Hey guys, sorry I've not posted much the last couple of days, had sooo much going on! My mum is back from France and it was lovely to spend some time with her yesterday. Also we went to pick up yet another huuuge stack of beautiful hand-me-down stuff from a friend of mine who has two boys, she's given us so much already, we are very lucky! She has very similar taste in baby clothes to me and she takes care of her stuff so well, we have a gorgeous stack now!! Thank goodness I get to pass it on to my sis in law who is having a BOY in February! Not sure if I've posted about that yet, but they kinda wanted a girl (it's their first together, her first overall, she's really excited!) but they had their gender scan recently and found out it's a boy. But it's great for me as I can pass on loads of stuff. It's a shame they live so far away (Holland) cos I have to post it all, but that's ok!! Feels great to be able to "pay it forward"
Jelr, on your question about napping during the day, Vince has no schedule at all: He just cat naps all day. It seems to work pretty well for him

you poor thing, what a hideously insensitive cow your mil is

Just remember that it doesn't really matter what she thinks, she's clearly a total biatch, just try to ignore her rubbish as much as you can and focus on Archie and your life with him

Sorry you have to deal with her at all
MJ *sigh*

How annoying that the new HV got something so basic wrong!! Hopefully she just had a lot on her mind and she's actually a really good HV, glad you don't have to put up with the slightly annoying cat hater anymore!!
Cleck, I hope they don't treat you like crap at your next check up for Emma, I'm sure her weight is fine, over here they tend to say if the baby seems content most of the time (I don't think I've ever heard of a baby as content as your little lady!!) then there's no reason to worry. You're doing such a smashing job of BF exclusively, well done girl!! Ugh @ "this is your first, isn't it?" Sometimes it's all in the tone of voice, saying something like that can never be helpful can it?!?
Oooh MJ that's really interesting about the BF charts, I think that's a very good idea really cos you just cannot compare an exclusively formula fed baby to an exclusively breast fed baby: Ok, FF babis are usually bigger, but BF babies are most definitely getting the better deal, and the stats back it up that BF is the very best for baby, so it doesn't make sense to compare them really!
AFU: Vince slept 12 hours last night

OH's stepdad says in a couple of weeks he'll be sleeping through the day too!!

I think we've got a really good routine now, we're all super happy with it, so I hope it stays like this or similar for a while. Here's our new, improved routine! -
8/8:30 am ish: Vince wakes, either his dad or I get him out of his cot and bring him to our bed for snuggles, bonding time and a feed (LOTS of smiling every day at this point, it's lush!) then we both get up and take him down for nappy change and to get dressed. Then he goes till about 12ish before his next feed, then he goes pretty much 3 hours between each feed for the rest of the day, so it's 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and then 8 / 8:30 ish we bathe him (LOTS more smiles and generally having an awesome time splashing in the bath like a crazy loon!!) then we dry him off and feed him and swaddle him for bed at about 9ish (last night it was more like 8:30, but that's cool

) and then he settles right away in his cot and doesn't make a sound (most nights) until 8/8:30 ish the next morning

He's also just starting to "laugh", it's not quite a laugh just yet but it's like hyper breathing with a smile on his face, most often when I make crazy faces and noises at him and "bop" his nose with a finger!
So we're doing really well here

occasionally he still has a bit of a windy problem, but it's less and less often now (actually yesterday he had a big one, he squealed SOOOO loudly and SOOO high pitched like he was being murdered or something and I freaked a bit thinking "god, have I pulled a toe off somehow or something?!?" but I think it must have been a very sharp windy pain. But most of the time now he's pretty contented, so that's great

He's still not lifting his head off the ground from lying on his tummy (well, he can, but only a little and he doesn't like to do it much) and he's still not rolling over on his own at all, but he can sit upright really well now with his a little support (without support he'd still fall over, but he's getting there!) and he's holding his head up beautifully now with minimal wobbling! So I'm not going to worry about the lack of rolling and head lifting from tummy...
One last thing, I've been having LOADS of dreams of being pregnant again, last night was a nasty one, I dreamed that we had this X Ray machine randomly in our house and as I walked past it I saw a HUGE baby in my tummy (but I wasn't even showing from the outside!) and I freaked cos I'd thought I was on my period (I am again now, 2nd one since V was born) and all this blood was pouring out of me!! I remember thinking "oh no, I have my Mooncup in, what will that be doing to the baby?!"

weeeird.... OH and I are talking a little bit about the possibility of a second now

it all seems so much less scary now than it did when V was super tiny!
LOL ok, just ONE more thing: Are any of you guys finding yourselves using random nicknames for your little ones? OH and I call Vincent "Cenzo" (like Vincenzo, the italian name) all the time

I kinda like it, but I don't think I'd want to use it outside of the house, it's a bit funny!!! I call him Vince to OH's family, and mil has taken to calling him Vincey now, which I also occasionally use but don't really like much!!
Anyway, got to take Vince from a dad with a bad back now, catch you all soon!!

Shadow xxxx