aww i bet it was so cute seeing emma go down the slide, we keep meaning to take jesse to the park but we never get round to it, last time he went on a slide he didnt like it but it was a few months ago so he might be different now! he loves swings though!
spidey i dont she is the last one to walk, but even if she was it doesnt really matter, shes obviously happy crawling! she will do it soon enough

shiv - some little kid was running riot last time we took jesse to a soft play place and he his mum was sat right there and didnt say anything, she only came over because the kid had slapped jesse for like the third time and id grabbed him and shouted at him and then pretended to punch him in the head when he walked off

lol, but really some people are idiots!
cleck - my HV was really surprised when she heard jesse talking, and said he shouldnt be putting words together til nearer to 2 so dont feel worried, they all develop in their own time!
on the subject of talking though jesse has started to say thankyou instead of taa

its soo sweet haha, and he keeps saying 'all gone' all the time now too, if he shuts the door he will go AAAALL GONE! and shrug his hands lol, or hold his bottle out and say it, and when what hes watching on tv has finished,
i think he is understanding the majority of what we say now, we were in the car last night and we stopped at mcdonalds and i turned around and jesse do you want some chippys, and he started grinning and nodding his head and saying thankyou hahaha so funny
i think jesse had a night terror last night, we were woken up by this absolutly hysterical scream, he didnt seem to be aware of us and was just kicking and flailing around in our arms and sobbing so loud iv never heard anything like it, it took us nearly an hour to calm him down, stuart was late for work cus he didnt want to leave while he was like that, it was really horrible and im worried about him now, i really dont want it to happen again! x