Hi ladies, hope you are all well.
Well Imi has slept for 11 hours straight for the last 2 nights!! Couldn't believe it when I woke up at 8am and ahe was still asleep!! She's been doing really well and was 13lb2oz on Tuesday @ 9+5 weeks

We had all the ladies from our antenatal classes over today which was lovely. Only one boy and 4 girls

Found a few different classes some girls go to that I might pop along to

I did have to take her to the docs on Tuesday as advised by the HV. She gets very sore under her chin as she's so chunky and it sometimes gets red and sore looking. I wash it with warm water and cotton wool and dry as best I can, but when she gets hot she just sweats!! It normally goes as quick as it comes but this time it looked sore. The doc has given us some anti fungal crwam and it looks much better already
We are going to a wedding in Wolverhampton tomorrow and my mum is looking after Imi until Sunday!! Looking forward to going but scared about leaving her. I normally text DF about 4 times when I go to bingo (i'm away from her for about 2 1/2 hours

) Sure she'll be fine.
Samstar - Elinor is just gorgeous hun, so glad she is doing so well now
Aunty E - how is all the packing etc going? Its tomorrow you move isn't it

Glad your Imogen is doing OK
Boothh - welcome back hun, good to see Jesse is doing so well

Good luck with your move
angelstardust - isn't it good to have evenings again! We try to get Imi in bed so we can still have an evening but DF has been VERY tired recently and ends up in bed early too
Pippin - wow he is a chunky monkey

Gold top Pippin

Has he been a bit more settled over the last few days or not? You gonna keep trying the EBM? It will really help you so you can have an early night and seleep through
MJ - Imi's eyes are still blue but both Shaun and I have blue eyes so hers won't change

They do say that they can take 6 months to change
TTC lady - sorry to hear about your op, hope you are well on the way to being all mended! Have you tried swaddling? Imi has dreadful startle reflex and would wake herself up every 10 mins if she wasn't swaddled. My sis is due in June too
Cleck - Imi has only lost a little bit on the back where she turns to sleep

It wa sonly thin anyway! Can't say abot the front as most of it was shaved off when she went into SCBU

If you have any questions on cloth just ask us, there are a few of us August mummies with cloth bum babies
Shiv - a weigh in would be great

I have lost 3lbs since sunday

I expect we'll be TTC around the same time as you and Miss Shadow altho if we need treatment again it could take a while! So sorry to hear about your nan hun
Mimi - glad you are all well xx
tmr - sorry your HV is being such a witch!! I think I would have told her where to go!! Ours has only been to the house twice and I can now go to a drop in every week
jelr - great to see you are doing so well hun. Natasha is a cutie

I know what you mean about loving being a mum, I was just the same in the beginning with Imi but now I can't get enough of her. I'm also dreading going back to work and its ages away. I must stop thinking about it and make the most of now!! AF has just finished for me! Was a real shock to see her arrive seeing as i could go a yr without a visit!!
Shadow - love those piccies, Can't belive just how big Vince is getting

Like you, I had an awful pregnancy and there really is no rhyme or reason as to why i'd want it again so soon
MJ - i think i'd be the same as you - def try not to gain as much weight and as long as i wasn't ill like I was with Imi i'd be exercising right thru!! I'd use cloth again whitout a doubt (from birth next time) and I would hope to BF but would def combine with formula. I don't think i could do another 6+ weeks exclusively expressing!! Not sure what i'd do re birth tho, as i'd love to have a baby naturally but after my nightmare birth my consultant has said he'd recommend a planned section!! I too, feel soooooo broody! It really must be that primal instict!! I miss being pregnant so much and having that anticipation of whats around the corner!! I hope we also get the instinct to know when to stop or I would go on forever
Wow at all you skinnie minnies, I'd give anything to be a size 14, let alone a 12, 10 or 8
My god I can waffle but its not often I get this long to type