London TTC buddies chat thread

Hi ladies :hi:

I did it! I ran my 10K today! Boy I was knackered and I'm a bit stiff now, but I managed it - and in 1hr 6 mins, which is a little faster than I was hoping for. Hurrah! So phew, that's all over and done with - so pleased I managed it :happydance:

How is everyone anyway? Leeze - hope the wedding went well and you aren't too knackered. My sis is due around a similar time (11th November) and I know she's starting to struggle a bit - hope you're doing OK :hugs:

Regarding the calcium deposits (I think mk8 asked about them as well) - I have no idea. I did a quick google and started finding scary cancer stuff, so I took my own advice and backed well away! I don't even know if they are calcium deposits and if they are they could mean something completely different. I've got the appointment with the doc on Thursday this week and if there is anything to be worried about I'm sure it will be dealt with - besides, the nurse didn't seem too concerned about it, so we'll see what happens then.

Clanger, sorry to hear about the swollen ankles - I think they are pretty good at catching pre-eclampsia these days, but make sure you mention the ankles at your next check-up, just to be sure. I remember that Helen from the Archers had pre-eclampsia (there, that gives away one of my little secrets doesn't it :haha:). Hope you're doing OK - feet up with chocs sounds like the right solution to me!

mk8, hope all is good with you sweetie :hugs:


Well done for stepping the heck away from google as well- man, I don't think I could do it. You are one very strong cookie. Good luck with your appointment next week. Will be thinking of you and look forward to your update whenever you are ready.

I am doing well thanks. Spent a wonderful weekend with friends, family and the lovely hubby. I witnessed that jerk I have told you about before say some ridiculous things to my pregnant friend and I felt incredibly grateful to be married to Mr MK8. I would absolutely love to have a baby of our own but I am trying to remind myself how lucky I am right now. Jerk told pregnant pal that he's off for a "boys night out at a club/bar". It was another friend's bday party. It wasn't boys only at all. Pregnant friend asked me if Mr MK8 was going and if he was, what I would do. I was confused and said I'd go as well. Anyhoo, she wasn't impressed her hubby told her it was a boys night (everybody else was bringing other halves), he then told her that she's pregnant and shouldn't go in case someone bumps into her (which I do understand, but it's actually a bar that's only been opened for this party so lots of seating, no smoke). Anyway, the thing that got on my nerves- he said:
"I won't let you go" and "You are not ALLOWED". She got annoyed and said then he shouldn't either, to which he said "I am not pregnant, only you". The main issue is that she is quite insecure about him going out with this circle of friends as a lot of girls like him (goodness knows why), he knows this. Why would a man go out until the wee hours and leave his pregnant wife at home alone worried with all the hormones raging? HMPF. Anyway, my point is I am v grateful to have a lovely hubby like Mr MK8. *BIG GRIN*.

Clanger and Leeze- how are you bump ladies doing? Gosh, not long now Leeze, I am so excited for you and Mr Leeze! Hope you are not too tired. Enjoy the couples time whilst you can, soon you will be a wonderful family of 3 :)

Hope you all have a wonderful week. xx
just a quick hello as i've been staring at a screen most of today!!

SophieBee - CONGRATULATIONS on your 10k run. That's incredible!! Good idea to not do too much googling. Good luck for Thursday, let us know how it goes

MK8 - he sounds like such a pig!!!!!! Sounds like he's just thinking about himself and not his OH at all. Definitely be thankful to have Mr MK8. So, where are you in your cycle at the moment?

Clanger - hoping those ankles aren't so sore at the moment.

So, I'm feeling really proud of myself - not only did I stay up till midnight on Saturday night at the wedding but I also even had a little dance!! I was sticking to the edge of the dancefloor to avoid any collisions, but really had quite good fun. xx
Hello all

Not sure how long this post is going to be yet as I am processing lots of information - apologies in advance if it is either very waffly or very brief!

We had our appointment with the consultant at the Assisted Conception Unit today with the results of all the tests and stuff. Essentially it is the IVF road for us. SA came back with similar numbers as last time, which the consultant said were on the low side, but not end of the world low. My scan showed a total of 11 follicles, which wasn't bad, but my right ovary is under-performing and my FSH level came back on the higher end of normal, at 10.1. So the combination of the two of us having less than ideal results means that it will be very difficult (though not impossible) for us to conceive naturally and he advised IVF - probably ICSI.

Before any of this happens though I have to have another scan so the consultant can have a look at the white spots on my right ovary and check there is nothing sinister going on there (he didn't think it was anything to be concerned about). At the same time they will do a "dry run" with a catheter insertion through my cervix (OUCH!) as I had treatment for abnormal cells a few years back and this can cause issues apparently - the dry run will let them know if they need to do something differently.

So that's that in a nutshell. My high FSH level means they are going to be giving me a very high dose of hormones, so I have an increased risk of hyper-stimulation. There is also an increased chance that I will not respond to these drugs at all, but I guess we shall just have to wait and see what happens.

Feeling a bit weirded out and a bit blue and a bit like a proper failure as a woman, but I expect I just have to get my head around things. I know that I am also going to have to start considering the possibility that this isn't going to happen for us (whilst at the same time trying to maintain a PMA). Bleurgh.
aw honey, that's a tough one. thanks for updating us. Good they're checking things out thoroughly and also great you didn't wait about for a couple of years before getting it all checked out. I understand the feeling like a failure as a woman bit, I had that every month after the m/c when I repeatedly didn't get pregnant. I think we don't really realise until we start TTC the real impact it will have on us emotionally if it doesn't happen as quickly for us as we'd like it to. On the positive side of things, it doesn't sound like they're saying anything that means it definitely won't happen for you - and I've heard plenty of IVF success stories (including people who tried IVF and it didn't work, then they gave up trying and a couple of months later got pregnant naturally). Did they say how many cycles of IVF you'd get or haven't you discussed that yet?

Sending you big big hugs and lots of positive vibes xxx
We just get the one cycle funded by our PCT, although this can include freezing viable embryos and having two further transfers of these (providing no pregnancies occur).

We can possibly afford one further cycle of self-funded, but any more would probably push us too much - we wouldn't be able to afford to have a successful pregnancy! We did talk about IUI, but the success rates are really low (around 10%) and he didn't think that it was a sensible option for us.

Well, we'll see what happens anyway - it might be OK, I know there are plenty of people who have a successful first cycle, so you never know. Just not feeling it with my crappy luck though.
Hello London Ladies

Thanks for sharing Sophie. And HUGE HUG for feeling "like a failure". You are not a failure hun. I have been thinking about this, it's weird how people who have other health issues don't feel like failures but if we have something wrong with our reproductive bits, we feel less of a woman (or a man, as the case may be for some couples). I know it is tough and I can totally appreciate how upsetting it can be when someone tells you that IVF is the only choice, but Sophie, you're a strong cookie! There is a solution and people are willing to help. IT WILL HAPPEN! It may take a while but it will happen.

My friend's sister in law is a success story- first IVF cycle and twin girls were born 9 months later :) I have heard heaps of IVF success stories and hope you will be one also. I know it's tough and I don't know how, but try to relax, destress and get your mindset and body in the best possible situation to GET THAT BABY! :)

Leeze- well done on the boogieing with the baby bump on the wedding dance floor!

Hi Clanger!
Hey ladies,

Sophiebee, firstly huge congrats on the 10 k.What an achievement-very proud of my forum friend! Really sorry to hear that you may have a bit of a challenging road aead with the ivf etc news.After the eat you've had this doesn't seem fair.How are you feeling about it all now...seems like there was a lot to digest.So seems like he was saying that both of you have results on the lowish side and while a natural pregnancy isn't impossible it's likely you would do better with that a fair translation on my part!?! Did he give you any figures/stats on your chances with ivf?From what I know 3 cycles gives you a 1 in 3 chance of pregnancy but this takes into account everyone who has ivf with much more severe fertility problems and stats for people like you are much, much better. I also read a load of stuff about woman with high fsh levels who managed to massively increase the amount of eggs harvested in an ivf cycle by taking wheatgrass and some other stuff....will try to find the info for you.Really hope you this news hasn't shaken you too much and you are feeling hopeful that it will happen for you.Its such a hard thing to face, and only natural you have thoughts about failing as a long as the rational part of you knows that is not the are such an inspirational lady in lots of ways hate to think of you feeling this way.Thinking of you.

Big wave to Leeze and her bump and Mk8....write more soon but wanted to respond to this.
Eat= year
My put of control appetite taking over the keypad or damn autocorrect!
Thanks for all your kind words ladies :hugs:

And thanks for the positive story mk8, it is good to hear them. I'm sort of lurking on the assisted conception threads (but only reading the good news stories at the moment otherwise I start crying) so I'm trying to fill my world with them.

Clanger, your interpretation was right - except my lower end of the normal follicle count means that I am slightly more at risk of a cancelled cycle. It will depend on how I respond to the higher hormone levels I expect. Anyway, that's a little way down the line yet. My follow up scan and test catheter insertion is on 18th October - if that all goes well then I think I'll start the whole down-regging (switching my hormones off) by early November. This means we'd be looking at potential embryo transfer around late December/early January. Blimey.

I'm honestly completely gutted, but at least I've got a month to pull myself together and get myself in the right place for the treatment. I know it will be better for me if I can do this.

Anyway, thanks again for all your lovely words. Hope you have nice weekends planned - I'm off to Paris for the day with my Mum tomorrow! It's my birthday present to her as we tend to go to a lot of art galleries together and neither of us have ever been to the Louvre (despite both having been to Paris a number of times), so that's what we are doing tomorrow. Don't you just love London and the Eurostar for making this sort of trip so easy? So I shall be pulling myself together and making sure we have a lovely day together. X
Hi ladies

Just a quick update from me - I had the results of my latest blood test yesterday and it looks like the thyroxine is doing the trick and my levels are all normalising. My GP is happy with the dose, so I'll be staying on this for the time being. Obviously they will keep monitoring, but it is good news (at last) and at least means that the danger of miscarriage has been lessened.

That's it from me for now. It's my birthday tomorrow (yay!) and I've got the afternoon off so that Mr Bee can take me for lunch and a spot of shopping (new boots!)

36. Meh. I've got two cakes cooling as we speak :happydance:

Take it easy ladies xx
Thats fab news about the thyroid behaving, very pleased for you.Such a positive sign and hopefully this will generally improve your ttc chances.How was Paris?Going for the day sounds so ridiculously glam and luxurious...your Mamma is tres lucky.I love, love, love the Eurostar at St Pancras and want to nick your idea!Oh and happy birthday lady, hope you get mega spoilt as you deserve too.Tell all about the shopping trip and the cake...and make sure you have some fizzy wine to go with it.

Mk8 and Leeze how were your weekends?Mk8 does your Mr have another date with a jizz pot soon?When is China? this your last week at work?You must e gagging for maternity leave.I am getting all those 3rd trimester symptoms already...lovely comments on my massive swollen sausage fingers, heartburn, sighing like an old woman when I move etc.Loving that I am in 3rd tri and the countdown though.....eeeeeeeeeeek!
Hi lovelies

SophieBee - that's great news about the thyroxine, I agree with Clanger - hopefully this is a positive sign and is the start of things improving for you. Happy birthday - hope you enjoyed your cakes, new boots and lunch!! How lovely. 36 years young!! Fingers and everything else crossed for you for the IVF, and I hope you'll be able to get lots of treats and relaxation over the next couple of months in the lead up.

MK8 - that's a lovely story about your friend's sister-in-law. And twins too, how amazing!! How are you doing? Where are you at in your cycle at the moment? Are you trying anything new/different this cycle?

Clanger - welcome to 3rd tri!! I've actually generally found it to not be as hard as I imagined, but I am getting much bigger and slower all of a sudden. Apparently the last 4-5 weeks can be really hard, and so I'm gearing myself up for it getting tougher. I finish work this Friday, and it can't come soon enough!! I hear you on the sighing like an old woman front!! So, have you come up with any names yet? We're totally undecided!!

We finally completed on the new flat on Friday and spent some time there at the weekend. It's such a lovely area and we're very excited! Mind you, it will probably be Jan or Feb by the time we move because of the work we want to get done. Lots of chores to do at the moment, both with the new place and our existing flat - I'm hoping that nesting instinct kicks in soon. At the moment I'm focusing on getting through each work day and then flopping out in the evening!!!

Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:
Hi starrilicious!

Welcome back to your thread, we've been keeping it warm for you. How's it been going for you? I have entered the shadowy and slightly scary world of assisted conception, so I'm just sort of hanging around for that to get going now.

Leeze, congrats on completing on the flat. Hooray!! Hope the nesting instinct kicks in soon - and that you guys settle on a name. My sister and her husband have finally decided on a name they both like for their girl, but it was looking tricky for a while!

Clanger, how's it going with you? Hope you (and Leeze of course) aren't suffering too much in this heat. Bizarro weather, innit?

mk8 are you in China already? Hope you're doing OK sweetie :hugs:

I have been having a marvellous birthday, full of food and drink and more food and more drink. it's been brill :happydance:
Paris was so lovely, I really recommend doing it - it feels so decadent just popping over for the day. We had a gorgeous wander around the city and managed to squeeze in the fastest ever trip to the Louvre ever. Just lovely. I had a really nice birthday afternoon with Mr Bee, which included a leisurely lunch in a bistro in Covent Garden and went to the Duo fitting store and bought lovely boots (although it is too darn hot to wear them - boo). And tonight I've been for a massive curry in a fab place in Peckham, and am full to bursting!

Back to running and dieting on Monday though :winkwink:

Thanks Sophie, I am doing ok how about you? It's about 5 months to our wedding now and it's time to prepare to start ttc again. We put off all treatments until after the wedding but I've been trying to lose weight to help my PCOS and it seems to be working.

It's my birthday soon and I'm having a party. So excited lol.

Paris is lovely isn't it? Lucky you having such mild weather too.
Oooh, exciting wedding on the horizon - how lovely! Are you having a big wedding or keeping it small? Good luck with the weight loss too. I've got to do the same really - despite taking up running this year, I've been doing an awful lot of comfort eating, which means my weight has been creeping back up. I could really do with losing a stone or so before Christmas, so it's back to the Slimming World plan for me I think. Booo, I'd rather eat cake...

We've been on a bit of a ttc break as well as they discovered I have thyroid issues. During our break our referral to King's Assisted Conception Unit went through so now we are just waiting to start that. Scary, but I'm starting to find it exciting too.
King's is where I was referred to but because my bmi was 31 (just barely) they wouldn't take it any further than confirming that I had PCOS which I do have quite badly :(.

I'm back inside the safe zone now, but don't want to start any treatment until after the wedding really. I could probably do with losing a full stone to get back to my comfort zone of a size 12 and maybe getting rid of some of the boobage xD.

We're having a Groupon wedding! lol, we found a good deal on Groupon, so decided to go with that. Relatively small I guess with about 60-80 adults depending on who can make it. It is quite exciting especially with only 5 months to go now.

The venue is lovely, we went for our menu tasting a couple of weeks ago and it was delicious! So looking forward to eating it all again lol.

Talking of cake I'm hosting a baking class at my house for the first time on the 15th which should be fun but hoping it doesn't hinder my good eating habits hehe. Do you bake at all?
Does that mean you're having a March wedding? We got married in March :happydance:
Groupon wedding sounds like a great idea! Hope it all goes well.

They seem very nice at King's so I'm quite happy to be going there. I'll be able to fill you in on what to expect when you go back. I don't know much about PCOS, so what would be your next step? Will they try you on clomid before going down the IVF road?

A baking class sounds fun and exciting! I do bake, although nowhere near well enough to host a class. Wow, will you be focussing on one or two things, or will you cover a range of skills? How cool! My issue would be that I'd end up eating everything. Nom nom nom.

How are the other ladies by the way, Clanger and Leeze - any pregnancy updates? I'm guessing mk8 is in China as she's been so quiet. Lucky thing...

I'm on CD1 of what I now hope is my last natural cycle for a long time! Weird...

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