OMG I am ridiculously excited about the meet!!!!! Haha so excited that I had to retype that sentence three times cos of all the typos hehehe
OK... So some details...
We are definitely set on London, it seems to suit the majority the best and certainly makes sense. I agree MJ that a park in January with a bunch of 5-month olds doesn't sound too good hehehe... So I'm thinking indoors, a cafe or restaurant with lots of room and wheelchair / pushchair accessible (and baby changing of course!!) Maybe we could sort of group up depending on where we're landing in London, so for example if a bunch of us are getting into the same station from various places, they could all meet up there and come to the cafe or whatever together? That way hopefully noone will get lost!!!
I'm thinking also we'll need to definitely have at least one text buddy who will be coming, so those of you who don't have one wave your hands and I'll make a list to set people up
Like MJ has said, we did mention Giraffe, but if anyone has any other ideas or looks something up that seems better then do shout about it!! If noone fancies going anywhere else in particular, for the time being we could provisionally say it will be one of the Giraffe restaurants in London. To get us started, I sent an enquiry to Giraffe through their website asking things like are they wheelchair/pushchair accessible, do they have baby changing facilities, could we all sit on one big table where we could all see and talk to each other, not long thin tables where some of us might get "stranded" on the ends!! I've asked whether there is a particular London outlet that would be more suitable for those specific needs, so I'll see what they say.
Jan 2010 has been mentioned a few times, so again provisionally I'll assume that this is good. We haven't mentioned a day of the week or a time of day yet, but could I suggest possibly avoiding weekends, if we're all able? It'd be less noisy and busy during the week, and Giraffe don't do bookings for weekends because it is so busy. So if we DID go with them, it'd probably be better to go for a weekday, and even if we don't it's probably wise anyway, do you think?? As for time of day, I know that lots of us will have to travel a fair distance to get to London, so I'll suggest that we make it around 1.00 or so to give people plenty of time to get there with little ones... Again, any thoughts, please shout them out!

we could leave the timescale open-ended, so that if people need to leave earlier then that's fine, and those who may want to stay on longer / go somewhere else / whatever are able
Regarding taking little ones and bringing OHs along, I'm going to suggest that we each do whatever we are most comfortable with in both of those departments! For me (and a few others that I've already seen) that means bringing babies but not men! Hehehe... But if anyone would be more comfortable leaving their little one at home / bringing their OH along, they are more than welcome to do whatever they'd like

Fair enough?
OK, so finally I'm going to make a list on the front page of people who have said they'll hopefully be able to come. If I missed you, or you have come to us late and not had a chance to say you'd like to come yet (jelr?? Shiv?? Others? Where are you guys?

) then just holler at me and I will update the list with your name!! If we can start shouting out thoughts about the date, time, place etc too then I will pop provisional details about that on the front page too!!
One final note, please please guys let me know if you're not happy that I'm taking the driving seat here!! I'm just chucking suggestions out really, I'm really really not making any decisions for you all or anything like that!

Do please shout out any thoughts or things you'd rather do differently or anything like that.
This is so freaking exciting and cool, I wanna make MJ a crown for suggesting it hahaha!

I'm so chuffed that so many of us are up for it and would be able to do it too!! Lion Cubs rule, we're so awesome tee hee!!
x x x x x x