Hi again ladies. I've got the pics uploaded of the cute pie I made.
Also, I went to the doctor yesterday and he said I have a cold and a sinus infection. Ugh! No wonder I feel like crap.

So now I'm on an antibiotic, a decongestant/expectorant, and a steroid to help keep inflammation down. The only problem is that now I'm coughing more tonight and my eyes are itching and I'm sneezing and snotty.

I feel so gross right now.

Hopefully it's going to get better over the next couple of days.
Anyways, also Bryson got his first hair cut yesterday. He did SO well!! He barely cried! He sat in the chair all by himself and was nice and still for the stylist most of the time and he just did very very well!

I'm so proud of him!!

Baby's first haircut...
Pics are below. Enjoy!