London TTC buddies chat thread

P.s.Leeze snuggle was meant to be "anything" not sure how that happened blame it on either pregnancy brain or dodgy iPhone prediction!

I liked the idea of snuggling for the birth!!! :haha:
P.s.Leeze snuggle was meant to be "anything" not sure how that happened blame it on either pregnancy brain or dodgy iPhone prediction!

Actually, I like the idea of snuggling to prepare for the birth!!! :haha:
oops - I posted twice there because it looked like it didn't work the first time!!!

MK8 - you're right, 2011 has been an amazing year in many ways. Baby on the way and new home coming soon. Makes up for a miserable 2010. We started TTC in Jan 2010 and my OH put his flat on the market in Jan 2010 too. So, 2010 was a year of struggles and disappointments!! Also, I'm so happy that we've finally exchanged on the new place because this is our 3rd lot of buyers for my OH's place and now it does feel official. So, what I also want to say is, don't ever give up hope because things aren't happening as quickly as you want them to. I know how f-ing difficult it is to keep strong and keep going, but it will be worth it in the end. I don't know much about temps but I'm still keeping everything crossed for you for this cycle. Great news that your OH is on board with getting an SA done too. I reckon everything helps - even if it comes back that he has super strong and healthy swimmers - it's still good to know you're doing whatever you can to help things along and getting things checked out. That guy sounds pretty insensitive, the one that keeps going on about TTC. I bet you want to give him a big piece of your mind!!! Hopefully soon you'll have some great BFP news and his comments won't drive you quite so mad. :hugs:

SophieBee - I was watching some of Reading too and really wishing I could be there. I haven't even been to Reading since about '92 or '93 - but whenever I see festivals where there's good bands on and it's not raining then I want to be there!! Pulp will be amazing, I have to admit to being a bit envious of you going to see them. Sorry to hear about the christening, what a nightmare. Glad to hear you're feeling better, hon. Any yummy cakes on the go at the moment that might help you feel better (you know with carrots, pineapple or other healthy goodness in them, plus vitalising butter and sugar too!!!)? Have you got your appointment through yet for the ACU - sorry if you've said this already and I've forgotten it. :hugs:

Clanger - I know that feeling about worrying about every new feeling and ache/pain. And add to that the worry of wondering if the baby is moving about enough. I also keep worrying if I bend down or stretch in a strange way that I might do bub some damage. Mind you, my bump has suddenly got much bigger and I've started to get my OH to do much more for me. It's great, he's been doing lots of hoovering and going to get food shopping etc. He's normally pretty good at doing his share of things but now I've got him doing my share too!!! Although, I'm still doing lots of cooking and washing clothes etc - but I've got him doing most other things!!! So, have you thought of any names yet? We're really struggling. We had a short-list of 4 and he's gone off 2 of them and I've gone off the other 2. Oops. Our friends gave us a baby name book this weekend with 7000 names in it so surely we can find one we can agree on in there. So, have you connected yet with any local mums-to-be? I'm hoping you guys feel nice and settled in your new home now :hugs:

We've got the week off work this week (bliss) and have got builders in over the next few days - mainly to get new flooring and to get the bedroom redecorated. Because we'll likely be here for about another 4-5 months or while we complete on the new place and then get the work done we want done to it, I want it to feel nice and fresh for the LO arriving. So at the moment, the flat is upside down but hopefully it will all be over in a few days and it will be fantastic afterwards. We're going to try to motivate ourselves to go to some galleries/exhibitions etc - but to be honest, I'm feeling a bit lazy at the moment!! Catch up soon xxx
oh - and I just realised I didn't even answer Clanger's question about preparing for the birth. I can't remember if I said but a colleague of mine has recently trained in hypnobirthing and she offered me 4 sessions for free so I could be her guinea pig. So Mr Leeze and I have been listening to relaxation/visualisation exercises every night and he's been giving me lots of back massages. Otherwise, we went to our first antenatal class last week, so we feel a bit more informed about the whole thing. I need to write a birth plan so I need to have a think about that over the next couple of weeks. Scary but also very exciting!!
Hello ladies

Mk8 - Getting on fine with the meds, although I am thinking about getting one of those pill boxes with the days of the week on it so that I can keep track of them. I did think about setting an alarm on my phone, but I'm up at different times because of the running so I'd need to remember to set it each night, which is just as bad really :haha:

I've been taking them for nearly a month, so I need to think about making an appointment for a blood test - they'll be able to see if taking these has done anything to bring down the TSH level. The endocrinologist told us to stop ttc until the levels were down in the normal range, so waiting until then to start up again. Hopefully not much longer - feels like we've been on hold for ages!

Leeze - I'm waiting for my next CD1 to get in touch with the ACU for my day 1-5 tests (and scary scan). That should be towards the end of next week as my cycles are generally 26-27 days and I'm on CD19 today. Will let you know as soon as this is done. OH also has to go for another SA as well and as soon as this is all done, we'll get the appointment with the fertility specialist to discuss options. Personally I'm hoping that the thyroid thing gets things moving, but I suppose there is a potential sperm issue - we'll see what they have to say anyway.

Cakes... I was going to say that I'd been good and not done any cake baking, but then I remembered that I made a banana and walnut loaf last week to cheer myself up when I was ill. It worked a treat :thumbup:
Walnuts and bananas are pretty healthy though, right? Oh, and I used that Flora Cuisine stuff instead of butter, so it wasn't toooooo bad :winkwink:

Pulp tomorrow - whoopeee!! I'm very excited. Leeze, I was at Reading in 1992 and 1993 - what a coincidence! I found an amazing website the other day that has the Melody Maker issue from just after Reading 92 scanned into PDF form so you can read a review of all the bands. Brought back serious memories!

Oh, I know what I was going to say. Birth plans - I remember reading a tweet from Lauren Laverne last year about this. She said she was thinking "Fast. With drugs" :haha:
Not sure that'll help you any, but I remember it made me laugh at the time...

that is funny re Lauren Laverne's birth plan!!!

Reading '92 - I remember very clearly and actually I found the festival programme from that year when sorting out my stuff recently. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away!!!

not long till you can get the next round of tests done, SophieBee. Oh, and I don't know if this helps any re the scary scan - but when I went for the HSG test I reminded myself beforehand that if I wanted to go through childbirth then I needed to go through this - and that I imagined the pain of childbirth to be a lot worse than this. When I had the HSG the Doctor told me I'd been really brave (even though it was quite sore and uncomfortable) and I told her that I'd been telling myself the pain of childbirth would be a lot worse etc - she was very sweet in some ways yet at the same time gave a little evil chuckle and muttered something like "yes, this is nothing compared to childbirth". Anyway, I don't know if this helps or not, I guess what I'm saying is that us women have to go through a lot and be brave and strong - and every test we do is another step along that journey to our ultimate goal!!! :hugs:
Hey girls,

The birth quote cracked me up. HEh heh

Leeze, not long at all now. WOO HOO!

SOPhie, fingers crossed the meds are working its magic. YOur cakes sound amazing. MAn, you should start up your own business!

SNap on Dh getting sa done by the way. MY hubby has made an appointment for next Fri with his gp. I assume he will get a form to take to the hospital to give his sample. HOPe everything will be ok.

I got my blood test results today. HE said its likely I'm ovulating. Progesterone level (day 22) was 26. RESults said It's likely I ovilated but not certain because it was over 10, but under 30. Cd 29 for me (having marginally longer cycles) but not pregnant, 12dpo and temps dropped massively this morning indicating af is on her way. TOok a pregnancy test too and super white. SO onto month 9, cycle 10.
sorry to hear AF is on the way, MK8. Statistics suggest you're 90% likely to get your BFP within the next 3 months still - so keep soldiering on, honey :hugs:

we're going away this weekend so will catch you all in a few days. have a lovely weekend everyone, looks like it's going to be nice weather

Hi ladies

Leeze- Hope you are having a wonderful weekend away. The weather is lovely today! Enjoy celebrating the sale of your flat and your bubs :)

I am currently sitting at home chilling, which makes for a nice change- the past few weekends have been pretty hectic.

Sophie- best of luck with the blood tests at the start of your cycle and hope that the scan isn't too scary. Youre having the transvaginal ultrasound scan and not the HSG right? Also hope that hubby's spermies are stronger than in the last test. Has he changed his lifestyle at all to try to give the swimmers a boost?

My DH has booked an appointment to see his GP next Friday and he will be requsting a SA. I think he is a bit nervous and was hoping that this cycle I would announce I am pregnant and he could cancel his appointment. Alas, this was not the case. What can he expect ladies? I have read that men should abstain for 3 days before giving a sample, so I told DH to do that before the Friday in case he can get his spermies tested that day.

Also, following some advise from you ladies, hubby and I will be stepping down the BD action this cycle. 9 cycles and 8 months, no BFP. 7 of those cycles we have had v regular and frequent BD. This time, we are going to have longer gaps in between to allow the spermies to get strong. We will be BDing on CDs12, 15, 17, 20 (I have O'd on days 14-17 before). Hubby is potentially going to "do it" in a cup (ho ho) on CD8. Hopefully that will help. I am also going to take Bvits as my luteal phase may be a bit on the low side (12 days but spot on day 11). I am also going to try to exercise more and generally eat better with DH- if not for TTC, just for us. That's all I can do for now until it is time to do more tests (which hopefully will not be required).

I felt rather low yesterday. Just wondered whether there is a problem as it has been a while now. I know 85% of couples get their BFPs within a year and I will power through but the longer it gets, the more I wonder. I really want to hold my own baby in my arms soon and because of the baby plans, we have put a lot of things on hold such as moving jobs, moving home etc. Trying to stay as upbeat as possible. My mum calmed me down heaps when I met up with her last Thurs.

I heard some positive news about a colleague of mine yest that I also wanted to share - it made me feel good so hope it makes you feel good also Sophie.

She got married in summer 2007 and had been trying pretty much since. She had PCOS so was only getting periods 2-4 times a year. It then turned out that her hubby had a few issues too. I think they tried IVF but not entirely sure. They are now happily expecting their first. 4 yrs but I am sure absolutely worth it! :)

Clanger- how are things with you going? How big is that baby bump of yours now?

Have a fab weekend all.
Hey girls,

Hope you're all enjoying the sun.

Mk8 sorry you're feeling so low...cycle 10 must feel like a very long time mo matter what the stats say about the strong possibility of your bfp being round the corner.Ttc can be so disppointing and all the uncertainty so difficult to manage.I really feel for you and am thinking of you.The only bit of advice I would give is to try as hard as you can not to put you life on hold while ttc and try and get on with your life and make those career/house etc decisions.I know its hard to focus on other things when you hope that your bfp is round the corner...but the reason I say this is that after my early loss this year we decided not to put things on hold anymore and made a big a house completely unsuitable for a baby!This really helped give me a focus and a feeling that my life was progressing outside of ttc and really got me through a crappy time.When our amazing bfp with this little man came along, we stressed a little bit about living arrangements...but have managed to move (again!) to somewhere we can have a better quality of family life.Guess what I am saying is, if you can maybe its time to make those decisions and live your life to the max now instead of feeling stuck in ttc limbo.When the bfp comes along then you can reassess things.So pleased Mr mk8 is off to jizz in a pot soon, must be a scary prospect but you must both be very proud of eachother and how proactive you are both being.And China sounds amazing!Is it just the 2 of you off there?

Sophiebee I love those type thingys!Your cake also sounds yum...with all that running you have definitely earnt a slice or 4.So....your tests are coming up, what a journey it's been.Am really hoping the bloods show your thyroid is behaving!How are you feeling about it all.You certainly seem pragmatic about it all here.Have you noticed any change since being on the thyroid meds...or is it that as you were "borderline" you werent having symptoms anyway?

Leeze....snuggling for the birth could be a new weirder than some things I have heard.Good work with the your collegue giving you lessons and CDs for practice etc and are you finding them helpful?I love Lauren Lavernes birth plan as I do feel a little intimidated (and a bit bitchy) towards all the Mums/Mums to be who go on about how simple and beautiful labour can be if you just keep calm.I'm sorry but no matter how many breathing exercises I do I really don't see how "keeping calm" is a rational reponse to going through excruciating pain while strangers stick their fingers up your lady bits, seeing (and feeling) a small persons head emerge from between your legs whilst pushing so hard you shit yourself.To me, as with all amazing things in life this experience sounds seriously challenging and feelings such as terror, anxiety and massive relief (when the little person is out safe and healthy) are the more rational responses!I am going to prepare as much as I can to manage labour.But ultimately my birth plan will be something along the lines of "just do whatever is needed to get him out quickly and safely".Have a fab weekend away's your sleeping at the min?hope the little lady is letting you have some peaceful nights.
My goodness Clanger... 25 weeks - where has time gone? :) Bet you cant wait to see the little mister. Hope you are doing well.

Sunday... Monday tomorrow- BOO! But off to do some lazy Sunday shopping with the hubby.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend girls.
Hi London lovelies

How are we all doing?

MK8 - how are you feeling, onto another cycle, new possibilities? Good idea to try a different plan of BDing for this month - hopefully this will help. Did your OH's appointment go ok today? I agree with Clanger, try not to put too many things on hold - you will always adapt and change when you get your BFP but can still feel like you're doing whatever you want to be doing. Lovely story re your friend. 4 years is a long time but great she got there in the end.

SophieBee - how's it going with you, honey? I hope you've been able to get into a system of taking your tablets. Have you booked your blood test yet? And what about those day 1-5 tests and the scary scan, are they booked in yet? I bet you'll be much braver than you think when you actually get there!! Banana and walnut cake sounds amazing - and full of goodness!! How was Pulp? Did you sing-a-long and have lots of fun?

Clanger - I know what you mean about the birth plan! I also think that you never know how you're going to feel until the actual day. I've got all these grand ideas about trying to relax and get "in the zone" etc but I might well be screaming for extra pain relief and going for the "just get her out safely" approach. I'm trying to keep an open mind to it all. I've got some relaxation exercises to do on MP3 and some empowering statements to read out etc. The relaxation exercises are quite good at helping me go to sleep at the moment if nothing else!! I tend to wake up about 2-3 times a night, which I'm kinda used to now, and really need to start going to bed earlier because I'm getting pretty tired again now. So, how's the 2nd trimester going? I have to say this was definitely my favourite bit, I'm starting to struggle again now with the extra weight and with backache, shoulder ache etc. I guess it could be a lot worse and I'm sure I'll feel better when I stop working. Only 15 days to go!!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. We're having a quiet one after a hectic last few weeks. Nothing planned at the moment. Bliss. xxx
Just 53 days to go Leeze- wow! How was your weekend away? Have you moved yet Leeze? Are you on maternity leave now? Will you be taking the full yr off? So many questions! Haha.

Clanger- how are you and your little mister doing? Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

Sophie- hello! Hope everything is going well on your side also. Any more yummy cakes? :)

I am doing OK. Trying to remain relaxed. There is nothing I can do right now so I need to chillax! Hubby went to the GP today and he got the form and jizz pot (haha) - he had to fill it up and take it to the hospital, which he did, but when he got to the hospital, they had closed (11am). He wasn't too pleased. I am about to enter my fertile period so I'd raher he jizz in me than the pot over the next week and a half! After that we are off on holiday, so the SA will have to wait until next month. That's OK though, all things happen for a reason. I want to go away on holiday and just enjoy spending time with hubby for now. We will get to it on our return, but hopefully we wont need to.

My period was really weird this cycle (dark brown blood on day 1, 1.5 days proper flow then brown blood/spotting for the next 5 days). TBH, they have been weird since starting TTC. I have had bloods and an ultrasound to see if something is up but they found nothing wrong. I know that those tests are not conclusive, but I have to trust them for now. The only thing I think it could be is stress. I was stressing from cycle 1, so perhaps this is causing some kinda hormonal imbalance? The weird periods all started when we began ttc.

Anyway, hope you lovely ladies are doing well. Thinking of you and the bumps :)
Hey ladies

Leeze, I can't believe you've got just 15 days until you go on mat leave - WOW! Time has really flown by. Hope you enjoy your chilled out weekend. I'm quite jealous of that as I have a packed out September - full of lovely things, but will be exhausted by the end of the month!

Clanger - I think your reaction to the birth plan is completely understandable. I think there is far too much pressure on having a "natural" experience when really the most important thing is that the two of you come out the other side health and happy. I think you have to go with whatever feels like the right approach to you :hugs:

Mk8 - holiday soon, hooray!! It's China you're off to right? So super duper jealous, would love to go there. I think you're right to take a chilled out approach to the holiday - and maybe you can get yourself a holiday bump. Keeping my fingers crossed!

As for me, well I had my scary tests yesterday and they weren't too scary at all! In fact I thought the scan wasn't nearly as bad as a smear - I guess because they don't use the speculum, which makes a massive difference. Anyway, I had a lovely lady nurse who talked me through everything and pointed out various things on the screen. It all looked like grey blobs to me, but I'm sure she knew what she was talking about! Essentially it seems that I have a retroverted uterus (not a problem, but good for them to know), my left ovary seems to be ticking along just fine, but my right ovary didn't seem to have as many follicles and there was a white area which might be a calcium deposit. She said it wasn't anything to worry about at the moment, but that the doc might want to take a closer look just to see what is going on.

So that is that bit all over and done with. Hubby has to get his SA done and we are booked in to see the consultant on 22 Sept to talk about options. I've got another blood test on Thursday next week to check my thyroid levels, which will be followed by a GP appointment and a telephone outpatient clinic appointment with the endocrinologist, so with any luck that will all be sorted out soon.

Phew, all these tests and prodding and poking - mucho tedious, but hope that it will all be worth it in the end.

Cake news! I made raspberry muffins last weekend for brekkie as we had the M-I-L over for the weekend. Bit soggy (that'll be the raspberries) but otherwise delish.

Right, I have to go as I've got an insane weekend. I'm off to pick up cakes! It's my mum's 60th birthday tomorrow and we're having a picnic in Kew Gardens (keep your fingers crossed for nice weather!). My sister and I have ordered Magic Cakes from Konditor & Cook - mini lemon sponges with decorative icing. Yum! We both had them as our wedding cakes and thought it would be a nice surprise to get them for her birthday. I'll try to get a pic and post it as I think they'll look lovely! Then I've got to come back and spend the rest of the afternoon cooking a HUGE curry for friends who are coming over tonight. Will be a great weekend, but not much time for relaxing...

And next weekend - I've got my 10K race! Argh! This week I managed to run for 60 whole minutes on the treadmill - no stopping, no walking, all running. I'm not going to break any records, and I'm very aware that there is a real possibility I'll come last, but I should finish it at least! Blimey...

Have lovely weekends everyone xxx :hugs:
Morning gang

Sophie- so pleased to hear that the scan went well. :) My sister told me it wasnt as bad as a smear, though I disagree but I think it is because I had a big dude do my scan. Bit of a shock as a nice, tiny lady came out to get me earlier! Anyway, really interesting to see what they saw. I just looked up at the ceiling the whole time. What cycle day were you on? Good to see the follicles? Calcium deposit- that's a new one, didnt realise they cfan occur on the ovary. All in all, well done for the prodding and poking and hope the bloods reveal the thyroid is behaving itself! Has hubby had his second SA now?

Your run- wow :) Well done honey. Best of luck for it. Are you doing it for charity? Well done for all the training.

Your mum's bday celebration sounds lovely. Hope the weather holds up for you. The cakes...YUM!

Regarding the holiday- yup, China! I cannot wait. Will be going to the Great Wall and seeing theTerracotta Warriors :)

Hope Clanger and Leeze are doing well with your bumps! x
Very excited because I just picked up the cakes for mum's birthday - pic attached! How cool are they?

mk8 - I was on CD1, so I don't know if that makes any difference. It was important for the clinic that I was on day 1-5 though, so when I phoned them yesterday morning to say I'd started my period I wasn't too surprised to be told to go in that afternoon. Mr Bee will have his SA in the next week.

The run is just for me, not doing the charity thing this time - it's just to prove to myself what I can achieve in half a year if I put my mind to it.

Also, Leeze I forgot to say that Pulp were AMAZING! I had so much fun, it sent me right back to my uni days. Sigh...

Right, better get on and cook this curry!



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WOW- how fab are those cakes?

Hope the curry was yummy Sophie. With your culinary skills, no doubt it was fabulous!

I just got back from clubbing. Get me!
Hey ladies,

Annoying iPhone has been screwing up my massive essays to you!Currently lying on the sofa binging on choc with my fat swollen ankles propped up!

Sophiebee those cakes are completely did they taste?Bet you had one very spoilt and happy Mamma.Also excellent to hear your tests are done and dusted and you have one normal and happy ovary and one pretty normal and happy ovary!Hope you treated yourself after the prodding and poking.Fingers crossed for the blood (thyroid) and jizz tests now)! and your baking and running achievements are making me feel inadequate....please can you mess up a batch of muffins and post a pic so I feel better, thanks.Will be cheering you on next weekend!

Mk8....clubbing...where did you go?Fun night?Whens china then?you 2 must be so excited! Sorry about mission jizz in a cup failing for your hubby....hopefully mission jizz in mk8 will be more successful.

Leeze, been meaning to ask about names decided on any of your shortlisted.We are stuck!Also, did you get the redecoration on your new flat done and how is it?What baby things have you bought.I had a massive "we are so unprepared" panic the other day and whisked Mr Clanger off shopping...bought breast pads and a comedy baby outfit....!

All ok here...second tri is good....only problem ai am havin is huge ankles and feet at the end of the day.Ugly ankles are not a big problem but makes my panicy mind worry about pre eclampsia!Should be ok and am sure it's just me being a blood pressure was up a bit last appointment but think that was down to me being a stresshead rather than anything dodgy.How have you found the monitoring Leeze and how have your appointments been?

Catch up soon ladies.
Hey Clanger

So good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the iphone deleting your mammoth messages to us. I know how frustrating that is!

I am sure everything is fine with you honey. Enjoy the last few months of just you and hubby because you will soon be three :) So exciting! Have you thought of any names yet?

I am absolutely shattered. Have eaten dinner and am propped up on the sofa. Hubby and I have BD scheduled in for tomo! HAHA. Doesnt sound romantic but I cannot wait! The past few months we have been BDing a fair bit- every other/every day. I havent DTD for over a week (period and then hubby went in the jizz pot on Fri- trying to space it out a bit). Sooooo I cannot wait now! Heh heh heh.

Sophie & Leeze- hope you are doing well.

Hi there everyone!! :hi:

trying to catch up on the last few days so I hope I remember everything!!!

MK8 - sorry to hear the hospital was closed and couldn't take your OH's jizz - but at least he's had a practice go at it now - should be easier next time round!!! It's funny you say your periods have been different since TTC, you know sometimes I wondered if mine were different or if it was just that I was paying more attention to them. Also, I wondered if for some months there'd been a fertilised egg that didn't implant (I'm sure I read that about 75% of them don't implant) and maybe this had made the bleeding slightly different. Happy BDing!!! Fingers crossed this is your cycle for the BFP - hopefully by trying a different BD pattern you'll catch that egg. And good on you for going clubbing, I think my clubbing days are probably long over now!!! We had a lovely weekend away, was great to be in the countryside and see the stars! I start my maternity leave in 2 weeks time - can't wait!!! We'll probably move in about 3-4 months once we get the work finished on the new place. So, when is it you go on holiday? Sounds very exciting!

SophieBee - those cakes looked so yummy, I wanted to reach into the screen and grab them!!! Glad your appointment wasn't as bad as you thought - and positive news that one of your ovaries looks really healthy. I'm not sure what it means if there are calcium deposits on one - did they say what the implications of that are? When I had my scan as part of the fertility checks they said they couldn't see one of my ovaries at all but not to worry because maybe it was hiding behind my womb!! Sounds like they're being really thorough with all your tests and appointments. Hopefully you'll get some good news in terms of your thyroid tests - and the 22nd will be here before you know it. Well done for doing the 10k run - I'm really proud of you!!! Glad you enjoyed Pulp, I wish I could have seen them!

Clanger - I hear you on the lying on the sofa binging on chocolates front!! I've been doing that every evening this week!! I luckily have managed to escape the swollen ankles so far but I have got pretty bad backache, varicose veins and keep having nosebleeds. Also, am feeling really heavy now and having trouble sleeping. I know it's all worth it though and am truly am just grateful to be pregnant and not have any serious complications. We can't decide on a name at all, even from our shortlist. I've gone off 3 of the names on the shortlist and Mr Leeze has gone off the other one!!! We've had our current flat decorated and it looks really nice, but we still haven't completed on the new one. We're due to complete next week and then we want to get a side extension built which will probably take about 12 weeks in total including getting planning permission etc. So, we're looking at after Xmas to move in, I reckon. Glad you're enjoying 2nd trimester, that's definitely been my favourite part although really up to about 32 weeks felt pretty good - it's mainly been the last week to 10 days that I've started to struggle again. My appointments have been ok, although sometimes I feel like they don't tell you very much - I wish we could have a scan at every appointment, that would make it more exciting! I can't believe it's my 34 week appointment this coming Monday - then it's every 2 weeks after that!! Blimey!!

Well, my lovelies, it's nearly 10pm and that means nearly my bedtime!! I'm super-tired at the moment but I think that's mainly from the commute and having to work hard every day (GRRR). We're going away this weekend (again) to Mr Leeze's friend's wedding. I could do without it really as I could do with having a restful weekend. But, they're lovely people so it will probably be a really nice wedding. Wishing you all a lovely weekend xxx :hugs:

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