--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Me me me me me! I can come, and would LOVE to meet some of you guys (although my other forum will be jealous because I've known them for YEARS and never managed to make a meet, but I will do just as soon as we move. Which is FRIDAY!!!!!!!! In a week!

SO anyway, the upshot of that long sentence is that I would love to meet up so count me in, but I may not be on the internet much for the next few weeks as we lose our broadband when we move, so as soon as there is a thread, could someone maybe message me with it?

Right. Yelling baby upstairs, will try to get back on this afternoon :)
Pips, I know I'm a bad person (think it several times a day anyway) but I was wondering, do we have to make a post in the Meets forum? and if we do, can we make it only August Mummies/Lion Cub Mummies? Don't know if anyone else would want to hop along and join us and perhaps it is not nice of me to want to be exclusive, but if I am honest I do...

But I know it'd make it easier to co-ordinate/arrange/check up on details... ack!!!

Aunty E, yay for moving and yay for meet!

Boothh, ack, that's not a great situation, hope you get somewhere to live soon. I hate it when the in laws are annoying (though mine have been not too bad lately)

Vici, how was the hospital? Hope you are fit and well for the meet!!
Pips, I know I'm a bad person (think it several times a day anyway) but I was wondering, do we have to make a post in the Meets forum? and if we do, can we make it only August Mummies/Lion Cub Mummies? Don't know if anyone else would want to hop along and join us and perhaps it is not nice of me to want to be exclusive, but if I am honest I do...

Not at all honey, only an idea as things get lost in here, but Shadow could post updates in the title post instead reckon. I certainly don't want to meet every Tom, Dick and Harry in here just us lovely Lion clubs, but there are a lot of us so I was thinking if it's separate we won't be sifting through lots of post if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure we can make a closed group and specify that only Lion club members need apply. Not sure strangers will be interested in us anyway. I've noticed only 1 person looking in there all day and only 1 post made today. Either way I am dead excited have we got any ideas where yet? We could look for kid friendly cafe or book a place if there is a lot of us. Do we have a time frame as well? Sorry lots of questions which might have already been answered :blush:.
:D I know what you mean about posts getting lost, just wondered if it was ok forum protocol to plan a closed meet??!!! all the posts in the Meets forum seem to inviting all and sundry...

I'm sure we can figure it out and you're right, don't think many people would notice or care, never mind want to join us (other than those we want to see it!)

Shadow and I were chatting last night and I mentioned Giraffe - it's a child-friendly restaurant, a few different locations, loads of room to park the pushchairs/prams. I went the to the one on the South Bank a month ago with OH's sisters and the three babies and it was lovely, if a bit noisy. It's also not really somewhere we could hang out at for *too* long... We were thinking sooner rather than later, January rather than June, for example, but hopefully if it goes well we could do it again, so if anyone can't make it maybe they could manage the next one.

Guess we're all coming from different parts of London (those who aren't living in London have to land somewhere, a station, in most cases) so maybe we could work out somewhere central? I land at Charing Cross, Waterloo or London Bridge, but I can travel on from there, am used to it (though might need a trial run on the tube!)

Another time, when it's warm and the babies are bigger, we could go to a park or somewhere but a park in January with a bunch of five-month-olds doesn't sound like fun to me! Anyone else have any ideas?
Hi there ladies have some news on Elins appointment today and its not good really :sad2: She is beggining to show signs of congestive heart failure and she needs the op asap BUT (surprise surprise) there is a waiting list :(
:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

OMG I am ridiculously excited about the meet!!!!! Haha so excited that I had to retype that sentence three times cos of all the typos hehehe :blush:

OK... So some details...

We are definitely set on London, it seems to suit the majority the best and certainly makes sense. I agree MJ that a park in January with a bunch of 5-month olds doesn't sound too good hehehe... So I'm thinking indoors, a cafe or restaurant with lots of room and wheelchair / pushchair accessible (and baby changing of course!!) Maybe we could sort of group up depending on where we're landing in London, so for example if a bunch of us are getting into the same station from various places, they could all meet up there and come to the cafe or whatever together? That way hopefully noone will get lost!!!

I'm thinking also we'll need to definitely have at least one text buddy who will be coming, so those of you who don't have one wave your hands and I'll make a list to set people up :D

Like MJ has said, we did mention Giraffe, but if anyone has any other ideas or looks something up that seems better then do shout about it!! If noone fancies going anywhere else in particular, for the time being we could provisionally say it will be one of the Giraffe restaurants in London. To get us started, I sent an enquiry to Giraffe through their website asking things like are they wheelchair/pushchair accessible, do they have baby changing facilities, could we all sit on one big table where we could all see and talk to each other, not long thin tables where some of us might get "stranded" on the ends!! I've asked whether there is a particular London outlet that would be more suitable for those specific needs, so I'll see what they say.

Jan 2010 has been mentioned a few times, so again provisionally I'll assume that this is good. We haven't mentioned a day of the week or a time of day yet, but could I suggest possibly avoiding weekends, if we're all able? It'd be less noisy and busy during the week, and Giraffe don't do bookings for weekends because it is so busy. So if we DID go with them, it'd probably be better to go for a weekday, and even if we don't it's probably wise anyway, do you think?? As for time of day, I know that lots of us will have to travel a fair distance to get to London, so I'll suggest that we make it around 1.00 or so to give people plenty of time to get there with little ones... Again, any thoughts, please shout them out! :D we could leave the timescale open-ended, so that if people need to leave earlier then that's fine, and those who may want to stay on longer / go somewhere else / whatever are able :)

Regarding taking little ones and bringing OHs along, I'm going to suggest that we each do whatever we are most comfortable with in both of those departments! For me (and a few others that I've already seen) that means bringing babies but not men! Hehehe... But if anyone would be more comfortable leaving their little one at home / bringing their OH along, they are more than welcome to do whatever they'd like :D Fair enough?

OK, so finally I'm going to make a list on the front page of people who have said they'll hopefully be able to come. If I missed you, or you have come to us late and not had a chance to say you'd like to come yet (jelr?? Shiv?? Others? Where are you guys? :D ) then just holler at me and I will update the list with your name!! If we can start shouting out thoughts about the date, time, place etc too then I will pop provisional details about that on the front page too!!

One final note, please please guys let me know if you're not happy that I'm taking the driving seat here!! I'm just chucking suggestions out really, I'm really really not making any decisions for you all or anything like that! :winkwink: Do please shout out any thoughts or things you'd rather do differently or anything like that.
This is so freaking exciting and cool, I wanna make MJ a crown for suggesting it hahaha! :hugs: I'm so chuffed that so many of us are up for it and would be able to do it too!! Lion Cubs rule, we're so awesome tee hee!!

x x x x x x
Hi there ladies have some news on Elins appointment today and its not good really :sad2: She is beggining to show signs of congestive heart failure and she needs the op asap BUT (surprise surprise) there is a waiting list :(

Oh Sam :hugs: :cry: I'm sorry. Thinking of you both and hoping she doesn't have to wait too long... poor baby. :( :hugs:
Hi there ladies have some news on Elins appointment today and its not good really :sad2: She is beggining to show signs of congestive heart failure and she needs the op asap BUT (surprise surprise) there is a waiting list :(

:( :( :( Oh Sam, I'm so sorry my stupid smileys came up right after your post... I'll be thinking of Elin all the time, I really really hope she can get an op as soon as possible! I hope she's ok for now honey, and that you're not worrying too much about it all. I know it's not particularly reassuring, but if it does become urgent for her to have the op I'm sure they will pull out all the stops to get her in and fixed up again really quickly :flower: Gentle hugs for your little lady, and for you too. If we can do anything about the meet-up to work around you guys then do please say, I'm sure everyone agrees that if we can make it easier for you and Elin to come along in any way (changing date / place / anything) then we absolutely will!!

Big big hugs sweetie x x x x x x
OK, Shadow, where's my crown?!

Don't know about anyone else but Shiv did say she was away this weekend. Harrogate I think.

Good idea about making a note of things on the front page! Any time is fine for us, so sign me and Adam Elliott up! :D
OK, Shadow, where's my crown?!

Don't know about anyone else but Shiv did say she was away this weekend. Harrogate I think.

Good idea about making a note of things on the front page! Any time is fine for us, so sign me and Adam Elliott up! :D


And re: Shiv and others, there's no rush, plenty of time before January (if we're all agreed on January!) for others to get in here and say yay or nay :winkwink: I'll keep updating the list for as long as needed :happydance:

MJ - I'm with you on the anniversaries thing, I know I'm going to spend the next year reliving last year at the same time! Thanks for the sharing your Monster days, I can't blame the poo fairy although she whines a lot while appearing to be straining and she is a lot gassier nowadays! I put it down to that catch-all term "colic"!

Vici - Hope you got a date for your op!

Boothh - That's awful about having to move out of your flat, but so lucky you found out now before Jesse (and you) got really ill from the mold spores. I'm sorry to hear you feel so unsupported by your in laws, have you found somewhere to stay now?

AE - best of luck with that move!

Sam - So sorry to hear Elin's news, very good luck :hugs:

The Meet - Shadow, I'm glad to have you organising us or things prob wouldn't happen!! Great idea contacting Giraffe. They're South Bank one is very kid friendly. My friends little boy poured a glass of lemonade onto his burger and they were so sweet removing the plate, cleaning the table and offering a replacement! Its not got a lot of space inside though and will prob be too cold to sit outside but maybe they would let us do a big group booking?

Waterloo & London Bridge would be good choices to meet as they have lift access, if we meet Southbank area I'd recommened Waterloo as it's closer, on more lines and LB is undergoing a lot of work and has so many exits we might end up all over the place! January would be great for me, I'm leaving all of my socialising plans til then already, I'm not sure if I'm being lazy or practical!

Questions: Does anyone's LO draw their lower lip in over their gums? JP has started doing it and chewing on herlower lip, wondering if this is a teething thing?
And any recommendations on where to buy a decent nursing bra, I want to get a few more, in colours would be nice.

AFU: I think we're on our way to getting a real laugh, we're getting something halfway there! :-D We've been doing sitting exercises too which are lots of fun. I have the changing mat at my feet, sit on the sofa and lay JP on the mat. Then she grips onto my fingers, brings up her knees and we do a "sit-up" (I pull her up gently) then lie down a repeat a few times. What makes me smile is that every so often she dig her feet in instead and when I pull she stands and then smiles and looks so proud of herself! These are the joys of parenthood hey?!
Just a quicky as off to bed

Sam - big :hugs: for Elin. Do you know how long the list is likely to be?

And :cry: for Jan. My op is gonna be in Jan so no way I could go to London on a train with Imi :cry:
Obviously I'm out for January. :winkwink: Obviously if I was to ever come that way it would be a full blown vacation for our little family cause we've never been to the UK. You girls better take tons of pictures and post them up for poor lonely old me though! :haha:
Sam-oh my goodness hun! :cry: I will pray for her okay? I'm not really religious but I did pray every day to get Emma and that seemed to work. I hope everything works out and she can get her op soon. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. :hugs:
Sorry girls but i will have to catch up later. My mums best friends son died last night. He had CPR for over 2 hours but we still don't know what happened. He was only 25 :cry:
Hi everyone

Having a catch up morning, have decided to have the day off. Rose and I are having a girls day in, no housework or boring stuff today!!:happydance:Rose is sleeping at the mo so will actually try to get a proper post done!

First day in months I have done this but my DH thinks I do nothing everyday of course, wont say what I call him at these times!

Firstly I want to send the biggest biggest hugs to Sam and Elin. I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling right now. I hope that you get a date for the op really soon and wish you loads of luck:hugs:

Vici, you poor thing, hope your op goes ok:hugs:Sorry to hear about your friend son too. so shocking anything like that.

Booth, you must be sooo fed up. Hopefully your new house will be so much better and make up for all the upheaval.

I love the sound of this meet, how fantastic. well done MJ and shadow.
We will attempt it :) but only if Rose has had her swine flu jab by then (if she will have one, not too sure yet), cant risk her getting it if we can avoid it, due to her start in life etc. We are still avoiding busy places :(.

Having said that it would be soooo lovely to meet you all, I would be sad to miss it. Cleckner you must be feeling like you just want to pop over, what a shame we cant make that happen for you!

We are fine, Rose weighs 13lb 2oz now and is filling her 0-3mth clothes very nicely! She is chatting away, very sweetly smiling and cooing to us. No sign over rolling over though :( She wont spend more than a few mins on her tummy, hates it.
She has the worst bald patch on the back of her head now, makes me sad that she used to have lovely thick hair. Still makes me happy that she is so fat and chunky now, can't have it all!!!!:dohh:
I so love being at home with her and am making the most of every minute. I am still breastfeeding, about 20 times a day actually:dohh: but I dont mind, she just loves her milk. Plus Rose is sleeping for at least 7 hours each night. Its soooo lovely to not feel exhausted every day. I thought it was never going to end.
We are getting ready for christmas. I am so so excited even though Rose wont know anything about it, its still her first Christmas.You must know what I mean?!

Anyway I hear a squeak so will have to go. I know I dont post very much on here but I always try to keep up reading everyone elses, probably wont have time for a longer post like this until my next lazy day though!

Love to all x
Ahhhh, Vici, MJ said you were heving your op in Jan :( When in Jan will that be, do you know? We could make our meeting early Jan if that helps and you could come along before your op??? And Cleck :hugs: sorry you can't just pop over for Jan!! BUT please don't feel too left out, we will take a million pictures for you and will all think of you on the day! And we will totally arrange another meet up to include you, we can work that around Cory's leave time and when you'd want to make the trip over here!! :happydance: You WILL have your holiday in London, and you WILL meet us all!!! Just let us know what your plans might be honey and we'll work out another meet around that :D :flower:

Moo, good point about the swine flu thing... I'm thinking that if anyone is having flu-like symptoms we should maybe stay at home on the day (sad as that would be :cry: ) cos we don't want to be spreading anything nasty around our little ones. Do all little ones get offered the Swine Flu jab now? I heard something about older babies (over 6 months or something?) being offered it soon, maybe I just made that up in my head though!!

MA, that lip-chewing thing, Vince does that! And my guess was that it was to do with teething too. He seems to do it when he's having fussy days and bright pink cheeks so it does seem to follow. I guess it soothes the gums a bit if they're not chomping on anything else (dummy or teething ring or mummy's finger!!)

Vince is having some really feisty monster days now, so I know how you feel MJ! He's started this mega high pitched screech which he uses when he wants something, and I really hate it! He's still too young to be "told off" though, so I just have to put up with it until he understands what "you'll get nothing that way!" means!!

Ack, speaking of the devil, he's doing that horrible scream again now so gotta go!!

Love to all :D x x x x

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