Little Update From Me


Mum Of 2 Beautiful Boys x
Aug 31, 2008
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Had my appt on Friday, was meant to be with the consultant but ended up seeing reg, when i got there waited half hour and no-one even asked for my wee so i asked and was told i had delivered so would not be seen. Wtf?! Told them definintely had not delivered, and went for scan, he looked perfect, just hb too fast, although sonographer thinks my hind waters are leaking as they are only just on the right side of normal, but reg said whole lot had not gone so guess thats ok.
Reg said that she feels a reasonable goal for me is to get to 34 weeks without my littlest man going into heart failure, if we can get that far then she feels he is better to arrive than to arrive at 35 or 36 weeks when he may have started to go into heart failure which worried me but thought least she's not saying he should come now.
Friday night i was sat reading posts on here and took my digoxin at 22.00, by 22.20 i was having major breathing problems, and blurred vision, hubby called the mat unit to get advice and was told if i was still having trouble in 15 mins to call labour ward and they would see me, so he called labour ward 15 after cos i was still having probs.
He spoke to mw for a few mins then she asked to speak to me, and asked if i was having chest pains, i said NO, she then speaks to reg and comes back and says they are sending an ambulance for me, and to bring my bag cos i am coming in to be delivered and theatre etc is on standby.
I then go into major panic, and when paramedics get here they say i seem stressed i explain what mw said and after doing a few checks he says he will phone labour ward and speak to reg as he agrees with me if my baby is to come i need to be in Bristol where they have a cardiac nicu section, he feels that an hour transfer in an incubator could be bad for baby and that if i need to be delivered which he disagrees with i should go to the best place.
Paramedic then has argument with reg, who then snaps at him that if i am not having chest pain then my problem is not baby related and i should go to the local a+e, which all seems really random, she is really put out that everyone feels my baby is better left in.
I then get transferred to local a and e who say could just be normal side effects or could be digoxin toxicity and that i should get my bloods checked in the morn, they are pissed at Taunton as didn't even have the good manners to phone and alert them they are dumping me there, and doc says some ob's are all to quick to pull babies out and that i should complain about the bitch who tried to bully me into a section 11 weeks early when my baby is not distressed and we are being treated.
Went into mat ward today and had bloods and ecg, which were fine, they still cant get a trace on baby as his heartbeat is still above the max the printer can do, BUT instead of being consistently 250+ he is now steady at 232-236, which is still mega high, but is a drop, mw and doc cannot say if its the meds helping, but i am hopeful, and i reckon each little beat he drops is one less bit of stress on his lil heart so am pleased.
Saw different reg today who said that whoever told me on Sat i was being delivered was out of order and apologised, she agreed 34 weeks seems a good goal, she said if need be will be delivered sooner at Bristol but failing that 34 weeks is a good target, will be at Bristol and have been advised to ask to book a tour of the nicu to prepare ourselves and to ask about the steroids as they could be useful, or at least having info if nothing else sould help me understand.
If i am being 100% honest i am not coping well with all this, keep a brave face on for my son during the day and then cry most of the night, am getting about 2 hours ish sleep a night as just cannot restand switch off, and feel like i am always one step from tears, i hate this.
I keep telling myself that i should feel luck that my lilest man will be ok if born at 34 weeks but they said will be at least 3 days before we can touch him, 2/3 weeks till we can hold him and 6-8 weeks before he comes home which at the moment seems like an eternity and heartbreaking to have to leave him there, also i will be a section so 4-5 days in hospital and then they may be able to offer me a room to stay with him for a few days but after that i will have to come home, hubby cannot afford time off, and i will be unable to drive for 6 weeks so will be screwed for seeing him cept Weds and Suns hubby day off, so feeling very sorry for myself right now, and wishing that instead of facing all this i was looking at being overdue.
I am off to see the specialists and the fetal cardiologist tomorrow so will update when i get back or get Serina to update if anything major occurs while there.

Sorry for rambling on again but i just had to get it off my chest before i went mad, you must all be sick of me by now, but thanks for reading xxx
Oh sweetheart, I dont know what to say except I am so sorry you are having to go through this. It must be so hard for you. It's not being helped by so called professionals threatening to pull your LO out of you before they need to.

You will be in my thoughts hon, you, your family and your unborn son, and I have everything crossed that things right themselves enough that your LO is born as late as possible and that is nowhere near as ill afterward as they predict and that he can come home asap with his loving family.

Try and stay strong, you have and are doing so so well at the moment, you are very brave and we are all so proud of you, so keep it up hon!!!

Remember, we are all here for you whenever you need to rant, blow off steam or whatever and we will NEVER get sick of hearing from you.

Take care hon.


aww hun, words can't help you right now but just wanted to say I am thinking you all
Aww hun huge :hug:, words don't seem enough, you are so strong and are being amazing, it must be so hard going through all this and you are all in my thoughts. We are all here for you whenever you need us and we will never get bored, fed up of you. Hope the appointment goes well, thinking of you, take care :hugs: XX
:hugs: Sorry u have all this to go thru have my number if u ever need to let off steam xx
oh darling - what a bloody mess! seriously - I'm so angry for you!
This added stress is not good for you OR your little man. Surely they know that?
Why isn't one trained, preofessional person taking care of this for you?

I really hope that things settle soon and that you are doing well this morning. Let us know what the outcome is.

We're all thinking of the 2 of you. The biggest of big hugs....
I'm so sorry you and your LO are going through all this. :hug:
just want to give you a big hug ((((((hug))))))))))
So sorry your having to go through all of this. Thinking of you. :hug:
Thanks girls. Sorry i didn't get to update last night, but got home at 6, went for a nap and woke up at 10 oclock this morning. They scanned me yesterday and where as before his heartrate was 90% fast 10% slow, yesterday for the 15-20 mins he was scanning his heartrate was 50% fast 50% slow, so i felt that was more positive, also he was more active yest and the night before so again i felt that was good. The doc just said not to get carried away as it is early days, so felt like a bit of a kick in the nuts really.
They took some bloods, after colapsing the veins in both my arms, couldn't get it out of my hand so the doc took it out of my wrist, then the midwife did something wrong with the syringe and splattered the doc with my blood, but the rest was put into a vial for the lab and sent.
When we got home we got a call which John took luckily, when the mw put the blood in the vial she unscrewed it instead of putting in through top, and she laughed as she told my husband that she hadn't screwed it properly so when it arrived at the lab they just had a bag of blood! Wtf?! So she said could i go to Taunton as it was closer and have my bloods repeated, he asked for me if i could go on Wednesday as i have to go for ecg and bloods anyway, but she said no as if my levels of the heart meds are toxic then i would need to be treated so had to be done yesterday, so off we went having only been on for 30 mins,phoned Taunton on the way who were livid at what Bristol had done but were fine with me.
So bloods repeated and was allowed home, have to see my mw on Weds and then go in for my monitoring tests and then back to Bristol on Fri for another scan and consult with the fetal cardio who said he wanted to re-assess on Fri, so will hopefully know more then.
They don't want me to tour Nicu at the mo as may be too upestting, and won't discuss steroids until they know if i will need them, so feel a bit like a mushroom at the mo, but at least i know now i am definitely a c section. Just waiting to find out when, and hoping so, so much that his heart starts to come back to a normal rhythm soon.
Will try to keep you all updated as and when i can, and thanks again to all of you for all your kind words and thoughts, they mean so much to us xxx

Thinking of you hon and hoping that things get better for you and LO.

So sorry your going thru this. Huge hugs!
Oh my god hon, how traumatic - and they way they are treating you certainly doesn't help!!!!! HUGE hugs! I'll be thinking of you!

Big :hug: hun!! Hope things start to get better for you soon.x
Oh my god!!!! What a completely incompetent midwife - and to laugh about it, that is just ridiculous!

So sorry you are having to go through all this but at least it seems your little one's heart rate is coming down.

Thinking of you :hug:
Just wanted to say thinking of you and :hi: as I am in Somerset too (Bridgwater).

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