--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Oh yeah. Forgot to say we finally have an appointment for Emma this Wednesday. Her first doctors appointment since she was like 6 months. :blush: She had all her updated shots through the health center but not an actual well baby check. So she'll finally be all up to date hopefully. :lol: I'm just happy that we got our insurance all switched over so we actually have a doctor here now. And a civilian doctor at that!! Which is GOOD!! :D:D
MJ is it a littlelife backpack/reins? we got Kara one of those but the butterfly wings one, and oh god she hated it she was a right witch when we were walking with it on, when i take the reins bit off though she's quite happy! i opted for normal reins after that, as she has a strange habit of 'chasing cars' ........

:) Just got it out of its bag for a look - it's a this one, a Goldbug backpack. I got it from Bluewater, from a stand in one of the malls - there was loads of cute kiddy stuff and I just loved the monkey. Really not sure how he'll like it... got a feeling he won't. Oh well, it's cute. :lol:

they also had this Skip Hop monkey one, and I LOVE it but it's for 3+ years.

wow, some of the LOs are going to be having a very busy Christmas morning! I think we'll be more in the Shiv camp of not a huge amount of pressies... sigh... it's not that I don't want to get Adam things but our age-old issue of NO SPACE. hopefully not too far into the new year we will have a new flat for him. :lol: we're going to my parents' again for Christmas, and he'll get some presents there, and some from us and my brother's family, but the rest he will probably get after Christmas when we go to C's mum for her family get-together. my mum has already told me she's bought him a Leapfrog Leap Pad (I think it's called, a little laptop). I am hoping he will leave mine alone if he has his own, but it didn't exactly work that way when I bought him a V-tech camera. :rofl:

Shiv, I have never seen my SIL's mum knit, but if she is anything like my SIL, she is amazing... I have never seen anything like it, she does these really complicated Fair Isle type traditional Norwegian patterns and she knits so quickly, I am completely in awe. SIL made Adam a gorgeous cardigan last year but he didn't get a lot of wear out of it because it was too thick to go under his snowsuit (and too hot), and usually too thick for wearing indoors. Such a shame. I hate wasting clothes but it's par for the course when babies keep on getting bigger!
ash jesse has the megabloks table and i think its really good, i just think it ties the whole megablok thing together as a proper toy rather than just a bag of bloks lol,

personally, i like to buy jesse loads of stuff because it makes me happy to be able to give him things, and to know he has everything he could possibly want, hes my only baby and we arnt going hungry to pay for it so why cant i spoil him! thats what i tell my mum anyway lol, its each to their own with things like that isnt it but personally i want jesse to have as much as i can give him in all areas :shrug:
I measured Kira's feet and they're 12.5 cm from the bottom of her heel to the top of the big toe. Not sure how big that really is, but relatives always seem to comment on her foot size. :haha:

Shiv- do you have relatives close by who could watch Sophia for a couple hours each day to give you a break? A grumpy baby is no fun. Have you given her any medicine for pain to see if that helps?

For Christmas Kira's not getting a boat load of toys... but I was thinking of getting her a play kitchen. My friend has a 17 month old who loves pretending to cook, etc. so I think if Kira gets one at Christmas she'll grow into it quickly. I also want to get her something to push along, like a grocery cart or little stroller- assuming she'll be walking by Christmas. I like to buy her a new toy every month or so, so I'll probably save some money for new toys in January and February too when we're going stir crazy in the house!

Kira has a Fisher Price Little people barn and she LOVES it (and so does her older friend)! I don't remember now who posted about getting the barn, but its a good buy :thumbup:

If anyone has a ball pit, does your LO like play in it? I think Jesse might have one if I remember right??? They always look so fun.
Spidey, Adam doesn't have a ball pit but at toddler group it is his absolute favourite. it's just a small at-home size one, not a massive one like they have a soft play areas. I'd get him one only the balls go everywhere and in our tiny flat that would be awful for me and C. :( When he has his own bedroom then maybe. But just tidying up at the end of playgroup is bad enough, to think of doing it several times a day - eeek, no. :lol:
Boothh- Definitely each to their own. :lol: I give Emma everything and more but just don't see the point in going OTT with toys specifically. Money has nothing to do with it for me. I've just learned enough from my SIL's mistakes. :haha:

Spidey- We got Emma that kitchen for her birthday and it is by far the best gift ever. She plays in it every day even still. Be prepared to find the fake food in random places all over your house. :rofl: I am constantly going around picking up the fake food and putting them up. We bought the matching cart to go with it and it works perfect to just toss all the food in the basket of the cart so you don't have to worry about putting it in each individual shelf in the kitchen itself. :thumbup: A little time saving trick from Mrs. Cleanliness. ;)
Cleckner- I was just coming here to ask you how Emma liked her kitchen. I'm happy to hear that Emma is getting lots of play from hers because I really want to get one for Kira although DH thinks she's too young for it. I already found one I like too!

MJ- I might have to get Kira a ballroom! I loved the free ballroom at Ikea when I was a kid. :thumbup:
The kitchen is always a massive hit when we have playgroups at my house too. The kids go straight for it. :thumbup: Tell your husband he is VERY wrong. :winkwink:
jesse has a ball pit and its one of his favourite toys he will happily spend hours in there and it was quite cheap too £8 for the actual ball pit in the elc sale and the balls were 2 bags for £8 he has 4bags so 400balls in total but he could do with a couple more if im honest cus they dont really fill the pit up but theres enough! especially when they are thrown all over your house lol,
and jesse does have loads of toys but to be fair he does play with all of them, half of them he will be growing out of around christmas or just after so buying more is really just replacing those ones, i do buy him alot of toys but we always had every toy going when we were little we had a room double the size of me and my sisters room filled with toys, cus my mum and dad were just like that so so am i lol, i like him to have alot but not too much so he doesnt play with them like my cousins! my aunty buys them so many toys that half dont even come out of the boxes and they outgrow them before they even open them, now thats going too far lol x
ahhh nutty we are getting kara the melody maker too! i actually cant wait to try it myself haha! i LOVEEEEEEEEE the bath set, can i ask where its from?

hope kai is better soon, sounds similar to what kara had, and it was bloody awful!
nutty it sounds like what me and jesse and stuart had! i still keep throwin up and gettin the runs every few days though not as ill as i was and iv really lost my appetite lost about half a stone since i got it, and jesse keeps having the runs but hes teething too so i dunno if thats why, i think its just a bad virus but its getting annoying now,

are those clocks from octopus? i wanted to get one a few weeks ago haha but it wouldnt go in the house, and i love that cake shapesorter! x
i feel better for a couple of days then i get like 12hours of feeling awful :( i dont know if its being stressed thats making it worse cus im abit run down generally at the moment!
(funnily enough i just got caught off guard by a sneeze as i was writing this and got snot all over the screen LOL)
i cant have clocks in bedrooms lol it stems back from when i had insomnia and i could hear the clock downstairs ticking, so i cant have one anywere near me now i even leave my watch downstairs at night haha :/
Hi Ladies.

How is everyone this Monday? We're doing alright. Just sitting here with the weather channel on since we're under a tornado watch here. Blah! Which is actually unusual for this time of year. But oh well.

Hmmm wow..you all have been pretty chatty. Replying to you all would take all day so I'll try to do a quick short summary instead. :haha:

Holiday lists...

For Bryson I want to get him a few things for Hanukkah.

1) The Weebles musical treehouse
2) Push along ride on toy (the kind that they push themselves forward with their feet)
3) The Wiggles spoon and fork set
4) Wiggles clothing
5) The Wiggles toy car (if at all possible)
6) Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn: Learn and Move Music Station
7) Fisher Price Roll 'N Racers Spinning Speedway
8) and maybe one of those little ballpits with the plastic balls (I always wanted one as a kid and never got one and Bry loves playing with balls so I think that would be great and we can keep it in his room where I don't have to worry about stepping on balls all the time haha.)

That should get him started though right? :haha: We need to have one gift for every day of Hanukkah which is 8 days long. And no, he's not spoiled! :winkwink:

As for my 13 year old. A few age appropriate movies (he's too old for the disney ones anymore), prolly 2 new video games, and a few other surprises.

As for me... Gosh I dunno. I've been too busy thinking of the boys. :blush:
I think I'd like a new set of soft warm pj's. (I LOVE pj's!)

A new Vera Bradley purse (I love to ask for one new one a year).

A hockey jersey (my fav team one, the nashville predators)

A small digital photo keychain so I can take my fav pics with me anywhere.

An LG Ally cell phone.

That's all I can think of right now. :blush: I'm just not used to thinking of me. I'm still trying to figure out what to get for hubby. He's not offering me any ideas or help for what to get for him. :dohh: He says he hasn't had a chance to stop and think about it yet. :rolleyes:

I hope all of our little lion cubs are doing well today. Poor Bry did a face plant in the kitchen on Saturday evening and got a goose egg on his forehead which was still pretty bruised yesterday. :( Luckily I immediately grabbed a cold pack and put it on his forehead where the swelling was after it happened and it took the swelling down. The swelling was very minimal yesterday and looks to be all but gone today. My poor little baby. :( He cried for about an hour too. I felt so bad for him and so guilty that I wasn't able to grab him in time to keep him from getting hurt. :( DH and I gave him some baby tylenol and after about 15 more minutes he settled down and snacked on some of his crunchies. *sigh* The joys of toddler-hood I guess.

Is anyone else having trouble getting their little ones full during a meal? It seems like Bry is a bottomless pit! He eats SO much! I don't know where he is putting it all! :wacko:

I better go for now. Bryson should be waking up from his nap any time now so I'll talk to you all later. Have a nice day everyone. :flower:
^^ That is an amazing idea for the ball pit balls! So far I haven't found any that I truly like but I LOVE that! Definitely gives me something to think about. :lol: I've only been looking at the ball pit section online. I know what you mean about balls getting everywhere. Emma had her balls out for a while(just never had a pit for them) and they were such a pain. But she loved them so it'll be worth it. :thumbup:
nutty i LOVE that ball pit! jesse loves his but i purposely got a pop up one so we could pack it away when we want to, it was down in the living room but now its in his room, after christmas we are decorating the whole house so all his toys are going in his room and theres a sofa in his room cus its huge so im going to make that the room were in during the day and the living room is more adult orientated! i just dont feel like i can relax at night when it looks like a toy shop so im looking forward to shifting most of his stuff upstairs! x
MJ- you'll have to let me know how Adam likes his laptop at Christmas. I'm thinking of getting Kira one too for the same reasons but not sure if its too advanced for her.

Nutty- I've have stomach bugs like that in the past that seem to linger on. It could be that the initial sickness irritated things so much that any bit of upset results in sickness now. I hope Kai feels better soon and its nothing serious. I LOVE that cake shape sorter! I would play with it more than Kira I think. Kira has a "fridge farm" by leapfrog and its a really neat toy- it sticks to the fridge just like that magnet toy you posted. Oh, and I love Kai's ball pit too! I should get my DH to make something like that!

Kimberly- Bryson must like the weebles! Kira had a face plant too this weekend- right off the couch and onto the floor. Poor babies. Kira is a bottomless pit at meal times- DH and I joke that she's our flagra duck.

Kira WILL be getting a kitchen for Christmas whether DH agrees or not! And... look at this super cute grocery cart!

I'll have to look at more ball pits. Boothh- you got a good price on yours because the ones I can order online seem really pricey. I'll have to see how much they're selling for in the store.

So I found the coolest thing that I would have loved as a kid: https://www.backtobasicstoys.com/item/productid/7613/txt/Talking_Cash_Register?source=igodigital|
Its a cash register and there are bar codes that come with it so you can stick them on your toys and pretend to ring them in... I was such a dorky child
That cash register is so cool spidey!

It's so hard to NOT go overboard for christmas. We are almost all done with our shopping already and the last few things I want to think over thoroughly before picking for sure. I know I want a ball pit as well and they have pop up ones that are full blown tent-like things so she'd basically be in a cage. :dohh: I haven't seen any ball pits like the one you have Boothh. I really like yours but just can't find one like it anywhere. I agree having a pop up one would be best because you can store it away easier and than easily bring it back out too. :thumbup:

Well we finally did our pumpkin carving. Emma decorated hers with finger paint. :haha: I'm just now sorting all the pictures so I can finally be caught up on facebook. I still have pictures from September that I haven't even put on there yet. :dohh:
Imogen loves balls too - we hope to find her a good ball pit fir Christmas. Sorry, on the iPhone as I'm away with work but had to pop on and say that Mog is walking :). Yay!

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