--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thats such a girly reaction isn't it? To instantly think of losing weight before meeting. :rofl: As if any of you girls care. The way I've been eating lately, DH is gonna have to roll me there. LOL! :haha:
((((((((Sam&Elin))))))) Poor little mite :( Hope they can help her soon! Yay for the Ok on the meet!

On to the question of OHs... Is it ok to NOT bring our OHs??? I mean, of course, if they WANT to come then that's awesome, but if they don't, we can still come right??? LOL no way in hell Lee would come along!!!! He's not really the sociable type, far too shy hehehe!!!

LOL @ Cleck and Jai, don't start making me fret about appearance!!!

What are thoughts on when then girls? We can do a few meets, especially if the first one goes well!! I am so excited, I don't think I'll be able to wait months and months to meet you all now that MJ has proposed it!!! :yipee:
Take the space out and stick it in your sig :D
PM if you have any probs!! xx
OK, I'm off to bed now, hope Pip and Vici and Jelr and Shiv and others can get on here soon and say they'll come!!!! Weeeeee!!!!!!

yipppee look forward to it :D I am also up for flying to meet you Cleck :D awesome hol!!

I think initial meet should be 2010 Jan :D nighty night ladies xxx

Oh and thanks for link shadow
Well, on the subject of OHs... I think Chris would come if hell froze over and he could skate there... he's very mistrustful of internet people. Thinks they are nutters.

He and I met online - that might have something to do with his judgement!

I, on the other hand, have no such compunction - some of my dearest friends were once mere words on a website! :D
Wow loads of people are up for it!

My oh wouldn't come for no particular reason just not his thing lol! I met one person off the net a while back who was a bitof a headcase but im hoping your all normal! :dance:

Don't worry about looking like crap either (not that any of you do, espc you jai jai as i see your pics on facebook!) cause i am looking bad to nothing like my pre preggo shape!

Is it a just us meet or bring the babies meet to? Can you imagine that all of us trotting round london with all our babies! :haha:
Okay, catch up time, sorry its taken so long to reply!

MJ - Glad Adam's jabs went okay, JP's next lot are due, I'm dreading it! Great news about the weight gain too! Was it weird thinking about "the anniversary" last weekend? I reflected on it. What really was ironic is that the morning after I woke up to found JP's dad in the bathroom being sick (he had come down with a tummy bug, I thought I'd given him food poisoning!) and the same day this year when I woke up and had cuddles with JP she promply vomitted over me! I just hope this won't become a recurring feature of Nov 17th!

For Christmas I'm going to email out a list of things I might need for JP to my family as they want to give her useful stuff and I don't want to be inundated with piles of cuddly toys! I'd actually like things like books and educational games as I don't have those yet, at the momnt we're reading JP the local takeout menus. She finds them very interesting! :rofl:

How often do you get monster days with Adam? JP has been a horror the last couple of days for no apparent reason, yesterday I had to do the leave the room and count to 10 thing twice. As soon as my friend got home, she was smiling and gurgling for her! Some days I think she just gets really bored of me!

As for pumps, I have the Isis and I find the "flower" a bit painful, it turns my breast purple while I'm using it and I have to keep moving it around to help the discomfort.

Shiv - Great proudest acheivement, I think its amazing you managed to get through 10 weeks of pain too, I would probably have wanted to give up, it's bad enough JP taking nips at me when she has gum pain! I like that Caramac doesn't count as chocolate. I've just eaten a Caramilk bar which is South African Cadbury's version but full thickness like a normal chocolate bar - yumm! The chocolate range over there is so much better than here!

AE - Thanks for the cat reassurance, we'll have to see how she goes. One of my friends is on my back saying I should rehome her, she'll be happier etc. I see her point but I also know that if I can get her to stop feeling rejected she'll be happy here.

Cleck - It would be wonderful if you came over for a meet! Sorry to hear about the flood drama, its bad enough nipping out with a baby nevermind evacuating!! Hope everything is okay and your settled back home now. I think I would have cried to lose all that frozen ebm, its such hard work! Great that Emma's gaining weight, I know what a worry it is with our skinny babes! Like Shiv, I'd read that bottom two teeth come through first, maybe those spots are it! I've been trying to look at JP's gums but she won't open wide lol! My stepmum felt her gums and said they were very hard but I'm not sure what she meant by that! That they hurt? We're getting that loud and clear!

Jelr - Thanks for the vaseline tip, not sure what it does but the CC is almost gone so I'm guessing it is softening it so the washing/massaging works better? Baby shopping is too addictive isn't it?! I'm planning a big shopping day with my sister for JP, I've even made a list of what I want to buy. I don't want to buy things for me anymore, just cute stuff to dress JP in, that makes me much happier! Talk about dolls for adults!! How is Natasha now? JP wakes up because she gets bad wind pains but it could be any pain so maybe Natasha is teething or something?

Boothh - We haven't really chatted before so I wanted to say hi! I hope Jesse is improving and eating again. Did the doc say its ok to give Calpol for teething? Hope you're feeling better too.

Shadow - Hope you're feeling well, lovely to see your pics of Vince on FB, he's super cute! Swimming looks really good. I'd like to get JP swimming as young as possible because I have a water phobia and want her to enjoy swimming, but then again I think the reason for my phobia is probably due to nearly drowning when I was a few years old so I have an irrational fear she'll go through something similar! Look forward to hearing what Vince makes of Water Babies!

Sam_Star - So sorry to hear Elin may need more surgery, you're amazing for being so strong, forget what your fb friend says, Elin is a person that you love not a gimmick for getting attention, how insensitive of them to say such a thing! Its strong fighters like Elin that remind us how delicate and precious life is and to appreciate our good health. I'm ranting on your behalf, sorry!

Jai_Jai - Lol. I'm just as bad for not chatting, I come on here read the posts, click on a few thanks and then run out of gracetime and have to attend to madam, I feel bad for not doing enough individual msgs! We're good facebookers at least :-)

AFU - Just another week lol! JP is a little madam this week, I've really been hoping for a belly laugh now several of you are hearing them, all I'm getting is whinging. On the development side she now rolls both ways quite easily and the shuffle/wiggle is back so even if I try to escape her she follows me!

I am intrigued that people are starting to go out without baby, I've been discussing the possibility of doing some work early next year but I can't imagine anyone wanting to babysit JP more than once! It's not that she's a bad baby, she's like that nursery rhyme, "when she's good, she's very, very good and when she is bad, she is horrid!" I've been recommended a book to read because she ticks the boxes of a high need baby, apparently its a personality type, I'd never heard of the term til this week. I had the insensitive friend experience this week when she told me that JP's clinginess is my fault for socialising too much with her when she was born. According to her I should have spent the first few weeks at home bonding, no visitors and no going out. Instead because JP was introduced to a few family and close friends she suffered some kind of seperation trauma from being passed around. :growlmad:

After that conversation I went out and then had someone tell me how small my baby was for 12 weeks, so was not a happy day! I'm a bit worried about her weight/size atm because I don't think she's growing enough, she's sliding down the percentiles. It doesn't surprise me because I've been ill and not drinking /eating as much as I should. I wondered about introducing baby rice to help but have been told that will have an adverse effect as BM is more nutritious for her.

I don't really want to start solids until about 6 months ideally because of the allergy thing and tbh I'm too lazy to want to think about routines just yet, it's all I can do to get through each day never mind making a weaning plan. That said JP is interested in food, especially since she sits at the dining table with us in her highchair, so I'll probably follow her lead. She put her arm in my sister's ice-cream a few weeks ago and spent a happy evening sucking it off her sleeve!!

Sorry for the whinge, I think its all I ever do on here, but it helps just to type it out of my system! :coffee:

I saw today that they're introducing a Swine flu jab for babys over 6 months. Who would accept/refuse the jab and why?

:hugs:to you all

Yay, if it was a no babies meet I couldn't come! :rofl:
Well, on the subject of OHs... I think Chris would come if hell froze over and he could skate there... he's very mistrustful of internet people. Thinks they are nutters.

He and I met online - that might have something to do with his judgement!

I, on the other hand, have no such compunction - some of my dearest friends were once mere words on a website! :D

I love that image of Chris :rofl:

RR - us lot and our babies and a few OHs trolling around the city - I think we would be a Londoner's worst nightmare!! :haha: I'd have to bring JP anyhow.
MA, you snuck that lovely mega-post in very craftily there!

It's been totally weird thinking about "the anniversary", can't quite get it all out of my head, and I know I'll be the same for - probably the next 9 months! (I have a good memory for dates and stuff, sometimes it is a good thing, other times I dwell too much...) It's strange to read my journal entries from last November, when I was pregnant but didn't know it, and look at photos that were taken... next date is Dec 3rd, day I found out! It's still messing with my head that it's a WHOLE YEAR ago.

As for Adam's "monster days" - Monday was bad, Tuesday was fine, Wednesday and yesterday were similar - great in the morning then around 3 or 4 in the afternoon he got fussy and screaming with (I assume) windy pains. Not major awful continuous fussing like Monday, but several few-min stretches that make me want to walk away! Monday I did scream, which I am ashamed of. I was just at the end of my rope for a bit. Weekends I don't keep much track of as I am not alone with him very much, so don't feel the pressure and stress when he's unsettled. So I'd say maybe once a week there's a day I am longing to end, perhaps not even that often, once in 10 days? It's definitely galling when Chris comes home and he gets the very tail end of the crying and then AE settles down and sleeps. Sometimes makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong, but I know it's just him being a baby and he's not doing anything on purpose to upset or please anyone yet.

I also get stressed when he won't feed well, and that happens most days at some point; he's got better again at bf in the morning, after a little while of losing interest, but some days he won't seem to concentrate on the bottle and whips his head round and back... it's frustrating and I have to tell myself to relax and let him do it his way. I do seem to link his worse unsettled days with a lack of visits from the poo fairy - Monday there was nothing and today nothing as well, so hopefully tomorrow will be better. But if it isn't is I'm not alone as Chris has a day off... still, we have a visit to his mum, which involves at least an hour on the South Circular, and if AE is upset it's a LONG journey...

He's only got to smile at me and I forget everything, though!

I also wonder if AE gets bored with me and with what he does in his post-feed, pre-nap time - he's been sitting in his Pooh chair recently, or on the floor for rolling over/tummy time in the afternoon, but I think he'd appreciate something new. I also want some new books, he has only got a few. I tell him stories - was amazed to realise I remembered the whole of the plot of Cinderella! We're hoping to fit in a visit to Toys r Us, after all - I mentioned that I'd like to go a couple of days ago. I have to prepare Chris as he doesn't do spontaneous. :rofl:

ok, bed for me.... just watched the final of the latest cycle of America's Next Top Model on You Tube - that's my guilty pleasure over for another few months :cry:
Just a quick one as I have hospital today, hoping they'll sort me an op for this gall bladder!

But I had to tell you. Imi rolled from her back onto her front about 5 times last night! Everytime she went over we moved her and she went straight back again :happydance: She still doesn't move when she's on her front but she's doing it the other way :D
O and i'd love to come to a meet, how exciting. Really must go shower before that wee girl wakes up. Bye girls xxx
Mollyapple - hey! Yeah the doctor said it was fine for when it's bad it does say 2+ months too and he's weighs quite alot so I'm not too worried about giving it to him :)

I would maybe be able to meet.. Main problem is iv only been to London once and I'm awful at finding my way around, so somebody would literally have to meet me at the station haha

I'm going to make this story short because I'm on the iPhone, but basically we have to move out of the house we've only just moved into less than two weeks ago, becausethere was a mold problem they didn't tell us about, that they can't fix and it's made the baby ill, so were staying at my mums til tomorrow night when she's back from holiday bit when she's home there will be no room for us here, so OH asked his parents could we stay with them for a few days ( bear in mind we are viewing 3 new houses on Monday and because we've already been checked out by the agency we could pretty muchove next
weekend if we decide on one) they were really funny about it he practically had to beg them I'm so pissed off I really don't wanna go there now, I wouldn't mind but his bedroom is still there plus they have another spare too
and even 2 living rooms so it would be easy to keep out of there way, I can't believe they acted like that when they moan so much about seeing Jesse more, we wouldn't have asked if we wernt desperate would we,

I'm so upset about having to move again when we've only just got settled and got jess back into his routine, now he's gonna be all out of sorts again poor thing, me and OH are going to pack up the house this afternoon and I'm really not looking forward to it :(
I'm up for a meet, haven't read all posts but there is a section on Bnb for it i shall go look see if Shadow has done one. Typing one hand so sorry if rubbish post.

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