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Long time no here!!


mummy to a angel
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Hello Ladies:flower:
I used to be a regular on here for "ages" but we kinda stopped ttc for a while as it was driving me crazy!!:cry:
I took the bull by the horns this month and thought "Right 1 more try"!
my period was 6days late last month and came eventually on the 24th!! Of course i got me hopes up!!But anyways.....I worked out that my Ov date was 7thApr so think we have covered days before and during with loadsa :sex:
So im hoping and praying we have worked our "magic":happydance:
But im worried if its makes any diff to the ov date because my period was late? What do you think girls? Would i be right with my Ov dates above or wrong??
Thanks xxBabyC
they sound right to me...im hoping its our month fingers crossed
they sound right to me...im hoping its our month fingers crossed

I do hope its both out month!!
I worried maybe i would Ov earlier?With the late period?
This ttc can drive you crazy!!:wacko:
How long have you been trying?
Its been 7 long months for us!!
My doctors sending me for blood tests nxt wk to check hormone level and few other things
Im hitting 40 in August and think this is my last chance and dont want to waste time!!:nope:
Keep me posted!! We will be company for each other!!
My periods due Apr 21st!!Hope that dreaded :witch: stays away
When are you nxt due on?
With all the :sex: you've been doing even though you could of OV early or late your good... I hope this is your month girlie... I have'nt seen you on here for a bit, and I'm on standby right now per say.. Good Luck Hun.. Lots of Baby dust to ya

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
With all the :sex: you've been doing even though you could of OV early or late your good... I hope this is your month girlie... I have'nt seen you on here for a bit, and I'm on standby right now per say.. Good Luck Hun.. Lots of Baby dust to ya

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Thx H&P
I really hope so!!
I hope the dreaded "Witch" stays away for you!!
Good luck xx
Hello Ladies:flower:
I used to be a regular on here for "ages" but we kinda stopped ttc for a while as it was driving me crazy!!:cry:
I took the bull by the horns this month and thought "Right 1 more try"!
my period was 6days late last month and came eventually on the 24th!! Of course i got me hopes up!!But anyways.....I worked out that my Ov date was 7thApr so think we have covered days before and during with loadsa :sex:
So im hoping and praying we have worked our "magic":happydance:
But im worried if its makes any diff to the ov date because my period was late? What do you think girls? Would i be right with my Ov dates above or wrong??
Thanks xxBabyC

Hello Girls!!:flower:
Well just thought id update you all!!
Ive started to feel queasy!! Wanting to bouk but nothing happening!!
Yuk Yuk Yuk!!:nope:
Horrible taste in my mouth too!! Ive odd pains on the bot right hand side?
TMI!! My right hand side nipple is sore!!and sensitive!!Extremely so!!
What i would give for a super bionic pregnancy test at this point!!lol
And i said i wouldnt "sympton spot" this time round!!:growlmad:
Please god its worked this time!!:happydance::happydance:
Keep you posted!! xx BabyC
I know i shouldnt.....but ive been sympton spotting!!
Felt queasy yesterday,sore nipples, bit tender & horrible taste in my mouth!
Was sooooooooooooooooo sick this morning!!Nipples woke me up thru night with achy pains and of course sore nipples!!
Still have a taste in my mouth,not sure what,but isnt nice!!
Im not even going to mention this to my hubby becus i dont want him to be dissappointed!!
Im going to try & not let this takeover the nxt wk and a half!!
I will drive myself crazy if i did.....
Whens the earliest i can take a test?Whats the best test?
Thanks x
Sounds like some pretty promising signs there hun, especially the soar bb's and yucky taste in the mouth... I'm crossing my fingers for ya hun..

FX'D... I feel this is YOUR MONTH.... Good Luck and Baby dust :dust: :dust:

I'm on standby... long story Keep us informed... When are you going to POAS!! I can't wait to hear the good news... :happydance:
Sounds like some pretty promising signs there hun, especially the soar bb's and yucky taste in the mouth... I'm crossing my fingers for ya hun..

FX'D... I feel this is YOUR MONTH.... Good Luck and Baby dust :dust: :dust:

I'm on standby... long story Keep us informed... When are you going to POAS!! I can't wait to hear the good news... :happydance:

Hi H&P :flower:
Well im still waiting to poas!! May get a test on mon?Afraid to tbh!!lol
"SHE" is due a visit on Wed,usually by now i have the warning signs!!
Pains down low nagging at me,But nothing!!..........:thumbup:
Im afraid to think too much about it!
Went to get bloods done yesterday,doctor wants to check my hormone levels etc,these seemingly wont be bk for a fortnight!!:growlmad:
So its going to be a long wait til i test/Wed!!
Still have achy nipples,bit queasy at times,see veins on boobs(not many)too!
I pray this is our month!!Will b gutted if it isnt!
Do you mind me asking what you mean by "On standby"?
Good luck to us all xxBabyC
I am also getting pains in my lower abdomen, i say pains - more of an aching. Also have some lower back ache and needing to wee a little more often than usual. I have given in and have been to get the first response test- i'm due on 22nd. Just had a drink, waiting for it to filter through tmi!
I am also getting pains in my lower abdomen, i say pains - more of an aching. Also have some lower back ache and needing to wee a little more often than usual. I have given in and have been to get the first response test- i'm due on 22nd. Just had a drink, waiting for it to filter through tmi!

Hiya Charlotte
How did you get on?
Did you get a BFP?
Girls i still have no inkling or aches i usually get couple days b4 "she comes"!
Please god she stays to heck away!! Shes not wanted!:growlmad:
Im still getting all the pains in my boobs,bit veiny too!!:happydance:
Im so dying to test!!Wanted to but 1 today but couldnt get a free min to!!
Without somebody wanting me or with me!!Maybe for the best?:shrug:
Cant wait tin Wednesday now!!But if i get 5mins to myself tomorrow i know im going to be tempted to get a test or 2!!lol
Wish me good luck please girls and pray "The Witch" doesnt arrive!!
Good luck to you all xx BabyC :hugs::kiss::hugs:
Sounds like some pretty promising signs there hun, especially the soar bb's and yucky taste in the mouth... I'm crossing my fingers for ya hun..

FX'D... I feel this is YOUR MONTH.... Good Luck and Baby dust :dust: :dust:

I'm on standby... long story Keep us informed... When are you going to POAS!! I can't wait to hear the good news... :happydance:

Hi H&P :flower:
Well im still waiting to poas!! May get a test on mon?Afraid to tbh!!lol
"SHE" is due a visit on Wed,usually by now i have the warning signs!!
Pains down low nagging at me,But nothing!!..........:thumbup:
Im afraid to think too much about it!
Went to get bloods done yesterday,doctor wants to check my hormone levels etc,these seemingly wont be bk for a fortnight!!:growlmad:
So its going to be a long wait til i test/Wed!!
Still have achy nipples,bit queasy at times,see veins on boobs(not many)too!
I pray this is our month!!Will b gutted if it isnt!
Do you mind me asking what you mean by "On standby"?
Good luck to us all xxBabyC

Me and the OH aren't together anymore, but were talking again, maybe I'll lure him over Weds when I'm fertile..

Good Luck hun...FX'D Stay away :witch: DEFFO Good signs...

I know its hard but try to hold out to test, you only have 1 more day to see if she shows, I pray not... I hope to hear some great news tomorrow ;)

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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