Hi 1stTimeAround! I'm in Crofton Park/Brockley, not far from Catford at all
Also going to Lewisham for scans etc, hoping to have a home birth but gonna check out the birth centre & labour ward. Have you managed to suss out antenatal classes near you? I haven't yet, it's still on my list of things to do!
Leeze - I'm doing ok thanks, loving 2nd tri... skin starting to clear up and not feeling as blurgh as before. Got my baby on board badge but too timid to use it at the mo
Got tomorrow off and having my friend & her 3 kids come round in the day, bit worried as house is not child proof (still doing it up!) but she seems pretty relaxed about it... going to try out Blythe Hilly Fields play ground at the top of my road.
How's everyone else doing?
b x