Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

I was on it for awhile but it gave me horrible diarrhea. :blush: :haha:

But I have an appt with my doc next week to be put on something that will keep my cycles regular while we take a break and I am going to ask to be put on it again. Maybe if I start out with a smaller dose for a while that will be better. I certainly need the help.
hi ladies,

i am new to this thread.

i am 34, have pcos (usually have a period 2-4 times a year, have no idea if i have ovulated before b/c i am new to TTC in general) and was put on clomid this cycle (50mg cd5-9) because of my history with pcos. i had no side effects from the clomid and thought i ovulated b/c i used opks to test. however, i had +opks for over a week. and i got my bloods tested on cd22 and my P levels showed no ovd.

i thought the clomid had worked b/c on cd16 when i got my first + i was very bloated and have never felt that bloated before. i am now realizing that must have been a side effect from clomid (i thought i wasn't affected by it, but maybe this bloating was a side effect) because i did not ovd. after receiving news that i did not ovd, the next day i started feeling pinching sensations which i also have never felt before. so i tested and of course it was still +. i have read that pcos has the effect of making LH high and thus triggering a + but not neccessarily leading to ovd.

i have decided to move from seeing an obgyn to seeing a FS given the 2 periods a year problem i have.

for those of you with pcos, do you find that you get +opks for this long? did 50mg of clomid lead to ovd?

do you all see obgyns or FS? i have heard that a cycle with an FS is much better than with an obgyn. i am hoping that i will be able to have more information with the FS. i sort of felt on my own with the obgyn. she just gave me the clomid and that's it.

i have PCOS. I never got positive opk's in cycles where I didn't ovulate but it does happen. yes you can get them because even though the body is surging to make it happen, it doesn't.

When we decided to go to the doc, I had already known that I had fertility issues but never did anything because I wasn't ready. I went to my OBgyn first. he found other issues and we dealt with those. Finally I got fed up and went to my regular doc and asked for clomid. He then referred me to a fertility specialist who I have been with for the last 3 years.

I did 2 months of clomid and I didn't ovulate. It made me gain so much weight that they took me off of it. I'm already obese I didn't need more weight. So I took some time, about a year to try and lose it. It was hard. in the end they started me on Letrozole last May.

First cycle I didn't ovulate so they upped the dose. Second cycle I ovulated. Third cycle I got a bfp but that ended in early mc. I did 3 more cycles after the mc but now I am taking a break for 3-4 cycles. I have gained weight again and this time it is my choice to take a break. The pills work better with less extra weight.

Hi, thank you for your response. when you were on clomid and you did not ovd, how many mg were you taking? I am very sorry to hear about the mc. I hope you get a bfp when you try next. i understand the need to take a break. after reading countless stories of peoples ttc journeys, i have realized that this journey may be very long with ups and downs. even in my short time ttc, i have realized that the waiting is just constant. i have an appointment with an FS on monday and feel like im just waiting for that...i just want to be there now.
Welcome star_e! This was my lucky thread and I hope it is lucky for you too :dust:

Aalya, have your doctors ever mentioned metformin? It helps with pcos and has a side effect of losing a few pounds. And it helps keep the bean sticky after the BFP. I'm on it for diabetes, but it really sounds like it is potentially amazing for pcos. Might be worth researching up on and seeing what you think. I'd be curious to know your opinion on it if you give it a try or not.

thank you for the welcome! i hope this is my lucky thread as well!

maybe i will ask my FS about metroformin. i have heard of people getting trigger shots. has anyone gotten one of those?
hi ladies,

i am new to this thread.

i am 34, have pcos (usually have a period 2-4 times a year, have no idea if i have ovulated before b/c i am new to TTC in general) and was put on clomid this cycle (50mg cd5-9) because of my history with pcos. i had no side effects from the clomid and thought i ovulated b/c i used opks to test. however, i had +opks for over a week. and i got my bloods tested on cd22 and my P levels showed no ovd.

i thought the clomid had worked b/c on cd16 when i got my first + i was very bloated and have never felt that bloated before. i am now realizing that must have been a side effect from clomid (i thought i wasn't affected by it, but maybe this bloating was a side effect) because i did not ovd. after receiving news that i did not ovd, the next day i started feeling pinching sensations which i also have never felt before. so i tested and of course it was still +. i have read that pcos has the effect of making LH high and thus triggering a + but not neccessarily leading to ovd.

i have decided to move from seeing an obgyn to seeing a FS given the 2 periods a year problem i have.

for those of you with pcos, do you find that you get +opks for this long? did 50mg of clomid lead to ovd?

do you all see obgyns or FS? i have heard that a cycle with an FS is much better than with an obgyn. i am hoping that i will be able to have more information with the FS. i sort of felt on my own with the obgyn. she just gave me the clomid and that's it.

i have PCOS. I never got positive opk's in cycles where I didn't ovulate but it does happen. yes you can get them because even though the body is surging to make it happen, it doesn't.

When we decided to go to the doc, I had already known that I had fertility issues but never did anything because I wasn't ready. I went to my OBgyn first. he found other issues and we dealt with those. Finally I got fed up and went to my regular doc and asked for clomid. He then referred me to a fertility specialist who I have been with for the last 3 years.

I did 2 months of clomid and I didn't ovulate. It made me gain so much weight that they took me off of it. I'm already obese I didn't need more weight. So I took some time, about a year to try and lose it. It was hard. in the end they started me on Letrozole last May.

First cycle I didn't ovulate so they upped the dose. Second cycle I ovulated. Third cycle I got a bfp but that ended in early mc. I did 3 more cycles after the mc but now I am taking a break for 3-4 cycles. I have gained weight again and this time it is my choice to take a break. The pills work better with less extra weight.

Hi, thank you for your response. when you were on clomid and you did not ovd, how many mg were you taking? I am very sorry to hear about the mc. I hope you get a bfp when you try next. i understand the need to take a break. after reading countless stories of peoples ttc journeys, i have realized that this journey may be very long with ups and downs. even in my short time ttc, i have realized that the waiting is just constant. i have an appointment with an FS on monday and feel like im just waiting for that...i just want to be there now.

We started with 50 the first month and then 100 the next month. Both times nothing. I love Letrozole though. no side effects and it works for me.
Welcome star! I don't have pcos so I can't comment on it. But I wanted to say opks can be tricky. I didn't really understand then the first couple cycles I used them. Make sure the test line is darker than the control line. Not almost as dark, darker. I'm sure you know I did too but it always confused me lol
I wish you luck!
Welcome star! I don't have pcos so I can't comment on it. But I wanted to say opks can be tricky. I didn't really understand then the first couple cycles I used them. Make sure the test line is darker than the control line. Not almost as dark, darker. I'm sure you know I did too but it always confused me lol
I wish you luck!

I used the clear blue digi tests, so I kept receiving the smiley face. I think this opk may be too sensitive and may try the ones with the lines on next cycle. I just want Monday to come bc right now there is no plan. It's not like AF will come on her own and I decided to switch obgyn to FS so i don't have provera to get things started yet. Also given the vast number of positive OPKs I wouldn't be surprised if my FS recommends retesting in a few days. I'm pretty sure this cycle is a bust.
That makes sense! Digital seem to really take the guess work out I'm just too cheap lol
Hopefully you get some answers too. Maybe try temping? It takes awhile to get the hang of it but it's nice to kinda confirm o.
I was on it for awhile but it gave me horrible diarrhea. :blush: :haha:

:blush: I don't care to talk about that part. There was a extended time during which I was afraid to leave the house. And then a while after where if I ate carbs without protein, watch out!

But I'm glad I stuck it out. My OB started me on 1000 X2 a day. Most people start off with 500 x2 a day and work their way up. I think that probably would be the easier way. But really, since I needed it for glucose control and had the time off work, I just bit the bullet, went straight for the full dose and stuck it out. I thought the trips to the bathroom would never stop, but after a few weeks my body adjusted to it and my digestive track got back to regular.

If either of you ladies decides to try it, I look forward to your full reports :) Personally, I feel like it's really improved my metabolism.
Hmm carbs without protein..maybe that was it. I think if I combine it with my new program I start on Sunday it will work. I only get four 1/2 cup servings of starchy carbs a day. So about 60g. Fruit and veggie are separate. But I know I need to stick with berries as they are low glycemic.

I am super excited to start. As much as I want to restart ttc and it sucks waiting I really want to give this program a go. I lost 8 lbs in 21 days the first time I did it and I didn't follow it to a T. I think I could lose 10lb this time and if I get in 6 rounds in the 4 months I could lose 60lbs. Maybe more if I get my metabolism on track.
I try to do about 130g of carbs per day not counting veggies and things like milk or nuts. It's hard. I kept a journal for a while to keep track, and that made it easier. I find your goal very ambitious, but wow what good results you got before! just wow!

Another thing about the metformin I noticed, I think a problem I was having at the start was that I would take it with breakfast and then with dinner probably about 8 or 9 hours later. The doses were too close together. Now, I don't take it unless it's been at least 12 hours between. I'd rather skip a dose then take it only 10 hours apart. I often wait to take it till lunch time just to make sure I have enough food in my system, but that means I have to take the second dose late at night. Actually, right now I'm trying to stay awake so I can take my evening dose late enough. I'd say that's the one thing that makes it difficult, having to space it exactly 12 hours apart. But, missing one does doesn't change anything as long as I don't do it too often.

Anyway, everyone is different, and I don't know if what worked for me will work for you. But I can say I was very unhappy when I first started and adjusting things here and there has made it totally bearable.
hi ladies,

i am new to this thread.

i am 34, have pcos (usually have a period 2-4 times a year, have no idea if i have ovulated before b/c i am new to TTC in general) and was put on clomid this cycle (50mg cd5-9) because of my history with pcos. i had no side effects from the clomid and thought i ovulated b/c i used opks to test. however, i had +opks for over a week. and i got my bloods tested on cd22 and my P levels showed no ovd.

i thought the clomid had worked b/c on cd16 when i got my first + i was very bloated and have never felt that bloated before. i am now realizing that must have been a side effect from clomid (i thought i wasn't affected by it, but maybe this bloating was a side effect) because i did not ovd. after receiving news that i did not ovd, the next day i started feeling pinching sensations which i also have never felt before. so i tested and of course it was still +. i have read that pcos has the effect of making LH high and thus triggering a + but not neccessarily leading to ovd.

i have decided to move from seeing an obgyn to seeing a FS given the 2 periods a year problem i have.

for those of you with pcos, do you find that you get +opks for this long? did 50mg of clomid lead to ovd?

do you all see obgyns or FS? i have heard that a cycle with an FS is much better than with an obgyn. i am hoping that i will be able to have more information with the FS. i sort of felt on my own with the obgyn. she just gave me the clomid and that's it.

Post a picture of you positive OPKs if you have one?
Ignore my last post i skipped a page

I always ovulate with clomid - either at 50 or 100 mg. the doctor just upped my dose to move ovulation forward. I definitely have never geared up to O with fully postive opk and then not ovulated

As for metaformin id love to try it but my own doctor can't prescribe fertility meds and my specialist is reluctant to prescribe more than one drug st once which is a shame cause I need to lose about 20lb
metformin isn't a fertility med. It's a medication given to diabetics or those with insulin resistance. The latter being a very common thing among those with PCOS. It regulates blood sugar and metabolism. Sometimes it's enough to let women lose weight and as such they get pregnant easier. So it's common to combine it with fertility meds. So maybe see if your doc will prescribe it.

That's weird that your specialist will only do one med at a time. Metformin doesn't affect clomid at all. Not even close to the same function. and it's such a common duo that it is really surprising. Unless you don't need blood sugar regulation. If you don't it isn't needed and losing the 20 lbs will have to be done with diet and exercise. And that's really the key. There is no magic pill in the end.
Ignore my last post i skipped a page

I always ovulate with clomid - either at 50 or 100 mg. the doctor just upped my dose to move ovulation forward. I definitely have never geared up to O with fully postive opk and then not ovulated

As for metaformin id love to try it but my own doctor can't prescribe fertility meds and my specialist is reluctant to prescribe more than one drug st once which is a shame cause I need to lose about 20lb
metformin isn't a fertility med. It's a medication given to diabetics or those with insulin resistance. The latter being a very common thing among those with PCOS. It regulates blood sugar and metabolism. Sometimes it's enough to let women lose weight and as such they get pregnant easier. So it's common to combine it with fertility meds. So maybe see if your doc will prescribe it.

That's weird that your specialist will only do one med at a time. Metformin doesn't affect clomid at all. Not even close to the same function. and it's such a common duo that it is really surprising. Unless you don't need blood sugar regulation. If you don't it isn't needed and losing the 20 lbs will have to be done with diet and exercise. And that's really the key. There is no magic pill in the end.

Diet and exercise only has so much of an effect. The minute I reduce exercise, even when my calorie intake is 1200 a day I start to gain weight. Rapidly. Like 15 lb in 4 months when my calorie intake was still only 1200 a day. So I've given up at the moment. I'll try to get into my GP and see what she says
You may want to try upping your calories a bit. I know that sounds odd but if you eat too low your body hangs on to everything. My sis gains weight if she doesn't eat.

But you may have a metabolism issue. And metformin may help. I know I need to combine both exercise and diet to lose the weight but just one isn't quite enough.
You may want to try upping your calories a bit. I know that sounds odd but if you eat too low your body hangs on to everything. My sis gains weight if she doesn't eat.

But you may have a metabolism issue. And metformin may help. I know I need to combine both exercise and diet to lose the weight but just one isn't quite enough.

I thought that and after the 4 months of gain and upped it to 1600 (bearing in mind that for 6 months of 1200 calories and running three times a week id lost 18lb). Now that I've given up caring I average between 1800-2000 calories per day and tap dance once a week I (the horrendous weather we have had for months just demotivated me from running). My weight has been pretty stable for the last 12 months, other than losing 7lb after my miscarriage
Thank u ladies for the comments. Yesterday and this morning they are negative. So if pcos can have the tendency for some Women to make OPKs positive I don't know why they were positive for like 10 days but not the days prior or after. I'm curious and will ask my doctor if maybe they were positive bc my body was really trying to ovd but couldn't and so another surge would come on. I wonder if when I felt the pinching sensations if it did ovd then. I'll let her know Monday. Can't wait till Monday. Glad I'm seeing a FS for the first time then bc I want more info to work with this cycle.

In terms of pcos the only symptom I have is the irregular periods. I don't know if my obgyn had ever checked for insulin resistance. I'll ask my new Doc about it on Monday.
Don't seem to be able to snap myself out of the awful, miserable mood I am in at the moment. I have suffered with severe depression in the past and really don't want to go back there. But at the moment I can't get myself together :nope:

Back at work tomorrow after the holiday so at least that's a distraction and something to pull my pathetic ass out of bed for
Don't seem to be able to snap myself out of the awful, miserable mood I am in at the moment. I have suffered with severe depression in the past and really don't want to go back there. But at the moment I can't get myself together :nope:

Back at work tomorrow after the holiday so at least that's a distraction and something to pull my pathetic ass out of bed for

Is ttc getting you down? The ups and downs of it all? Glad you will have a distraction and I hope you feel better soon.

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