--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

So its not just me then! :)

I think babies love to be cuddled, when they are little its so important. Rose spends hours being cuddled like Emma. She is happy and content and still plays on her own and goes to sleep on her own when needed.

Oh well......
While Elin was in intensive care i physically had to stop myself from tearfully writing here and facebook asking everyojne to hold and kiss their babies as not being able to is and really was the hardest thing to go through so im with you grumpymoo i really cant understand why someone would choose not to hold their precious ones x
Adam won't let me hold him today :cry: - I've been out, from 12pm to after 5pm, and OH has been looking after him. Usually I have him all day and then OH cuddles him most of the evening so tonight I wanted to but he cried and wouldn't calm down. :cry: now he's lying on OH sound asleep. I think he just wanted to go to sleep and I forgot to give him his dummy. duh.

anyway. I was out swimming, by myself as my friend cried off. managed 36 lengths and am exhausted. then had appt for haircut, so had to go to shops while I waited. :D went to Sainsbury's (local one is I think the biggest in the UK, it's massive) and they had 25% off all clothing. I needed some bodysuits, so got a pack of 7 for £6, a pair of jeans for £5.60, a pack of 3 babygros for £4.90 and a cosy pramsuit (sand coloured fine cord and all lovely and padded) for £10.50. :D and a winter coat for myself, which was reduced to £33.75. so am pleased with my bargains. was all stuff we needed.

now, something I was wondering about today, just as I was on the bus - those of you who were on team yellow, what had you planned to call your LO had he/she been the other?
While Elin was in intensive care i physically had to stop myself from tearfully writing here and facebook asking everyojne to hold and kiss their babies as not being able to is and really was the hardest thing to go through so im with you grumpymoo i really cant understand why someone would choose not to hold their precious ones x

Had not thought of that, but maybe that was why it upset me so much:wacko:. I did not hold Rose at all for over 48 hours when she was born and then after that not often at all while she was in the nicu because of keeping her temp and oxygen etc.

I guess we are making up for it now Sam!:happydance:
Hi just popping into say will eb back soon to reply just moved so waiting for net to sort itself out just on my dads pc right now!

hope your all ok and catch up soon xx
Hope everyone is doing well!

Sorry for not posting here too often but have been rather busy with various things.

I've noticed that Christian now has this rash on his cheeks (well, they look red and dry). Have any of you expeienced this with your little ones? Any suggestions on what I can try? The nurse will be calling on Friday so I can ask her then but didn't know if anyone might have any ideas in the meantime.
Popped back to say Archie had that for a while just lay off scented products like johnson and johnson stuff or if that dont work some sudocrem once or twice a day got it off of archies cheeks x
Elly did it look like this?
Elin's turned out to be an allergy to Johnsons x
Hi all

MJ: we can do it here or start a new thread I dont mind - see what everyone else wants to do - Well done on losing 3 lbs - I have been so strict with myself for the last two weeks and have only lost 3 altogether in the 2 weeks although I am hoping that maybe some of it is water retension due to AF arriving. Well done on all your bargains. We had narrowed our names down to Kyle, Cian or Callum if we had a boy.

Grumpymoo: That poor baby - I give Natasha lots of cuddles as I am a firm believer that lots of cuddles and physical contact helps them to grow emotionally and me and DH just love cuddling her anyway - how could a parent not I dont really understand it at all - dont worry you are definitely not the only one disturbed by this.

Ruby: Hope the move is going well and you get your net sorted soon.

Elly: Natashas skin peeled when she was born and the doc advised not to use Johnsons and to use aqueous cream - you can get a huge tub of it here in the chemists and it is a light emulsifing ointment - we also used it in the bath so maybe try this in case it is an allergic reaction to the Johnsons.

Well we had my friends wedding party last night and I really enjoyed the time out with DH and my friends and my mam took Natasha for the night so today the three of us just had a lazy day as we both missed her a lot last night. Other than that we had a quiet weekend.
Wow ladies, thank you so much! The only Johnson's products I had used was the baby wash and the lavender cream. So, I'll stop using those for now. Is there anything you can suggest instead as I think Ivory soap might be a bit harsh for his skin right now. I'm thinking of just a plain water bath...

As for the sudocream and aquaos (sorry, I have the spelling wrong >.<), I'm not too sure if they have those here up in Canada but I'll check. Again, thank you!
Thanks for all the moving wishes, but our completion date got moved AGAIN. I can't believe we thought we'd move before Mog was born. At this rate, she'll be lucky to be in for her eighteenth birthday. There are some days when I really feel like telling our vendor to STUFF IT and her poxy house. Everything was/is packed, so the only things out are the things I thought we would need for the last two days, and my husband's equipment for work. I have about three days worth of clothes unpacked, so am going to have to unpack more, and all of our kitchen stuff is wrapped in paper and in boxes apart from a few mugs and plates and a bit of cutlery. Thank heavens I didn't pack the kettle, toaster or microwave. grr grr grr. And my shed is in pieces in the back garden and all the stuff that was in it is in the spare room (well the stuff that couldn't stay outside, we used it to store excess furniture for the new house). Anyway. Enough moaning.

Imogen is grand, sleeping nicely and being a good girl at parties. She seemed to really love fireworks, watched a whole display giggling the entire time. Mind you, she bawled when the fireworks stopped! I've heard that my maternity cover is leaving shortly, so I'm sort of intrigued as to how they're going to cover my job and slightly worried that I'll get back to find I've got nothing to do as they've parcelled my responsibilities out to everyone else...
Auntie, I'm sorry to hear that your completion date will be moved again. Hopefully they'll get their act together and you'll be able to move soon!

As for holding our little ones, I can't see as to how someone wouldn't want to hold or cuddle their little one a lot. We tend to do that a fair bit but at the same time try not to be too excessive.

I think Christian is finally feeling really comfy in his crib. When putting him to bed, we don't have that much of a fight anymore from him. In addition, when waking up in the morning, he's not screaming his lungs out. Instead, he'll move around and coo at his bear or at the mobile.
MJ and jelr - I would rather use this thread for our weigh ins (as long as you other ladies don't mind). it is hard enough keeping up with this one without startig another! So I am gonna weigh in tomorrow morning - who is with me?

grumpy - that is so sad, i cuddle sophia almost all the time!

MJ - i went swimming yesterday too. the extra bikini top under my swimsuit did the trick and i felt much more secure! We would have called our LO henry if it had been a boy

elly - do you have E45 cream over there?

AE - sorry your move has beeb delayed again, poo poo poo!
Shiv, I'll have to double check at the pharmacy on Friday (can't really get much of anything until then).

One thing we've been wondering is when we can stop the dreamfeeds for Christian (we only do one a night). The reason for this is because we're a little concerned about his weight -- he's about 15 lbs at 2.5 months now and is a little porker. This last feed, he ate about 210 mL! Trying to pick him up (for me) has been a real pain....literally!
Elly: Hope you manage to get some of the creams in Canada - they probably will have something similar I would imagine - ask for an emulsifing cream they should have some brand of it. Not sure about the dream feeds as we more demand fed Natasha and let her wake up herself when she was hungry at night and she now sleep through the night.

Shiv: I'm happy to use here for the weigh in as long as none of the rest mind as it is hard enough to keep up with this rather than trying to manage two different ones. I'm going to use Saturday as my weigh day as Saturday was the last time I weighed myself and I have to stop standing on the scales every day as it was doing my head in lol - Are we going to put up our loss for the week or what we weigh.

Auntie E: Sorry to hear about your move date changing again - that must be really hard living with everything packed - we extended our house last year and I had only a few kitchen bits to manage with as the old kitchen was ripped down and it was a nightmare let alone to have clothes and everything else packed up - I hope you get sorted soon.

No more news from us - Natasha was a little unsettled today I think she had a little pain or else maybe teeth are on the move as her little cheeks were a little red. But when she was in good form she was in really good form and was squeeling with delight by times which was so cute.
jelr and Shiv, I am fine with using this thread for the weigh-ins - it's not so fast-moving that it'd be a daunting prospect keeping track of everyone!

anyone else joining us?!

I think I will try to weigh on Mondays. Though I weighed yesterday and was exactly the same as last week. Grrrr. Guess it's better than being up but still. Grrrrr.
Well here goes -
Weight last Tuesday 10st 8 3/4 lbs
Weight today - 10st 8 1/4 lbs
Weight loss = 1/2 lb

Target weight by Crimbo = 10st 2lbs
Target weight by April 2010 (my 30th Birthday) = 9st 2lbs

Ok so I have included my weight but this is just so I csn keep a track - if you want to just include weight loss then that is obviously fine too!

So I only lost half a pound last week - a slow start but I did still eat a lot of cake!

On other matters - I think Sophia is having a growth spurt - eatting lots and often! Have given myself over to it! Gonna sit and watch tv all day!
Well, 1/2 a pound down is going in the right direction, Shiv! :D

You have a better scale than me, mine doesn't do increments of a pound. Wish it did...

So, I may as well post my stats as of yesterday (and where I've come from, makes me feel better and not such a fat blob...)

13th Aug: 13 st 2lb (after massive curry)
14th Aug: 12 st 10lb
18th Aug: 11 st 12lb
11th Sept: 11 st 7lb
13th Oct: 11 st 0lb
2nd Nov: 10 st 12lb
9th Nov: 10 st 12lb (grrr)

My goal is to be 8st 7lb by Christmas :rofl:

My realistic goal is a pound a week - that would mean 1/2 stone by my birthday (New Year's Eve) - 10st 5lb.

Ultimate goal is to be at least pre-pregnancy weight (at least 9st 4lb) when I go back to work, beginning of April. 21/22 weeks. Eeeek. That's exactly 1lb per week. 10st 12lb = 152lb, minus 22lb = 130lb or 9st 4lb. Eeeek. Ideally I'd lose more and go to a little under 9st. But that's ideal world stuff. :rofl:

I have to stop eating chocolate. That would be a great start. Or at least cut back.
But chocolate is so yummy! I'm terrible at the moment - I'm eating a big bar a day, and I dread to think how much I weigh. I'm going to worry about it after Christmas. Thanks for all the good wishes on the moving - it's not so bad at the moment, I'm just trying not to look at all the boxes, and it means I have a chance to subtly start shifting the garden rubbish into the communal bins instead of paying someone to take it away. Our vendor sees her solicitor tomorrow and we should have a fixed completion date then, so I can book removal men and write myself a little timetable (and call in lots of moving day favours!).

I think Mog is having a growth spurt as I seemed to spend most of yesterday feeding her (including on the bus, Lord preserve me). I have no idea what she weighs as I refuse to step foot in the stinking hell hole they call a baby clinic. And she's drooling a lot, so I'm wondering if teeth might be make a move...
I'll catch up later girls, sorry i've been so preoccupied and abandoned you all :(

Now, I need a favour........
I know not all of you are in to nappies but I am in a secret santa and need your help. I need to buy for a little boy and would like you to tell me which of these combos you would choose. For each pattern I need one of the colours beside it picked (which ever you think goes best!!) And then which one you would buy for a wee boy :D


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