Hi Ladies.
How is everyone this Monday? We're doing alright. Just sitting here with the weather channel on since we're under a tornado watch here. Blah! Which is actually unusual for this time of year. But oh well.
Hmmm wow..you all have been pretty chatty. Replying to you all would take all day so I'll try to do a quick short summary instead.
Holiday lists...
For Bryson I want to get him a few things for Hanukkah.
1) The Weebles musical treehouse
2) Push along ride on toy (the kind that they push themselves forward with their feet)
3) The Wiggles spoon and fork set
4) Wiggles clothing
5) The Wiggles toy car (if at all possible)
6) Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn: Learn and Move Music Station
7) Fisher Price Roll 'N Racers Spinning Speedway
8) and maybe one of those little ballpits with the plastic balls (I always wanted one as a kid and never got one and Bry loves playing with balls so I think that would be great and we can keep it in his room where I don't have to worry about stepping on balls all the time haha.)
That should get him started though right?

We need to have one gift for every day of Hanukkah which is 8 days long. And no, he's not spoiled!
As for my 13 year old. A few age appropriate movies (he's too old for the disney ones anymore), prolly 2 new video games, and a few other surprises.
As for me... Gosh I dunno. I've been too busy thinking of the boys.

I think I'd like a new set of soft warm pj's. (I LOVE pj's!)
A new Vera Bradley purse (I love to ask for one new one a year).
A hockey jersey (my fav team one, the nashville predators)
A small digital photo keychain so I can take my fav pics with me anywhere.
An LG Ally cell phone.
That's all I can think of right now.

I'm just not used to thinking of me. I'm still trying to figure out what to get for hubby. He's not offering me any ideas or help for what to get for him.

He says he hasn't had a chance to stop and think about it yet.
I hope all of our little lion cubs are doing well today. Poor Bry did a face plant in the kitchen on Saturday evening and got a goose egg on his forehead which was still pretty bruised yesterday.

Luckily I immediately grabbed a cold pack and put it on his forehead where the swelling was after it happened and it took the swelling down. The swelling was very minimal yesterday and looks to be all but gone today. My poor little baby.

He cried for about an hour too. I felt so bad for him and so guilty that I wasn't able to grab him in time to keep him from getting hurt.

DH and I gave him some baby tylenol and after about 15 more minutes he settled down and snacked on some of his crunchies. *sigh* The joys of toddler-hood I guess.
Is anyone else having trouble getting their little ones full during a meal? It seems like Bry is a bottomless pit! He eats SO much! I don't know where he is putting it all!
I better go for now. Bryson should be waking up from his nap any time now so I'll talk to you all later. Have a nice day everyone.