know how you get on with the Tummy Tub - I think AE would like it as he hates his bath support chair thing but loves being held in the bath water and dangled in, splashing his legs. I didn't get one before because we haven't really the room, but I *might*.

Pips, I hear you on the guests. it's lovely to see people but sadly none of them seem to have seen the memo to people visiting new parents, you know, the one about bringing us a meal and making us a cup of tea rather than having us run around after them! I have a few more people I'd like to see but we've seen all the ones we kind of have to see, and I'm pretty sure the rest won't mind waiting another week or so. I have the energy to see them but not sure if I can be bothered! (selfishly!)

cleck, great news about your feeding and Emma's weight! it must feel so good to be seeing results from all your hard work, and being able to reduce the formula at a time when she's only going to be needing a greater volume of milk overall is fantastic. :D

we went to the post-natal clinic at the hospital this morning for me finally to be signed off by the midwives. I last had a home visit last Friday and AE was still under his birth weight but I knew he'd gained and gone past it because he was weighed on Tue by the health visitor. well, today he is 12oz up on last Friday! almost 1/2 a lb up on his birth weight. I'm relieved but not surprised, he's looking fuller in the face and his little legs are chubbing out. the feeding is going well, there are times when I wonder how long I'll breastfeed for (when we have bad nights, it's never bad in the day) but if I think about it as one feed at a time it's ok. and sometimes it's totally fine and great and doesn't hurt but other times he refuses to latch on properly and I have to grit my teeth and wait for the pain to pass. I do relatch him but at night I just want him to get on with it and doing it in the dark isn't easy (we have a nightlight but I can't see as well as I'd like). the midwife I saw today said I need to be strict with AE and ALWAYS relatch him when he's not on right and he'd eventually get the message that he needs to do a big wide mouth every time. I tell him he has to pretend he's at the dentist and to open wide properly. I know he doesn't understand what I'm saying yet but it helps me to talk to him as though he does! I also tell him to stop chewing me like I'm a fruit pastille...

ok, I need to go and have a nap in a tick - C is giving AE a top-up so hopefully he'll sleep as well. we had a pretty bad night last night, AE chuntered on for hours! he wasn't really crying, though he did a little when he had a pooey nappy, but it was like he wouldn't stop talking... even while I was feeding him he was saying uh uh uh uh the whole time. no idea how he managed that, through a mouthful of boob, but he did. strange child. so I got a couple of 2 hour naps but not much more. and I fell asleep with him on the boob again. I really wish I wouldn't but when he's being noisy, I just want him to button it and what better way than by stuffing a boob in his gob - even though he's learnt to talk through it. it's going to be fun when he really is talking...

oh, I have a question for you all - are any of you using/plan to use baby sleeping bags? AE is a real wriggler and he has to be passed out like a drunk before he'll tolerate the blankets on him, and he usually manages to kick them off during the night anyway. and it's getting cooler at night, so he needs a blanket, because he wakes up cold without one, especially his hands. he won't wear mitts but we have a few babygros with scratchmitts on the end of the arms so we're trying to save those for night-time. but it occured to me that a better option, especially once it's cooler still, would be a sleeping bag. we've been given one but from my research you're not meant to put them on babies under 8 1/2 lb. now AE is *just* that but I'd rather he was a fair bit bigger, to be on the safe side. so - have any of you started using them yet? how big is big enough to be certain they are safe? and if I can't use mine yet, should I put AE in a bodysuit as well as his babygro at night? it's been about 17C in the bedroom recently and at that his hands are frozen in the morning (I know it doesn't matter, it's the heat of the tummy that indicates baby's temp, but even so I wonder). I worry that he's going to be too cold AND too hot, he goes from hot to cool very quickly...
tummy tub officially rocks -Imogen loved it, and once I got the water level right, it was pretty easy as well. She fell asleep for two hours afterwards :) We've been using grobags since we brought her home, but she's been cold at night, so we've been sleeping her in a sleepsuit and a grobag and a blanket on some especially chilly nights.
Mary Jo - one of our sleeping bags says it's safe for babies 7lb7oz and over. Another says 10lb and over. I think it must depend on the brand/size so you might be able to get a smaller one for your LO.

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