--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Good to read all about what's going on, I'm so tired and grumpy tonight I can't think properly. Sam has been a real pain in the bum today and for the first time I'm glad he's in bed and I have a break. Is that terrible??? Shouting and crying and still won't take a bottle of ebm so it looks like I'm stuck in for the next 4 months and it's getting me down. Damn my irresistible boobies :haha: :rofl:

On the plus side he got weighed today and he's a whooping 14lb 8oz I'm mean OMG :saywhat: he's a chunky monkey alright but then with two parents of 6 foot plus it's to be expected (and with girth huhum but we won't mention that). Gold top Pippin here I am!!!!
Hey ladies :D

Sam, Elinor is beautiful! How is she doing? And how are you?

Boothh, welcome back!

Aunty E, good luck with the move.

Cleck - :rofl: - Emma is gorgeous as always :D - even with the lack of hair! Did she lose any from birth? Adam did, on one side only, he looked totally bald for a few weeks in one patch, though I think there was prob some very fine hair. It's grown back now, but he's not exactly hirsute! He's quite fair though, not blond as such, but definitely not dark - I think it might look like there was more if it was darker, iykwim.

Pips, are you giving Samuel Miracle Gro?! saw your video in the Cubs album, very cute :D Adam is small in comparison, he was 11lb 14oz a week ago, so I guess around 12 4 or so by now. But he's tall, about 25 inches last night.

afu: Adam seems to have a bit of a cold, well, a blocked up nose :( Poor lamb is very snuffly and finding it hard to feed and sleep. I think it must be coming and going/blocking/unblocking because sometimes he is ok and gets to sleep and other times like now, he keeps dropping his dummy to breathe through his mouth and then crying. He seems ok in himself, but it's not very nice. not sure what I can do about it, since he's not quite 3 months and Karvol and other stuff like Vicks says 3 months +. He'll be 3 months in 11 days though... hmmm. Maybe I should ring the health visitor and ask.

Also, anyone else's baby's eyes changed colour yet? Adam has very dark blue/grey eyes and I was sure they'd turn hazel, like mine (and my parents'). I'm sure I read somewhere that they don't change till they're older, but OH's mother said they woudln't change now, they do by 6 weeks! But Adam has developed a greenish ring around the pupil, so I am hoping to prove her wrong and they'll change completely soon. (OH has blue eyes but I believe brown and variations of brown like hazel dominate over blue, so I'd have been surprised if Adam's ended up blue, since there's so much hazel/brown in my family.)
Hi Ladies

Sorry I've not posted in a very long time. I've been in hospital recently with a rather large absess which needed to be removed via an operation under general anathestic. Now have a rather unpleasant and unattractive golf ball size hole which has been left open for it to heal.

Shadow - I think we'll also be TTC in about 6 months time, when Riya is about 9 months. We don't want to have too much of an age gap between the two kids, but couldn't think about it now, still suffering from effects of the episotomy, 3 months later although it is getting better each day.

Sam_star - the pics are gorgeous. She has similar amount of hair as Riya when she was born.

Mary Jo - Riya was born with brown eyes and they've not changed. No surprise though as both DH and I have brown eyes.

As for us, Riya seems to be doing well and is generally content. However over the last few days she has gone from drinking 130 - 150ml every 4 hrs to now 90 - 120ml. She's also "releasing" alot of milk which sort of looks like natural yogurt ! I'm going to take her to the doctors on Friday to see if she has any infection.

She's still not sleeping very well. Sleeps about 4 hrs at a time during the night. Still can't sleep on her back due to jerky arms and legs which wake her up and now sleeps on her side. Today she's been up since 10am without a nap !

On the devt side she seems to be doing great, is now grabbing and grasping things, continuously chatting to us, always smiling, starting to roll over from back to front. I also think she may be teething as she seems to be drooling alot.

I still can't fit into my prepregnancy clothes, got another 14lbs to loose to get back to pre preg weight. Started a low carb diet at the weekend, as I so want to get back to my size 8 before xmas when we go back to the UK. Also my inlaws are throwing a large party for Riya so I want to look my best, Also my wedding rings still does not fit - anyone else ?

I found out the other day that my Sis in Law is now pregnant and due June. She was very broody when she came to visit Riya but as she already has 2 kids (8 and 10) decided not to have another, but guess it was meant to be. We've got skype and are able to webcam with everyone back home which is great.

:hugs: to everyone. Off to try to put Riya down for a nap again !
Boothh- Welcome back hun! Jesse is super cute. I check out his pics on facebook every once in a while. :thumbup: I'm with you on wanting another. LOL! DH asked me what I wanted for christmas while we whispered last night with the baby sleeping between us. I told him another one of these. :haha:

Pippin- I have those days as well. There are some days that I just watch the clock waiting for DH to come home and as soon as he walks in that front door I shove her in his arms, give him a quick kiss, and run into another room. :rofl:

MJ- I was just going to ask that question today! If anyone's babies have lost hair yet. So far Emma has not. I keep an eye on it every day just waiting for it to fall out. Your lucky in the fact that Adam is a boy so his short hair is okay. People always mistake emma for a boy if she isn't wearing obvious girl clothes. :dohh: I had her in neutral colors the other day and our waitress kept saying "he's" so cute. I didn't correct her because how would she know. LOL! So I'm just waiting for her hair to grow longer because I am completely against piercing ears and those headbands are only supposed to be for picture purposes because it can give the babies headaches. :dohh: As for eye color. Emma's eyes seem to be getting a lighter blue color although they are still hazy looking. I'm just waiting for hers to change as well. I have dark green/brown eyes and DH has blue. I googled it a while ago and it said eye color can change anytime still. :shrug: Emma looks so much like DH and got very little of my features but eye color is one that I actually hope she doesn't get from me because DH has the prettiest blue eyes. :haha:

Okay that was a super long response to you MJ. LOL!

Has anyone else's babies lost hair yet? Can it happen anytime or is there some sort of window to expect it to happen?

As for us. Nothing too exciting to report. I get my cloth diapers tomorrow I believe. Than I have to figure out just how I need to wash them. I'm still reading into it all. I think I'm gonna try them on her first and take pictures cause it's just plain cute. And than wash them. :rofl: She is like a little Barbie doll. :blush:
shadow - vince is such a big, gorgeous boy! it looks like he had a great time with his big sis! so happy for you all x

MJ - have you been swimming again recently? i am off to pilates tonight! you can get saline nose drops from boots/ tescos that can be used from newborn to help clear their noses. also you can get snuffle baby which is baby verion of vicks. you can also try raising the head end of ae's bed a bit and also sitting baby in steamy bathroom helps to relieve congestion as well. hope he feels better soon x

cleck - you are feeling brave with the cloth nappies - well done! still not brave enough myself

jelr - that diet sounds hard! make sure you look after yourself - natasha needs a strong mummy! I am so glad you are loving being mummy, it is pretty amazing isn't it!

tmr - your hv sounds like a right nosey parker, you know you're doing a great job so just ignore her!

sam - elinor is gorg! what lovely hair. any news on the possible hernia?

aunty e - mog - what a cool way to shorten your LO's name. hope you get to move and it all goes ok x

hi booth - good to have you back - jesse sounds like a little star x

pip - hope you are less tired nd grumpy today !

ttc lady - poor you having an op, i hope you recover well x

afu - sophia is still prety much a dream. do any of you start to do a chore thinking "LO will never stay happy long enough for me to finish this" and then they do! and you are so grateful and proud!

all you fellow weight loss ladies do any of you fancy having a weekly weigh in day for motivational purposes? we can all come on here and share our highs and lows. what do you reckon?
Sophia has lost some of her hair - but more seems to be growing through on top. Her eyes are still blue but one has a splash of brown in it. I am hazel and David is blue so who knows what she'll have!
We will probably TTC again about the same time as you Shadow, so when Sophia is about a year old. I just don't know whether or not to find a job before hand or not :shrug:
LOL MJ keep an eye out in the baby club section. Someone else is wanting to know when the eye color changes as well. :rofl: Seems that alot of us have eye color on our minds lately.
Also, anyone else's baby's eyes changed colour yet? Adam has very dark blue/grey eyes and I was sure they'd turn hazel, like mine (and my parents'). I'm sure I read somewhere that they don't change till they're older, but OH's mother said they woudln't change now, they do by 6 weeks! But Adam has developed a greenish ring around the pupil, so I am hoping to prove her wrong and they'll change completely soon. (OH has blue eyes but I believe brown and variations of brown like hazel dominate over blue, so I'd have been surprised if Adam's ended up blue, since there's so much hazel/brown in my family.)

DS2's didn't change till he was 2/3 years old! Even now they are still not one colour or the other. Hazel with a brown inner and blue outer ring.
Thanks ladies, he only woke once last night so feel much better today. Just hoping he does the same tonight as I felt great. He's still a bit grumpy but it's easier to cope when your awake. Glad to hear you do the same Cleckner :haha: and get DH to take her, nice relief of 10 minutes.
I'm sitting here hoping Imogen will go to sleep so I can pack some more :)

but quickly Pippin, Imogen wouldn't take from the bottle last week (we hadn't given her a bottle for a fortnight) and it was awful retraining her, but we managed it after three days. I think what did it in the end was having the EBM really hot, a little warmer than blood temperature. We use the closer to nature bottles, which she seems to like. I was adamant that I wouldn't have a baby who couldn't be left with anyone else. If nothing else, I don't need that misery on top of everything else when I go back to work.

Right she's nodding off, so I need to pack more!
Hi girls, hope you are all well - been so so busy lately with the three kids. My little Mimi is growing so well. I am all still hoping to lose weight in a bid to fit my pre pregnancy clothes. I invested a lot of money in my work clothes and for me not to fit them will kill me..... I am back at work on 1 Feb so at least I still have quite a bit of time within which to diet. So far I have lost four pounds on weightwatchers which I joined last week so pretty pleased with that. Take care xxx
That is excellent Mimiso! I need to get more motivated to lose the weight but so far I just can't seem to make the effort. :blush:
Hi ladies, hope you are all well.

Well Imi has slept for 11 hours straight for the last 2 nights!! Couldn't believe it when I woke up at 8am and ahe was still asleep!! She's been doing really well and was 13lb2oz on Tuesday @ 9+5 weeks :D We had all the ladies from our antenatal classes over today which was lovely. Only one boy and 4 girls :D Found a few different classes some girls go to that I might pop along to :) I did have to take her to the docs on Tuesday as advised by the HV. She gets very sore under her chin as she's so chunky and it sometimes gets red and sore looking. I wash it with warm water and cotton wool and dry as best I can, but when she gets hot she just sweats!! It normally goes as quick as it comes but this time it looked sore. The doc has given us some anti fungal crwam and it looks much better already :D

We are going to a wedding in Wolverhampton tomorrow and my mum is looking after Imi until Sunday!! Looking forward to going but scared about leaving her. I normally text DF about 4 times when I go to bingo (i'm away from her for about 2 1/2 hours :rofl:) Sure she'll be fine.

Samstar - Elinor is just gorgeous hun, so glad she is doing so well now :D

Aunty E - how is all the packing etc going? Its tomorrow you move isn't it :) Glad your Imogen is doing OK :D

Boothh - welcome back hun, good to see Jesse is doing so well :D Good luck with your move :D

angelstardust - isn't it good to have evenings again! We try to get Imi in bed so we can still have an evening but DF has been VERY tired recently and ends up in bed early too :(

Pippin - wow he is a chunky monkey :D Gold top Pippin :haha: Has he been a bit more settled over the last few days or not? You gonna keep trying the EBM? It will really help you so you can have an early night and seleep through :hugs:

MJ - Imi's eyes are still blue but both Shaun and I have blue eyes so hers won't change :) They do say that they can take 6 months to change :D

TTC lady - sorry to hear about your op, hope you are well on the way to being all mended! Have you tried swaddling? Imi has dreadful startle reflex and would wake herself up every 10 mins if she wasn't swaddled. My sis is due in June too :D

Cleck - Imi has only lost a little bit on the back where she turns to sleep :) It wa sonly thin anyway! Can't say abot the front as most of it was shaved off when she went into SCBU :( If you have any questions on cloth just ask us, there are a few of us August mummies with cloth bum babies :D

Shiv - a weigh in would be great :D I have lost 3lbs since sunday :happydance: I expect we'll be TTC around the same time as you and Miss Shadow altho if we need treatment again it could take a while! So sorry to hear about your nan hun :hugs:

Mimi - glad you are all well xx

tmr - sorry your HV is being such a witch!! I think I would have told her where to go!! Ours has only been to the house twice and I can now go to a drop in every week :)

jelr - great to see you are doing so well hun. Natasha is a cutie :D I know what you mean about loving being a mum, I was just the same in the beginning with Imi but now I can't get enough of her. I'm also dreading going back to work and its ages away. I must stop thinking about it and make the most of now!! AF has just finished for me! Was a real shock to see her arrive seeing as i could go a yr without a visit!!

Shadow - love those piccies, Can't belive just how big Vince is getting :D Like you, I had an awful pregnancy and there really is no rhyme or reason as to why i'd want it again so soon :rofl:

MJ - i think i'd be the same as you - def try not to gain as much weight and as long as i wasn't ill like I was with Imi i'd be exercising right thru!! I'd use cloth again whitout a doubt (from birth next time) and I would hope to BF but would def combine with formula. I don't think i could do another 6+ weeks exclusively expressing!! Not sure what i'd do re birth tho, as i'd love to have a baby naturally but after my nightmare birth my consultant has said he'd recommend a planned section!! I too, feel soooooo broody! It really must be that primal instict!! I miss being pregnant so much and having that anticipation of whats around the corner!! I hope we also get the instinct to know when to stop or I would go on forever :rofl:

Wow at all you skinnie minnies, I'd give anything to be a size 14, let alone a 12, 10 or 8 :rofl: :rofl:

My god I can waffle but its not often I get this long to type :happydance:
She gets very sore under her chin as she's so chunky and it sometimes gets red and sore looking.
Vincent gets this too Vici, especially now that he's drooling so much with the start of teething. I dry it up as best I can and put a bit of nappy cream on it, it works wonders for us! But glad your anti fungal cream has helped, hope it stays away :)

Just a quick one here as my mum is coming round soon, and also I'm not feeling too great (bit sicky, bit of a tummy ache, hopefully just a one-day thing tho). As always I'm reading about everyone, here's a few I can remember, sorry to those I forget :hugs:

MJ, I agree about trying not to put on so much weight next time! Can't wait to start trying again :D

Becki, welcome back!! Have missed you honey, glad to hear Jesse is doing so well, he's got a healthy appetite like Vince! Hope his teething isn't bothering him too much. Good luck with your move!

Aunty E, good luck packing, sounds hectic!!

Pippin, hope Sam will take a bottle for you to get a break! It's lovely to be able to hand Vince to OH whenever I need a bit of a break, makes the world of difference.

Shiv and Vici (and Cleck? am I remembering rightly?) can't wait to be TTC with you guys!! It's gonna be awesome :D

Mimi, congrats on the weight loss!

AFU as I mentioned above, Vince has started teething :( Poor little thing, yesterday was a bad day for him, he was screaming in pain and we tried everything to try to help him but in the end he exhausted himself and cried himself to sleep on me, bless him... Today he's been a bit better but his cheeks are flushed bright pink and he's drooling soooo much. We've put a teething ring in the fridge ready for him if he wants to try it, I think he might if he has another episode like yesterday.

That's about it for now, hugs to all!

Shadow xxxx
Hi Ladies

Sorry I've not posted in a very long time. I've been in hospital recently with a rather large absess which needed to be removed via an operation under general anathestic. Now have a rather unpleasant and unattractive golf ball size hole which has been left open for it to heal.

Shadow - I think we'll also be TTC in about 6 months time, when Riya is about 9 months. We don't want to have too much of an age gap between the two kids, but couldn't think about it now, still suffering from effects of the episotomy, 3 months later although it is getting better each day.

Sam_star - the pics are gorgeous. She has similar amount of hair as Riya when she was born.

Mary Jo - Riya was born with brown eyes and they've not changed. No surprise though as both DH and I have brown eyes.

As for us, Riya seems to be doing well and is generally content. However over the last few days she has gone from drinking 130 - 150ml every 4 hrs to now 90 - 120ml. She's also "releasing" alot of milk which sort of looks like natural yogurt ! I'm going to take her to the doctors on Friday to see if she has any infection.

She's still not sleeping very well. Sleeps about 4 hrs at a time during the night. Still can't sleep on her back due to jerky arms and legs which wake her up and now sleeps on her side. Today she's been up since 10am without a nap !

On the devt side she seems to be doing great, is now grabbing and grasping things, continuously chatting to us, always smiling, starting to roll over from back to front. I also think she may be teething as she seems to be drooling alot.

I still can't fit into my prepregnancy clothes, got another 14lbs to loose to get back to pre preg weight. Started a low carb diet at the weekend, as I so want to get back to my size 8 before xmas when we go back to the UK. Also my inlaws are throwing a large party for Riya so I want to look my best, Also my wedding rings still does not fit - anyone else ?

I found out the other day that my Sis in Law is now pregnant and due June. She was very broody when she came to visit Riya but as she already has 2 kids (8 and 10) decided not to have another, but guess it was meant to be. We've got skype and are able to webcam with everyone back home which is great.

:hugs: to everyone. Off to try to put Riya down for a nap again !

I just spotted this post, sorry honey not ignoring you on purpose! Lovely to see you posting in here again :)

Sorry to hear bout your hospital stay, hope that nasty absess is well and truly gone now! Sounds like Riya is doing great in development, hope she learns the sleeping through the night thing for you soon, it makes such a difference to get a really good night's sleep!


Shadow xx
Yup Shadow I'll be with you girls with the TTC club! hehehe. It'll be fun to be 'making' another.

So girls I'm excited to say that our :sex: life is back on track! :rofl: To the extent that I had to take a pregnancy test yesterday completely terrified that I was pregnant again. I've been getting heartburn again, super irritable, I got a bad spot of acne all of a sudden which has now disappeared again. But it was enough for me to think 'oh shit' since I had a c-section and don't want to be bursting in two. :nope: But thank god the test was negative. :thumbup: BFing and not getting a period certainly makes it hard to not worry sometimes.
oh my god, how do you lot have the energy for :sex: never mind planning the next baby :)
its weird though, i often think about it (having another baby, not :sex: although I'm told its difficult to have one without the other!)
Im aware of my age (36) but also aware that i had a terrible time with my c-sect and it still hurts now. Think my body will need the 2 years to recover:wacko:
Still dont know what went wrong with my pregnancy so dont know if it could happen again. We were so so lucky to have Rose as it was only being in the right place at the right time that made her safe arrival possible.
We will see anyway!

Rose sometimes sleeps for 7 hours now, she weighs 12lb and is over the 50th centile for her corrected age which is how they plot it.

I cant stop telling her how wonderful she is, how much we love her and how lucky we are to have her. if she could understand she would be sooooooooooooo bored:dohh:

Roses eyes have gone from completly black to dark blue to greeny blue already. She looks so like her Dad I would love it if she had my eyes at least:)

Everyone sounds Fab at the mo:happydance:, Elinor looks gorgeous Sam and even ttclady sounds like your coping with your op really well!

moo x
Hi all

TMR: That HV sounds like a real pain - sure every child is different like you said so I dont know what she is talking about.

Samstar: Elinor looks gorgeous - I love her thick head of hair. Natasha has hair but not near as much as that.

AuntyE: Hope todays move is going well.

Booth: Welcome back so glad to hear you and jessie are doing well.

Angelstardust: Delighted to hear Amber is thriving after you not feeding weeks.

Pippin: Wow for Sam weighing 14 oz 8lbs that is a great weight. Hope he is still sleeping for you.

MJ: Hope Adams cold is getting better - I saw a plug in vicks thing the other day in my local chemist but I'm not sure if there was an age on it. Not sure about the eye colour as Natashas eyes are still the same.

TTCLady: How did Riya get on at the docs, I hope her little tummy is better. Sorry to hear about your op and hope your back on track now.

Cleckner: Natasha hasn't lost any hair yet but she does have some new growth which seems to be a good bit lighter than the rest so maybe she will still lose the rest. Hope the cloth is going well for you. So glad to hear your bedroom action is back on track and glad that test was negative, Id say you had a right little panic when you were doing it.

Shiv: Thanks Shiv - the diet is hard enough but you get all your vit and minerals as it is all fruit and veg and it is only for 7 days and then you do 7 with fruit and veg for breakfast and lunch and a healthy dinner so I should be fine - Dont worry if I'm anyway weak or not feeling well I will stop straight away, looking after Natasha is far more important than my weight loss - I am feeling a lot better on it now and am not as hungry - I dont know if I have lost anything though as I decided to stop stepping on the scales everyday as it was driving me mad, so I'm just gonna try and weigh myself every week. Yep I'm up for the weigh in everyweek as it will keep me motivated and maybe stop me standing on the scales every bloody day lol.

Mimiso: Well done on losing 4 lbs and good to hear Mimi is doing well.

Vici: Ah thanks Vici - Imi is a real cutie too hon. So good to hear somebody else was the same at the start - I think its so much to do with the trauma our bodies go through. Yeah I think I'm gonna have to do the same and just forget about work and live in the moment and enjoy this time. Hope the wedding goes well and you are not missing her too much.

Shadow: Hope Vince is feeling a bit better today with the teething - poor little thing it is so painful for them.

Grumpymoo: LMAO at needing one for the other lol - So glad to hear Rose is doing so well. I also tell Natasha how much we love her and how much she brings to our lives - but I reckon I may make the most of it and tell her now before she can answer me back and tell me to shut up lol.

Well AFU: We are heading out for one of my best friends wedding party tomorrow night - They got married in Lanzarote but we didn't go as Natasha was only a few weeks old so I'm really looking forward to that although I was planning on getting our :sex: life back on track tomorrow night too as finally everything down below finally has started to feel right and without pain from the episiotimy and my mam is taking Natasha for the whole night and I even bought lovely new underwear and what do you know murphys law would apply and AF arrived - I really spoke too soon when I asked you ladies was anyone still missing it - I should have waited till next week to ask lol.

Did everybody else have an extremely heavy AF for the first time - I usually use tampons but doc advised to use pads for the first one but I'm have destroyed several pairs of knickers and am changing pads every hour sometimes. Also has anybody else with an episiotomy had any trouble with AF - I seem to have lots of pressure pains back since it arrived and never had anything like this before being pregnant. It actually feels like my insides are going to fall out sometimes.

Sorry if that was TMI for anyone.

Well I Hope you all have a great weekend. :hugs: to all. Xx
I keep reading and meaning to make a proper reply, and I will, but not right now as I'm exhausted after taking Adam up to town to my work, to visit a few of my colleagues. :D 2 buses and 2 trips on the DLR and it's done me in!

but what I have been meaning to say is Shiv and jelr, I am totally up for a weekly weigh-in. should we make a new thread (in the health forum?) or just do it in here? I am not *planning* on doing a strict diet, but never know, when I get motivated, I might decide to be a bit more disciplined. at the moment my *diet* consists of me eating cereal for breakfast, oatcakes and salad for lunch with maybe a little cheese, and a normal dinner. and 1.5 Wispas or chocolatey equivalent (yes I know). otherwise I don't snack.

I do have a tendency to be a bit gung ho about dieting if it's going well, but depressed and lethargic when it's not... I weighed on Monday after not doing so for over a week and I was 3lb down, which thrilled me so much I might have decided to be mega disciplined but the moment's passed now :rofl:

still, swimming tomorrow. I only manage it once a week, because I am not motivated enough to go in the cold evenings.

oh, and I'm another who tells Adam how much I love him all the time, I am sure he'll be telling me to shut up soon!
Hi all
I just wanted to get something off my chest that I have just read on Bnb and has upset me. you will probably think I am mad!

Somebody was responding ( I hope they are not part of this group as I dont want to offend!!!) to a thread. They were giving advice on something and had written that they only held their LO for an hour a day:cry:. quote*She is rarely held (perhaps for an hour a day)* .

I know its each to their own and I really hope that their baby is perfectly happy but its makes me feel so sad that this baby is not being held and cuddled.

I am, by the way completely over emotional since i had Rose!:dohh:

What do you think about it?
Oh my grumpymoo! I am a bit upset hearing that as well. It's quite the opposite for myself. In fact Emma probably only spends an hour a day NOT held. :haha: Even at night since we co-sleep she is basically held all night long. :shrug: I love cuddling with her. I can't believe someone hardly holds their baby! :wacko:

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