List threads?

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Jun 7, 2011
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I don't mean to start a huge argument, but am I the only one these make feel uncomfortable?
Some of them list lots of very expensive presents, and the list must run into the thousands. If you can afford to do this, wonderful! But a lot can't, and I sort of feel they're more brag threads, I don't see the point? Why list all your presents and make a thread to name every present you're buying?
I feel there must be ladies on here who see them and their heart sinks thinking they can't do the same for their children, and feel theirs must be missing out in some way.
These threads make me feel for these women, because I honestly can't see a point to these threads other than saying 'look at everything I'm buying!'.
As I said, I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm just thinking maybe we could be a little more considerate and think maybe how these threads may make some ladies feel?
I love lists, I write lists constantly, but I don't post them on here because I would hate for someone to feel bad and feel they have to match my list when for some families Christmas is a real struggle. Times are hard right now for a lot of people. Some women on here will already be having sleepless nights I bet wondering how they will make it happen.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
I haven't done one but I think people do it to keep track off what they still need to get and to give others ideas etc.
Could say the same about stash pics really?
I'll admit, my eyes do sometimes bug out when seeing how much stuff people have bought for their kids, and knowing how much a lot of it costs. But to each their own, everyone is entitled to spend how they see fit and as their budget allows. While my eyes may bug out a bit, it doesn't bother me really. I don't think they are necessarily bragging, I think they are just caught up in the excitement of the season and excited about the Christmas they will have .
i like reading them to get ideas from etc.
i think its a case of dont like dont look! If the thread states 'list' and your not comfortable reading then scroll past! it's not hard to do that!
honestly don't see the point starting a thread to whinge!
whether you buy 5 or 50 items everyone does what they can afford to and feels comfortable giving noone should be made to feel crap either way IMO.
I like reading them, ideas etc.

If you don't like them for whatever reason just don't read them. They're all titled so you know what they're about. It's not like you can click on them unsuspectingly.
I like the list threads! I know I could never afford as much as some ladies here but I definitely don't feel offended that others have more money than me- that's life! Most of my gifts this year are handmade to save money but I like to read list threads as I've had inspiration for cheap gifts I wouldn't necessarily have thought of, and I like it when people post where they have found bargains.
I actually never thought of them being a brag fest, more of sharing ideas, and keeping track of what you have. there have been yrs where i couldn't get a whole lot for my kids due to being broke, but these threads gave me some really good ideas of what people can get at a good price, some ladies lists are huge for a small amount spent, i am intrigued by it!

My kids this year are getting some pretty expensive things, and i hope no-one is upset or offended by that. Hubby and i are happy we are actually able to give them a good Christmas without having to worry about money for a change!!
Like others have said the list threads don't bother me. I like to read them to get ideas and out of curiosity. I by far won't be spending as much as some people but it never makes me uncomfortable or upset.
I think this entire part of the forum is nothing but supportive and exciting, we all share ideas, lists for inspiration and bargains. Not only that but we share ideas to make money and fund all of these bargains so I don't take offence to any of it. I find it really interesting to see what others of similar ages are getting and love looking at stash pics even if our piles won't be as large. Its exciting to me.

I've actually found others lists to be great for ideas to create my los lists and they'll no doubt be larger than some and smaller than others. That doesn't bother me as its tailored to our budget, my los and bargains I've got but at the same time I'd hate to think I've made anyone feel bad like that. :flower:
I also like reading them for ideas. I haven't done one myself.
I do see your point but I would just scroll past. We all, as parents get our LO's what we can afford, and toys their happy with. :flower:
I like to read them as I get some great ideas from them.
I don't have loads of money, and haven't spent as much as some on Rio but christmas isn't all about that, I don't think people look at the threads as brag threads.
I hope not anyway as I wrote one to keep track and I'm glad I did because I'd also written it in my 'notes' on my phone and had to factory reset my phone so lost it all. Thankfully rather than have to get everything back out and do a new list, I could just come and copy it from here lol x
I made on of these threads back in June and it was purely to keep track. It never crossed my mind that it could be seen as a brag thread. I was however very unsuccessful at keeping it updated but i did love the idea of being organised. 😃
I use mine purely to keep track somewhere semi-private (away from prying eyes of husbands for example) and its to be able to note all my excitement and frustration with shopping. I have a very very limited budget and admit that i have looked at some other threads and stash pics and thought my own meagre or stingy, but i don't hold onto those thoughts and just think about those lucky children. My own will love their presents and i am more than enjoying this years preparations. Shopping to a budget is a challenge and adds to the fun lol.....that's not to say that i wouldn't like to buy more lol.

My main issue is storage....where do people store all these gifts. I am having to do a major overhaul of toys prior to Christmas in order to fit my small offering in!!!! Lol
I like the threads. They give me lots of ideas of what to get my LO as I was pretty stuck for ideas :)
I wasn't starting a thread just to whinge, there's no need to get aggressive, I was just seeing if it made anyone uncomfortable.
I can see from the replies I've been worrying unnecessarily, I was just thinking I'd hate for women to see these threads and be upset by them. They don't upset me personally, I'll buy what I've already seen (probably guilty of overspending myself!) and not worry about keeping up with anyone else, I was just concerned in case others may be seeing them and feel they have to keep up iykwim?
As I said, I can see no one seems bothered so I've clearly been worrying unnecessarily. I'm glad this is the case to be honest, I'd much rather be fretting over nothing, but say there were women who were admitting these threads upset them, surely it would be better to be reminded to be mindful than upset people unintentionally?
It's a bit different if you are used to it. I'm sure from experience you would say to anyone thinking about going to London (especially with a young children) that they may find it a little overwhelming at such a busy time! Your a braver lady then me. I avoid the place like the plague at Christmas despite how much I love being there!
I don't see why list threads would be worrysome to anyone to be honest. It's up to each individual family to spend what they want on their children. If they choose to post what they have bought to me it's not about bragging it's more about sharing ideas with others. Isn't this what this forum all about. If we had to worry about every little thing offending someone, or making someone feel bad then there might not be any posts at all. Someone somewhere is always going to have issue with something, however, as long as the post hasn't come accross as intentionally offensive I see nothing wrong with anyone posting what they want.
I get what you mean, I don't tend to look at them as they don't interest me but I did do my own, I guess mine was a bit of a brag to myself, not at all intentional to upset others I've hardly spent thousands I wasn't trying to be like "I want to show everybody what I've got" but rather I am so chuffed with what we've got them I guess I just wanted to relish in it for a minute, plus I was chuffed I was finished so quickly! A few years ago we had no money, we couldn't enjoy Christmas, we were on benefits, DH and I have worked our arses off the last 3 years, he works away weeks at a time, I have gone back to studying while working, and we have really tunnelled our way out of our situation, we got out of debt and we have saved up all year for Christmas. I've only spent £250 on our eldest but I am proud of everyone of those presents. I'm not saying that if people can't afford Christmas they haven't worked hard enough life isn't like that, but we have worked hard to get this so I guess me relishing in my presents is self indulgent, because a few years ago I couldn't see us doing this. But as with anything you know what the thread is going to be so don't open it, as I say I don't tend to open them just because they don't interest me generally, I really appreciated the replies to mine though :)
I actually don't necessarily think the people that buy hugely expensive presents are the ones that can afford it. Some people actually rack up huge credit card bills for their christmas shopping, others save for it throughout the year. Other people don't even notice the expense.
I get ideas too, they don't really bother me to much, as long as your happy with what you have bought and you know your children will be then I wouldn't worry x
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