--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

thanks Kiddo and Aunty E - my sleeping bag is a Cath Kidston one in age 0 to 6 months, and I looked it up on the website but it doesn't state the lowest weight of baby. Ack, not sure what to do! How would I know that it fit ok/wasn't a danger?
Not sure about sleeping bags, MJ, but I can reeeeally recommend swaddling. You don't need anything fancy either: Just a sheet will do nicely, and there's loads of ways you could try out to swaddle... I looked online at a woman doing it to her baby and it looked horrid, I said to Lee "god, that's horrible, it's like putting him in a straight jacket!" But then we had an awful night ages ago, and I just couldn't bear it so I grabbed an old pashmina and swaddled Vince up in it and he went out like a LIGHT! Now he is swaddled every night, and it has made him sleep for a good 5 hours, he will go 4-4 1/2 at the very LEAST for the first night time session. We daren't try him without it now, though, and we're slightly concerned that we'll get him dependent on it!! But we can worry about that later, as sane parents with a well-rested baby!!
But swaddling is perfect for keeping Vince a good temperature throughout, as his arms are by his sides and so stay the same temp as his body. At the moment we just put him straight into the swaddling in just his nappy, even though the material is very light, because we're so worried about him overheating (my monitor temp says 18-20 in his room most nights) But so far, so good! He has been really wonderful at sleeping when all swaddled up, so I'd definitely advise anyone to give it a go if they want to try to get little one to settle at night. Worth a go, no?

I'm suuuper tired tonight, but am just going to use my last bit of energy to update the list as I know a few have popped today / recently :D

Hope you're all well my lovelies!!

:flow: xxx
Just to let you gals know, Imogen and I are now both at home and it is wonderful :D Will be on soon to let you know all our troubles but after nearly 2 weeks away we have some settling in to do xxx
MJ- We have put Emma in a sleeper bag once so far and she didn't mind it. But honestly I can count on one hand the amount of times she's slept in any clothes at all. LOL! She is an odd baby because she absolutely hates being swaddled. And it is still quite warm here to even bother with clothes. But we did try the sleeper bag once and I plan on using them throughout the winter months because they really are nice. I didn't find it dangerous at all but yet again I tend to sleep with her on my chest while she feeds so I'm not really the best mommy in the 'danger' category. :blush:

So I finally got my sling in the mail. Bun-in-oven you asked what kind I got. I completely overlooked it and just now saw your question. It is a SlingEZee. I bought it off of the same woman that rented me a pump. Here is her website if you wanted to take a peak. https://www.formomandkeiki.com/ I got it in organic black fabric. I'm surprised as the woman said no one has been interested in the organic fabric so far. I'm the first to ask about it. I thought everyone was into organic these days?! :shrug: So I finally got it in the mail and Emma HATES it. LOL! She just screams her head off. So I'm hoping over time as she gets older she will enjoy it more. :dohh:
Hey girls,

Just checking in to say hi! Owen and I finally got home yesterday and we are trying to settle in! He is adorable, but after nearly 2 weeks in hospital, we are trying to find our feet.

Owen seems to be much better now compared to the first time we brought him home. We are trying our best on the breastfeeding, but it's not gone so well so far. I've been expressing, and giving him expressed milk in bottles while we were in hospital and have carried that on at home - I feel like Daisy the cow and night feeds are taking a long time by the time I've bottle fed, changed him and then expressed. Progress today though - he took a full breastfeed from me and slept for about 3 1/2 hours afterwards.

Eating and sleeping wise, he has been great so far, but the last two evenings we have had periods of about 4 hours where he just won't settle at all - I'm wondering if it's the start of colic? :(

Right, exhausted so I will be back to catch up with you all soon. xxx
hiya ladys
i put lo in a sleep bag 2nights ago coz he kept kicking sheets off him and he woke at 4am kicking and grubling for a hr coz he couldnt kick it off it was funny to watch. but he sletp ok last night went down at 10pm woke at 2:30 went back down at 3am and woke at 6:30 and now asleep in my arm, he is getting so big 0-3 sleep suits are getting small on him hes so long. but my older son was in 3-6 at 8wks so think he will be the same.

my older son has woke with a cold this am so trying to keep him away from baby noy easy when alls he wants to do is kiss him poor littl man.

going docs tomoz a iam sick of the mini pill iam still bleeding coz of it and its making me so moody i neary punched oh yesterday just for messing about with me not like me at all so its gota go befor i lose my oh.

viki glad baby is home and well.

kaygeebee glad ur lo is home and ell aswell
:wave: hiya Vici and kaygee, so glad you guys are finally home after some stressful long stays in hospital, and that both of your little ones are getting better and settling in now :D Can't wait to get you both back properly once you've sorted yourselves out etc!

Vince had another bad night tonight (well, not AWFUL, but not great) which breaks our "good night, bad night" cycle hehe... He went down at 8pm and woke at 12:45 (not too bad) then went back down in his cot again till 4 am (again not too bad) but after that feed he was really miserable for some reason and screamed and screamed for a good two hours (the neighbours must be pretty pissed off with us this morning!! Lucky they're so sweet!) So we had to have him in our bed after 4am again. He finally settled at about 6:30, only to wake at 7 hungry again :dohh: but we all went back to sleep after that and just properly got up at 10ish, so we're not feeling too bad now :)

I am desperate for the day that Vince's first night sleep stretches to 6ish hours!!!

We've got his wrist rattles and foot finders now, but he doesn't seem very impressed with them so far lol... Anyone's little ones found their hands yet??

Cleck, sorry Emma isn't keen on the sling!! Maybe she will get used to it, you could try putting her in it when she is reeeally nice and calm, then maybe she'd link it to a positive experience?? I'm gonna look up the type of sling now. Vincent loves our Close baby carrier, and it's super comfy! That's organic cotton too :) :thumbup:
Hey ladies, good morning, or is it afternoon. As for the sleeping bag thing I'm gonna wait for a while as he looks too small and my book says to wait until a month which is what most of you guys are now. I have to remember I'm a few weeks behind but it's good to learn from all your experiences. I still need to get hold of this swaddling thing, I've tried and failed a few times so I reckon more You tube videos to help me. I find he wriggles too much for me to do it properly.

The little monkey sleep 2 hours in his basket last night so that's an improvement. he then was in with us for the rest of the night and woke three times which wasn't good, normally he is two. Needless to say I'm tired and grumpy today and again tearful but that's mainly tiredness, does anyone else cry when they are tired or is it just me!!!???? Anyway he's asleep now and has been for 2 1/2 hours in his pram so I have managed to tidy the house ready for Mum and Dad coming.

Also Sam has got a manky eye, a little bit of conjunctivitis, I'm hoping cleaning it with boiled cooled water will do the trick. It did in hospital after the birth. Anyone else suffered from this? I saw a thread where someone said put breast milk on it but I'm a little bit dubious to try in case it makes it worse.
lucas had a sticky eye at birth then about 2wks old he got bad conjunctivitis we took him tothe gp and got droops and 3 days later it was all clear
Awww Pips, sorry you're having a tearful day :hugs: I had pleeeenty of those in the first couple of weeks!! And yes, I cry when I'm tired too- EVERYTHING is harder when you're tired :winkwink: Hope having your folks round will cheer you up sweetie :)
With the swaddling thing, I ignored the youtube videos and made my own method: If Vince is calm later I might ask OH to film me doing it and then I'll upload it for you guys.
But on the subject of gammy eye, Vince had this too, and breast milk certainly won't make it worse honey :) It's also quicker to just squeeze a nipple into it that boiling the kettle, waiting for it to cool, getting cotton wool etc ... Although cleaning it regularly with cooled boiled water certainly cleared Vince's eyes up pretty well. They still occasionally have some gunk in them, but nothing major now. BUT... You mention conjunctivitis... Now, that's quite different. Are you just assuming it's that? Because if the gunk is yellow and the whites of the eyes are still white, then it's not conjunctivitis, and breast milk / cooled boiled water will clear it up just fine. BUT if the gunk is greenish and the whites of the eyes are red or puffy at all, then it IS conjunctivitis, and he'll need to see the doctor for some meds to clear that up. I think Lucas's gammy eye turned into conjunctivitis, am I right tmr?? So I'd ask tmr to tell you what to do if it has turned into this :)

Hope this helps!! And I hope your visitors don't tire you out too much honey, make sure they know you need your rest!!

Lots of love to you x x x x
:bunny: Welcome to rubyrose and baby Archie, our first September Lion Cub! :bunny:
Hi ladies

Finally I found a minute to post in here! Myles has found his hands, he keeps sucking his thumb and while doing it he grabs one of his cheeks, he nearly poked himself in the eye!!!

I keep having tearful days too pippin- prob just hormones! :)

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend?
Pippin, I was advised to use breast milk on Harvey's gunky eye and it worked a treat. We only had to do it once. The HV told me that if the milk didn't work to try using Johnson's baby shampoo. That idea freaked me out a bit and we never tried it since the milk worked but since then I've heard a few people saying the shampoo worked for them.

Glad Imogen an Owen are home now and hope you're all settling well.
Adam had a sticky eye when he was newborn-10 days old or so and I squeezed some breastmilk in and also cleaned it with the cooled boiled water and cotton wool. It was definitely nothing more than some yellow goo, and it cleared up quickly (over a few days). I believe breastmilk is antibacterial or something, that's why it works.

As for swaddling - the midwives swaddled AE in a towel in the hospital but he'd never let me after that. We have a swaddling blanket (it's very thin cotton) but have not tried it after the first night home, when we'd have tried anything to get him to sleep! But we didn't have the instructions - I've put them away somewhere and need to dig them out. BUT I have a feeling, knowing AE, that he will struggle and absolutely hate it - he won't even be covered lightly with a blanket most of the time. I will give it a go, and hopefully if I try when he is very very tired it'll go down ok, but I'm not hopeful. Chris and my mum agree with me, from observing AE, that he's likely to scream blue murder. I hope I'm wrong!

So the sleeping bag - I made a thread in Baby Club asking, and I need to have a look at the bag we have and see if it has poppers under the arms. If so it'll be ok, if not, I need to try it on him and see how secure it is/how easy it'd be for him to wriggle right inside it. Apparently TX Maxx is the place to check out for Grobags, so I'll have a look there tomorrow, see what is available.

We had another not wonderful night, though he did sleep 4 hours or so - he just wasn't in the mood to sleep when we put him to bed and I ended up having to nurse for a while. Eventually he slept, but then when he woke, he was soaking wet. :( All up his back and through the cot sheet, but the nappy itself wasn't especially wet, so I wondered if it was sweat, only the room wasn't hot and he was only in a babygro and covered from his waist down with a cellular blanket. Maybe the nappy wasn't on right? So he screamed and cried all through being changed. Poor baby. Then he slept a while but woke and I nursed him for about an hour, then Chris gave him a bottle, which he projectile vomited... so he needed more boob when he woke next. After that it was coming up to 10am, and we were knackered so I took him down to my mum, made him a bottle and left him with her till 12.45pm, while we caught up on sleep. It's good having my mum here, though I hope I'll be able to cope ok once she's gone home (next Sat) and be able to grab the odd hour while AE sleeps to sleep myself. If I am not exhausted I can deal with night feeds so much easier. Also, reading while he feeds is keeping me sane. During the day I watch TV and am on my laptop while he's sucking but at night I can't, so I have a little reading light, which I'm using as a nightlight (clipped on the side of the cot). I'd go mad if I was just lying/sitting there while he feeds.

We're going for a walk in a bit, putting AE in a nice new outfit we were given. I had to sort out all his clothes properly yesterday because I had all the newborn and 0-3 month things we had before he was born in a drawer together and it was getting annoying rummaging through to find something to fit. Also we've received lots more stuff now, some more cast-offs from C's sister and new things, mainly in size 0-3 months. So I went through the lots and now I only have newborn plus some small 0-3 month things in the drawer and all the rest in a couple of bags. He has so much stuff, I doubt he'll ever wear it all. hardly any of it I've chosen myself but most of the things we were given are nice enough. There's a proponderence of blue things, though, and quite a lot of cars and dogs (none of which I am keen on!)
hi ladies, hope everyone is well not had a chance to get on here in what seems ages, i think once OH returns to work ill finally get into a routine!!!

brandon-li is now 10lb 3oz and is awake alot!!!! was awake from 8-1 today which was wierd! any of your LO's awake alot?
We're going for a walk in a bit, putting AE in a nice new outfit we were given. I had to sort out all his clothes properly yesterday because I had all the newborn and 0-3 month things we had before he was born in a drawer together and it was getting annoying rummaging through to find something to fit. Also we've received lots more stuff now, some more cast-offs from C's sister and new things, mainly in size 0-3 months. So I went through the lots and now I only have newborn plus some small 0-3 month things in the drawer and all the rest in a couple of bags. He has so much stuff, I doubt he'll ever wear it all. hardly any of it I've chosen myself but most of the things we were given are nice enough. There's a proponderence of blue things, though, and quite a lot of cars and dogs (none of which I am keen on!)

I did this this morning for the same reason, we got so many things bought in 3-6 and 6-12 months it was driving us mad finding outfits in his wardrobe! I have had to resign a few things to the ebay/car boot pile already cos he has outgrown them, today he is wearing a 0-3 outfit dd bought him but with the legs and arms rolled up a bit!
Thanks for all the tips on the eye ladies. His eye isn't red and swollen so I assume it's not conjunctivitis phew! He's still peeling his first skin so maybe it's linked to that. I've been using olive oil so could have gotten a bit of that in his eye and not liked it so much. So I'll try the breast milk later when the little darling is awake. I'm supposed to be sleeping now while he is and I can't too much going through my head but might have another go in a minute. I'm going to be knackered later I can feel it.
Hi eveyone

Congrats Vici - so glad you and Imogen are home safe x

Sophia has been feeding like a fiend today - must be a growth spurt! David is back at work tomorrow. I am so sad! It is not that I am scared I won't cope 9although that has entered my mind!) it's that I will miss him so much. It has been so great having him here all day for 2 weeks. And then I feel bad, cos as much as I am sad - I hate to think how bad he must feel having to leave his daughter all day - he will miss her - she is already such a daddies girl.

My nipple still hasn't healed - everyone keeps telling me it will - but each time Sophia feeds on it it goes back to square one so I don't see how! still perseverance!!

Sophia loves her tummy tub and seems much happier in there fully submerged than in the big bath. and as for sleeping bags - we have them but i am waiting for Sophia to be a bit bigger. They are from Mothercare and say from 7lbs - I think i will wait for her to be 8lbs just to be sure - which the way she is going will only be a week or so!!

Does anyone else struggle knowing what to dress baby in? We are always worried she will be cold so nearly all her really summery clothes will not get worn, even though they are gorgeous. She is probably boiling half the time in all the clothes we put her in!

Pip - I hope Sam's sticky eye clears up.

Cleck - well done on the breastfeeding

good luck everyone wth getting LOs down tonight - fingers crossed for a long and happy sleep x:thumbup:
Just popping in to say hi :wave:
Great thread ShadowRat.. Love the front page!

I cant believe that Tyler is a week old today. I have no idea where the time went. Its crazy!

Hope you are all well..
Lots of love and hugs

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