Hey guys, so lovely to have so much to catch up on in here!! It’s great to share everything with you all, we’ve all got our own little situations going on, and yet we can offer each other so much in terms of advice and what we’re all going through. It’s cool that we’re all at slightly different stages with our

s too, we can pass on our knowledge as we learn!

So we got some mail today, some things I ordered for Vince online: He now has a Tiny Love Gymini Super Deluxe play mat (LOL) which I thoroughly enjoyed playing with earlier (Vince was less impressed, but he will grow into it!!) and also some wrist rattles and foot finders which are soooo cute, and although he didn't really enjoy wearing them today, he did follow the little black and white stripey bug on one of the wrist rattles as I moved it past his vision for aaaages! He was mesmerised hehehe it was lovely to see him track something like that
Joey: I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the reusable nappies so much

Also great to hear that George doesn’t get any nappy rash with them

What wraps do you have? Because we have a few different types, but the Motherease Rikkis look like the most promising to me at the mo, also the nature babies look pretty good...
Moo: Sorry about Rose’s reflux

Vince is very good at keeping even vast amounts of formula down, it amazes me in fact, when I make up his bottles I think for sure that he won’t be able to hold all of that in his little tummy but he always does!! Also sorry to hear that you’ve been having a bit of a rough time emotionally honey

It is, of course, very normal, although I know that won’t help you much- Just keep reminding yourself how well your little missy is doing, great to hear that she’s progressing nicely despite her early start

Try to make the most of the MIL coming, don’t fret about keeping her amused, just make the most of any help she can give you!! That’s what families are all about when a little one is born eh?!
Aunty E: LOL @ your MIL’s predictions about terries and your energy levels! My MIL today asked whether we were using the terries yet, and when I said no and that we were having second thoughts now, she had “that look” in her eye that said “oh, I knew it, you were all talk, and I always knew you’d give in when he actually got here!”

which, of course, made me want to try them again even more!! I like the sound of using terries sometimes and disposables at other times... I may do a trial of a week or so of using terries for most of the day and then using disposables at night or when we go out / if we’re really exhausted and stressed and just want to get him changed real quick!! There’s no harm in giving it a go, is there?
Mimi, you’re welcome on the review of the bio nappies: I really really love them, I can’t say enough in favour of them really, just excellent

Glad to hear little Mimi is a tall lady too, Vince is not alone in being a big tall baby!! His Grandma spent the day with us today and was amazed at how big he’s got! She just saw him last week!! We realised today that he is now wearing vests for 3-6 month olds! Also thanks for wishing a quiet night for us last night, it must have worked because we had the best night we’ve had so far!! It seems to go “good night, bad night, good night, bad night” !! So We’re hoping that patterns is broken tonight :S But our good night went like this: Last feed at 10:00, went down to sleep like a dream, next feed at 2:30, no stress at all, went back down like a dream, slept soundly until 5:00 (which isn’t great, but he was soo good that we just went with it and fed him early anyway) and then went back down again easily (which doesn’t normally happen at that time!) until 8:30ish, when we were all SO happy and well rested that we all got up and went to the park together! It was just lovely

Not sure about your post count, it says 240 now, I hadn’t spotted that it was frozen! Maybe it takes time to update sometimes??
...I also think that an all-or-nothing attitude (to anything, really!) is unhelpful; I mean, I'd love to exclusively breastfeed but I am not able to right now and may never be able to (and it's no surprise), so I feed what I can, he loves it, and then he gets his bottles and he loves those, too. as with the nappies. if we sometimes use disposables it's ok. if we use them 50% of the time, it's ok as well. if the reusables turn out to be more bother than they're worth, I'll sell them. I feel a lot more relaxed about my decisions now AE is here, it's all about doing what works when you actually put the choices into practise. if it's something different than my pre-baby principles said, then so be it.
MJ, I couldn’t have said it better myself, What a wonderful outlook, I think this is SUCH a healthy viewpoint, and EVERYONE should keep this in mind whenever they feel bad about any part of bringing up their little ones. You have so many profound philosophies, my dear, I love talking things through with you

RE: Pregnancy aches and pains, although my SPD is totally gone now (BLISS!!!) I have had lots more trouble with my sacro-iliac joints again

They were really bad at the end of first trimester, then again through third, but seemed to settle a bit right at the end (probably because I wasn’t walking ANYWHERE at that point!) but it’s getting very painful and clunky back there again now, think I need to sort out my physio regime again! Also, I’m sure I need to lose the rest of the pregnancy weight soon, my body is not very happy carrying all this extra around! I’d like to lose about another 7kilos (just about a stone i think) and I’ll be much happier. I’m wondering whether I’ll ever have my old stomach muscles back (it’s so squashy now!!! Used to be like a ROCK!!) Congrats on Adam’s little cousin!!! My SIL is 16 weeks pregnant now and is getting soooo excited: They live in Holland so Vince won’t grow up with their kid, but we’ll stay in touch online etc. And so I’m sure they’ll feel very close anyway
Shiv, well done on the BF through the nasty nipple

Hope it clears up for you soon!! Must be so painful... LOL @ Sophia in a dress for the first time. Like MJ, I LOVE to see Vinnie in little trousers and tops, like a “real boy” hehe

I just bought him some new bits and bobs from Asda of all places! (online) - He wore some combat trousers and a lovely red top today and looked soooo cute and handsome!! It’s funny to be dressing them in “proper” clothes all of a sudden though, isn’t it?? Sometimes I dream of having a girl so that I can go crazy buying cute dresses and things, but I enjoy the really boyish stuff too hehe

OH and I can’t wait till he’s big enough to start playing with Lego, so that we get an excuse to play too!!
Jelr: UGH!!

you poor thing, I didn’t know you’d got an infection!! That must be nasty, I hope you feel better soon. It’s not surprising that you feel even more tired than you might. I know that with my chest infection and anaemia and exhaustion after hospital, I felt like an absolute zombie for a while. But as you get better and you learn how to manage things more efficiently, as Natasha gets a bit bigger, you’ll find things get a whole lot easier in no time I’m sure! It feels like we’re flying with Vince now, sure we have the odd tricky time still, but we feel very well able to cope with it now. It’s a wonderful feeling! And it means you can enjoy things so much more, with less to stress about

Get better soon honey!! How’s the arthritis going? Have you had to take steroids for it? I hope you don’t flare up too badly


YIPPEE for feeling so much better about things!!! It’s great to hear how well the BF is going for you, I hope you can reach your goal of solely BF if that’s what you’d like to do, I think if anyone can do it it’s you: You’re so tenacious, it’s admirable!

And a relief to know that you know just where I’m coming from on the whole “everything going out the window” thing... But like MJ says, what works, works, and there’s no need to feel bad about it: There’s just no way we could’ve known how things would REALLY be until we had our little ones and jumped in and started trying things out!

Good luck with the continued BF, and well done on getting Emma up to a good healthy weight, it must be very rewarding to see it all paying off like that! Xxx
Tmr... A gvery good night with Lucas!! I can’t wait for the days when Vince has only one night feed, and even more so to the first time I wake up in the morning and realise that Vince hasn’t woken me at all in the night!!

but tonight I’d just be happy with two nice, smooth night feeds hehe!!
Ash, bless little Kara, sounds liek she is really thriving now!!

You've always been sooooo sweet when you talk about how much you adore her, it's just fantastic to see how strongly you've bonded and how well she has fit into your life

How amazing to see those first smiles now too! Can't wait for my turn!!
Wow, this post is getting loooong! I should probably go to bed now just in case we don’t have as good a night as yesterday... It’s wonderful to have OH home with me all the time though: One or other of us can always catch up on sleep through the day, which is just lovely. Once again, I cannot fathom how some people do this alone, as single parents

but I suppose if you have to do it, you just find a way! Anywho, a lovely day for us today, hoping for another good night and another happy, smiley day tomorrow!!

happy dust and good sleepy dust to all the Lion Cubs mummies!! We are all wonderful mummies, and we should be soooo proud of ourselves

to everyone!
Shadow x x x x