London TTC buddies chat thread

Hey girls,

Sophiebee that's ace news about your pills.It's such a shame that you need to complain and get worked up to get something sonsimple to happen.But excellent work in being assertive and taking action.I feel really confident that the prescription will sort you right out...because you are slightly sub-clinical so there isn't much to sort...bit also because the universe owes you big time and you deserve some luck asap!Hopefully you will be back to ttc soon in the knowledge that all is innworking order so a bfp should be possible very soon....and also that the acu have you on file so if things don't work out they can offer you an alternative.In the mean time am so pleased you are getting some headspace from the running.

Mk8 how annoying re your cycle.Inhad a couple of weird ones while tccing too...very annoying that our ovaries and uterus's choose this time to be awkward and unpredictable!What's happening now?And good work with the doc...did he take some persuading to get things moving or was he helpful?'s 3rd tri???

All ok here though have been having some hormonal tearful moments....mainly over my worst fear...driving!Sounds silly I know...but always had a huge fear of being behind the clumsy and can't judge distances and am petrified of making a mistake.Never been a huge issue before but I don't want our little man to suffer cos his Mums a wimp and have been trying to drive a bit lately though always ends in tears!I hate it and just cannot imagine feeling confident enough to drive my baby anywhere.Any tips ladies....are you girls confident drivers?Other than that been getting more excited about him arriving...and missing Brie!
Hey girls,

Sophiebee that's ace news about your pills.It's such a shame that you need to complain and get worked up to get something sonsimple to happen.But excellent work in being assertive and taking action.I feel really confident that the prescription will sort you right out...because you are slightly sub-clinical so there isn't much to sort...bit also because the universe owes you big time and you deserve some luck asap!Hopefully you will be back to ttc soon in the knowledge that all is innworking order so a bfp should be possible very soon....and also that the acu have you on file so if things don't work out they can offer you an alternative.In the mean time am so pleased you are getting some headspace from the running.

Mk8 how annoying re your cycle.Inhad a couple of weird ones while tccing too...very annoying that our ovaries and uterus's choose this time to be awkward and unpredictable!What's happening now?And good work with the doc...did he take some persuading to get things moving or was he helpful?'s 3rd tri???

All ok here though have been having some hormonal tearful moments....mainly over my worst fear...driving!Sounds silly I know...but always had a huge fear of being behind the clumsy and can't judge distances and am petrified of making a mistake.Never been a huge issue before but I don't want our little man to suffer cos his Mums a wimp and have been trying to drive a bit lately though always ends in tears!I hate it and just cannot imagine feeling confident enough to drive my baby anywhere.Any tips ladies....are you girls confident drivers?Other than that been getting more excited about him arriving...and missing Brie!
hi everyone - just a quick one as we've just got back from a trip to visit my parents

SophieBee - great you've got the meds, and well done for being so assertive about it!! Fingers crossed no nasty side effects and they do their job properly!! xx

MK8 - sorry AF got you honey. How mean, and things sounded so promising this month too. Did I remember you saying you had twinges around 8-9dpo? I got this for a few months before my BFP but the month I actually got the BFP I had twinges plus one short sharp pain which I wondered later was possibly the egg implanting. I think get your OH to get the SA done and then take it from there. Stay positive if you can but also allow yourself to get a bit grumpy/low if you feel like it too!!!

Clanger - I'm the wrong person to ask about driving!! I passed my test first time aged 18, used to love driving and be really confident etc. When I moved to London 10 years ago I decided London was way too scary a place to drive in and I've never driven since!!! My OH even put me on the insurance recently but I just don't feel ready to do it and I don't want to push myself. Maybe one day...

So, 3rd tri feels scary and exciting at the same time!!! Only 8 weeks to go before I finish work and start maternity leave. I can't wait for that to happen. I'm so sick of working!!! Feeling quite tired at the moment but otherwise no complaints really. Takes me longer to walk places and I'm still getting used to that - and am starting to struggle a bit with stairs!!! Lots of kicks now from bub which feel amazing every time. Also, we got a new offer last week on the flat so hopefully this one will see it through and we'll still get our dream flat!! I'm trying not to pin all my hopes on it though, just in case!!!

catch up soon xxx :hugs:
Hey girls

Happy Monday to you all! Man, work was such a struggle today! Tomorrow I really need to get my act together and get to it! So much on it is unreal!

Anyway, back to exciting TTC talk :)

Clanger- I can understand how you can be afraid of driving on London roads but honestly, it isn't that bad. I think you need to just GO FOR IT! I took my test years ago when I was 17 and didn't drive until I was 24. Very glad that I finally did! It was scary at first but you just have to go for it. Practice makes perfect. Go for a few drives on small roads when it is less busy then go for drives on dual carriage ways when it's v early in the morning so that there isn't much traffic but still bright. You can do it!

Leeze - wonderful news about the flat offer! YAY! Best of luck with the whole process. :)

How crazy is this looting eh girls? So sad. :(

Oh, as for my bloods, I went to the docs to say "oi, I am not preggers yet". He told me to chill out and that it's not been too long (he thinks it has been 14 months but reality- 7 months). 14 months isn't long?! Having a laugh! So anyway, we had a bit of a joke, he did say I need to relax but that he will send me for bloods. I didn't need to really fight for it. Hubby will get SA when he's ready. In the mean time, we cont to get busy! I don't think I will push for anything more invasive until it's been a year. Hopefully I won't see AF in December still!

Ladies- how long did it take you to get your BFP again?

Super Soph- how are you doing today honey?
Hey all

Just been watching the news - this is insane! Getting a little close for comfort as well and the shops are shutting up for the night in case it spreads our way. I'd be surprised to be honest (our high street really doesn't have enough to loot - unless they are after quirky gifts or posh body lotion), but it might do I suppose...

Clanger, I've never learned to drive so I have no words of comfort for you! Growing up in London I never really saw the need to learn, and I've always found more exciting thing to spend my money on. I do wonder if I will need to learn eventually if we do have kiddies, but I'm in no hurry!

Leeze - whoop! Congrats on the new offer! Fingers crossed this one is the good 'un!

Mk8 - glad to hear that the doc is taking you seriously and you are getting the tests you wanted. I think you are right to wait a few more months before going the next step - the numbers are still on your side remember!

As for me, well I've been taking my meds and reading up on foods to avoid in order to help (very depressingly foods I love, like cauliflower, cabbage and brussells sprouts - plus soya products as well!). Oh well, I guess it will all help sort me out.

Soph x
Heya Soph!

Where abouts do you live again Sophie? Take care of yourself!

A friend of mine lives on Lavender Hill and she's constantly facebook updating that helicopters are circling and she constantly hears sirens. A bit worried about her as she lives on the main high street above a shop alone! Though police are outside. This is so dreadful. Born and bred Londoner and those gits are ruining my home!

Everybody take care!
morning girls

scary stuff last night in London, hey? I live in East London, not that far from the centre of Hackney. One of friends stayed over last night because her flat is right in the middle of where they all were last night. She met me from work and we got the bus back together. The bus didn't even come into Hackney, we had to walk about 6 bus stops to get to mine - even though we didn't see anything, just knowing we were round the corner from it all was really scary. Sirens, helicopters and dogs barking all through the night. Glad to be safe but feeling a bit shaken up by it all. One of my friends knows someone who got mugged violently on his way home last night on his bike. It also feels so scary that people's homes got broken into and that some of the fires started were in residential areas.

MK8 - I got a BFP after 5 months of TTC but had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. It was 9 months later when I got the next BFP - so 14 months in total. Good your Doc is sending you for more bloods, I think this always helps to feel like you're doing whatever you can to help things along.

SophieBee - good for you for checking out which foods to avoid, again I think everything helps to reassure you that you're doing the best you can. When do you next go to see the Doc to get things checked out - will it be in a month or so?

Hi ladies

mk8 - I'm SE London, in Honor Oak Park, which is in the borough of Lewisham so things were getting kinda close last night with Catford and Lewisham town centres coming under attack (both around 10-15 mins walk away). All the shops still shut around here, which is a bit annoying but understandable I suppose. All very awful and now happening in other places across the UK.

Cheers Leeze - I'm next due for blood tests in about 5 weeks and will then see my GP, shortly followed by a telephone clinic appointment with the endocrinologist.

Gosh, I'm really tired tonight - up late watching the news last night then up early for a run this morning, so I think I'm going to head off. Catch you all soon xx
hey girls

just quickly dropping in to say hi. hope youre all doing ok. im shattered and about to head to bed.

must be something in the air - I'm totally shattered tonight too!! just went out for some Indian food with my work colleagues - very satisfying and now I need an early night!! Catch up soon xxx
question ladies... warning- i have been googling... im in a mild panic that i have endometriosis because
- i had pelvic pain
- i have clots during af
- since ttc began, i have brown spotting a day or so before af arrives properly
- im bloated a lot
i hear these are symptoms... hmmmm... getting personal here but what are/were your afs like?

still tired... ought to sleep really...
Hi all - hope everyone got the sleep they needed!

mk8, I think you need to step away from google!! :haha: The trouble with symptoms is that they can be so broad - like those you described - that they can be applied to lots of things. Plus I don't think there is any such thing as the perfect period! Now, would endometriosis have shown up in that scan you had a couple of months back? I would have thought that it would have been just the sort of thing they'd have been looking for, particularly as it is known to cause ttc problems. I'd check with your GP when you get your blood tests if I were you as he'll be able to put your mind at ease.

My AF is a bit of a nightmare - I spot for around 6 days before getting full flow, which is generally heavy for one day and will be all done and dusted after about 3-4 days. And yes, there is also some clotting.

I got a letter from the ACU today! I've got to give them a call on the first day of my next period (which will be any day now) and go in for day 1-5 investigations. This can apparently include any or all of the following: blood sample to check fertility hormones, a vaginal ultrasound scan (yuck) and a swab to screen for chlamydia (more yuck). Hubby has to go for another SA, as expected, and once both of us have had the tests then we will have an appointment with the fertility doctor to discuss next steps. Scary!

So I guess my appointment will happen next week - unless for some reason they can't fit me in, in which case I'll wait for the next cycle. Will let you know as soon as I have a clear date set.

Hope you're all well!
great news that you got your letter, SophieBee - keep us updated :hugs:
MK8 - probably best to chat with your Doc to get some advice! I agree with SophieBee, sometimes our minds can go into overdrive with all the info on the internet xx

My AF would normally be 3-4 days with brown spotting towards the end, lots of bloating and period pain (although after starting the acupuncture and using mooncups my pain got a lot less) xx
Hey girls

How's the weekend going?

Sophie- great news about ACU. Hope all the tests go well. Look forward to the update from you. Fingers crossed that all results come back OK.

Leeze- what's the latest with the flat situation? All read to go on mat leave soonish. Man how time flies!

Clanger- how are things progressing on your end? Any news on the driving front?

As for me, I am in chill mode right now. Had a wonderful night out with friends on Fri night- went for yummy Vietnamese food. :) Headed to a wonderfully relaxing reflexology session this morning. I love those! The lady also told me that it can help with labour so Clanger/Leeze- you may wish to look into it. Finished off the day with some BD-ing with the hubby and a movie - watched the return of the apes... or whatever its called. The planet of the apes prequel. It was OK... good effects but I just expected a little bit more. All in all though, a great day.

I am now wide awake for some reason. Grrr....
Hi ladies

Well AF arrived yesterday so I had to leave a message at the ACU as they aren't open at the weekend - hopefully they'll be able to fit me in for the tests tomorrow or Tuesday, otherwise I guess I'll have to wait until next cycle. I'm not too worried about getting this bit done quickly to be honest, as I'm fairly sure that when we get to the 2nd appointment (the one with the fertility doc), they will want to wait until the thyroid thing is sorted out anyway. It's just good to be in the system I think. Am a little bit worried about the vaginal scan as I have heard it can be a bit painful, but trying not to think about it too much. Plus, it can't be too much more uncomfortable than what I had to go through with the investigation and treatment for my abnormal smear result. Hope not, anyway.

mk8 - glad to hear you've had a nice weekend and I hope you managed to get some sleep. I love Vietnamese food - am very jealous! I'd like to see the Planet of the Apes film as well, although interesting to hear that you weren't blown away by it. I went to see Super 8 last weekend, which I really loved and would definitely recommend if you are a fan of those late 70s/early 80s Spielberg films.

How's everyone else doing? Hope you're all having lovely weekends xx

Just a quick one from me to say there will be no tests (or scary vaginal scans - phew) this month as they could only offer me an appointment this morning and I couldn't get away from work. So it's a wait for the next cycle, but I'm not too stressed about it - it gives the thyroid stuff a chance to sort itself out, which can only be a good thing!

Hope you're all well.Wrote a mahoosive reply to you all last week which disapeared so been in a strop with this thread for a few days!

Sophiebee that is great news about the acu.Fast work!So glad things can get started and that after the tests you will get a proper chance to talk things over with someone.However, also good that you can wait till next cycle as a girl needs a little bit of notice before getting probed. Hopefully your thyroid will start behaving before then too.

Mk8....I know a bit about endo have a friend who has it and also thought had it myself as had ridiculously painful and heavy periods ebb younger.I really dont think you have it lady....for one thong if the adhesions had spread enough to cause fertility probs its likely they would have been spotted in te scan.For another the pill "cures" endo while you are on it and adhesions take a while to regrow after coming off it so seeing as you have been off the pill for under a year this ses unlikely.Also, my friend who has serious endo and has been hospitalised ad very I'll with it conceived first month of trying with both pregnancies!So even if it is present it won't neccessarily cause ttc problems.Hope you have stepped away from google and the what ifs for now, it's so hard as te months tick by isn't it.Hope you can try a new approach...maybe just bding 3 times this month on fertile window as me and Leeze suggest and it's brilliant that you have some tests and sa for the Mr coming up so you can focus on them.In answer to your q It took 8 cycles for my first bfp then the next month got a bfp with this little fella.

Leeze, house news?Hope things are progressing, what a saga it's been for you.Hope you have a fantastic week lots of baby planning and resting.Need another bump pic very soon!
HEy girls, same thing happened to me, typed a long ass email and it didn't post. SO here I am again, this time on my phone so please forgive the typos.

SOphie, some time to allow the thyroid issue to calm down sounds good. AS for the transvaginal u/s, its not that bad. When I had it I was more shocked it was a man. IT isn't comfortable but not painful, you're ok after, just lie back and think of England!

CLanger, thanks for the suggestion. HUbby and I dif try the Bd during fertile window only in month one. DO you mean Bd cd 11, 15 only, ie longer time between Bd? I ov cd15/16. Sperm meets egg plan didn't work for us. HMM but feeling ok ladies. HOnestly in mellow land right now. HAve a trip to China booked for Sep Oct. AF due whilst there, hopefully it won't
DAmn phone, cut off half my post. MOre later. X

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