London TTC buddies chat thread

GOOd luck star!

HOPe everyone's doing well.

I'M ok, no news. DH has sa on Thursday. I don't think I ovulated this cycle. HMm
GOOd luck star!

HOPe everyone's doing well.

I'M ok, no news. DH has sa on Thursday. I don't think I ovulated this cycle. HMm

Thanks MK8 it must of worked because I got a call back for an interview! It's on Thursday, so excited!

Don't think I ov'd either, such is life. I will keep my fingers crossed for you Thursday that all is ok!

Ok off out to the post office.
I'm a londoner too, and as this thread is old I hope we all have health baby bunnies or health buns in the oven.I have a almost 11 month old daughter called Alva, I'm a SAHM so would be nice to have so more mummy friends or parents to be. I'm in South London

you can look me up on Youtube for my vlog : or
message me girlies xoxo
Hi Lovejoy!

Unfortunately a few of us are still waiting for our bundle of joys but that doesn't mean you can't join us.

Where abouts are you from? We are in Lewisham.

I see from your youtube that you are a mixed race couple too! That's nice to see. Me and my h2b like to play spot the interacials lol especially black female/white male couples like us :)
Hello ladies

I'm feeling a bit rubbish today. Had a bit of a rough time at the clinic - all fine, but the dummy insertion was really uncomfortable and left me a little shaky. Then no one told me what happens next, so I have no idea what the score is. Just feeling a bit deflated and frustrated as I as sure I'd know a bit more after today.

Bleurgh. Will come back when I'm feeling a bit less bleurgh.

Welcome lovejoy by the way :flower:

Oh and star - best of luck for the interview this week. Will be sending you many good vibes. And we are almost neighbours - I live in Honor Oak Park, so just up the road from Lewisham!

Catch you soon ladies x
hi sophie, sorry to hear you arent feeling great. big hug!

im not too familiar with ivf unfortunately so pls bear with me...whats a dummy insertion?

really hope that you get more info later. keep strong mrs!
Hope you are feeling better today Soph, perhaps you can call them? I know sometimes consultants will accept a phone call from patients or call them back.

I'm feeling a bit icky today. Dunno why but my waking time is all out of wack, started waking at 9am instead of the usual 7:30 to 08:00 I'm used. Still once day light savings kicks in that's normal again lol.
Hi lovelies

Soph - sorry to hear you've been feeling rubbish honey. You've had so much to deal with this last year and you're one strong cookie, if you ask me!! Like Star says, is it worth giving them a call to check things out - that's not very good if they didn't explain to you what happens next.

MK8 - hope all goes ok tomorrow with your hubby's SA. Re not ovulating this month, did you not get any lines on the OPKs at all? I think sometimes it's easy to miss your peak - I can't remember if I said but when I got a BFP the first time (sadly I went on to have a loss after that) I didn't get a positive OPK that month at all - so I wouldn't completely rely on them.

Star - good luck with the job interview honey. Fingers crossed for you. Sounds really positive you got a call back. How's the wedding planning going, btw?

All quiet here, I'm trying hard to force myself to nest but my heart's not in it!! I'm mostly lying around reading books - anyone read Harlan Coben - I really like his stuff? Tends to be crime/thriller type books with twisty turny plots and interesting characters.

Hi to Clanger too

:hugs: to all xx
Sorry, meant to say welcome to lovejoy too! How lovely to be a SAHM! xx
Hi Leeze. Put your feet up and enjoy the calm before the arrival of the bubs I say. Must be so exciting! I saw my friend today who is expecting her first - pregnant after dating her bf for 3 months and wasn't trying but incredibly happy as she's 40 and thought it may never happen for her. She is huge- in a lovely way. She's glowing. I can't wait to be like that! How are the glucose levels now?

Sophie- how are you feeling today? Hope you feel better and managed to get some clarity over the next steps. If not, then I hope you feel relaxed.

Star- yes, good luck with your interview - knock em dead! :)

Clanger- how are you and bump doing? All ok in the Clanger household?

As for me, nothing to report... Hubby's out on the lash (work do) and has his SA tomo. I told him not to go nuts so as to not give dodgey results. If they turn out to be super sperm, then I guess he can drink away still. Haha. My boobs hurt though. Started yest and hurt more today. I am on cycle day 23. I also have creamy cm. So basically I am getting the usual symptoms i get when the witch is flying in. Sigh. I guess it means I did ovulate this cycle, despite the negative OPKs. Oh leeze- i did get two lines but the test line was no where near the same darkness as the control. im getting kinda fed up now girls. feel like im stuck in limbo- getting closer to the 1 yr mark but not sure if something is up. obviously still rolling with it and getting what we can done, like dh's sa, but in the meantime, i feel kinda "blah".
MK8 - sorry to hear you're feeling blah honey. I really remember how this feels and how frustrated and sad I felt to get to the 1 year mark. I was just reading over my TTC journal, actually because it was just after a year of trying that I started the journal - and I had quite an ambitious TTC plan in place. I didn't completely stick to it and some of the plan was more about improving digestion etc on the recommendation of the fertility nutritionist I went to see - but please feel free to have a read and see if there's any tips etc in there that might help you. There's also a few specific entries from me about what we did on the month I got the BFP - eg not BD for 4 days before my peak day because my OH was away on business.

You will get there, and it will be SO worth it!!! Hang on in there. In the meantime let yourself feel crappy if you need to feel crappy :hugs::hugs:
Hey girls,

Quick one as got a full house.

Sophiebee thats so sh*te about your app.It's rubbish they couldn't be clear about next steps and it's horrible to
Come away from an appointment feeling deflated.Hope you are doinnok and blanket making is going well.What a talented and lovely Auntie you are.Any more news from you?

Mk8.....just nosed at your chart and lady you DID ovulate.It's clear from
The temps.Like Leeze I struggled with opks too so wouldn't put much weight on them...chartings much more accurate.How was Mr Mk8s deposit day?Hope went well.Hope your both feeling proud of eachother as your both being so proactive in this.Sorry limbo
Land is so rubbish for you at the moment.Do you have any fun distractions planned at the weekend?Any China info?

Leeeeeeeze, so excited For you!How's hypnobirthing practise going?Any names yet?Think we have our winner.....hopefully neither of us go
Off it.Hope your having a nice balance between resting and nesting.Oh and what does maternity leave feel like????

Starrlicious....excellent work with the phone interview and successful class.Hope things carry on progressing for you.

Oh and welcome Lucky!
MK8 - I agree with clanger it looks to me like you did ovulate if you compare last months temps with this months. Remember because you didnt chart all through the month you won't get an accurate prediction from ff and opk's can sometimes miss it.

Clanger - How are you doing? Hanging on in for Nov 6th :winkwink:. What was your gathering in aid of?

Leeze - I wouldnt force my self to do anything, it'll happen naturally eventually :happydance:

Sophie - Hope you are ok, come see us!

As for me interview went great! Everything crossed I get it.

I looked after a friends little girl yesterday and it was really fun. She's such a funny little girl. When her mum left she had her arms outstretched and I thought she was crying for mummy but she wanted a cuddle. I guess cuddles make things better. Then when I dropped her off at nursery she cried because I left her. So cute. I was exhausted though, we must have walked miles looking for the park. I say we, she was in the pram lol.

I have been really tired for a week or so though, starting to worry me...:wacko:
Morning ladies,

Finally it's the weekend :) I had a nice lie in this morning as I have been feeling incredibly tired since returning from China - adjusting to the time zone, getting back into work and also because I have been fighting off this cold that has been going around the office. The guy next to me keeps coughing and sneezing- not nice! Alas I have been unsuccessful and have a horrid sore throat this morning. Hmpf.

How are you ladies? What do you have planned? Hope you are all up beat and doing well.

Leeze, thanks for your supportive words. They really help. I had a quick look at your journal- man, that was quite some plan! Haha. I know you really rate the CBFM so I will be purchasing one this weekend. Unfortunately the superdrug offer you mention isn't available any more but I can get one for £60 rather than £100 at Boots. Did you end up going to acupuncture and did you think the grapefruit juice helped with CM? Also, what is a fertility nutrionist exactly? Where did you find him/her? So many questions! Haha. Hope that you are enjoying some relaxation time before your bundle of joy arrives. I wonder whether you will have time to come and see us on here.

Hey Clanger- how are you doing darl face? Thanks for taking a peek at my chart. Though I am not convinced I definitely did ovulate. It's hard to see as I didn't start temple until around mid cycle so I may have missed it. I don't think it is possible to compare the temps I got this cycle with what I got last month because I changed thermometers. Anyhoo, we shall see what happens this month. :) How come you have a full house?

Star- thanks for taking a look at my chart too. The little girl you were looking after sounds absolutely adorable. I keep spotting little children on the street and think to myself how cute they are and how much I want one. I was holding my nephew last week and I felt all maternal. Really pleased to hear that the job went well for you. Fingers crossed you get it! :)

Sophie - I hope you found more information about the next steps. Best of luck and try to stay chilled.

Right, I promised a snippet on my time in China didn't I? Well here it is! It was fantastic. DH was a bit bummed that I got AF on day 2. I think he really thought that cycle was it. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. But we had a great time sightseeing- walked the great wall, went to the forbidden palace, summer palace, tiananmen sq etc. Though the best bit was actually just absorbing the atmosphere, seeing how the locals live. Beijing is actually a v clean and efficiently run city. Felt safe and it was easy to get around. Really recommend it. The food was a bit tough - everything is sooooo darn spicy. But you can eat sooooo cheaply! :) Drinks are pricey there though.

As for TTC stuff. I realised that I have hit CD26. How did that happen? Time flies! End of cycle 11 seems to be coming to an end. Breast pains for the past few days, creamy/sticky cm the past couple of days too - all a bad sign for me personally as I tend to get that pre AF. I took my temp this morning and the first reading dropped to 36.38, I took it immediately after and it hiked it 36.50- what do you trust? I don't think I am going to temp next month- it's too confusing and stressful.

Hubby went to get SA done on Thurs and I am so proud of him. He has been incredibly supportive throughout this whole journey and I am really grateful for that. We found out our good friend is pregnant again - we are really happy for her as she has been having a tough year as her mum has been v unwell, but naturally, it reminded us how we haven't yet and it seems so difficult for us compared to her (shes hardly seen her dh as she has been spending a lot of time with her mum in new zealand whilst her hubby is here). Anyway, when we got home hubby gave me a massive hug, kissed me on the forehead and said he loved me a lot. We didn't talk about it but we knew. It's lovely but it also makes me want to complete our family even more. Anyway, I hope that everything with DH's SA turns out great. My GP told me to take his results to him so I will and I don't know what happens after that. He said he may prescribe fertility drugs when I asked him in Aug what will happen if no BF by the end of the year. So we shall see. Though I have seen on these forums that some UK GPs have said they cant prescribe clomid and need to refer me to a FS. Though I dont know what I want to happen. Part of me wonders if I should do an HSG. I think I am "low risk" as I have never had an ectopic, I dont think I have ever had PID, I have never had pelvic surgery etc. Ahhh... trying to sta strong and cont to plough on! GRR!
started spotting brown cm... day 26... man my cycles seem to be getting shorter.

i just feel stressed and sad. i need to sort this out. this negativity is just a no no really.

back to positivity (kinda)...

are you ladies able to share with me your views on:
a) spermie analysis results
b) next steps with the docs given i will hit 12 cycles next month (18 months according to docs though).

Hope everybody else is doing well. x
Quick one from me again as see your having a sh*t one MK8. Sorry about the spotting. Re the next steps, I reckon you should consider paying privately for an HSG if the doc offers you clomod as a next step.Just cos while it's unlikely you have blocjed tubes a) there's no point in clomid if you DID have a blockage and b) having the HSG is meant to increase fertility (just ask Leeze!) so may help you along anyway. Don't think its too much money either. Just my opinion and I am no expert at all (except I suppose I may be an expert in cake eating). Hoping you get your bfp before then anyway...hoping for it for all you London ladies.

Hope everyone else is well...Starrlicous excellent interview work...keep us posted...also think as you are cake baking teacher lady you should give us a recipe. Sophie bee...hope youre having a fun weekend away from the let down of last work and feel clearer on the next steps as things are progressing for you. Any more runs in the pipeline? Leeze...hope youve had your feet up. Any interesting signs? I've been having lots of braxton hicks!

Had family staying this weekend.Had some major pregnancy anxiety too as had something out of the ordinary noticed at an antenatal app last week and off for another scan to check on it. Am sure all is well and trying to enjoy being pregnant as am so aware how lucky I am...but just suffering with hormonal nerves....not a good combination.

Catch up soon.
Thanks Clanger.

I know it's much easier said than done but try to remain relaxed about your call back appt. You have made it this far, I am sure everything will be OK! Keep us posted.

Thanks for taking the time to respond despite your anxiety and family weekend. You are all such a lovely bunch. I have thought about doing the HSG but I have also read that if I start to pay for certain fertility testing/treatments now, the NHS will not fund anything. Right now, I see 3 potential issues:
- Spermy issues
- Blocked tubes
- Insufficient progesterone (my day 21 prog test was 26.7nmol/L and I THINK that docs prefer it to be over 30. Over 10 (I think) suggest ovulation but I think that Over 30 is definite ovulation and strong prog.
I just need to chill the hell out until we get SA results and I have spoken to my GP again. Will see what his plan of action is. I am definitely going to push for something, I refuse to accept the "ohhh, 95% people will conceive naturally in 2 yrs so cont trying for another 6 months". NO WAY.

Hope everybody else is doing better at remaining chilled.

Hey all, sorry for the long silence - it was a combination of having a sulk, being incredibly busy with work and having to knit these blasted blanket squares. Every time I came on to post I just felt like I didn't have the energy to say anything, so I thought it was better to leave it until the weekend...

Righto then, lots to respond to - I hope I don't miss anything as there's been so many posts!

Clanger - really hope the scan next week goes OK and it is all just a precaution, I'm sure it will be fine but sending you all my good vibes and thoughts :hugs: I don't know if it helps, but my sister had to go for an unplanned extra scan as they thought there was something odd with the size of the baby's head - that all turned out fine. I think they just want to be super-sure about things, which is great really if you think about it. It must be very scary for you though, so I hope you're doing OK.

Star - glad to hear the interview went well! Keeping my fingers crossed that you get it. Sorry to hear you've been feeling rotten as well - there is so much going around at the moment. I feel like I'm fighting something off myself. Half our office has been off with something or other in the last few weeks, so I hope you feel better soon. That day you spent with your friend's little girl sounded lovely.

Leeze - I've read a few Harlan Coben books too, I like a good thriller and am often on the look out for recommendations for new ones to try. It's funny about nesting - my sister (due a little bit after you on 11/11) isn't feeling it either, but her hubby is, so maybe Mr Leeze will get everything ready for you instead and leave you to chill out with your books. Sounds good to me! :thumbup:

mk8 - I am happy to talk about SA results and next steps and any other stuff. As you know Mr Bee's SA came back with a mild reduction on the three important things (numbers, motility and morphology), so I have some experience of going through those kind of results with the GP and the FS. As I skipped ahead over the fertility drugs I don't know how much I can offer on that. Except that I think it would be a very good thing to be referred to the FS rather than keep this going through your GP - they will definitely be able to tell you if the progesterone numbers are an issue (and at least run the tests again just to be sure). They will also be able to see if clomid is the right thing to do - it can be quite easy to fall in to the trap of trying to second guess what the next step is going to be, which can throw you if you are wrong. It took me a while to get my head around IVF because I couldn't believe that this was the next step for us, but there you go...

Have you made a decision on getting a CBFM yet? If you haven't already got one I was thinking that you can probably have mine. Whatever the outcome of this IVF malarkey, it is very unlikely that I am going to use it again. I'm not even bothered about selling it to be honest, so if you want it, it's yours :hugs:

AFM - I haven't called the clinic yet, but I decided that if I still haven't heard anything by tomorrow (which I won't have) then I'll give them a call. Tomorrow is a week away from next AF and I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to be starting doing something on CD1, even if it is just the BCP and not the scary injections yet. I reckon if I phone them with the approaching cycle start as a reason then they might not see me as neurotic and annoying. Although I was talking to Mr Bee about it and he said it was better to be thought of as neurotic and annoying than not thought of at all. Good old Mr Bee!

mk8, I think you were asking about the dummy insertion - it's not something that everyone has to go through, so isn't a standard part of the IVF process. It's just that I had a procedure a few years ago to remove some abnormal cells from my cervix. The procedure I had (LLETZ) can damage the opening of the cervix in a way that would make it difficult for them to push the catheter through, which is how they transfer the embryo(s). It was honestly one of the most uncomfortable things I had to go through as it took them ages to manage it, although they did in the end. The only comfort was that I was able to think that the next time they do this, there will be an embryo on that catheter and it might end up being my baby. Horrid though and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Clanger, I think you asked AGES ago about the protocol. It is going to be a long protocol, which basically means I'll take the pill for 3 weeks, then shut down my system with hormone injections for 2 weeks, then start a bunch of egg stimulating hormone injections until they are ready for collection. The whole process from starting the BCP to egg collection (EC) should take around 8 weeks. I'll be on a high dose of the egg stimulating hormone because I have this diminished ovarian reserve thing and high-ish FSH already, so there is a chance that at the end of the 8 weeks there won't be enough eggs anyway. There is also a risk that I'll over-respond and go into hyper-stimulation which sounds very scary and unpleasant indeed.

After EC, they do all the fertilising lab stuff and then the embryologist will give us a call to let us know what the deal is. I don't know much about this stage yet, but apparently King's seem to prefer to go down the 5 day old embryo transfer. From what I can tell, fewer eggs will make it to the 5 day stage, but once they do they have a better chance of developing into foetuses. Seems sensible to me - especially having been through that dummy transfer. No way I'd want to do that unless I thought the embryo had the best chance possible of making it. That's quite a way away yet though, so I'm not going to think about that until we get there.

Was that everything? I think so - sorry if I missed a question or something else. I shall try not to sulk for so long next time :blush:

Mega quick one from me, just to say that everything is sorted with the clinic - getting my meds on Friday and have a nurse consultation on 10 November! I'm starting IVF :happydance:

More details in my journal - couldn't be bothered typing it all out again!

Catch up soon ladies xx

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