London TTC buddies chat thread

Hi ladies so sorry about being awol. Have been a bit sick on my end.

How are things going star? What are you trying in ttc world?

Leeze, how are you? Youre back to work and moving home this month right? Big things! Hope youre doing well.

Thinking of you all.
Hey MK. Was beginning to think everyone dropped off the face of the earth xD

I'm good ty besisdes this blasted cold that won't go away. AF is still MIA. 13 months is a long time... we do have thought our appointment to the FS on Nov 19th. I can't wait!

How about you?
Hi ladies! Didn't realise anyone had been around on this thread! Great to hear from you Star - is that your wedding photo - you're GORGEOUS! Well done for the new job too, sounds like lady luck is shining down on you at the moment. 13 months is a long time for no AF. Can't remember if you said you'd tried Maca but I know a few women (on here) who had great success with it. Also, acupuncture might be worth a try if you haven't tried already.

MK8 - any update on the IUI? Hope you're feeling better now and it wasn't anything serious. Are you planning to wait until after Xmas now for the IUI? I think I'd be tempted , but then it would mean you'd most likely have a winter baby. Mind you, I loved having Kia in November. You're very sweet to remember the house moving and going back to work stuff. I've delayed my return to work by 3 weeks (annual leave) and so I'm going back on 20th November. We're probably going to move house the week before as we're STILL waiting for the building work to finish.

What's everyone's plans for Xmas - do you both celebrate Xmas? We're not particularly religious but both of our families like presents and good food!! This year we're inviting our parents to come to ours for Xmas - hopefully this won't be too hectic. My OH loves pre-prepared food from M&S and Waitrose so I think we'll just get a few trays of ready prepared stuff to throw in the oven! Otherwise it'll be a bit too hectic.

If Clanger and/or Soph are still lurking out there then sending a big shout out to you both. Still thinking of you. Big hugs xx
Hi Leeze! Was surprised to see it still alive too!

Your bubba almost shares my bday. She's super cute. Are you having a party??

I didn't try maca, I forgot about it actually. I have my FS appointment now so maybe I'll wait to see what they say.
Hi girls

Leeze, Kia is gorgeous! :)

Star, you're gorgeous!

Didn't notice the pics until now.

Star, 13 months without a period? Hmm, perhaps try a Chinese herbalist. One with recommendations. Go for some acupuncture and a herb called dong gui.there are quite a few herbalists in bluewater that seem busy.

But your appointment is just round the corner so woo hoo!

How's married life? :)

Leeze, ahh, great you can delay returning to work. Hopefully you will ease back into work ok. Are you going full time or part time? What's happening to Kia? Hope the home will be ready soon!

I'm better thanks but these short days are making me a bit glum. All I wanna do is sleep. Works driving me nuts, just bored of it all now. In chilling until Christmas Leeze. Think I need to relax myself. Looking forward to Christmas!

I'm not religious, though recently I've found myself becoming more religious. Like you though, Christmas is a great time to get together with family and swap presents :) i usually cook Xmas dinner but this year I'm taking a chilled approach. You ladies know I'm Chinese right? We are going to have a Chinese meal courtesy of my mama and father in law!

Leeze, Kia must be looking forward to it thus time round!
Just reaalised I posted my christmas plans in the wrong thread lol

I'm making a whole heap of things for family and friends. Body butters, bath bombs, bath melts. I just spent the evening whipping up the body butter. Smells delicious it chocolate "flavour" :)

We don't do religious christmas either, just getting with family and eating til we pop! Not sure who is hosting though...
Wow star! You're so creative! I'm taking the lazy approach and buying stuff. Heheh
Crafty out of necessity really. Distinct lack of funds due to the job situation!

I know they will love them though.

I tested out a bath bomb yesterday and it was great!

Having a nice weekend?? Had my birthday dinner last night which was great and I have another family one next weekend. Hurrah for birthdays falling smack bang in the middle of the week haha.
Happy Birthday Star. When's your actual birthday? I love the idea of having a 'birthday week' with various celebrations so I think it's fitting to celebrate over 2 weekends! Your bath bombs sound great. Have you ever thought of selling them? So, where's your fertility appointment and what are your expectations? I'm not sure if you know this but we were referred for fertility treatment and had all the tests then I got pregnant with Kia just before our follow-up appointment. So, if it's an NHS clinic then it might be similar to what we experienced. Be prepared that they might want to do a womb examination at your first appointment, I wasn't quite prepared for this so it took me by surprise a little that within a few minutes of being at the appointment I was lying with my legs in the air being poked and prodded. MK8, What food would you have for a traditional Chinese Xmas? I had roast duck a few years back with an ex-partner for Xmas dinner and it was delicious to do something different. Somehow I'd imagine there to be roast duck in a Chinese Xmas dinner, I hope that's not a really ignorant thing to say! Great that you've got your Mum on the cooking though! Sounds like a good plan to wait till after Xmas for the IUI, then you can relax and enjoy it without having to stress about things. Is there anything else you want to do before you go for the IUI? Are you still TTC naturally in the meantime or have you put things on hold because of the IUI? Sometimes people get their BFP naturally just before they start treatment, maybe feeling more relaxed or something?
As for me, I'm going back to work part-time. 3 days a week. Hopefully it'll be a good balance but I am dreading it a bit. Mainly worried if Kia will settle at nursery and how much I'll miss her. We've been to lots of groups over the last few months and she's pretty sociable so I'm hoping she'll enjoy it. It's probably me that'll struggle most with it! We're going out for a fairly low-key lunch for her birthday with some of our new Mummy and baby friends we've met at the various groups etc. Hopefully a bit of calm within the chaos of moving, starting nursery and going back to work! So much all happening at once! Agh! The next big decision is whether to TTC for another one. We're not getting any younger and it took us quite a while to get Kia so we kinda need to get on with it if we're going to try. We keep delaying making our final decision about it. If we've had a few nights with ok sleep then we're really up for it then we get a week or so of terrible sleep and we're not so sure! It is mostly amazing but such hard work at times! Chat soon xx
Thanks Leeze. My birthday was yesterday actually, same day I started my new job xD

It was good though had a nice day.

No, never thought of selling bathbombs. I think I am a little bit of a novice still. Maybe if I got really good!.

I didn't know you got a referral, thought you just went au naturalle. I guess you kinda did in the end! You must have been relieved! We got reffered to Kings. I've already had my lady bits exam xD and now have my follow up on the 19th. Not sure what to expect so if you can offer any insight.... I kinda hope they will induce a period ASAP as it's been well over a year. DH has to do his SA this week I think so guessing we'll get those results too.

What do the chinese do for christmas?? I had a lot of friends from the phillipines when I was in school and they would have duck but also many seafood dishes is it similar for you? In the west indies we usually have fish but since we've been here we always have a traditional roast now.

I'm sooo loooking forward to christmas. Bet you are too Leeze for first christmas!
How's the new job going? Funny to start on your birthday. I always think you should get the day off on your birthday! I had an HSG then got pregnant the next week with Kia, so on the same cycle. I think I maybe had a small blockage or somehow it kick-started my system. We never made it to the follow-up appointment. I was tempted to go anyway to find out about my test results be then I thought I'd rather let someone else have the appointment, someone still trying and therefore more deserving! They were a bit cagey about what happens at each stage so I'm not sure what happens. I got the impression they review all the test results and talk to you about treatment options. Have you had an HSG? Have you had any positive OPKs in the last 13 months? I'm probably stating the obvious but I guess they would initially focus on stimulating ovulation unless anything else significant comes up on the tests. Fingers crossed for you x
Jobs going well thanks. Been intense training all week but the people are nice.

I keep hearing about this HSG thing, no ones said anything about it to me but I will ask at my appointment. I've had the transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests. DH has had his sperm analysis and seen the urologist. They'll prolly give him Cialis to take every day (because of his diabetes) they said. Luckily he get's free perscriptions! Wish I did xD

Never had a positive OPK in all my time TTCing. I've been temping but there is no signs of anything in my cycle thus far. I can always see the temperal shift when I have a normal 30 day cycle though...

I've been feeling exactly like I do when my period comes the past few days again but nothing... As you can imaginer after 13 months I'm kinda fed up of having nothing to report!

Have you got plans for Kia's bday??
*Peeps in, looks sheepish for staying away so long, waves to all the lovely ladies*

Hi girls, just thinking of you all and catching up on IUI, back to work, new job and wedding news! Star you look truly beautiful in your bridey gear.

All ok with me and my boy.

Hey gals quick one as my phone is driving me nuts and not easy to post. I'm well. Nothing newto report. Hope you're all well. X
Hey ladies. Work is absolutely obliterating me. Srriously i am dead when i get home. So much information to take in! had to go in early today just so i can catch up. Feeling like this job might not be for me :-(

So nice to see your still about clanger how are you? What have you been up to?

I feel you on that mk, come catch up soon though

Hi ladies how are ou all?

Star, is work going well? Hows ttc front?

Leeze, kia looks gorgeous! Hows being a working mum working for you hun?

I have a slight cold. About to pop out for a thanksgiving dinner (not that my friends are americam, any excuse for a party!).
Sorry I went awol on you guys. Work has been manic. Of the 30 of us who started, there are now only 18 left.

I am so tired it is unbelievable but trying my hardest to do a really good job so I can stay there. Aside from that work is good. The team I work with are so nice. We all went out on Friday night and the Friday night before that. We really get on nice.

I had to move my FS appointment, don't remember if I told you that? It's not till December 10th. Still on the longest cycle ever. FF seems to think I ovulated but I'm not so sure...

This weekend we are nephew wrangling so that should be fun.

Hope you guys are well though!

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