--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

hiya ladys

i have been reading every day just dont have much to say and normally by the time i have read lucas or rueben want me (good being a mummy just coz ur wanted lol) me and oh went out sat night 1st time in 5yrs but my mum and dad babysat as we have my sisters girl untill weds or thurs as well shes 2 and a little s**t i have never nown a child to be so bad she screams at any think hits my 2 and dos not know what NO means but she is slowly turning in to a good girl as she has been on the norty chair every day about 20 times a day but she didnt hit rueben yesterday and for the 1st time i took her to the shops and she didnt start screaming and lieing on the floor. My sis lets her get away with everything I DONT.
Hi everyone

just been reading up on all you trials and tribulations!
Except for you Shadow, 12 hours sleep:thumbup:. i am soooo jealous. (sorry about the Epioc comment, what a div:dohh:)

Sorry to hear some of your lo have had colds:(. So some of you have actually gone out, how fantastic that you even gave it a go. i still cant imagine being able to go out, not just yet anyway:blush:

Rose cluster feeds all evening (which i find really tiring) then maybe sleeps between 3 and 4 hours in one go once which she has not long been doing, then is up every hour and a half/ two hours to be fed and is always up at 5.30 with tummy pain!Ahhhhhh. i am so crap without sleep too, it affects everything (me and my dh especially:( ) and some days really gets me down.
i have tried an evening bottle and she is getting better taking it but i dont know if it makes her wind worse.
Any ideas please girls?
UPDATE - crazy mil stil driving me bonkers. I can't ban her from here where i live but ive said to hubby he will have to bring archie to her once we move out as shes not welcome in my flat. Hubby has no say as he ont have a job and i am paying everything, tenancy is in my name so i dont want her anywhere near my flat!! Hubby understands i know ive made it awkward for me but seeing as i just get insulted by her and clearly have no respect from her though i brought her grandson into this world, i dont see why i should let her in so ive said POKE it to her!
Sorry RR about your MIL. In regards to taking baby out, mine starts daycare in 2 weeks so my feeling is you can't shelter them forever. I can't be housebound either. OH is the only one that drives so it would not be fair if I was the only one sitting at home because LO can't leave the house. I do get a bit concerned but I don't let anyone I don't know touch him so that helps. You just have to use common sense really. I can't believe he will be six weeks old this week. Where does the time go???? I really don't feel like I'm in a good routine although he did sleep seven hours last night :). Very proud of my big boy :). He is so so sweet although been fussy of late but I think he is getting bored. What do you guys do to keep your LOs entertained? James would be held 24/7 if we would let him.

Oh and in regards to constipation, our pediatricians nurse told us that from a month to 8 weeks, they can go anywhere from 4 to 12 days with out a bowel movement. I thought poor little guy when I heard that. I am going to do research as I feel like something isn't right there.

Well, I'm going to walk to the pharmacy to get some single packs for formula for his diaper bag so we won't have to remember to grab the big can. How is the price of formula over there? Over here in the states it is so expensive. Ugh!!!! We need help with just formula but of course don't qualify....I'm not going into how messed up our government is right now. To say the least the people that need help and try to help themselves can't get it. Daycare isn't cheap and UGH!!! Anyway, I am going to go while OH sleeps. James is awake and bored (I can tell) so I am going to get him out for some fresh air...later!!!!

Sorry I can't catch up with everyone's post. I hope you are all adjusting well. Bun, gl on your bfp, you are braver than I am. I want another one three years from now lol.

Shadow - 12 hours!!! Lucky you!! and as for nicknames - i call Sophia all kinds of names! Mostly to do with how much she eats! Gobbler, muncher, munchy Jo (noidea where the jo came from!) snotbags (cos she is snotty at the mo!), tinker (cos she can be one!) etc etc,

Aunty E - sorry your dad is not well - hope he gets better soon

Samstar - glad Elinor is behaving herself and also that you are back in your MIL's good books! What strange unpredictable creatures MIL's are!

jelr - hope your hangover is better - I am dreading my first one - although it will be a way off for me what with BFing and all. oh and I hope Natasha's appt went well today and her heart is al fine

TMR - sounds like you are doing a great job of taming your neice - well done!

Grumpymoo - Sophia cluster feeds as well and I agree that it is exhausting. no real advice about the wind - I know the girls on here all have favourite bottles that they use - Dr. Brown ones seem to be popular for reducing wind. you could also try using infacol.

RR- chin up hon

OC - Sophia also loves to be cuddled, she grizzles if I put her down during the day but luckily she goes down ok at night!

As for us, we went to Sign and Rhyme today which Sophia slept right through!! Until she did what I thought was a massive fart and sent poo right up her back and throught her clothes!! nice, and everyone saw - thank god we had a spare baby grow in the change bag!!
Hey girls! Man, I can't believe how fast these babies grow. Emma was two months old yesterday and it feels like just yesterday I was taking her one month pictures. :wacko:

MJ thanks for that chart! Emma is still very low on it as far as weight goes though. EEK! Sometimes I worry if I'm being selfish by being so strict on not formula feeding. Emma seems so happy all the time except when she's hungry but her weight gain just isn't anything like everyone else's babies seem to be. :nope: Although I'm not even 100% sure what she weighs.

Shiv LOL about her pooping up her back. Poor thing! We've had a few of those. Never fun. Emma always ends up screaming her head off cause I have to rip her clothes off real fast without trying to get the poo all over her even more. Very traumatic. haha. :haha:

Overcomer were you breastfeeding before and plan on switching now? I agree that formula is just ridiculous in expense. Even the cheap kind is too expensive in my opinion. And who wants to buy the cheapest brand out there when we all want the best for our babies?! My advise is to sign up for as many coupons as you can. I signed up for enfamil coupons, etc and they even sent free cans of formula! Granted, I don't use any of it now but eventually I may switch to formula so the free ones will come in handy.

Rubyrose so sorry to hear about your nightmare mother in law. I really wish I could say something to help but I know nothing can help so :hugs: to you.

So things are still going pretty well here. Our house is up for sale because we have to move to California next year. Well we have to leave the house whenever anyone comes to look at it. So far, not fun. Emma hates her carseat so every trip in the car ends up being a nightmare. She screams and cries and eventually I end up crying because I can't stand to have her so sad. Sometimes she'll be happy but its rare. She typically fights against the straps and wants free to move around. She's quite a wiggly baby which I think is why she hates being swaddled as well. Either way, I'm thankful that I have no fears of BF in public because until our house sells that is what I'll be doing. I'm surprised the places I've BF since she's been born. I'll even do it walking around stores. LOL! I just don't care. I have a blanket covering me of course. :haha: Anyone else's babies hate the carseat? I feel like Emma is the exact opposite of a typical baby. In the hospital they kept telling us to swaddle her and she hated that. Everyone always says babies love car rides and our baby hates that. People say baby swings are lifesavers and she really wont stay in her swing for longer than ten minutes. :dohh::rofl:
Cleck - Emma's new photos are gorgeous! she looks like such a happy little girl!
Yea cleck, I started breastfeeding and really enjoyed it but thought about going to work and it would be too much. I pump occasionally so he still gets some but I know when he starts eating 6 and 8 ounces, it isn't going to save much!!! We have him on symilac (spelling) which is one of the most expensive out there!!! I will use enfamil as well. We had 3 cans of formaula that was sent to us so James drunk soy as well just to use it. We have five dollar coupons so he can drink what ever we can get. enfamil seems to make him spit up more but not excessively. I usually make about 4 bottles up at a time because I have to pre make them for daycare anyway so just getting in the habit.
Cleck - Emma's new photos are gorgeous! she looks like such a happy little girl!
Thanks hun! She tends to be quite happy unless hungry. But don't be fooled, she does cry the house down occasionally. I just try not to catch those on camera. :haha:
Yea cleck, I started breastfeeding and really enjoyed it but thought about going to work and it would be too much. I pump occasionally so he still gets some but I know when he starts eating 6 and 8 ounces, it isn't going to save much!!! We have him on symilac (spelling) which is one of the most expensive out there!!! I will use enfamil as well. We had 3 cans of formaula that was sent to us so James drunk soy as well just to use it. We have five dollar coupons so he can drink what ever we can get. enfamil seems to make him spit up more but not excessively. I usually make about 4 bottles up at a time because I have to pre make them for daycare anyway so just getting in the habit.

I agree that it'd be so hard to work and BF at the same time. I bow down to those mothers out there that do it because I definately don't have that kind of stamina. We used similac for those two weeks that we had to top her off with formula. She spit up horribly though. Like projectile shooting out a foot kind of spit up. It was awful. I'm not sure if it was the brand or just that she wasn't quite accustomed to it yet. Are you scared to leave him at daycare? I don't work so won't ever need it but out of random curiousity how much does daycare cost a week? In Emma's baby book there is a section for cost of living expenses right now and daycare was one of them and I really have no clue how much it'd be. :shrug:
So things are still going pretty well here. Our house is up for sale because we have to move to California next year. Well we have to leave the house whenever anyone comes to look at it. So far, not fun. Emma hates her carseat so every trip in the car ends up being a nightmare. She screams and cries and eventually I end up crying because I can't stand to have her so sad. Sometimes she'll be happy but its rare. She typically fights against the straps and wants free to move around. She's quite a wiggly baby which I think is why she hates being swaddled as well. Either way, I'm thankful that I have no fears of BF in public because until our house sells that is what I'll be doing. I'm surprised the places I've BF since she's been born. I'll even do it walking around stores. LOL! I just don't care. I have a blanket covering me of course. :haha: Anyone else's babies hate the carseat? I feel like Emma is the exact opposite of a typical baby. In the hospital they kept telling us to swaddle her and she hated that. Everyone always says babies love car rides and our baby hates that. People say baby swings are lifesavers and she really wont stay in her swing for longer than ten minutes. :dohh::rofl:

Your Emma sounds just like my baby :-) Kira hate the car seat and she hates the swing. She also hates laying down, so those playmats are useless. She loves to be propped up on the couch, or in her Daddy's arms walking around the house looking at things. He can hold her just right, so she is perfectly upright and has a good view of the world. One thing that has worked well for me is a Moby Wrap- it allows me to carry her around and she can be completely upright inside. ALso, it's easy to whip out my boob and allow her to feed inside the wrap!
Just want to let you guys know that I am popping in now and then and reading up on everyone's circumstances but I'm suffering a lot with pain at the mo (despite a million bloody pills that I'd rather not take at all, and seem to be doing nothing lately for my joint pains... :dohh:) so haven't had a whole lot of energy for big posts :winkwink:
Vince is still pretty much an angel though, and is still sleeping like a kitten all night :D

Hope you're all well though, lots of love :) xxxx
cleck~ Lucas dose not like hes car seat i thort it was the head rest so took it out and he is ok now and then but if the straps are a tiny bit pushing on him he screams. He loves laying on hes belly or back but will only go in his bouncy chair 1st thing in the morning and last thing at night all the rest of the time wants to be held or have you walking round with him.

Shadow~ :hugs: hope the pain settles for you soon it cant be much fun.

RR~ Sorry you are having all the probs with youer mil and i would be the same and NOT let her come to the flat.

Lucas has started sleeping from 7pm when i put him and rueben to bed untill 6am iam loving it as me and oh get time together. He cut 2 teeth yesterday they have been coming throw for weeks but finly cut throw the skin yesterday and looks like he is getting 2 top teeth. hes not had any probs with them so i hope it stays like that
Hi ladies how are you all??? ive finally grabbed 5 mins to come on here and thats only because jacks been sent home for nursery after throwing up!:wacko:
so ive got a very poorly and mardy boy! so thought id come on here to finally try and catch up:coffee:.

jelrbrandon-li's sleep throughout the day changes all the time,just lately hes been sleeping lots think maybe hes having a growth spurt?
rubyroseim sorry to hear about the problems with your MIL, it was like when i had brandon-li i hadnt even delivered the placenter and MIL wanted to come in!! but the MW bit my OH head off and said no! (my mum pre-warned the staff) and then once onto the ward all his family were there untill 8pm (my family didnt even come up) and i was trying to etablish a bond with B and breastfeeding and i was that drowsy from the drugs i jst wanted to be left alone!:(. sorry youve been feeling down huni:nope:
clerkner:haha:when i was pregnant with B and i was having problems i found myself saying "its my second" because knew they would presume it was my 1st!! but yes you do get HV and MW that have never had children or havent hd a lot of life experience trying to tell you how to raise your children there is alot of GOOD young MW and HV but i personally find advice is better fom someone who's actually been there! hence why i love this place!! x
shadowhey hun:thumbup: i too have been struggling to find time to come on here, sounds like vince is a VERY good boy!:winkwink:i think maybe he should have a deep and meaningful conversation with B!! lol.<---- as you know this is Brandon-li's nickname purely because 9 times out of 10 i havent got time to writr his full name! lol
Auntie Ei too took B with me one day to go and see MIL in hospital after having her Gallbladder removed i too got the same response actually made me feel like i was not sensible:nope: but that was because i was slightly hormonal! lol.
overcomeri got a :bfn:
shadowsorry to hear your not too good chic:hugs:

UPDATEwell im not pregnant girlie well had a negative test but in fairness the broodiness has most definately passed!!im having a nightmare with B and co-sleepng, hes turned sooooo clingy wont settle at night wont go in his cot! so lastnight i fought back and did controlled crying he managed to stop in his cot untill 4am which was a achievement albiet disturbed all night! you really dont know how lucky you are shadow huni!:wacko:. had a very scarey 2 weeks, my friends LO (3 weeks older than B) was rushed into hospital with menicoccal septisemia within a hour he flatlined!:cry: but thankgoodness they started treating him for it as soon as he got in and he is almost fine now which is brilliant although it really scares me as he got menengitus 3 days after his jab for it:cry: and b has got his men jab next week its really scared me!!!:cry::cry:

My friend found out she was pregnant last week! went for a early scan on mon and couldnt see anything but lining of her womb is good (shes had 2 ectopic and 2 MC's) so a waiting game on that one!!

ive been out quite a few times since having B (as some of you would have seen from my FB)
hope your all well........................... Jack how has the squits!! ar being a mummy is soooo glamourous!! sickness and squits coughs and colds and sleepless night!!!the joys:cloud9: catch up soon!!!

ps if any of you have any tips for restless babas at night id appreciate it, (he hates being swaddled!! xx
Hi girls

TMR: Yay for the boys sleeping from 7 till 6.

Grumpymoo: Have you tried infacol or dentinox for the wind - No wonder your exhausted when LO is cluster feeding - Your doing a great job though.

Rubyrose: Hope everything settles down with MIL - you could do without all the stress when Archie is so young.

Overcomer: A big tin of formula in Ireland is about &#8364;9 to &#8364;10.

Shiv: Oh no at the poo up the back we have had a few of those too and they are not nice especially out anywhere - it is always so much easier to clean when you are home in your own surroundings.

Cleckner: I love the new pics of Emma - she is so happy in them.

Spidey: Natasha loves to sit up also - we have a play ring which is like a big tyre that has all different textures on it and I prop her in that with some blankets.

Shadow: Sorry to hear your in pain again hun - am a bit sore myself this week - I think its the change in the weather - Hope it all settles down for you soon.

Bun: Sorry to hear you didn't get your positive test and I really hope Brandon Li settles down and sleeps soon - sorry I have no advice bar the swaddling - also hope Jack is better soon. - God that is soo scary about the injections.

Well AFU - I'm afraid our appointment yesterday didn't go so well, I honestly just thought it was a check up to see if her murmer had gone and expected to be told that it was as when she was born there was no mention of anything else only an innocent murmer - so we were really blown out of the water - the pediatrician now tells us that the murmer is still there and although there is a 50% chance of it still being innocent, there is a 50% chance of it being something more serious, so she is being referred to the National Childrens hospital for a scan on her heart - which will probably take 6 to 7 months as our health care system is crap and that we have to go back to the pediatrician in two months as she will keep an eye on her until we get the appointment for the scan - I spent most of yesterday crying and I know some of you have gone through so much worse so I should be stronger but I am so terrified that there is something wrong with my little princess's heart. Although on the upside the pediatrician said that she is thriving which is a good sign - also she checked her mouth as our own doctor had said to get the thrush checked as it still wasn't clearing and she tells us that she doesn't have thrush - that if she did she would have white spots on the inside of her mouth and that the white coating on her tongue is only formula even though it is a thick coating - so I now dont know if she ever had it and the poor baby has had antifungal gell shoved in her mouth for 5 weeks - The doc that I have been seeing in relation to this is only a locum thank god - I will be glad when he is gone as he doesn't seem to have a clue - although it is great to know that I dont have to give her anymore treatment for this.

Well I may run as Natasha is giving out and looking for a cuddle I think - talk to you all soon.
I have to find this comical that I'm seeing a lot of you say that your LOs hate being swaddled! Here the drs push swaddling like it is the best thing in the world. James learned how to break out when he was just 2 weeks old and just HATES IT!!! Thankfully I don't have the issue of him not liking his carseat as does great and also loves his stroller!

Cleck, daycare depends on where you live. We found a five star rating for "only" 165 a week for infants. We are putting James in 3 days a week until he gets mobile. I am able to take him with me 2 days because I'm "just there" on those days. They don't mind.

James sleeps in his room fine. I still get questioned about putting himin his own room from the day I brought him home then I have those same friends who have a year and a half old daughter that still wakes up every three hours during the night!! UGH!!!

I'm sick of my parenting methods being questioned. He does great and we do great with him in his own room so there really shouldn't be a big deal!!! His dr has said nothing against it before and if it were a concern, I think he would ask with the million and one questions he has asked us.

Anyway, rant over. I'm just sick of people telling me that I'm not doing it right. That's what my parents did with me and I'm still here. Anyway, enough complaining...well almost. I have to go to my stupid inlaws. Why can't we go just to visit instead of my OH always working?!?!?! They don't have internet and I"m not a huge fan of tv. He was like they want to see James but I understand that but still...when I go, everyone is working and I'm just sitting around! I'm just tired of being stuck in the house...any house!

Ok, I'm really done. Sorry guys just had to get a few things out.
do babies scar with it? just that my mum is certain I had a BCG as a baby (1974), I think because we'd had TB in the family, though am not definite on that. I also had a BCG when I was 12, despite the skin test being inconclusive, they decided they were not sure if I had immunity and gave it to me again. that one scarred, not badly, but this is me looking at it now 23 years later. I seem to recall at the time it spewed green goo everywhere when the scab got knocked off...

MJ your jab sounds like mine, I still have a distinctive scar 24 years on and it poured goo too. I don't know if it will scar a baby, I really hope not. I still haven't taken her to have it done (mostly because the clinics close at 11:30am and it would mean a concerted effort to make it to one in time!). Also she's due her 8 week vaccines next week and I'm worried this could overload her system, especially as she's just had a cold. On a tangent, seems my LO was conceived in the Lewisham area, always makes me smile when I drive through it.

LOL ok, just ONE more thing: Are any of you guys finding yourselves using random nicknames for your little ones? OH and I call Vincent "Cenzo" (like Vincenzo, the italian name) all the time :haha: I kinda like it, but I don't think I'd want to use it outside of the house, it's a bit funny!!! I call him Vince to OH's family, and mil has taken to calling him Vincey now, which I also occasionally use but don't really like much!!

Shadow your posts really make me giggle. Sounds like you have a great routine and are doing so fantastically, I am sorry that you are still in so much pain, is the new chair making life any easier?

JP is known by different names, my dad calls her JoJo which I think is cute. She's called Mango/Manguette/La Mangue by friends still, I call her Griselda or Ursula as she is such a grizzly bear! And when she is sleeping, Nosferatu, as she looks like the original B&W film character...

Anyone else's babies hate the carseat?

JP loves the carseat/car. At 10 days we took her on a trip and she slept 4 hours there and all the way back too a few days later. Even when its in the pram she sleeps but its in the house, no chance. She hated swaddling though but I'm thinking of giving it another go since Shadow put that great video on here.

She hated the swing but I swear it was faulty as it made me feel nauseas watching it move and she doesn't think much of her bouncer either although she will sit in it for a little while before complaining. She makes me feel like I've abandoned her if I put her anywhere other than my lap!

Jelr - So sorry to hear about Natasha's heart, I really hope it heals without intervention but I'm sorry you have to go through the wait and concernsof the health system while you wait.

Bun: Sorry you got a negative result, hope that changes soon if you haven't changed your mind! Your poor friend, that is tremendously scary and I hope very rare.

RR - :hugs: I am so sorry to hear your MIL is continuing to be so selfish, I feel so annoyed on your behalf! I doubt she will change so keep strong, we're all behind you here.

Sam_Star - thank you. I hope you're little Elinor is getting stronger by the day, sounds like DJ is showing himself up, how has he coped with having a poorly little sister?

Hope everyone is doing okay.

AFU - While writing this post, JP has had me in hysterics. She was happily munching away at my breast when there was a sudden loud noise and a fountain of breastmilk flew into the air! Seems she burped at the same time as taking a mouthful of milk and looked so absolutley horrified at what had happened I laughed so much I cried! That stopped her looking so scared and she started laughing too. Precious moments!

In the move back to London I lost our sling and a new one arrived today. Unfortunately the electrics in our kitchen seem to have blown while I was washing it so now it is locked in the washing machine! Looks like I have a little longer to wait to see if she will settle in it so I can get on with stuff.

We've both had a cold too but have both recovered and it didn't seem to stress her out too much although it wasn't very pleasant for her.

Is anyone combining Formula with b/f? The reason I ask is that I am thinking it would be very convenient if on rare occasion I could give her a pre-mixed carton (e.g. for babysitting or when out and about). I'm really not getting on with expressing and my milk levels haven't been great but JP is very keen on cluster feeding and I am wondering if she is not overfeeding now, she gets very fussy after a while as if she is "picking at her food" and I end up putting her down and refusing to feed her for a while until she latches on properly. That doesn't seem to bother her so either I'm guilty of using feeding too much to stop her crying or she is feeding because she is bored (as I would be attached to me 24-7).
hey ladies :)

not sure how long I'll have to write right now, as Adam has been a whingey-whiny-pants all day. have tried all I can think and have concluded it's either wind or some other sort of pain - probably to do with a poo as I have not seen a poo from him since Sunday (when he did two poos). I wish he'd hurry up with it and send my sweet happy Adam back while he's at it.

little rascal was fine yesterday, new HV came over and weighed him, he's gained 2lb since last time (4 weeks ago) so she's pleased. he's not a big baby, somewhere between the 25th and 50th percentile.


so I got that bit written and he and daddy came back (they were doing a nappy change) and the whiny-whingeing started again. nothing helped. till I theorised he is ok when getting his nappy changed, all smiles, so maybe he has tummy ache and his nappy hurts (cloth nappies, a little more snug on the belly than disposables), so I stripped him from the waist down, wrapped him in a towel and took him downstairs. now, he's not all smiles and happy all the time but a bit better, he would breastfeed anyway (before he would feed a minute and then pull off and cry; he's not hungry).

ack, crying starting again. it's a weird cry. very sporadic. not a wahh waah waaahhhh one like when he's definitely hungry. poor baby. he has his jabs tomorrow. don't know if him being in a grotty crying mood will make them not give them? I don't think he's sick, though he's puked/spit up a fair bit today...


we're away this weekend as well, I really hope he's not sickening for a sickness because we have a 6-hour drive Friday morning, coming back Monday. it's my parents' 40th wedding anniversary Sunday and my brother, sil, nephew and niece are coming over from Norway, first time they're meeting Adam, plus there are so many of my mum's friends who want to see him that I suggested my mum get a ticket machine like on the deli counter and make them wait for their number before they can come in...

hmmm. so now he's gurgling and gooing all content on his daddy's lap getting a tickle. it must be some wind issue. we've been giving him Dentinox. and I gave him a little Calpol as well, which I feel bad about but he was so sad. HV said he could have it after his jabs. I read somewhere to give him it before the jabs... don't know.

question for everyone whose baby has had the jabs - how was it? were they fussy after? were they very upset? were you upset?

jelr, so sorry to hear about the uncertainty with Natasha, do hope it's nothing serious and the paediatrician can reassure you. :hug:

molly, heh, Adam was conceived in Lewisham! a year ago on November 16th (if not the 15th!!)

oc, AE won't be swaddled either, they did in the hospital when he was a newborn but we didn't really try in the first day or so at home and then it got to the point where he would NOT have his movement restricted. he likes to sleep with his arms behind his head. I was very worried because he was managing to shunt himself round 90 degrees in his bed and get his feet trapped in the bars of the cot, wanted to lie on his side not his back, and would not stay in the covers. and then I got him a sleeping bag and it sorted everything, he is warm, can't move so much and stays on his back.

bun, sorry about the negative test, you are a brave lady for actively trying! we are not taking any measures against another baby, leaving it to fate, kind of thinking it might take a while (we never used birth control in 2 years together when AE was conceived, but I was on meds that could interfere with ovulation as a side effect for much of that time). I am too old to want to leave it too long. a 2-year gap between babies would be fine with me, if it's less than that we'll cope, I am sure!

ok, AE is not content now, there is a fine line between happy gurgling and full on tears in this house...
Hey girlies! (I can say that cos Carter is still away, right? :haha: )
Feeling a bit better this evening so thought I'd do a mini catch up with you guys who've posted today...

Bun, sorry to hear that Jack is so poorly :( :( I do not look forward to Vince being ill, it must be so hard to care for a sicky child, must be hard to see them all miserable with it :( Hope his squits go away soon!! LOL @ broodiness passing, I thought it might!! But I must say mine is starting to flare up now :blush: But I'm not under any illusions that I could handle another little one for at least a year!! I do daydream of Vinnie having a little sister though :cloud9: hehe :winkwink: Horray for your friend and her BFP, hope that bean sticks for her!!
As for night time, you know my trick was always the swaddling really so I'm afraid I don't really know what to say to help you there honey! Apart from, do you make sure his feeds are really nice and warm before bed? Do you bathe him? Oh, and our new thing is baby massage, I've been massaging Vince before bed for the past few days (since my organic camomile and lavender baby massage oil came through the post!! :happydance: ) It seems to settle him right down, he goes all quiet and still as I massage him and seems to like it :D I think the scents of it put him into a deeper sleep faster than otherwise. But of course if B is super fussy anyway, he probably won't be too keen on being massaged, he might not have the patience for it!! So I'm not sure tbh... :wacko: sorry sweetie!! Hope it doesn't last long, and that he figures out how to settle properly for you soon :hugs: xxx

Jelr, wonderful to hear that Natasha doesn't have thrush after all!!Vince went through a stage of having milk on his tongue between feeds, I guess he didn't swallow it properly and it sorta stuck there, I thought briefly of thrush but my HV said it wasn't, cos thrush means white spots on the gums under the lips that do not scrape away. Hopefully she's a bit happier without the nasty mouth gel! As for the heart thing, as I think I told you before, I have leaky pulmonary, tricuspid and mitral heart valves, a systolic heart murmur and had a huge hole in my heart (the size of a 2p coin I was told! :wacko: ) which was patched up via open-heart surgery when I was nearly 18... The heart is a TOUGH old beast, it can manage sooooo well with a lot of mess in there, and a heart murmur really is at the very bottom of the "scariness" scale sweetie! I am very sure that she'll be just fine and will have no repercussions from this little murmur... Of COURSE you're going to be worried though, but please try not to stress yourself over this, she will be just fine and it's great that the docs are checking her out so thoroughly: I never had any of that, hence the hole not being spotted till I was nearly 18 and the murmur and leaky valves not until very recently! Feel free to PM me or FB me if you want to chat about it at all, about what it meant for me etc. or anything at all :flower: Big :hug: to ya sweetheart, hope you're ok!! Oh yes, and your new avatar is AWESOME! She looks WAY cool in those little shoes and things!! x x x x x x

OC, Vince was in his own room from very early, I think it teaches a valuable lesson early on sometimes, if it works for you then don't listen to anyone else!! Hope you're getting good sleep at night :thumbup:

:wave: Hey Molly :D Glad I make you giggle chick!! :haha: What new sling did you get? I looove mine (as does Vincey!) :dohh: @ locking it in the washer!! Ta for the sympathies :winkwink: The new chair is AWESOME for going out anywhere, I'm getting pretty good at manoeuvring about now and really enjoying not having to be pushed around by my OH (lol...) Still working on the pains, but have yet another doc's appointment tomorrow to see about sorting out my meds yet again. They used to stop the pain but make me feel sick, now the anti sickness pills work great but the pain must have gone up a level or something cos they just do not kill it any more :( But we shall see... Having a good day today, so that's good :D

OK, I'm done!! Vince is in a sposie tonight :( cos the pop-in is in the wash (nappy washing day will be thurs...) but we have 2 more on their way :dance: I can't wait to get them, 2 different colours, then he can wear cloth every night :D Vici, hows your nighttime cloth extravaganza going?? Still using the tots bots at night, or have you tried a fuzzi bunz or bum genius or anything yet?? We were given one random tots bots wrap and we used it today, it leaked everywhere!! :growlmad: So I'm gonna stick to my cheapy tiny eco fleece wraps in future, they are FAB!!

Anywho, I did say I was done :rofl: So I'll get off to bed now. Docs appointment at 9:10 tomorrow morning, then Shiatsu in the afternoon :thumbup:

Lots of love :D xxxxx

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