--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I would like to start this post by saying sorry for posting and running the other day i was just sooo drained that i needed my bed and yesterday i spent the ENTIRE day explaining to my mum and dad that yes she is fine but she will start to get weaker and weaker - man i wish thy would listen i dont think they realise just how upsetting it is to go over and over the same thing!!!

Thank you all for the well wishes. Elin is doing fab though you really wouldn't think that there was anything wrong if you saw her now she is such a smiley little thing but she is not rolling or anything yet but i suppose if she is struggling drinking then its only expected!!!

Vici im so sorry to hear your news im sending big hugs to who ever needs them x x x x x x x

Cleck i dont know if i will be able to make the meet with Elinors op so maybe some time in the future we can do it again plus some!!!!

Shadow, Pip and Booth sorry your monsters are acting up too i hate to drop this on you but Dj is still keeping me up and having the tantrums now and he will be 2 in 4 weeks!!!!

I know that i have forgotton a few and im soooo sorry but im shattered and ill that my brain isnt functioning lol!

Love and well wishes to all x x x x x x
Hi Sam! I'm thinking of Elinor and hoping she gets her op as soon as possible. She's such a strong brave little thing, I'm sure she'll push through this next hurdle too :hugs:

Pippin, I hear you on the single parent front. OH is crazy busy with work, and it gets to me sometimes when he swans in for a cuddle when I've had her all day and been trying to pack up the house and do the housework and clear the garden etc etc. She's started waking up for an extra feed in the night again, I think she's having a growth spurt, and he keeps saying useless things like 'I'll do a morning feed if you express for me' when, because she's gobbling all the time, I can't get a drop out. maybe he could play with her for a bit when she's miserable, instead of just handing her back to me and saying he's got to work. This is the problem with him working at home.

Yesterday she fed every two hours, drank six ounces from a bottle and then woke at 7.30 and then nine for a feed (I didn't get to bed until 2.30) having last been fed at 1.30am. I've just ordered an electric breast pump to see if it can help, because Lord am I bored of sitting around with the manual pump. When it works it's great, but when I'm trying to increase my supply, it's not fun. This is because I posted saying that it was great a couple of days ago. Serves me right. Well, I guess I can provide a review of electric pumps when I've used it. I got it off ebay for £30 anyway, so not a total loss if it doesn't work out, but I probably would have needed one for when I go back to work anyway.

Madam is in her jumperoo at the moment, asleep. I feel a bit like a bad mother, but given that I was nearly in tears this morning when she was demanding to be gotten out of bed, I figured a little break for Mummy is ok.

Off to start Christmas shopping. It's all going to be online this year, I can't face shopping for lots of stuff with a baby. I think Mog's present is probably going to be the little wooden baby grand piano. It's maybe a bit big for her, but she'll grow into it and it's SO darn cute.
Mollyapple - yeah archie does that with his lower lip to. Sometimes he coos like it to and it makes a real funny sound lol.

grumpymoo - rose sounds like shes thriving! 7 hours is a great amount of sleep tho i agree and it is such a relief the first time they do it!

shadowrat - sounds like vince is on his way to temper tantrums!

pippin - hope your getting some nice gorge smiles out of samuel now hun.

booth - hate to be smug but i have finished my xmas shoppin woohoo and the tree is going up next week!

vici - big hun from me xxx and also anothher big kiss and congrats for the wedding!

MJ - well done on the swimming you've been doing! As for xmas, i will be spending it at home with arch and the hub in the flat

Sorry if i missed anyone im in a bit of a rush... my period arrived, the first after archie and its awful... really painful :-( Settling well into flat now having a few probs with husband at the mo but marriage has its ups and downs i suppose! Will look forward to the meet! Not sure about archie yet as my station has no lift access and i find it hard on my own getting the pram up and down!

Talk soon girls xx
I think Mog's present is probably going to be the little wooden baby grand piano. It's maybe a bit big for her, but she'll grow into it and it's SO darn cute.

OMG that sounds sooooo cute, I'm gonna have a look and try to find it online! Would you be mad if I stole your gift idea and got one for Vince?!? Hehehe... I'm not sure what he'll get yet, but I would like to get a bunch of tacile rattley-type things and things that are ok for him to put in his mouth cos he's doing that a lot now!

Sam, I'm so glad Elin is ok in herself for now, and really really hoping you get a date for her op soon! LOL @ DJ still acting up... Don't worry, I kinda figured Vince will be the same for a good couple of years yet!!! I'm hoping that our calm home and consistent parenting pays off in the long run though hehe...

Pips, sorry about your OH, but glad to hear that he took a turn and let you get some extra sleep!! I have to say I am very very lucky to have Lee: He does every morning, and is the first one to go to Vince if he wakes in the night. Most mornings Vince wakes at about 7.30-8.00 and Lee is always the one who gets up, feeds him, walks the dog (with Vince in buggy :D ) and I get to lie in till about 9.30 :D I am so lucky... But given how very messed up I got when I didn't get enough sleep, I'm really glad to be able to get as much as I need!! Awwww @ Sam and the rain storm. It hasn't been too bad here the past couple of days, and because our house is on a terrace in one of several rows, the rain doesn't tend to hammer against the windows at the front of the house (where Vince's room is). He occasionally wakes up in the night still, but since he started sleeping through the night, if he ever wakes in the middle of the night randomly, we will do anything at all rather than feed him! Because we don't want him to get used to having feeds in the night! It seems to be working so far, the waking in the night is quite rare now and he hasn't had a feed between 8pm and 8am for aaaages :)

MJ your Christmas plans sound lovely. I wish my mum still lived in my childhood home, it'd be magical to go back there for Christmas! I'd love for Vince to see it, but they moved out of it a while ago :( LOL @ your singing / swimming!! I would go swimming on my own to get a bit of exercise (it's a really good option for me and my joints) but I always feel awful asking Lee to have Vince while I do stuff I want to do! I should, though...

Vici, I'm so sorry to hear about all those deaths! :shock: How awful for their family and friends, like the others have said... It must just be heartbreak after heartbreak for them! :cry: Hope your mum's friend is ok and that she has plenty of good friends and family around to support her through it. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to lose your child like that... No parent should have to outlive their kids :(

Well I didn't have my glass of wine in the end last night, but having organised a much better feeding routine for Vincent's solid meals today we've had a muuuuch better day, he is much happier and calmer! So I am going to have my glass of wine tonight instead :D

Got to go now because dinner is nearly ready! Hoping for a call from Finlay tonight as there's another contact session next saturday and we need to ask her who she wants to come along (out of me, her dad, Vince and her Grandma...) and if she wants us all then we'll have to ask the contact centre if that's ok... So a lot to get sorted before Saturday, and she hasn't phoned yet :(

Anyway, will check back in later with you lovelies :happydance:


(:yipee: We're gonna meet up!!!!! :yipee: !!!!!! :rofl: )
Steal away! I had to slap down the MiL who wanted to get her one though ;)

First things first - Sam Star :hugs: - I hope little Elinor can get her op ASAP and stays strong. If I had a magic wand i woudl make her all better for you :kiss:

Second things second - hmmmmm a meet up! Very exciting but also a bit scary. Are you sure you aren't all weirdos? Well at least weirder than ther average person :winkwink: I am up for it, although the thought of taking pram on tube is terrifying, but not as terrifying as driving in central London!

SO we have monsters in our midst - I think Children always play up when you least expect it! I hope they all return to angel status ASAP!

There were soooooooooo many pages of posts that I can't remember much but here goes

Booth - so sorry you have to move - what an absolute pain in teh backside - hope you find somewhere to stay in the meantime honey :hugs:

Aunty E - a grand piano - that sounds so cool!

MJ - I used to go to the dentist in Hartlepool - I lived in Darlington until I was 10.

Shadow - good to haveyou back in here a bit - and good on you for taking on lead role in organising meet. Hope Finlay has called by now

Vici - so sad about a young life gone. Drink Driving is one of my absolutle hates. My husbands dad was killed when he was 3 by a drink driver! Why do it - get a cab I say! :hugs:

hmmm I think that is about all I can remember - sorry to those i have missed.

Someone asked about teh swine flu jab (was it you MollyApple?). I think I will get Sophia done if she gets offered it.

Well we had a very successful trip up north. Sophia slept through each night even though we slept in a different place each night. I was very proud of her. Was lovely to see my brother and my best friend - I wish they didn't live so far.

My dad has got it into his head that he has got Colon Cancer. We made him go to the doctor and he has been referred to see consultant next week. So please all send "all clear" vibes his way.

We are going to put SOphia into her own room thsi week. i am really sad about it - It will be the longest I have spent not in teh same room as her ever :cry:. I thought before I had her that I would not be able to keep her in my room for more than a few weeks. I sleep really lightly. But I wil miss hearing her snuffle! Still got to be done at some point and I think she will appreciate the space of her cot.

Speaking of space - Sophia had a bit of growth spurt last week - she is noticeably longer. In a week she has gone form fitting nicely into her 0-3 month clothes, to me putting her in 3-6 month clothes and her filling them length wise! Did anyone else find that when they made the transition there was not much room for growth? I remember when she went into 0-3 they seemed so big on her, but the next size up looks snug already :shrug: very weird!

As far as Christmas goes, we are goign to my parents, and so are both my brothers and their OH's and my 2 nephews. It will be chaos but fun! I am going to express some milk so that I can have a few drinkies :happydance:

On the weigh in front - I did put on half a pound at my last weigh in :blush: and I am not particularly hopeful for Tuesdays after being away all week. I did go swimming today though - I hope I am not the first person to put on weight two weeks in a row!

love and hugs to everyone :kiss:

jelr - I see you lurking :thumbup:
Will chat later gals. Got to collect Imis pics from Pixifoto at 11 (hours drive) and i thought it was 12 so in a wee rush!! Madam is still in bloody bed, just woke her up so staying out of the way for 5 mins :rofl:
oh my goodness, I googled the wooden toy baby grand - wow, I wish we had room for something like that! I doubt AE will ever get one of those but when we move to a flat that can accommodate one, I am definitely getting myself a piano. I had one years ago but had to get rid of it when I moved here, 10 years ago. :cry:

Shadow, you mentioned a tactile, rattley toy that can be put in the mouth - after going to see Chris's mum and seeing him playing with her rattley toys (being a childminder she basically has a whole room devoted to toys and kids things - the boys are going to LOVE going roud there when they're older), I decided to go on the hunt for something. and I found something perfect (since AE is putting everything in his mouth as well). It's a rattle that has a mirror on one side and a smily face with a squeaky nose on the other, two rubbery handles to hold on to - it's a teething toy, so it's designed to be chewed on and I think can be frozen. I think it's a Tommee Tippee one, found it in Sainsbury's, in the baby goods sections, with the dummies and stuff. He seems to like it. He LOVES mirrors, just goes mad, smiling and giggling, when he sees himself.

Shiv, I hope you come to the meet! Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not weird enough to need to consciously stay away from, just your normal levels of weird, I think. Don't think Shadow is weird either, unless I am a very poor judge of character :D As for the others, well, you take your chances with the rest of us! Good to hear Sophia was fine sleeping in different places - AE surprised us when we went to my mum's last month - two different beds and he was absolutely fine. I am so glad he has been a fairly easy baby thus far, just hope I don't jinx myself by saying that (like Aunty E did with the breast pump).

Sam, so glad Elin is doing as well as she can, I really hope that she gets her op sooner rather than later while she has some strength. :hugs:

AFU - re flaming Monday morning weigh-in. Gah. Same as last week - 10 11. :( - not that I'm surprised... week wasn't as bad as it could have been but it did involve a fair bit of chocolate again. A tin of Quality St. I don't even LIKE Quality St. Chris was poorly yesterday, can't make his mind up if it is a cold, flu or food poisoning, is thinking the latter now as he was sick and hasn't a blocked nose or anything. He's blaming the Quality St, which I think is ridiculous, but if it means he isn't going to bring any more of those nasty sweeties in the house, I am fine to go along with that.

Oh and Shiv, which dentist did you go to? Until this April, I still used to go back to Hartlepool to the dentist, as I never bothered registering down here, but thought I should, being pregnant and getting the free treatment, as it wouldn't be free if I had to take a train up north to go. My dentist up there was Miss Mathieson, she used to be with Fleming & Holloway on Park Rd, not sure how old you are but I think she set up on her own when I was about 10, so she prob wasn't there when you were going.
Argh - baby from hell for last twelve hours. This is what I get for smugly assuring all my husband's relatives that she slept beautifully and fed well. ARRRRRRGH.

Every two hours, and sometimes sooner, she wants feeding, and I can't get a drop out on the breastpump, I assume because I've been emptied out by the VAMPIRE BABY. When she's not eating, she's crying and when she's not crying, she's doing the most collosal poos. This too shall pass. I hope.
:hugs: to Aunty E as it will certainly pass with time.

I hope you ladies do get a chance to get together and meet. Sounds like it'd be a lot of fun!

I am hoping as well that Elin can get her OP soon, Sam.

As for us, we've been doing a lot of running around lately. Christian's been good throughout save for one morning when he was crying almost non-stop. We eventually found out it was due to some trapped wind.

For Christmas, we'll be going to my mom's place for Christmas Day and for some fun. I believe FIL will be popping over as well.

Since there was discussion about OH's, hubby has been wonderful although he has his moments. He'll generally do the night routine and will ask me every so often if I need 'me' time. I feel very lucky to have him.

When we were out and about one day, we found this cool reusable on-the-go bottle warmer. Basically, it's a pack that you wrap around the bottle and when you want to warm it up, you click this 'button' which starts the heating throughout the pack. No plugs or batteries required. With a bottle that was in the fridge, we got it up to room temperature in 1/2 hr. So, as long as we know his routine when we're out, we can have a bottle ready for when he wants to eat. To recharge, simply put the pack in boiling water for 15 min.
Hey girls. Lots of chatter!

Shiv- Well as far as my DH goes he is usually wonderful. But lately I definately feel like a single parent because I basically am. He works from 4:30 in the morning, comes home at 5 PM and by that time it is already dark out, and we go to sleep at around 8:30 PM. Not much time for him to parent ya know?! And he is gone all night alot lately as well. He was gone all day and night on Saturday, now again today. And next week he'll be gone four days in a row. And than in December it'll be 11 days gone. Than in January it'll be three-four months gone. :cry: I miss him like crazy when he leaves but now that I have her there is no room to be too sad because I knew when I married him that I'd basically be a single parent at times. The times that he is home he takes Emma when I'm not feeding for the most part. She looks at him confused because she really doesn't know who he is anymore now that he works so late. :nope: It's like they have to get to know eachother all over again each time. By the end of the night Emma is always looking at him with a huge grin and giggling. But than we start all over the next day. :wacko:
:shock: I googled the baby grand too, wow those things are NOT cheap!! I would love love love to get Vince one some time, but as he wouldn't be able to use it until at least next year anyway I'm thinking it can wait a bit, maybe his first birthday??? How exciting! I am so keen to give him a chance to be musical, I played instruments growing up and I think it's really good for kids, even if they don't carry it on into adulthood (like me :wacko: )

Shiv, so lovely to have you back honey!! :happydance: Glad Sophia behaved so well for you while she was away from her normal routine etc. And yes, Vince was the same when he moved up to 6-9 month sizes (:shock: !!) It was like he should already have been wearing them for a long time, not much room for growth!! Thanks for the kudos on taking over the meet :rofl: I figured someone should take over really, and I'm just so used to being bossy!! :blush: If anyone wants to take over, that's fine :winkwink: But equally I'm happy to try to organise it as much as I can :D And yes, Fin did call which was good, we're not going to bring Vince to the next contact session cos she said she was a bit uncomfortable last time (:cry:) but she does want me to come (:yipee:) so not the end of the world :) We'll let her tell us if and when she's ready to meet Vince again, at her own pace :thumbup:

Vici :wave: hehe!

MJ, like the sound of that toy, will look out for it online! Where are you today missy? What happened to our Skype date? :rofl: I did my hair and everything hahaha! And Vincent has his finest screaming lungs on to share with AE :winkwink: lol... Hope Chris is feeling better and that the Quality Street are gone or almost gone and don't tempt you with their yuckiness any more!!!

Aunty E :hugs: Vince has been a screeching monster today, I feel your pain!!! They are all starting to get willful now and to learn to manipulate us for their needs eh?! Joy... It's a good job they're so cute! :dohh:

elly, are you not up for a big trip to the UK next summer then??? That bottle warmer sounds really cool! Reminds me of those cans of coffee you could buy a while ago where you click something and a chemical reaction makes the coffee get hot with no batteries or anything... Weird but cool! But the coffee always tasted attrocious! :rofl:

AFU as mentioned Mr V is being a fusspot monster today, stressed his dad right out this morning so I got up early to take the slack and sacrificed my usual lie-in :winkwink: We're giving him three solid meals and two bottles a day now, a 210ml (7oz) bottle of "Stay Down" first thing (8am ish), a breakfast jar at 11ish, a "lunch" jar (something savoury and meal-like!) and half of a dessert jar (fruit) at 2ish, another 210ml bottle at 5ish (which he is screaming for now already :dohh: ...Type faster, Mummy!!) and then a "dinner" jar (again, something savoury and meal-like!) and the other half of the dessert jar from lunch at 8pm ish, then bed! (If it's a bath night, pretty much once every 3 nights or so, we bathe him at about 7.30 before feeding him)
It's working out pretty well, he is puking SO much less, hardly at all actually, and he seems much more content with the solids :) Today OH got him some mild baby fruit juice and a beaker so we're gonna try that soon, they say to start at about 4 months so I figure we're ready, and he is such a big boy now, seems soooo grown up! Must take more pics soon, he seems to be changing so quickly... But I don't like to take hundreds of pictures of him doing the same things (link-a-doos, play gym, jumperoo...) so will wait for something interesting to happen I think!

OK, he really is screeching for his bottle now, so I'm off!!

Love to all :D
:wave: Cleck, dont have time to read your post now but I'm not ignoring you honey!! Your post came up after hit enter :winkwink:

Gotta dash, my ears are dying!!! :rofl:

Btw a shop up the road from us in Islington have the baby grand for a fair bit cheaper than I've seen it online, I'm not totally profligate!
Shadow, unfortunately no I wouldn't be able to attend the get together. Money is rather tight and will be for the foreseeable future. I will be with you ladies in spirit though!
QUOTE FROM MARY JO Grumpymoo, I hear you on the swine flu jab for Rose. When you say you avoid crowds, do you mean when you're with her or by yourself as well? And what comprises a crowd? Going to the shops? Just curious, as I haven't done anything to avoid anything, just tried to be vigilant about handwashing and the like. Though I doubt I am as careful as I should be...

I am secretly hoping that by the time he is 6 months old the swine flu will have disappeared and nobody will need the jab at all. Don't know if that's a realistic hope...

In general I am pro-immunisation, though. Definitely. Adam will be getting all his jabs. :)[/QUOTE]

I have always been over the top about swine flu, i think because it was about when Rose was born and she was so poorly.
We really kept her away from people for a few weeks after she came home, then when we did start to have visitors we would always check with them first that they were not poorly and also get them to use anti-bac gel when arriving:blush: It was hard to do but she had been through enough.

Now I avoid supermarkets and shopping centers etc. Basically we don't go where there are lots of people and we use the gel whenever we go out (getting change in a shop etc).
I have to say life is a bit stagnant because of it. I wanted to go to mother and baby groups with Rose but wont risk it now, I miss going round the shops, miss taking Rose into work to show her off. It really pee's me off actually but I guess its our decision. The thing is my DH could get it from work and bring it home anyway but we just want to minimize the possibility.

I think everyone who is just getting on with life as normal is probably right to do so. Its just that we had such an awful time when Rose was born that we haven't got over being scared about her being poorly:dohh:

ps how do you do a quote with just a piece of text rather than the whole page? Duh!!!
I actually don't worry too much about the swine flu...tbh I think the whole thing was well over doe by the media and made people panic more than they had to. Yes a few people tragically died from it, but people die all thetime from the normal flu, I've seen it in the hospitals. The eldery are vunerable to every type of flu it's just that we don't hear about it too much. A lot of the people that lost their lives had underlying health problems. There probably would have been some complications if they had the normal strain of flu. The problem is people are quick to say they have the "flu" when its usually a harsh cold... It was a pandemic certainly but whether or not it was that bad is another question... we always play into the hands of the media and believe what we have been fed but working in the health field i can tell you i have seen many complications from the normal strain of flu to, infact, i do think we should be pushing the flu jab more and more. Some places are excellent for advertising it but my trust in particular is useless and it took my neurologist to tell me i needed it as my epilepsy could be effected by it.

Thats my two pence worth anyway but i am both wary or all the flus!
grumpymoo - just put
then [/quote ] without the space at the end of second tag and then all the text you want inbetween the tags :)
Here goes
Start weight (3 weeks ago) = 10st 8 3/4 lbs
Weight last week = 10st 8 3/4 lbs
Weight today = 10st 7 1/2lbs
Weight loss last week = 1 1/4 lb
To target Christmas weight = 5 1/2 lbs

Will be back later to have a read and catch up with everyones news x
Hello my lovely ladies :D Thank you all for your lovely words. Mum may bring Debbie (Lukes mum) over today to get her out for a bit. The post mortem was cancelled yeaterday so it is today instead. Driver has been released now but pleaded guilty to all charges. Went to the scene to lay some flowers but couldn't bring myself to stop :cry: May try again today!

Got Imis pics yesterday and they are just gooooorgeous :cloud9: Will try and take pics of them with my camera :D

Mondays weigh in - 2 lbs gone!! 5lb in total :happydance:

MJ - not sure if we'd get married there yet. Always wanted a church wedding but its about 30 miles from our church to Ipswich so not sure how practicle it would be :) We're hoping to go there on Friday to meet the wedding planner :D

Sam - so glad to hear Elin is still full of smiles bless her. Hope that op is sooner rather than later :hugs:

AE - we had a couple of days where we were lucky to reach 2 hour gaps and thats with FF so you must be shattered :hugs: Hope she's back to normal soon xx

RR - hope you're feeling a bit better hun. My first AF was horrid after Imi, although, it was much better the 2nd one (only 9 days bloody later!!!). Glad you are getting settled in now, hope all is ok with DH xxx

Shadow - bet Lee is looking forward to Saturday :D How often do you get to see her? Well done on getting Vince onto his meals :D

Shiv - exactly my thoughts hun. Family and friends are now going through this awful uinnecessary heartache. Abd to think it was only a couple of years ago his friend died!! Makes me so so mad :( O and as for meeting up - I am a def weirdo :rofl: Well done on your weight loss this week :D

Cleck - big :hugs: babe, it really is hard when OHs are at work so much. DF has been asked to go and fit a kitchen in Hampshire which would mean him beingaway for a while. He doesn't really want to go but it would be a nice chunk of money so we can't really turn it down:)

Right must do some hoovering :D

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