--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Costgang i just typed my reply into notepad then copied and pasted when i was done hahaha im such a cheat!!

omg!! that sounds too technical for me, ive decided im going to go to college to do vehicle mechanics, just basics, coz im pissed of with spending a fortune when the car needs fixing, its an 8 week course and cost 200 what do yoy guys think?
costgang - that sounds like a reasonable price for an 8 week course - go for it, how great would it be to be at least able to know if someone is ripping you off or not!!

MJ and Aunty E - my cat has been pretty good around Sophia - not all the interested, he will come and lie on my lap of an evening when I feed her (its a bit of squeeze on there!)

Hi Molly, glad things are going well with you

Elly - glad that you aren't suffering too much at the moment - I too long for a night when Sophia sleeps right through - I think we are certainly not alone in that hope!!

I think all you ladies that are using cloth nappies are superstars - I admit that I am just too lazy to even try :blush:

SO today I met some antenatal class mums for coffee and then went to the pub with DH and some friends for dinner - a nice day and it was sunny which I find makes a lot of difference to my day, so much easier getting about with a baby when it isn't raining!

Nearly the weekend and I have no real plans.

Have any of you booked a foreign holiday yet? When do you think you might go away for the first time? I guess for those of us breast feeding it will be easiest to go when they are still solely on the boob - but that means goingin the next few months. Which then means we have to go further afield for warm weather!! What a dilema!

Sophia has been really unsettled the last few evenings, thrashing and flailing around whilst trying to feed and really grizzly. I can only assume it is wind. It breaks my heart to see her in pain :cry:
Hi girls

Shiv: I hope Sophia settles down soon - if it gets any worse and it is wind you could try infacol - Did you enjoy the film after?

Costgang: I think go for it - I wouldn't know one end of a car from another except how to drive it lol - I think your brill and its sounds a good price.

Elly: Glad the moods are not too low at the mintue - Natasha did a night last night night for us out of the blue so hang in there honey.

Gwiff: So glad that Tomas had that interactive time and put your mind at rest, it is so hard not to worry over everything, so definitely dont feel silly, thats what us mammys are meant to do is worry about them.

Vici: We have Natasha still in our room and will do for a while but everyone is different. Thanks for the info on the non hormonal coil - I must ask about that. I am like you and dont want to go back on the pill as I have PCOD and we will probably TTC in another year or two and I dont want any hormones in my system as it will only take longer to conceive so I thought our only option was going to be condoms which I can't stand. I wonder if it is available in Ireland as I had my six week check up today and she asked me did I need contraception and I explained that I didn't want the pill back in my system for this reason and she never suggested it. I really hope Imi sleeps better for you tonight.

Aunty E: Yay for Imogens weight gain - so glad 6 week check went well.

TMR: Congrats on setting the wedding date - oh you will have lots of fun planning everything and it will be lovely to have the boys there with you on the day.

MJ: I'm so glad Adam passed the hearing test, sorry it was so stressful to get there though.

Mollyapple: Good to see you again - glad you had such a lovely birth experience.

Samstar: So glad Elinor is doing so well - hope all goes well at the docs next week and you dont have anything serious going on.

Costgang: I also do like Samstar and use word pad and then copy and paste, but I find it so hard to get time to type back to everyone these days.

Shadow: So glad you got your EPIOC and had such a good time in the park and cheers for your swaddling video - we tried swaddling Natasha at the start but she always got her hands out and I didn't think she would take to it as she sleeps with her hands above her head, but lately she has been waking herself up with by thrashing her hand about so we gave it ago and she has slept soundly the last two nights although I wont speak to soon as she is wide awake in her carrycot tonight and is thrashing around, she normally falls asleep at around 9 or ten in her carry cot and we put her down in the crib in our room when we are going to bed but she is wide awake tonight for some reason but is quiet but I have to keep putting her dummy back in.

Kaygeebee: Yay for Owens weight gain - hope the rash improves though.

Ashnbump: Well done for moving with a small baby - cant wait to see the house pics.

Cleck: Good to see you, Natasha was 8 lbs 10 when she was born and started off in 0 to 3 months and is still in them.

Ruby: Saw your FB messages - hope your okay and your MIL is not driving you too mad.

Well guys I'm hope I haven't forgotten anyone, I'm writing this while going back andd fort to put Natasha's dummy in so my concentration is not so good. I was so good for writing to everyone when pregnant but only rarely seem to manage it these days - I do read but sometimes it is only skim reading and dont seem to manage to type up replies to everyone as that always seems to take me an hour and I never seem to have a free hour these days. I hold my hat up to those who do fair play to ye guys.

AFU: Well we had our 6 week check today and Natasha weighs 11lbs 5oz so I'm delighted with her increase and Doc examined her and me and is happy with both of us, My stiches have finally all healed up and Natasha is doing all that she is meant to - we have an appointment with the peadiatrician on Monday as they found a little heart murmer when she was born and frightened the life out of me but apparantly it is only an innocent one and lots of babies have them - every baby has a tiny hole in their heart to allow the blood flow between the two chambers when in the womb and their first breath closes this, but sometimes I tiny pin hole can be left which is what has happened with Natasha so the appointment is just to check that it has closed and that it is nothing more serious, but they did an ecg, xray and blood pressure on all her 4 limbs in the hospital when she was born and are pretty confident that it is only an innocent one - the doc today has also told me to speak to them about her thrush in her mouth as it still hasn't cleared altough he reckons this was from all the antibiotics they gave me in labour and that sometimes when babies are born with it - it takes about 3 months to clear. The doc also booked us in for jabs which is the 23rd of October as it has changed here now and they have to be over the two months and not just 8 weeks for some reason.

Also we have had 2 good nights - Tuesday night she slept from 12 to 6 and last night from 10.30 to 6 so hopefully she is falling into a pattern of stretching through the night - although she could do a U turn now as she is still awake tonight - Shadow I'm wondering how the whole routine goes later on also when if she starts to wake at different times in the morning it will change everything in the day - so let me know if you come up with any solution.

Well I may try and get to bed - I dont know how ye girls reply to everyone well done as that post took me nearly two hours between reading and typing and of course sticking back in the dummy lol.
Thank you for all the welcomes :hugs: its nice to be back in the Lion pride again :)

Vici, glad to hear you sounding chirpy with everything thats been going on with yours and Imi's health! I feel bad for you having to have another op so soon! I have brown eyes but they sometimes take on a green aura and FOB has blue/grey so I'm not surprised that hers are green-grey, especially as my mom's are that colour. I was expecting them to get darker and go brown but they seem to be going lighter. :shrug:

MJ, Auntie E & Shiv - thanks for the cat tales! I too was hoping that being around the cats would help against allergies in JP, but I'm reluctant to leave cat hairs on her bedding in case she's inherited my allergies/intolerances - when I'm away from the cats for more than a couple of weeks I have a terrible reaction for a couple of days when I get back while I build up tolerance again. I don't mind the cats being around her its that they might squish her! Evi was sat up on the changing table with JP earlier and decided to get off trampling across my behn in the process! When we first got back Evi paid her no attention at all for a couple of days. In the end I scolded her saying it was fine not to be interested but not even acknowledging her existence is just plain rude! She remembers to say good morning to JP now :winkwink: I think it will be lovely for JP to have the cat company when she's older and I'd like to think about perhaps a dog in a couple of years time for her too.

Thanks also for the opinions on sterilising. I'm not into everything being overly sterile, I believe in a healthy dose of dirt to build the immune system (and I've never been one for housecleaning and I'm not going to start now!). I do spray down the taps, changing table and work tops with anti-bac but not every time I use them. I did think steriling the pump every time it is used a bit excessive, I don't want to give the tot belly ache from old milk but as long as I wash throughly between uses it should be okay being sterilised once a day?

Auntie E - thanks for the expressing and BCG advice. I am going to get the jab done as I've been told that because I've lived and spent time in countries where the disease is rife she is also at higher risk anyway. I had the jab when I was 5 in my arm and it got really badly infected - it swelled up like a tennis ball, my uncle spent half an hour one evening draining the pus (sorry for TMI), it took weeks to heal and I still have a scar from it but I think I was just really unlucky. The school doc wanted me to have it again when I was 13 and I flat out refused! With the expressing I have yet to try a morning session and will give that a go, your post made a lot of sense.

MJ - I read your post on your trip to the hospital for screening and really felt for you, I'd have freaked out too. I cancelled lunch with friends on Sunday because they wanted to meet at Oxford Circus and I just couldn't face the idea of getting there on tube with her and then fighting the crowds.

AFU we had weigh-in and check-up today. JP is growing well and exactly on baby curve (albeit the 25% one but my family don't seem to make big babies) and weighs 4.25kg/9lb4oz. I'm going to have to get the tape measure out and see how long she is tmrw as they don't do that.

She failed the voices in the womb theory tonight. Watched a programme on tv in which there was an actor I worked with during months 5 to 7 of pregnancy and she didn't even flinch at the sound of his voice despite hearing it every day for several weeks (although if her first words are a quote from a Ben Travers play I'll renage on that theory! lol). However I have noticed she gets tetchy at the phone ringing which I think could be related to pregnancy - the sound makes my stress levels rise and she would have sensed that inside.

Does anyone think their LO is recognising voices/music/sounds from the womb?
Hey there MollyApple!

Christian sort of recognizes one musical piece (classical music stuff) I think as it seems to soothe him and has fallen asleep a couple of times after hearing it.

As for the cats, they haven't really gone around Christian much except one cat hissed at me and him when he first came home. Now, that cat goes to the nursery door if she hears him crying via the monitor or will lay beside the playpen if he's resting there. It is odd.
Hi girls, just had to tell you, Imi slept from 9:30pm last night until 5am!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: She started to stir at 3:30am so i got up, went to the toilet and put the kettle on, went back in and she was soundo again! She then stirred every half hour but was back asleep within a few mins :D

Vici that's great! What did you put in her milk? I need some! :lol:

Elly, your cat sounds too cute. Evi leaves the room if JP starts crying, it is odd how they respond! Thanks for the music answer too, JP goes quiet to listen to Muse which is one of my favourite bands. She even turns her head to the music source. I don't know if that is because she recognises it or because she has great taste in music :winkwink:

AFU my little madam has developed a taste for gripe water yum yum. She must take after my mum, she used to drink more of the stuff than we did! I just like the smell. I know the stuff is supposed to warm baby's belly but it wasn't the only thing being warmed when I fed her straight after! :haha:
lol, i know. Ironically, when she had her bottle after her bath, she had about 5oz and then proceeded to sick most of it up so i was convinced she'd be wide awake at 12 wanting a feed!!
Hmmm... maybe less really is more Vici? Lol. I give up, I can't figure them out hehe!

I need to go to post a letter but I really really can't be bothered to find my shoes, brush my hair, get her in her seat then the hassle with the pram to get it out of the car, put it up and then get it down, put it back in the car all for the sake of a 10 minute walk. We just can't "nip out" anymore huh?!

Also my bump and pregnancy envy is still as bad as ever and when I read posts by pregnant women I feel like we're the bigger kids at school now we've been there and done that!

Not that I'm complaining! :-D
Molly, I dunno if I'd call my cat cute as she was a 'psycho' earlier on (attacking visitors and us on occasion). She still has her moments.

Vici, I am glad baby slept through for you and I agree with the thought that LO would wake up hours later after throwing up earlier in the night. Thought Christian would do the same thing one time but didn't -- although he woke up later demanding food.

Last night wasn't too bad overall. I woke up at 2:30 am and fed Christian. He slept up until 6 (although at 4 am he fussed as he spat out his dummy earlier and couldn't get it back in his mouth).

We're now using cloth dipers and it's not going too badly. The outer shell which is plastic is wonderful with velcro. We've only had a couple of leaks but that's because either hubby or I haven't fastened things correctly. I need to find some substitute for vaseline though. Suggestions?

He got up at 7 to see Daddy off to work and then went back to his playpen for a bit. I think he fell back asleep.
afternoon ladies... how are you all and the cubs today? :D

we are fine - expecting a visitor this afternoon, one of my best friends, who Adam hasn't met yet, and, god bless him, Adam has been really good this morning. we got up about 12 (we bf in bed much of the morning) and then he had his bottle and passed right out! even allowed me to put him in the moses basket for a nap, which he hasn't been letting me do recently. he was spark out, so I got the laundry in and made a chicken, veg & chick pea curry, which will be our dinner the next couple of nights. :D

forgot to mention my ebay bargain of last week - next weekend we're going up north to my parents in Hartlepool, for their 40th wedding anniversary. my brother, sil, nephew and niece are coming over from Norway so it'll be their first time meeting Adam; also my dad hasn't seen him since he was 2 days old. so we're driving up and it's a 6-hour drive not including the stops, which obviously we will be making a few of, and we are planning to leave in the middle of the night, maybe around 3 or 4am so as to get through London without delays. Adam sleeps in a sleeping bag and I thought I'd like to put him to bed all ready to go so we can pop him in the car seat and hopefully he'll sleep much of the way, so I needed a travel sleeping bag with the holes for the harness to come through. they are not cheap, over £20, but we use sleeping bags anyway so I'd have bought one full whack if I had to, but I found one, right size and tog, on ebay and got it for 99p! it's obviously used but in good condition - arrived today and is in the wash now (with the one he wore last night, which he weed on as I was getting him dressed this morning, little rascal!)

vici, that's great about Imi sleeping, isn't it lovely when they surprise you like that! Adam has some good nights and some not so good, but mostly, I'd say, on the good side. we're working out the formula that seems to help him sleep a good stretch, it involves a dose of Dentinox, then a bedtime feed from daddy of formula - some EMB and then some formula doesn't seem to get him through so well, so I give him what I express during the day - and then daddy cuddles him and winds him and puts him in his cot. we often get 6 hours, sometimes a bit more, which is wonderful. he doesn't go to bed any time early though, it's never before 11 and sometimes closer to 12.

--- an hour later and AE is still chilling in the basket, crying when he drops his dummy (he's taken to MAM dummies, thank god) and I have never stopped. isn't it fun, running round like a blue-arsed fly in the little periods of grace when they sleep/are content with their own company??!! well, his owm plus me in the background and 60-Minute Makeover...

so. before my friend gets here, I am thinking, need to change his nappy and put his nice top on (saved it for best in case he spit milk up on it earlier), put my jeans on (slobbing in yoga pants that have baggy knees), stuff my lunch down me, express some milk, maybe offer AE some EBM...

will try to get back later. wanted to post about my stressful time at the GP yesterday, in a nutshell, despite reading some of your experiences at you 6/8-week check up, I hadn't been told and didn't realise that this was AE's check as well, and so he wasn't in a state to be seen when we went. we went out of the house a while before the appt, he was fed before, but I didn't have any formula ready to take or a bottle in my bag. I honestly thought I'd be in for my appt at 4.30pm, or thereabouts, be in for 5 mins, and be out and home before 5pm, ready for more food. well, we didn't even go in till 5pm, by which time he was crying, and then it turned out he needed to be examined and the doc was like 'oh, he's hungry' and I said, yes he is, I didn't think we'd be out as long as this, so he said wel, you're breastfeeding, why don't you go and feed him then when he's ready you can come straight back in.

well, I don't like bf in public if I can help it, and if I do have to at least I am usually able to go somewhere I am comfortable. this waiting room was not comfortable. the chairs were awful, my back was aching, people were watching, toddler were coming up and staring... and AE takes ages to bf and be satisfied! the receptionist asked, after about 15 mins, if we were ready to go back in but no way were we, and then it was another half hour after that! by which time AE had finished and was sleepy but he cluster feeds, never seems to drink for 20 mins and be happy for longer than half an hour, so I was keen to get him seen during this window of happiness. eventually he was seen and all was fine. except I didn't have his red book with me, not ever having been told that I needed it, not ever being told this was his appt, too! when the receptionist made it with me there was never a mention of it being about the both of us. grrrrrr. so I felt like a bad parent, for turning up with a hungry baby and sans red book. :cry:

also, I felt my part of the appt was extremely perfunctory, all it was was blood pressure, asked how my stitches were, when was my last smear and did I want contraception (no, and no discussion entered into!). only after Adam had been seen did he ask if there was anything else - well, yes, small matter of painful knees and SPD; didn't even mention the lingering heartburn and bad skin! he ddn't ask anything about my knee pain, barely listened to what I said, then prescribed ibuprofen gel (NSAIDs by mouth aren't good for me as I've had stomach ulcers). I came away feeling really upset and exhausted, it was 6.20pm by then and I'd been there 2 hours!

so am actually wondering about changing GPs... I have been with mine for 7 years and he knows me well and has been very very good and helpful and understanding, but it's a 20 minute walk for us... since I registered there, there's been a new surgery built across the road from our flat and Chris is registered there, he's only been once though and only seen 1 doc, so can't really judge what the practice is like. at mine, there is only 1 doc of 3 I want to see, one of the others is an old ******* and the other is just a bit - wet and behind the times.

I don't know. I guess I could always go back to my old one if I decided the new one was not good, but that'd be a bit embarrassing... appearing as a new patient on the system when this GP really does know me well. he was lovely when I told him I was pregnant, said it was just what I needed, really really good news... he's known me since before I stopped drinking and through a bunch of other problems.

anyway. maybe I was over-reacting with my upset yesterday. I just hated bf-ing in that waiting room, nice though it was! and not having his red book... ack. bad MJ. :cry:

ok, better do my things. poor AE isn't going to like being woken/disturbed before 60-Minute Makeover is finished! He gave me the biggest smile the other day when we were lying in bed and I said we'd better get up and get dressed before Loose Women came on...

Hi girls

I have a minute so I just thought I would pop in and tell ye - Natasha fell asleep after at about 20 to 1 but slept through until 7.45 this morning without a feed since 10.30 so that is three nights in a row where she has done a stretch so fingers crossed she will keep on doing it.

MJ: Sorry to hear your appointment went so bad - I would change doctors and see how you get on if there is a problem and you have to go back you can always explain you moved to the other doctors as it was closer and as Chris was a patent there and you wanted to all have the same doctor but that it didn't work out as the doctor wasn't as good as him - you wont mind once his ego has been flattered lol.

Elly: Sorry I really dont have a substitue for Vaseline - maybe sudocream but that is more an antiseptic than a barrier cream but I know years ago it was always used as a barrier.

Mollyapple: I know what you mean about not being able to nip out any more I find when I go to town to do all my bits and pieces it takes me twice as long as before I would have just pulled up the car outside and ran in, where as now I have to take out the pram each and everytime so it all takes longer.

Vici: Yay for Imi sleeping so long hopefully she will continue to do it.

Well hope you all have a good weekend - Am gonna run now as this little lady is due a feed in about 20 mins. :hugs: to you all. Xx
Oh yeah quick question - how much do your little ones sleep for during the day - Do you put them down for a nap any any time or do they just cat nap all day.

Natasha seems to be wide awake all days some days and then does nothing but cat nap all day other days and was just wondering what others were like.
Sometimes he's awake most of the day but today he's having a lazy day and sleeping a fair bit. I think it's partially due to the weather (rather rainy here today and a bit dark).
Sorry i havent been here ladies having a hard time with my mother in law shes gone completely crazy. :( just want to leave and get away from her feel so shit im stuck with her forever shes treated me like utter shit and manage to turn it all round to her, she even managed to turn around the day i gave birth to archie about her. I don't know how much more i can take of this treatment.
Well I made myself go out. Put JP down while I get read and she screams. Put her in carseat and she screams. Put carseat in pram and she shuts up and stays quiet all the way to the postbox and back. Take her back in the house, set the seat down and the screaming starts again.

The trip might have seemed hassle, but that 10 minutes of silence without me having to hold her was worth it! She seemed deeply in thought for most of it and I was pondering what was on her mind... probably trying to remember the number for Childline!

Hope you're all having a lovely day.
:hugs: RR, I think you're amazing for coping thus far with MIL. I'd have had no rag left to lose by now!! The stuff she did and said while you were in hospitable is unforgivable.

MJ - you're not being bad for not knowing AE would be checked too, I think other people need to spell things out sometimes, I regularly feel like I'm not being given ambigous information. I felt really bad going into to see the HV yesterday with JP in a dirty nappy ass she filled it in the waiting room but I didn.t want to change it before we went in to have to take it off so she can go on the scales to put a new one on afterwards.

Jelr - JP has no routine at all for sleeping or feeding. My entire lifestyle is baby-led not just bf! Some days she just sleeps constantly, these *tend* to follow days when she's been feeding heavily (growth spurts/dev advancement) but not always. The only way she will ever go to sleep is if she fed to sleep or when she is very tired and rocked but that doesn't work very often. She is really bad for fighting sleep, she works herself into a state so she can't possibly sleep and is all the more exhausted. Its worse in the evenings when my HM gets in. She complains that she only ever sees grouchy baby, I pointed out this is a compliment - the grouchiness is because she is tired but won't sleep because she wants play time with HM.
vici - great imogen is sleeping well, even half the night would be a god send for me! :cloud9: Oh and me and hub wil put archie in his own room when we move on the 14th he makes noise even whe he is sleeping!!

elly - i am waiting for the sleeping through the night to. :hugs: me and my husband take turns watching him as his a proper grunter. I miss sharing my bed with my husband.xx

shiv - not even thought of a holiday the way archie has been acting, sorry to hear about sohphia, i have been goin through it myself and its awful... you feel so helpless, sleep deprived, frustrated all in one...really takes its toll on you physically and emotionally. Big hug from me. :hugs:

jelr - thanks for the message hun, things are really bad for me right now. :cry: Glad your lo is giving you sleep and i hope it stays that way for you! :thumbup:

mollyapple - glad to hear your lo is growing well. I think archie recognises my voice, I had a few precious days where he wasn't windy/colicy and he only ever smiled at my voice and responds to me singing songs i sung to him in the womb. :cloud9:

I have had a really shitty time. All the stuff that happend at the hospital blew up, have been dis owned by mil and her family. I've been called a user and told my husband is unlucky spending rest of his life with me just for saying i was angry and upset about her bursting in. She said this all in my house with my dad there shouting at me. Needless to say i screamed at her to get out, its one thing insulting me in my home but in front of my dad! :growlmad: Of course when she told her family i kicked her out she failed to mention her insulting me in front of my family. :nope: How appropriate is that?

She also denies she did anything wrong bursting in on me saying "she just wanted a glimpse " or archie two hours after i gave birth breast feeding my son. For some reason she assumes that she was the only one desperate for a glimpse when everyone was excited. Difference is, everyone else respected i was not ready and came the next day. :cry: I had such an awful birth it makes me so angry she could not respect my last wish, just to be alone with my hubby and son for a small time. That was my time that day, it should of been about me and she's turnt it into a sympathy for her after everything i went through! Everyone on her side is going "poor jenny" never mind me losing 2L of blood, having four drips, pre eclampsia and having to use a bed pan! Did i not deserve a little respect after all of that?

Anyway hubs sister sided with her (obviously) she had an answer for everything, albeit, most did not make sense. Apparentely jenny was so excited as it was her first grand child (and my parents first to!) so its excusable... also if i wasnt ready chris should of took archie out to her!!!! I'd only just been holding him for an hour myself, he was 2 hours old and she wanted to remove him from my breast,my precious bonding time just so some selfish cow could "glimpse" at her grand child!!

So i have been very low lately ladies, hence not replying much. I had a few precious days with a contented archie but he is now windy again. When his awake he just cries.

I feel very bullied and isolated tbh, dragging me down. This time is meant to be precious for me and she is ruining it.

Love to you all xx
RR, all I can offer is lots of :hugs: and sympathy. That's really crummy whatt's happening and what she's done. Honestly she needs to grow up!

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