Hey ladies
Leeze, I can't believe you've got just 15 days until you go on mat leave - WOW! Time has really flown by. Hope you enjoy your chilled out weekend. I'm quite jealous of that as I have a packed out September - full of lovely things, but will be exhausted by the end of the month!
Clanger - I think your reaction to the birth plan is completely understandable. I think there is far too much pressure on having a "natural" experience when really the most important thing is that the two of you come out the other side health and happy. I think you have to go with whatever feels like the right approach to you
Mk8 - holiday soon, hooray!! It's China you're off to right? So super duper jealous, would love to go there. I think you're right to take a chilled out approach to the holiday - and maybe you can get yourself a holiday bump. Keeping my fingers crossed!
As for me, well I had my scary tests yesterday and they weren't too scary at all! In fact I thought the scan wasn't nearly as bad as a smear - I guess because they don't use the speculum, which makes a massive difference. Anyway, I had a lovely lady nurse who talked me through everything and pointed out various things on the screen. It all looked like grey blobs to me, but I'm sure she knew what she was talking about! Essentially it seems that I have a retroverted uterus (not a problem, but good for them to know), my left ovary seems to be ticking along just fine, but my right ovary didn't seem to have as many follicles and there was a white area which might be a calcium deposit. She said it wasn't anything to worry about at the moment, but that the doc might want to take a closer look just to see what is going on.
So that is that bit all over and done with. Hubby has to get his SA done and we are booked in to see the consultant on 22 Sept to talk about options. I've got another blood test on Thursday next week to check my thyroid levels, which will be followed by a GP appointment and a telephone outpatient clinic appointment with the endocrinologist, so with any luck that will all be sorted out soon.
Phew, all these tests and prodding and poking - mucho tedious, but hope that it will all be worth it in the end.
Cake news! I made raspberry muffins last weekend for brekkie as we had the M-I-L over for the weekend. Bit soggy (that'll be the raspberries) but otherwise delish.
Right, I have to go as I've got an insane weekend. I'm off to pick up cakes! It's my mum's 60th birthday tomorrow and we're having a picnic in Kew Gardens (keep your fingers crossed for nice weather!). My sister and I have ordered Magic Cakes from Konditor & Cook - mini lemon sponges with decorative icing. Yum! We both had them as our wedding cakes and thought it would be a nice surprise to get them for her birthday. I'll try to get a pic and post it as I think they'll look lovely! Then I've got to come back and spend the rest of the afternoon cooking a HUGE curry for friends who are coming over tonight. Will be a great weekend, but not much time for relaxing...
And next weekend - I've got my 10K race! Argh! This week I managed to run for 60 whole minutes on the treadmill - no stopping, no walking, all running. I'm not going to break any records, and I'm very aware that there is a real possibility I'll come last, but I should finish it at least! Blimey...
Have lovely weekends everyone xxx