Oh my gosh, Sam, Elinor is GORGEOUS! Thanks so much for sharing her with us

She is just lovely, what a little stunner! tmr is right, you really wouldn't have thought she'd been through so much already in her tiny life, she looks amazing for it! Great to hear that she's progressing enough to have her breathing tube takenout, that's amazing, it's gonna be such a wonderful moment for you to hear her little voice! (lol, and then you'll be wishing for silence!!! hehehe...)
gwiff, how old is Tomos now? I could just check his birthday on the front page lol but I'm just too lazy hehe! Sorry you had to cancel your first night out

We're thinking about asking Grandma to babysit for an evening so we can go to the cinema, I'll bet I'll feel really weird leaving him at home!!
We had a really awful night last night, it started out really well, I put Vincent down to sleep at 9:00pm and I went to bed at about 11:00, and he didn't wake me for a feed until 2:30am! 5 and a half hours, that's the longest he has ever been between feeds! I think he's really getting the hang of "sleep at nighttime"... But after that feed he just would not settle at all, and every few minutes I was up and down in and outof the nursery to settle him back down again and again, in the end OH was so stressed out with it that he brought Vinnie into our bed, and by that point it was about 5:30 and time for Vince's next feed, so we fed him in the bed, but he still wasn't happy and wiggled and grumbled all night (morning!) so OH is totally exhausted today (he didn't come to bed utnil well after midnight!

) but I managed to get a bit more sleep this morning with Vince in the bed. Sigh. I'm hoping we can start to stretch that first night time bit out so that he doesn't wake for a feed until 6ish (or even 7 or 8!!) that way we bypass the tricky bit of the night!!
Hope everyone is well today and not too tired! The poo fairy is calling

so I'm off to deal with that hehehe!
x x x x