Adam had a sticky eye when he was newborn-10 days old or so and I squeezed some breastmilk in and also cleaned it with the cooled boiled water and cotton wool. It was definitely nothing more than some yellow goo, and it cleared up quickly (over a few days). I believe breastmilk is antibacterial or something, that's why it works.
As for swaddling - the midwives swaddled AE in a towel in the hospital but he'd never let me after that. We have a swaddling blanket (it's very thin cotton) but have not tried it after the first night home, when we'd have tried anything to get him to sleep! But we didn't have the instructions - I've put them away somewhere and need to dig them out. BUT I have a feeling, knowing AE, that he will struggle and absolutely hate it - he won't even be covered lightly with a blanket most of the time. I will give it a go, and hopefully if I try when he is very very tired it'll go down ok, but I'm not hopeful. Chris and my mum agree with me, from observing AE, that he's likely to scream blue murder. I hope I'm wrong!
So the sleeping bag - I made a thread in Baby Club asking, and I need to have a look at the bag we have and see if it has poppers under the arms. If so it'll be ok, if not, I need to try it on him and see how secure it is/how easy it'd be for him to wriggle right inside it. Apparently TX Maxx is the place to check out for Grobags, so I'll have a look there tomorrow, see what is available.
We had another not wonderful night, though he did sleep 4 hours or so - he just wasn't in the mood to sleep when we put him to bed and I ended up having to nurse for a while. Eventually he slept, but then when he woke, he was soaking wet.

All up his back and through the cot sheet, but the nappy itself wasn't especially wet, so I wondered if it was sweat, only the room wasn't hot and he was only in a babygro and covered from his waist down with a cellular blanket. Maybe the nappy wasn't on right? So he screamed and cried all through being changed. Poor baby. Then he slept a while but woke and I nursed him for about an hour, then Chris gave him a bottle, which he projectile vomited... so he needed more boob when he woke next. After that it was coming up to 10am, and we were knackered so I took him down to my mum, made him a bottle and left him with her till 12.45pm, while we caught up on sleep. It's good having my mum here, though I hope I'll be able to cope ok once she's gone home (next Sat) and be able to grab the odd hour while AE sleeps to sleep myself. If I am not exhausted I can deal with night feeds so much easier. Also, reading while he feeds is keeping me sane. During the day I watch TV and am on my laptop while he's sucking but at night I can't, so I have a little reading light, which I'm using as a nightlight (clipped on the side of the cot). I'd go mad if I was just lying/sitting there while he feeds.
We're going for a walk in a bit, putting AE in a nice new outfit we were given. I had to sort out all his clothes properly yesterday because I had all the newborn and 0-3 month things we had before he was born in a drawer together and it was getting annoying rummaging through to find something to fit. Also we've received lots more stuff now, some more cast-offs from C's sister and new things, mainly in size 0-3 months. So I went through the lots and now I only have newborn plus some small 0-3 month things in the drawer and all the rest in a couple of bags. He has so much stuff, I doubt he'll ever wear it all. hardly any of it I've chosen myself but most of the things we were given are nice enough. There's a proponderence of blue things, though, and quite a lot of cars and dogs (none of which I am keen on!)