--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I do love Ava Grace but it's super popular. There is even a girl on here with a daughter with that name. Plus my cousin's daughter is Grace so wouldn't want to copy. Although she is the one that copied Emma's bedding set a few months back. :dohh: I love Ava Elizabeth too but don't know if it flows right. Putting two vowels together like that isn't quite right. Unless I'm crazy. :haha:

Ava Faith?
Ava Hope?
Ava Simone (dunno where that one came from :wacko:)
Ava Louise? Ava Lou
Ava Mae
Ava Marie
I do love Ava Mae! Although not sure if DH would go for it because it kind of sounds like a hillbilly name. :rofl:

It's funny we are talking about a 'hypothetical' baby. :D I'm not even trying to get pregnant but still struggling with names. :rofl:
Ava Belle ~(then it would be ABC!)

I have tried not to think about names either, but I also love Ava, i don't think it goes with Sophia very well though.............picture myself shouting out into teh street Sophia and Ava DINNER TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME...........
Caylees feet are a size 5!! Lol

I love the name Ava. :thumbup: I like Ava Lily, because I love Lily :haha:

I do love Ava Elizabeth, I think that is stunning. Middle names are so hard for us too haha. We used each of our mothers middle names for the girls and our next daughter will be after my niece that passed away. I want the girls to have a special thing connected with their name.

If we have a son...only 6 people like the name for is..everyone else does this :dohh: :wacko: But I am past the point of looking for people to like our names haha
We really struggled with boys names and i will struggle again if we have a boy. girls names are just so pretty and lovely!

We could only agree on one girls name last time - Sophia, so she hasn't got a middle name and assumign I do preggers again some day, it is gonna be tough agreeing on a name!

Sophia is a size 5 now, although she still fit sin her 4.5's - need to go get her new ones soon!
I love girls names, like you said they are cute and fun and boys names are so so hard.

I think for a boy I want a very OUT there name. My girls names are nice and normal and for our son I have had a name stuck in my head since before I got pregnant with Caylee and I always wanted to use it because it's random :p We love Riot Remington (Remington is Ross' middle name) I think it has a ring haha
wow that is a COOL name, it sounds like a super popular at school!
Heidi: I can't believe Caylee has been so through many shoes, although she walked so much earlier than Natasha so we only had to buy shoes last month. It must cost you a fortune. Lol at you even putting down the first solid turd ha ha

Cleck: I am the same I want to see her in girly things before she wont let me ha ha - one of my SIL's actually asked me do I ever put her in trousers, which I do but as I said when we call up to see them all that is Natasha's day out, the same way as I would wear a dress for a night out and it feels like ages since she has had loads of dresses because of putting her in leggins when she was crawling for comfort. We got a present of a year book for Natasha but had already gotten a yearly one so I used that as I know there is no way I will remember to fill out a 5 year one, but in saying that i'm kind of sorry now as there is so many new things that she is now doing and there is no where to document it in the book so I'm just putting pages in the end.

Angelstardust: Slippers are a good idea, do they have grips on them as I try and put Natasha in comfy clothes when we are at home and her shoes really dont go with tracksuits and leggings, but she slips so much in her socks.

Shiv: you are good a picking middle names. I am always hopeless for making them sound good together. We picked both our mams names as Natashas middles names but they dont ring at all. We had said that if we had a girl it would be my mams name first and if it was a boy it would be DH's fathers name first. I have no idea what we will do if we have another girl.

I like Ava Lou - Ava Elizabeth has a nice ring to it too, but I have a thing about Elizabeth as it is my middle name and I never like it, even though it was after my nan, but she was always called Betty so it doesn't feel like it was after her. but then it was only ever used on official forms and such so I think part of it is it sounds foreign to me ha ha, especially now since I got married. A letter came in the other day with it on it plus my married name and it sounded really funny.

Well girls I probably wont be back in for a while - holidays are over and I'm back to work next week. it feels like it is ages since I worked as I was off with the snow for two weeks then back for a week and then off for the last 3 weeks and I wont know what has hit me next week, as I'm loving myself and Natasha's little routine and we have had so much fun today and I think she is finally getting better thank god, as I dont think I could go back if she was still sick even though I have to. She is still refusing her antiobiotic, but I managed to get it in this afternoon in a yogurt and this evening DH got it in this evening by playing a game that took 30 mins to get it it but he did it. This morning was more or less a write off as she spit most of it back again.

I will be reading on my phone though.

Keep well. xx
Jelr, we have these https://www.bicalsocks.co.uk/ for at home, bought when she was starting to walk, we have lamenite so she was slipping.

eBay have them for about £10.50-£12.00 if you search for 'shocks' or 'baby shocks'.

And the cheaper ones from Boots, that are like mochinsons on the sole. Think they are £6 but often on sale at £4 (I stock up). Those ones are great for nursery.
jelr, I have the same issue with socks slipping on the floors, so if he needs something on his feet (and he does because it's been cold), he wears socks and Robeez soft-soled shoes. they are suede soled, very soft, but grip well. unfortunately they come in a size range - he has the 12-18 months ones, which is 3.5-5 (UK conversion, they are American shoes, so that's 4.5-6 in American as the sizes are different). they still fit well because he doesn't have wide feet, but I'll have to get bigger soon as he was measured at 5.5 a few weeks ago. only problem is the next size will be 5.5-7 (US 6.5-8) and they'll flap like flippers for the first while. :lol: (but they stay on well because the ankles are elasticated).

I tried normal slippers but he takes them off after 30 seconds. little monkey. also tried socks with bits of rubbery stuff on, like Totes socks, but he wouldn't keep them on either. I think he must find the Robeez comfortable because he can take them off but doesn't usually.

Cleck, I like Ava... if I had an Ava and I wanted a middle name as well... hmmm...

Ava Dawn (though it's a bit country)
Ava Georgina
Ava Rose
Ava Leigh
Ava May

I'd caution against Ava Maria though :rofl: unless you are Catholic

My neighbour called her daughter Eva Betsy, which is sweet.

wow, Heidi, I never heard of a baby Riot! I actually quite like it, though imagine if he was a small sweet bookwormish little boy... it's a bit of a name to live up to!
Aww I missed all kinds of good chatter! Emma had a playdate. :D

Heidi- Riot is so cool!! I agree that it'd be a hard name to live up to. I'm the same with middle names. I do like them to have meaning behind them. Emma's middle name was her great-great grandmother's middle name. :thumbup:

Maybe I can find someone in my family named Elizabeth. :rofl: My mom keeps trying to talk me into naming a girl Quinn. It's a family name but sounds more like a boys name in my head. Although Glee has a Quinn that is female.

Jelr- I can't believe you don't like your middle name! I have always thought Elizabeth is a stunning name. I tend to lean towards classic names though. :D You can still stop by facebook right? I know we don't talk nearly as much on here as we do facebook. We'll miss you and you're incredibly long posts. :winkwink::hugs:

Shiv- I never noticed that Sophia doesn't have a middle name!! :haha: We had one girl name and one boy name decided from years before. We were talking about baby names almost as soon as we got married. But didn't end up decided to actually have any until 5 years later. :dohh:

MJ- I thought about Ava Leigh too! It has a nice ring to it. Ava Maria. :rofl: Ava maria really goes well together though!

Well Emma skipped her nap today because of the playdate and now she's napping and it's 7 pm. I have a feeling my perfect routine will be completely screwed up now. :( I don't really want to wake her though because she had a long day. GRR!
Thanks Angelstardust and MJ - I will have to look into those as they would be lovely and comfy on her feet at home and stop her slipping on the wooden floor and save her shoes too so as they are not on all day every day.

MJ I tried those socks with the rubber bits on them and she did leave them on but she as still slipping in them so I didn't find them any good and they were really hard to find here, I could only get them in Pennys (Primark in the UK) so they weren't the best quality either.

The nurse here tells you to leave them walk in their bare feet all the time but it is so cold, the poor mite would be freezing to do that, but they both sound like they would be as loose and comfy as walking in socks.

Cleck: ha ha I'm sure now you will be delighted not to have to read my long posts lol. I hope to get into FB but the problem is I just dont seem to know how to get by point across without big posts even in there and I dont know whether it is my arthritis or clumsyness but I can never manage more than a line or two on my phone between autocorrect and being all fingers and thumbs it ends up saying all sorts ha ha and I never seem to have the laptop on much when I'm working by the time I'm home and spend time with Natasha and do a few bits around the house, so I usually just read or write short comments on my phone during the week when I have a minute here or there or am outside having a quick cigerette. But fingers crossed I will be get to write some short comments ha ha

I think I never liked Elizabeth as when we were all in school it seemed old fashioned and most of my friends had new and cool middle names. I do like it much more now that I am older but it does seem foreign when I see it on things as it is only official forms and such that It is ever used here.

I hope Emmas routine wasn't knocked out too much.

Well gonna run DH and Natasha are just out for a walk around the corner to my mams and I'm meant to be jumping in the shower.
When DS2 was learning to walk (he walked at 23 months) MIL found these socks that had the whole sole of the sock covered in the rubber stuff! They were great. But I have never seen them since. The socks with the rubber grips are okay but they still slip. I have a few pairs of slipper socks and still fall on my bum when the floor is clean (so I figure its safer to leave them dirty and then I don't feel so bad about not mopping every day hehe!)

Cleckner, did she sleep right through? They sometimes will then wake up the next morning and eat your kitchen bare.
Well Emma ended up being up until 11. Wouldn't sleep and I finally just brought her into my bed and she fell asleep shortly after. :dohh: So tonight I'm gonna try to run her around as much as possible so she's extra tired at the correct time. :haha: I might bring her slide in the house so she can climb on that.

A helicopter flew over at like 10:30 PM last night and it flew really low over and had a loudspeaker going describing a girl that is missing. :wacko: So they were out looking for her. Kinda scary. I really hope they find her.
I heard about that girl. They found her ipod (or iphone) and discovered she had been using a chat application (palringo) to talk to people. So now the chatrooms are flooded with the story and her picture. They are worrying that she has went to meet someone.

Just reinfoces the fear about children having access to the internet and how easily 'monsters' can prey on vulnerable people on these chat apps.

Actually makes me terrified, I have spoken to kids of 11 and 12 on that app! Their parents don't even know that they have access to apps like that!

Not only that, but you can take and send pictures, voice messages... you know fine well how that will go!
iv not read through just the last couple of pages, jesse had his feet measured in september for his first shoes, his foot length was size 3 but cus he has really broad feet he had to have size 4 to fit him, i took him back in december cus it was getting hard to fasten the straps, they measured him and told me he was a 3.5 and wanted to sell me 3.5 shoes, i said no im not paying £30 for shoes half a size smaller than the ones hes grown out of! :wacko: so i got them in size 4, they are a bit bigger than his first ones though so thats good :)

hes in 12-18 clothes mostly now, still some 9-12 jeans on tuesday i sorted his clothes out and got rid of all the 6-9 jeans and pjs, (they still fit but they all look tatty now hes been wearing them a year!) iv just started to buy bits of 18-24 now and he got a few bits for christmas, i try and buy a couple of things a week in the next size up from what hes wearing then when thiongs start to get too small i already have loads of new things in the next size and i dont feel like iv spent a fortune!
when i was pregnant i bought tonnes of clothes but only in tiny baby, newborn and 0-3 cus they were all summery and i new by the time he got to 3-6 it would be almost winter! xx
I missed so much! Lets see if I remember everything I wanted to say!

Firstly, I love the name Riot Remmington! You're asking to have a trouble maker with that name :haha:

Kira's shoes are size 5 and she needs a size 6 already. She has big feet and it runs in the family. My BIL needs to have special shoes made because his feet are so gigantic! Fingers crossed that Kira doesn't end up with massive feet too!

Clothing brands must be cut so differently! I know Kira isn't massive compared to the other babies, but for tops she needs to wear size 2T. For bottoms I still dress her in 2T, but in reality she could wear 18 months since the 2T are a little long.
Yeah I definitely think different brands are totally different with sizing. My friends baby is only like 18 pounds and the exact same height as emma but she's in 18 month clothing already. But Emma is still in 12 month and not growing out of them anytime soon either from the looks of it. :shrug: But I try to stick to carters brand only because I like how they size things and they are just super cute. Although my mom just sent me a box full of 18 month clothing for Emma. NONE are carters brand. :dohh: I'm such a snob. :rofl: Oh yeah..and remember we were talking about mini skirts on little girls? Mom sent like 6 mini skirts in different colors. :dohh::dohh: But they have diaper covers attached to them so not AS bad. I'm really grateful she bought stuff for Emma. I always feel like emma misses out on the gifts because we are so far away so mom is always spoiling my niece instead.
I don't mind skirts, it is just the ones that are supposed to be super short and trendy that i don't like! KWIM
Yeah these are kinda short. But not TOO bad. We'll see when it's actually on her. :haha:

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