awww.. thats so cute that Emma says ewww

I am so lucky to have 2 bathrooms because after she poops in bath tub #1, we carry her into bath tub #2 to clean her again! Then I spend the next 30 minutes getting the poop out of the water and bleaching all of her toys! We had to stop using the tub squirters because I was concerned that poop water would get stuck in them
Kira doesn't talk much either. She never says mama and she'll only say Dada if I say "say Da Da" and then she'll repeat back "DA"
Spontaneously she will say:
mmmmPA! (up)
mmmmBAAA (open)

only a pro can distinguish between the 2 words!
Tink (drink)
all done (this is her most perfectly spoken word!)
da (down)
taa (tv)
bye (also spoken very clearly)
tee (for deedee- thats what we call a pacifier)
once my DH was wearing a purple shirt and Kira kept pointing to it, then she said "pah" and I KNOW she was trying to say purple. Perhaps it was just a fluke though, LOL
all of her other words are only spoken when I ask her to say them so I don't think they count. She'll make an attempt to repeat any word I say, but she'll only say the first sound.