Long term TTC buddy wanted!!~UPDATED~Most of us did it!! ~

my appointment is 11.30am . so ur appointment be 10pm my time so mite not get to see ur update till the morning but i will try and come online late that eve to see! yeah hope ur appoinment brings good news! x
Hi Ladies, can I join you?
We have been trying for 18 mths now. My OH had a reversal (has kids with his ex, I dont have any) which has left him with low motility. We had our follow up appointment with the fs this week, we are just waiting for an appoinment with the nurse to go through IVF/ISCI. We wont get started until next year, in the mean time I am praying for a BFP! X
I didn't start this thread, but I say heck yea! lol Nice to have some people in the same boat to cry and share in the joy later!
hiya obe..of course ya can and welcome aboard!! lol.
and yes we can share the joy when we have success!..we will!! xx
Thanks! You never know, it could happen! (all fingers and toes crossed!)
Im just in the 2 week wait at the moment and it seems to be killing me this time round!
Hows everyone else doing?? x
I am in the 2ww also...not too excited as I know I will get stressed near AF time thinking is it, or isn't it going to start...and I will be at my sister's in Colorado visiting her and her newborn...going to have to suck it up and be strong....going to also hold my nephew as much as possible...maybe his essence will seep into my uterus ha ha
Fingers crossed OBe!
ooh - yeah - get as many baby rubs as you can!!!

sooo jealous of your 2wws - my AF has only just packed up.

And those appointments aren't too far away - just a few weeks!!! :happydance:
yep them appointments are coming around soon ah!..very nervous but very pleased as then we can get things moving!
yep my af is near the end and im also jealous of both ur 2wws! come on gals you can do it! xx
My OH sis has just had a baby, he hasnt told me yet as he thinks I will get up set! We dont see her that often tbh but I think I would find it really difficult at the moment. I think the fact my OH kids making a fuss would just push me over the edge! Its very difficult being in this situation as I am trying sooo hard not to be selfish and spoil things for everyone else just because of the way im feeling and what we are going through.
Grneyednurse - I hope it goes ok, I can understand how hard it must be for you.
Not sure when AF is due as I ovulated early this month so I think I wont have too much longer to wait. I think im about 11 days past ov, my temp seem to be staying high so im keeping my fx that it carrys on. Im setting myself up for dissapointment as I know our chances are very slim but I will let you know hoW I get on.
Good luck with the appointments, I hope they go well and get the ball rolling!! xx
yeah i know how u mean...my sis inlaw is due late next month/start of january and although im so pleased for her im so so jealous.when she has it its goin to be dificult as she has no idea how much i want one but im just going to have to stay strong i guess.yet so unfair...although it will be our turn soon enough i just know it will! xx
We are so anxious about our appointments aren't we? I know I am. What are all of your fears or are you all just plain excited? I won't state mine yet as I don't want to be so grim about things, just wondering if you all have the same fears i ahve. On the other hand, it is an IMMENSE relief that we don't have to work at TTC anymore and that it most likely will be successful.
well i guess im in alittle bit of a dif situation although we are all here for the same reason ah! i still have fears and wonder what will happen,would say i want all results to be perfect but then we come away feeling maybe they wont do anything for us and just tell us to carry on ttc.its a blooming tough one as i shouldnt "hope" for something to be wrong as then maybe it cant be fixed..oh wouldnt it be lovely to get to chose ah! but thats not going to happen and i guess i just need to stay positive. god im rambling on ah!
truth be told i cant stop thinking of about the appointment...so scared now.i guess i just want a "fixable" problem lol !! well had a letter other day moving my appoinment an hour earlier(what was the point!)...so will be 10.30am xx
No probs, that is why we have this lovely new thread....I have a lot of fears (and excitement too) and am beyond nervous to go to my appointment! I also am paying $335 for it, so if it doesn't go well, I will be more pissed off! They said we have to do another SA that day....I asked if it is another $60, but she never answered...one must have patience with this office and thick skin from what I hear...I know I will be frustrated...hopefully hopefully it will work the 1st time! Better yet, a miracle pregnancy this cycle would be better!
well i sooo wish u luck huni! that is expensive. we not paying anything...well yet. miracles do hapen hun and we can do this! xx
My FS appointment is on the 15th December.
Our 'first' wasn't really a proper appointment - we saw a nurse who took down our histories and sent us off for the tests.

Our up-coming appointment will probably just confirm what we already know... that my bloods are OK but that OH has stupidly crap :spermy: and he needs to make some serious lifestyle changes to improve count, motility and morphology.
But... I don't think he'll ever make those changes so I'm pretty sure that's where our TTC journey will end.

I do kind of hope that just one little soldier will make it through one day but we've talked about intervention and we're not going to go down that route.

I made some enquiries today about offering our home for foster children so maybe its fate that we can't conceive... that we were meant to do fostering instead :shrug:
cazd...yeah my first gyno appointment...nurse done all usual like weigh,measure etc,then she did a kinda smear to check for anything..then gyno took all me and DH history and then examined me down there and the done internal scan thing inside.sent off for all bloods and DH S/A tests and then told to make an appointment in 3 months and had HSG test inbetween them appointments! and there was me thinking we would just have to talk on our first appointment..even worse as i was on me AF..as u can imagine i was slightly embarrased but they were luvly about it!
i know where ur coming from with regard to S/A results...he thinks they wont be good..at first he was like well he wont change his diet,lifestyle and its only in the last 2 weeks coming up to results he sat me down and told me he wants a bubs 100% and that he is willing to change everything...there words i would never of thought he would of ever said!! so you never know cazd!! xx best of luck again for ur appointment xx
just wanted to say good luck with your test to all you ladies. I also was NTNP for a very long time before I discovered all of my fertility issues. Kind of have went back to NTNP as the stress has become so much with all the various stuff to try and get pregnant so just gonna let it go and see what happens. Best of luck to you all for a quick BFP.

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