Hi Leeze
Right, I am now on a laptop so here's a novel, heh heh.
I am sure you are doing a great job so please do not worry too much about potential "abandonment issues". I think it is healthy to have some time to yourself, doing your own thing and allowing Kia to hang out with pals her own age

I can imagine it is tough, especially as trying for a baby wasn't super easy, but please don't feel guilty. I know plenty of people who have great relationships with their mums (and dads) who worked whilst they grew up. I have no doubt that you are a wonderful mum.
Ooo, if you have baby no 2, that would be great. Have you and Mr Leeze thought about it? Decided on when (if) you want another? How old are you both again Leeze?
Right, as for me, my AMH suggests "low fertility". My FS and the nurse said that AMH measure ovarian reserve and not quality. But then I am confused as I appear to ovulate despite not many eggs being in my ovaries, so whats the problem? Technically my FS said we are unexplained. I just need to try hard to reeeeeeeeeeeelax.
I feel OK about the whole thing. I know "OK" is a bland word, but thats kinda how I feel. I do not want to stress out. I want to stay optimistic too. My FS suggested starting after the olympics as getting to/from the clinic for scans/tests will be a pain and stressful. Though TBH, I think it is cos hes going on leave early Aug. Either way, starting at the end of Aug works for me as I want to get my body into a good shape, not to mention my mindset.
In terms of the process, its all a bit hazy, which I am not too impressed about. That said, from reading the forums, everybody had the same experience. I will try to summarise:
- I am doing a stimulated cycle (ie with meds)
- I need to book a nurses appt before I start treatment - they will show me how to inject myself.
- I need to ring them on day 1 of AF.
- I go for a scan on day 2 so that they can check my lining.
- I go for scans/tests in the follicular cycle (doc said around 5 scans/blood tests usually).
- I take something called gonal f (to ripen eggs I think)
- I go for a scan around day 12 and if they see I am about to O, I take an Ovitrelle shot (which I think is to induce O)
- Hubby goes in to give sample, they wash it, and two hrs later inseminate me!
- Then we wait
- Then we jump for joy when I see my BFP! Haha.
The issue is, I do not know when my doc will have my treatment plan. I need that before I see the nurse and I hope the doc does it before he goes on holiday. I do not have a huge amount of faith in their admin process, it has to be said. But the doc seems to know his stuff, the clinic is good (Bridge Fertility Centre) and close-ish to my office so I can pop in for scans and bloodwork etc without too much trouble. Plus I have all my scan results there and had the consultations with the doc.
One issue I have is that I am worried my doc doesnt read my file properly. He said we need to do additional tests before they can start (regulation rules, which is absolutely fine). However, he asked me to do prolactin, hep B & hep C. But I have done those and he has the results. Admittedly, during my second consultation he explained my AMH results and saline scan results. I asked him for suggestions on next steps. He suggested IUI and then said we need to do more tests to satisfy regulations. Rather than tell us to do them with the clinic (and therefore pay), he wrote me a letter to take to my GP to request the blood tests. He typed it up there and then. Whilst I appreciate the speed meant he didnt read down all my results properly to see that I had those tests done recently already, I still felt a little bit miffed. I realised when I got home that I definitely had them done and was about to email him to check if I needed to do it again. But I have decided to leave it. Just going to request the tests with my GP so they are the latest date seeing as I def have to do a few other blood tests.
In the mean time, trying to have a healthier lifestyle (not doing a good job right now as its 130am!) Yoga, good sleep, hot bath at night, eat organic, acupuncture. I found an acupuncturist closer to home and a helluva lot cheaper than Zita West (£30 vs £80). The cheaper one specialises in infertility also and is based in Wimbledon. Also going to get my mum to make me dong gui soup (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelica_sinensis). I am Chinese- did I ever tell you that? I am a bit anaemic and my periods have been light. Dong gui works to nourish the blood. My FS is fine with alternative therapies like yoga, meditation, acupuncture. But against herbal meds as you dont know what goes into it. I agree and do not intend to buy "teas" from the herbal shop I will be doing my acupuncture at, but the dong gui thing is a dried root veg that you buy and its made by my mama so I am OK with that. Mind you, only taking it next cycle, not during my IUI cycle as I will be on western meds.
The issue is... I tried to get my work up straight so my next two months will be chilled at work. But got told on Weds I have been urgently seconded to another team to help them with an urgent project. Career wise great - stress wise and thus IUI wise, not great! Ho hum.