Hey girlies! (I can say that cos Carter is still away, right?

Feeling a bit better this evening so thought I'd do a mini catch up with you guys who've posted today...
Bun, sorry to hear that Jack is so poorly

I do not look forward to Vince being ill, it must be so hard to care for a sicky child, must be hard to see them all miserable with it

Hope his squits go away soon!! LOL @ broodiness passing, I thought it might!! But I must say mine is starting to flare up now

But I'm not under any illusions that I could handle another little one for at least a year!! I do daydream of Vinnie having a little sister though


Horray for your friend and her BFP, hope that bean sticks for her!!
As for night time, you know my trick was always the swaddling really so I'm afraid I don't really know what to say to help you there honey! Apart from, do you make sure his feeds are really nice and warm before bed? Do you bathe him? Oh, and our new thing is baby massage, I've been massaging Vince before bed for the past few days (since my organic camomile and lavender baby massage oil came through the post!!

) It seems to settle him right down, he goes all quiet and still as I massage him and seems to like it

I think the scents of it put him into a deeper sleep faster than otherwise. But of course if B is super fussy anyway, he probably won't be too keen on being massaged, he might not have the patience for it!! So I'm not sure tbh...

sorry sweetie!! Hope it doesn't last long, and that he figures out how to settle properly for you soon

Jelr, wonderful to hear that Natasha doesn't have thrush after all!!Vince went through a stage of having milk on his tongue between feeds, I guess he didn't swallow it properly and it sorta stuck there, I thought briefly of thrush but my HV said it wasn't, cos thrush means white spots on the gums under the lips that do not scrape away. Hopefully she's a bit happier without the nasty mouth gel! As for the heart thing, as I think I told you before, I have leaky pulmonary, tricuspid and mitral heart valves, a systolic heart murmur and had a huge hole in my heart (the size of a 2p coin I was told!

) which was patched up via open-heart surgery when I was nearly 18... The heart is a TOUGH old beast, it can manage sooooo well with a lot of mess in there, and a heart murmur really is at the very bottom of the "scariness" scale sweetie! I am very sure that she'll be just fine and will have no repercussions from this little murmur... Of COURSE you're going to be worried though, but please try not to stress yourself over this, she will be just fine and it's great that the docs are checking her out so thoroughly: I never had any of that, hence the hole not being spotted till I was nearly 18 and the murmur and leaky valves not until very recently! Feel free to PM me or FB me if you want to chat about it at all, about what it meant for me etc. or anything at all


to ya sweetheart, hope you're ok!! Oh yes, and your new avatar is AWESOME! She looks WAY cool in those little shoes and things!! x x x x x x
OC, Vince was in his own room from very early, I think it teaches a valuable lesson early on sometimes, if it works for you then don't listen to anyone else!! Hope you're getting good sleep at night
:wave: Hey Molly

Glad I make you giggle chick!!

What new sling did you get? I looove mine (as does Vincey!)

@ locking it in the washer!! Ta for the sympathies

The new chair is AWESOME for going out anywhere, I'm getting pretty good at manoeuvring about now and really enjoying not having to be pushed around by my OH (lol...) Still working on the pains, but have yet another doc's appointment tomorrow to see about sorting out my meds yet again. They used to stop the pain but make me feel sick, now the anti sickness pills work great but the pain must have gone up a level or something cos they just do not kill it any more

But we shall see... Having a good day today, so that's good
OK, I'm done!! Vince is in a sposie tonight

cos the pop-in is in the wash (nappy washing day will be thurs...) but we have 2 more on their way

I can't wait to get them, 2 different colours, then he can wear cloth every night

Vici, hows your nighttime cloth extravaganza going?? Still using the tots bots at night, or have you tried a fuzzi bunz or bum genius or anything yet?? We were given one random tots bots wrap and we used it today, it leaked everywhere!!

So I'm gonna stick to my cheapy tiny eco fleece wraps in future, they are FAB!!
Anywho, I did say I was done

So I'll get off to bed now. Docs appointment at 9:10 tomorrow morning, then Shiatsu in the afternoon
Lots of love
