afternoon ladies... how are you all and the cubs today?
we are fine - expecting a visitor this afternoon, one of my best friends, who Adam hasn't met yet, and, god bless him, Adam has been really good this morning. we got up about 12 (we bf in bed much of the morning) and then he had his bottle and passed right out! even allowed me to put him in the moses basket for a nap, which he hasn't been letting me do recently. he was spark out, so I got the laundry in and made a chicken, veg & chick pea curry, which will be our dinner the next couple of nights.
forgot to mention my ebay bargain of last week - next weekend we're going up north to my parents in Hartlepool, for their 40th wedding anniversary. my brother, sil, nephew and niece are coming over from Norway so it'll be their first time meeting Adam; also my dad hasn't seen him since he was 2 days old. so we're driving up and it's a 6-hour drive not including the stops, which obviously we will be making a few of, and we are planning to leave in the middle of the night, maybe around 3 or 4am so as to get through London without delays. Adam sleeps in a sleeping bag and I thought I'd like to put him to bed all ready to go so we can pop him in the car seat and hopefully he'll sleep much of the way, so I needed a travel sleeping bag with the holes for the harness to come through. they are not cheap, over £20, but we use sleeping bags anyway so I'd have bought one full whack if I had to, but I found one, right size and tog, on ebay and got it for 99p! it's obviously used but in good condition - arrived today and is in the wash now (with the one he wore last night, which he weed on as I was getting him dressed this morning, little rascal!)
vici, that's great about Imi sleeping, isn't it lovely when they surprise you like that! Adam has some good nights and some not so good, but mostly, I'd say, on the good side. we're working out the formula that seems to help him sleep a good stretch, it involves a dose of Dentinox, then a bedtime feed from daddy of formula - some EMB and then some formula doesn't seem to get him through so well, so I give him what I express during the day - and then daddy cuddles him and winds him and puts him in his cot. we often get 6 hours, sometimes a bit more, which is wonderful. he doesn't go to bed any time early though, it's never before 11 and sometimes closer to 12.
--- an hour later and AE is still chilling in the basket, crying when he drops his dummy (he's taken to MAM dummies, thank god) and I have never stopped. isn't it fun, running round like a blue-arsed fly in the little periods of grace when they sleep/are content with their own company??!! well, his owm plus me in the background and 60-Minute Makeover...
so. before my friend gets here, I am thinking, need to change his nappy and put his nice top on (saved it for best in case he spit milk up on it earlier), put my jeans on (slobbing in yoga pants that have baggy knees), stuff my lunch down me, express some milk, maybe offer AE some EBM...
will try to get back later. wanted to post about my stressful time at the GP yesterday, in a nutshell, despite reading some of your experiences at you 6/8-week check up, I hadn't been told and didn't realise that this was AE's check as well, and so he wasn't in a state to be seen when we went. we went out of the house a while before the appt, he was fed before, but I didn't have any formula ready to take or a bottle in my bag. I honestly thought I'd be in for my appt at 4.30pm, or thereabouts, be in for 5 mins, and be out and home before 5pm, ready for more food. well, we didn't even go in till 5pm, by which time he was crying, and then it turned out he needed to be examined and the doc was like 'oh, he's hungry' and I said, yes he is, I didn't think we'd be out as long as this, so he said wel, you're breastfeeding, why don't you go and feed him then when he's ready you can come straight back in.
well, I don't like bf in public if I can help it, and if I do have to at least I am usually able to go somewhere I am comfortable. this waiting room was not comfortable. the chairs were awful, my back was aching, people were watching, toddler were coming up and staring... and AE takes ages to bf and be satisfied! the receptionist asked, after about 15 mins, if we were ready to go back in but no way were we, and then it was another half hour after that! by which time AE had finished and was sleepy but he cluster feeds, never seems to drink for 20 mins and be happy for longer than half an hour, so I was keen to get him seen during this window of happiness. eventually he was seen and all was fine. except I didn't have his red book with me, not ever having been told that I needed it, not ever being told this was his appt, too! when the receptionist made it with me there was never a mention of it being about the both of us. grrrrrr. so I felt like a bad parent, for turning up with a hungry baby and sans red book.
also, I felt my part of the appt was extremely perfunctory, all it was was blood pressure, asked how my stitches were, when was my last smear and did I want contraception (no, and no discussion entered into!). only after Adam had been seen did he ask if there was anything else - well, yes, small matter of painful knees and SPD; didn't even mention the lingering heartburn and bad skin! he ddn't ask anything about my knee pain, barely listened to what I said, then prescribed ibuprofen gel (NSAIDs by mouth aren't good for me as I've had stomach ulcers). I came away feeling really upset and exhausted, it was 6.20pm by then and I'd been there 2 hours!
so am actually wondering about changing GPs... I have been with mine for 7 years and he knows me well and has been very very good and helpful and understanding, but it's a 20 minute walk for us... since I registered there, there's been a new surgery built across the road from our flat and Chris is registered there, he's only been once though and only seen 1 doc, so can't really judge what the practice is like. at mine, there is only 1 doc of 3 I want to see, one of the others is an old ******* and the other is just a bit - wet and behind the times.
I don't know. I guess I could always go back to my old one if I decided the new one was not good, but that'd be a bit embarrassing... appearing as a new patient on the system when this GP really does know me well. he was lovely when I told him I was pregnant, said it was just what I needed, really really good news... he's known me since before I stopped drinking and through a bunch of other problems.
anyway. maybe I was over-reacting with my upset yesterday. I just hated bf-ing in that waiting room, nice though it was! and not having his red book... ack. bad MJ.
ok, better do my things. poor AE isn't going to like being woken/disturbed before 60-Minute Makeover is finished! He gave me the biggest smile the other day when we were lying in bed and I said we'd better get up and get dressed before Loose Women came on...