--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Tomos was weighed today - he's 10lbs 1oz. He's going to be a little porker!!
OH have had to cancel our night out tomorrow night (our first sinceTomos was born) because his nanny, who's supposed to look after him, is ill :cry:

I've had about an hour's sleep because he really struggles when he has a poo and so he was awake for hours struggling and straining, so I was starting to look forward to going out to have a bit of a break.

I guess this is what the next few years are going to be like.
:happydance: Welcome to TTC LADY and baby Riya and to andbabymakes3 and little Holly! :happydance:

Sam she is lovely and very pretty. Her little tummy though bless her hope it heals quickly.

I'm feeling better today still a little teary but mil and mw here so they have given me the support I need. Mw gave me check up and is very pleased and Sam has put on loads of weight, 9oz in 4 days. So that's why he was grizzly yesterday. All that growing. Had totally wasted trip to doctors as they said come in and when I got there she asked how she could help me???? I said it was you that told me to come in. Anyway she did more checks and like mw said i'm fine. Best they check me out more than less I guess. My bf has meant my uterus has gone almost back to size which apparently is excellent and I've already lost 2/3 rds my pregnancy weight so I'm happy with only a stone to lose to be under prepregnancy weight. I feel so much more reassured knowing my milk is doing it's job. Now I have to relax and enjoy this without worrying about everything iykwim. Xxx
Hi Everyone, :wave:

How are all you August mummies doing?? I hope motherhood is treating you kindly :winkwink:

This is my first post in the Lion Cubs Group, yayyyyyyy! :yipee:


Sam_Star - I just wanted to say that little Elinor is so beautiful. What a little fighter, she looks so content even after all that she has been through! I'm so happy she is doing well and hope her good progress continues for you xx


Well, my LO is doing well and is placid most of the time but she does suffer from wind a fair bit. When she's at her worst, I can have her in my arms for hours at a time trying to comfort her and help her break wind!:nope: My OH took the "night-shift" with her last night and he didn't get a wink of sleep :dohh: But thank God we are able to take turns as otherwise I'd being going around like a zombie!!!! :rofl:

I have changed bottles so hopefully the new ones will do the trick. I've bought those Dr. Brown's ones that are supposed to be really good for windy/colic babies.. so fingers crossed!

Oh, and I got her weighed on Monday and she's 12lb 10oz already!!! The nurse's eyes widened LOL, but she said that's a good thing! They'd only worry if she wasn't putting on weight or taking her bottles. Think her exact words were: "Oh my gosh, you're flying!". Happy days :happydance:

:hug: to you all xxxxxxx
Oh my gosh, Sam, Elinor is GORGEOUS! Thanks so much for sharing her with us :D She is just lovely, what a little stunner! tmr is right, you really wouldn't have thought she'd been through so much already in her tiny life, she looks amazing for it! Great to hear that she's progressing enough to have her breathing tube takenout, that's amazing, it's gonna be such a wonderful moment for you to hear her little voice! (lol, and then you'll be wishing for silence!!! hehehe...)

gwiff, how old is Tomos now? I could just check his birthday on the front page lol but I'm just too lazy hehe! Sorry you had to cancel your first night out :( We're thinking about asking Grandma to babysit for an evening so we can go to the cinema, I'll bet I'll feel really weird leaving him at home!!

We had a really awful night last night, it started out really well, I put Vincent down to sleep at 9:00pm and I went to bed at about 11:00, and he didn't wake me for a feed until 2:30am! 5 and a half hours, that's the longest he has ever been between feeds! I think he's really getting the hang of "sleep at nighttime"... But after that feed he just would not settle at all, and every few minutes I was up and down in and outof the nursery to settle him back down again and again, in the end OH was so stressed out with it that he brought Vinnie into our bed, and by that point it was about 5:30 and time for Vince's next feed, so we fed him in the bed, but he still wasn't happy and wiggled and grumbled all night (morning!) so OH is totally exhausted today (he didn't come to bed utnil well after midnight! :dohh: ) but I managed to get a bit more sleep this morning with Vince in the bed. Sigh. I'm hoping we can start to stretch that first night time bit out so that he doesn't wake for a feed until 6ish (or even 7 or 8!!) that way we bypass the tricky bit of the night!!

Hope everyone is well today and not too tired! The poo fairy is calling :haha: so I'm off to deal with that hehehe!

x x x x
Oh, and today Vince is wearing a babygrow from Spain that's apparently meant for 6 month old babies!!!! :shock: He's just so LONG!! Even some of the English 0-3 stuff doesn't fit him any more!! Ducky was right, I'm gonna have to buy him stuff ten sizes bigger than his age all the time! :haha:
heyshadow, you could just cut the feet bit off the babygros and put socks on, they mite last him a bit longer, josh keeps losing hi scratch mitts so i was looking for some the other day, they seem to walk off and hide, so i just put socks on his hands instead and they stayed there all nite
hehehe good idea, costgang! It's ok, though: We've been given soooo many 0-3 size clothes which vary quite a lot in size, so we have a nice big back-up store of clothes! I don't think he will even get to wear all of it!

Does anyone know somewhere online where you can buy dummy clips / leads? We have one from a local baby shop but I'd like to get a couple more, they're so useful especially when Vince is in the sling and drops his dummy out of his mouth: Rather than it falling on the floor and needing to be re-sterilised, it just hangs there and i can pop it right back in :D
Sam, Elinor is SO pretty! Hope she gives you a good cry :)

:hugs: to all you girls struggling a bit, especially with the BFing. I've been really lucky with Imogen, and I'm still waiting for her to turn into monster baby. We're having some trouble with wind, I've heard REALLY good things about Dr Brown bottles from our friends who hada very poorly, fretful allergic-to-life baby (and I got to steal all their closer to nature bottles). My next goal is to start using the terries all day, which is going to involve me cutting down a few as madam is too darn small for the 60cm ones. I've worked out a fold which makes them less bulky, but it's not great on poo containment, so I think I'll have to bite the bullet and either buy smaller terries or make some 50cm ones (probably cheaper actually). Muslins just aren't absorbent enough for bright yellow liquid poo and she was soaking her wraps and we only have two that fit her (as she's too small for the ones I bought before she was born. story of her life at the mo).

For wind, we're trying infacol, which seems to have helped a smidgey bit, and I've cut out the gallons of orange juice I was drinking (sigh) and she spends a fair amount of time being held in 'tiger in the tree'


This always seems to result in a big old burp or fart, and you can do it sitting down too, just jiggle slightly. Do put a muslin under baby's face though ;)
Oooh Aunty E, you're brave jumping in with the terries already! I have all of my bamboo terries ready to go with loads of lovely wraps of different sizes, and I am now having massive second thoughts about the whole thing...

At the moment we're using the Nature Babycare biodegradable nappies, and they are REALLY great: Not a single drop of spillage, they can go for 5+ hours before needing to be changed, Vince has never had even a tiny bit of nappy rash in them (he had the teeniest bit of it in hospital when he was in the hospital nappies- think they were Pampers?? But nothing at all with the bio nappies) And they are sooooo easy to use. So now I'm thinking, what's worse; 5 years of nappies biodegrading on a landfill or an extra washing machine full of nappies which in this weather would need to be dried in the tumble drier each day?? The cost is not important to us as these nappies are really reasonably priced and I'm not too bothered about selling the bamboo terries on at a loss if I don't use them...
But surely the energy we'd use in all that washing and tumble drying would be worse than the nappies degrading over 5 years?

I'm so torn... It's like everything I thought I'd do when Vince was born has just gone out the window. But I just cannot see myself changing to the terries now when Vince is so happy in the bio nappies, I'd be so worried about messing up his little bottom with nappy rash, and all of the other factors just don't seem to make it likely that we'll end up using them now, after all my talk!!!

I could still be persuaded I think, but I don't see what argument could persuade me to be honest :wacko: I don't know... *sigh* ...

MJ, are you gonna switch to your little lambs soon? What are your thoughts?

Oh, Aunty E, we tried Infacol with Vince's wind and like you we thought it was helping a teeny bit, but we now put Dentinox in each of his feeds (he didn't like to take it after a feed) and it is MUCH better, I have to say! When he does burp now, it is always a nice big juicy one! Really seems to have helped him a lot, he's rarely screaming in pain with wind any more :) I'd recommend Dentinox to anyone who doesn't fidn that Infacol helps enough :winkwink:
Hi girls so sorry to be a little selfish here but i thought i'd share my lovely Elinor Mae with you all

Hope your all doing well xxxxxx

She is gorgeous! Hope all is going well. x
Shadow, just to let you know that we changed George to his Little Lamb nappies from about a week old. He has them on in the day - even when I went out yesterday and I get no leaks - I seem to get more from disposables thats why I decided to use the LLs to go out! We do use disposables overnight coz we try and change him without putting on the light and I didn't get the wrap on properly. No nappy rash either.

I love my Little Lambs... :happydance:
Hi everyone

Been having a little catch up. Sounds like everyone is doing fairly ok! its so lovely to read how everyone is doing and certainly makes me feel more normal. ha!

Rose is having a few problems with reflux and wind which is apparently common in premature babies:(. I cant lay her down after a feed otherwise she throws it back up. Its a killer during the night especially as she feeds every 2 hours.I am so tired and an emotional wreck on my poor dh. plus the mil is coming for a few days when i really just want to be on my own. moan moan!

on the plus side Rose is behaving more like a newborn now after spending the last 7 weeks playing catch up bless her. i am still bf, been doing it for about 6 weeks i think,was expressing before that as Rose was tube fed. i love it and feel so lucky to be able to do it. it makes me feel like i am making up for all the cuddles she wasnt able to have whilst in nicu and scbu.

ok, thats it for now.probably bored you all to bits!:wacko: take care x
I'm still using disposables at night, and intend to do so for the forseeable until we get more adept at terry changes. We've got a couple of packs of newborn size nappies kicking around, and we'll work our way through those and probably use disposables while we're out and about as well.

Imogen does actually seem happier in terries, she's got a lot of dry skin where the waist band on her disposables sits, and the terries seem a bit gentler on them. The cost was an important factor for us - we should be able to get all of our children through with these nappies and wraps, and while disposables are delightfully easy (oh so easy in fact), the cost is amazing when you add it all up. I know we'll end up using disposables for days out and possibly in childcare, but right now I have the time and energy for terries. Despite what my mother in law predicted.

Anyway, I have about a trillion loads of laundry to go on (including my first nappy bucket!), so I'll pootle off before I spend the next hour on BnB ;)
Sam Star, thanks for sharing your pics of Elinor she is so adorable, well done.

My little one is growing so quickly, and because she is so tall she can no longer fit new born and is on 0-3 now. Both my OH and myself are very tall which is where she gets those genes from. Mimi is not very windy but ocassionally she gets it and it bothers her but I bought infacol (which I havent used yet) as a back up. Her sleeping is getting better now, she sleeps at about 10pm and is waking up for a feed around 4am then 7 am, but I guess this is because she is in our bed

I managed to express some milk today as we were going out, it made life so much simpler as usually I have to go back to the car or stop the car to give her a feed when she screams for it. Well today my son just fed her while I was driving which was such a relief. The Tommee Tippee breast pump is really good, I also have the Avent one but feel it is not as comfortable to use

I cant get over her constant pooing though and I have had to watch what I eat as in if it is too citrusy it makes her throw up and poo a lot so no oranges for me at the moment *sighs*. I think Aunt Flo has paid me a visit as TMI there was blood on my Allday so not too happy about that tbh, I was wondering why all of a sudden my belly had bloated up and I guess that is the reason.

I thought about using Terry nappies too before giving birth but never got round to buying them. I saw the biodegradable ones in Boots today and nearly bought them, so will go ahead now as I wasnt sure about leakage etc. Thanks for the review Shadow

@ Pippin, glad your LO is in better and not grizzly anymore. Lost most of your birthweight, how??? Please do tell. I am just wondering when I will get back to my pre pregnancy weight, I also have a stone to lose and for me losing weight needs the help of Weight Watchers as I only have to look at a cake to put on weight

@xxCarolinexx, good to hear that your LO is laid back and sleeps well

@ Shadow, sorry you didnt have a very good night, hope Vince is settled now and gives you some nice quiet time tonight
my thoughts on the Little Lambs, Shadow, are that I am going to start using them soon, very soon in fact, as AE is frequently weeing out of the Pampers Newborn, so I want to see if he can go a night without needing (because his sheets and babygro are wet) changing.

have already started using the washable wipes I made and especially on poos, they are amazing. so much better than disposable wipes; I was getting through 5 or 6 disposables per pooey nappy and getting it on my hands. with the washable, I use one and I can get most of the poo off with one swipe of the towelling side, then finish off with the fleece side. I have been wetting them in plain hot water and AE likes it much much better than a cold wipe.

I understand not wanting to change something that works though. but I want to try my reusable nappies out and now I am far more in control of everything I am almost ready to introduce something new. I think he may be a little small for them right now, so we'll see.

oh and the washable wipes came up perfectly when I put them through the washing machine, I rinsed them after cleaning AE and left them wet then washed the next day, didn't need any stain remover or anything. :)

I also think that an all-or-nothing attitude (to anything, really!) is unhelpful; I mean, I'd love to exclusively breastfeed but I am not able to right now and may never be able to (and it's no surprise), so I feed what I can, he loves it, and then he gets his bottles and he loves those, too. as with the nappies. if we sometimes use disposables it's ok. if we use them 50% of the time, it's ok as well. if the reusables turn out to be more bother than they're worth, I'll sell them. I feel a lot more relaxed about my decisions now AE is here, it's all about doing what works when you actually put the choices into practise. if it's something different than my pre-baby principles said, then so be it. :D
@ Grumpymoo -sorry you are an emotional wreck, I do hope you start to feel better soon. It is really exhausting having to get up every two hours and the reflux thing is quite distressing for the Lo's too. Hope Rose starts to improve on that. At this time the last thing you need is your MIL staying over. When I gave birth my mum stayed with us for a week and while I greatly appreciated her help there were times when she would get on my nerves and I also just wanted to be alone so I can imagine with a MIL. Dont worry hon, it will soon be over and she might actually turn out to be a great help with Rose. Good luck with that

AuntyE, you are so good using Terries - I just wouldnt have the time with my other two. My four year old is very hyper and a real handful, I would never find the time even though I really wanted to. What you said about cost is what initially had made me decide to use terries but now practicality has kicked in............ Good luck with them, did you get any of those free vouchers to help you start off
totally random but does anyone know why my post count isnt going up? It's been at 236 for weeks now and I have been posting quite a bit

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