Looking for buddies with mental health problems to share my journey with..

July 5
Negative Talk and Healing Talk
If we tell ourselves we are worthless because of our illness, we may never be able to appreciate our successes. If we tell ourselvs no one will love us because of our illness, then we may not allow others to love us. If we tell ourselves our lives are over, then we may not take advantage of all our opportunities.
We have no room left for healing talk if we bombard ourselves with negative thoughts.
To begin to heal ourselves emotionally we can give ourselves positive messages and accept compliments from others. When we do this consistently, we steadily create a positive self-image.
What do I tell myself about myself today?
Thought for the Day
Healing messages promote healing actions.
Hey all of you again, just a quick update. Still self harming and its getting worse every time i do it. Am worried about having children now because i dont want them to see the scars and i dont know how i would cope if they inherited all my mental illnesses i wouldnt wish it on anyone let alone my own child. My husband says its fine and we can handle it but i still feel guilty, we are still trying for a baby though we are just not going back to the fertility specialist until i am completely stable. To add to things someone set our house on fire last night, thankfully we all got out okay and the animals did too and there wasn't much damage but the house stinks, our industrial bin is melted to our driveway, our front number plate has been melted and next doors car is melted right by the petrol tank, given another 5 minutes the car would have exploded, thankfully a very brave and kind woman knocked on our door till someone woke up (next to 2 cars that were alight) and the man across the road got his hose pipe out and put the cars out. We were very lucky but there is no way i will be sleeping tonight, i am sitting up watching the cctv in case the arsonists come back (police have confirmed it was definitely arson)

I hope you are all okay and are having a better time of it than i am, will read back over posts another time.
Hey all of you again, just a quick update. Still self harming and its getting worse every time i do it. Am worried about having children now because i dont want them to see the scars and i dont know how i would cope if they inherited all my mental illnesses i wouldnt wish it on anyone let alone my own child. My husband says its fine and we can handle it but i still feel guilty, we are still trying for a baby though we are just not going back to the fertility specialist until i am completely stable. To add to things someone set our house on fire last night, thankfully we all got out okay and the animals did too and there wasn't much damage but the house stinks, our industrial bin is melted to our driveway, our front number plate has been melted and next doors car is melted right by the petrol tank, given another 5 minutes the car would have exploded, thankfully a very brave and kind woman knocked on our door till someone woke up (next to 2 cars that were alight) and the man across the road got his hose pipe out and put the cars out. We were very lucky but there is no way i will be sleeping tonight, i am sitting up watching the cctv in case the arsonists come back (police have confirmed it was definitely arson)

I hope you are all okay and are having a better time of it than i am, will read back over posts another time.

WTF? Why would someone do that? :devil: :hug:. Im so glad everyone is ok!!! Im always here if you need to talk. My depression got WAAAYYYY out of control when I had to drop my Seroquel because my Dr thought it caused my new heart condition. Now its better with the higher dose again. I hope things start to get better for you. You always have a friend here!!!!!
Hey all of you again, just a quick update. Still self harming and its getting worse every time i do it. Am worried about having children now because i dont want them to see the scars and i dont know how i would cope if they inherited all my mental illnesses i wouldnt wish it on anyone let alone my own child. My husband says its fine and we can handle it but i still feel guilty, we are still trying for a baby though we are just not going back to the fertility specialist until i am completely stable. To add to things someone set our house on fire last night, thankfully we all got out okay and the animals did too and there wasn't much damage but the house stinks, our industrial bin is melted to our driveway, our front number plate has been melted and next doors car is melted right by the petrol tank, given another 5 minutes the car would have exploded, thankfully a very brave and kind woman knocked on our door till someone woke up (next to 2 cars that were alight) and the man across the road got his hose pipe out and put the cars out. We were very lucky but there is no way i will be sleeping tonight, i am sitting up watching the cctv in case the arsonists come back (police have confirmed it was definitely arson)

I hope you are all okay and are having a better time of it than i am, will read back over posts another time.

Wow! That's unbelievable! :hugs:

I know what you are saying about mental illness and to be honest (I hope you don't mind), it can affect children if it isn't under control. My mother had terrible general anxiety (and some other issues) and refused to take medication for it. Needless to say, my social anxiety is a direct result of her behavior. I know some other women with social anxiety who are choosing not to have children, but for me, I found workarounds and my SA is pretty under control.

FYI, my DD has no signs of anxiety and is a total social butterfly.

I guess the choice is up to you in the end and how well managed you think your conditions will be. If it were me, I'd want to make sure that I was in therapy (group or one-to-one), that I had a support network that I could tell about my condition and ask for help, and that I thought the behavior was unlikely to surface to again. I've spent the last 3 years really working on my SA in group therapy and CBT and from ages 11 to 21 working on the depression and other things. I knew I was ready when I had the depression conquered. I think I'd be ready now with the SA under control.

Then again, it is such a personal choice when to have children and I think I'm sounding a little preachy (which totally is not my intention). :flower:
Sorry I missed yesterday. Worked all day, then had a family birthday party/bbq. Now i figured out that my pharmacy didnt fill my lower dose of mirtazapine, which needed physician approval, and now Im gonna run out tomorrow. Im so frustrated!!!!!.
July 6
One Day at a Time
Some of us took a long time to seek help, to choose recovery. We were self-destructive. Some of us abused alcohol or other drugs, and further undermined our stability. People suffered because of our actions. We were desperate and hopeless.
But one day, we managed to reach out. Slowly we picked ourselves up from the bottom. With help, we stopped using alcohol and street drugs, and we started getting treatment for our mental illness. It has been a long journey, but we have survived and we are getting healthier all the time.
Today, do I realize how far I have come on my journey?
Thought for the Day
No matter where I began my journey, I am capable of recovery.
July 7
Walking by Faith as well as by sight
Faith is not visible. It comes from within. It can guide us both in triumph and despair. It can make the impossible possible. It can resonat throught the universe.
On our journey, many paths we go down will require our faith rather than our sight. Walking by faith requires us to believe that something greater than ourselves is with us and guides us at all times.
Do I walk only by sight alone today o is faith my companion?
Thought for the Day
No matter how well I may see with my eyes, I can still be blind without faith.
July 8
A Higher Power on Our Spiritual Journey
None of us on a spiritual journey has the same spiritual path. But early on in the journey we all share a process of accepting into our lives a Power greater than ourselves. A Power that accepts us as we are. A Power that can teach us and give us what we need. A Power that can provide the strength and comrfort to help us cope with our illness.
Our Higher Power is always available to us. All we need is the desire and the willingness to begin the journey.
Today, do I acknowledge a Higher Power on my spiritual journey?
Thought for the Day
Recovery is a spiritual journey.
July 9
Setting Our Own Pace
Many of us with a mental illness develop our own pace, based on the needs of our recovery. We're not too fast and we're not too slow.
Others may be faster, but we dont have to keep up with them. We stick to our own pace and do the best we can.
Do I stick to my own pace today?
Thought for the Day
Recovery isnt a race, its a process.
July 10
Letting Go of Worry
Many of us with mental illness wonder when our next episode or cycle will occur. In doing so, we may forget to live our lives in te here and now.
Most of us will have anoher bout of our symptoms worsening one day. But until then, why should we spend time worrying? Rather than live from cycle to cycle, let us live one day at a time. Let us set up a plan for dealing with episodes when they occur. Then we can let ourselves feel good when we feel good.
Do I live in the worries of tomorrow or do I embrace the joys and challenges of today?
Thought for the Day
When I appreciate what is taking place right now, I forget to worry.
hi i was wondering if anyone knows of the medications during pregnacy, i have only been diagnosed bipolar since i had my baby boy in feburaury 2011, but ive had other issues since i was little, im on queratine,
mirtapine,pericyazine and zopiclone nite times, im hopinh to start trying again in jan 13 for another baby, and how i go about contolling everything with/out meds as it wud be a trying time for us
Lifes been a bit hectic. Since the fire i have completely changed my outlook on life and feel alot better about bringing a baby into our lives now, i think it took that to show me i do want to live and i want to be there for my family and that i actually am happy i just worry about things far too much. I had to have my appendix out 5 days ago and am mostly recovered now, they also did a laparoscopy at the same time and i have pcos with lots of cysts on my ovaries and a retroverted uterus. Will be going back to the FS soon with this new information and hopefully this is it for us :) now we know what is wrong they can start working on it, it will be 4 years in october i am hoping that i can get pregnant before then. If i dont get pregnant this cycle (which i wont because i'm not allowed sex for at least 2 weeks :( ) then i will be 21 when my baby arrives. Am a bit gutted that i have something wrong but am happy i finally have some answers. How are you all??

Lifes been a bit hectic. Since the fire i have completely changed my outlook on life and feel alot better about bringing a baby into our lives now, i think it took that to show me i do want to live and i want to be there for my family and that i actually am happy i just worry about things far too much. I had to have my appendix out 5 days ago and am mostly recovered now, they also did a laparoscopy at the same time and i have pcos with lots of cysts on my ovaries and a retroverted uterus. Will be going back to the FS soon with this new information and hopefully this is it for us :) now we know what is wrong they can start working on it, it will be 4 years in october i am hoping that i can get pregnant before then. If i dont get pregnant this cycle (which i wont because i'm not allowed sex for at least 2 weeks :( ) then i will be 21 when my baby arrives. Am a bit gutted that i have something wrong but am happy i finally have some answers. How are you all??

I love the new outlook!!! Hopefully now that you know whats wrong, things start going in the correct direction!!!! I'm glad you're healing well from your appendectomy! I've had my gallbladder and appendix taken out. I've had a diagnostic Laparoscopy. I've had an ovarian cyst removed! Its a pain, but hopefully things start looking up!!!!! So you will be 21 when you're baby comes if you get pregnant soon? IDK why, but I thought you were older then me. I'm 25. My phone is acting up so I haven't been able to post the daily meditations. I'll try to catch soon!!!!!
Hey ladies my name is Bailee :)
Well in married and had a mc in December :(. My due date was the 31st of this month so in having a hard time . I am now TTC. I have depression and a really bad panic disorder in on medication for both but my doctor says being on the nerve medication is really bad, I just don't know that I could stop it all together even being on such a low dose :(. Anyhow just wanted to say hi :)
Hey bailee :) Sorry you are having such a rough time of here, i hope that we can help you through it :hugs:

Ces- Thank you :) No, i'm only 20 and my husband is 22 we have been trying for a long time though, thats why most people assume i'm older. Hope to see you back soon :) we are going to the doctors this cycle and getting re-reffered to the fertility specialist can't wait! Hoping they can get me pregnant soon! Have been trying since October 2008! Hope to see you back soon, i'm going to be around here more now we are properly ttc again :)

Hey bailee :) Sorry you are having such a rough time of here, i hope that we can help you through it :hugs:

Ces- Thank you :) No, i'm only 20 and my husband is 22 we have been trying for a long time though, thats why most people assume i'm older. Hope to see you back soon :) we are going to the doctors this cycle and getting re-reffered to the fertility specialist can't wait! Hoping they can get me pregnant soon! Have been trying since October 2008! Hope to see you back soon, i'm going to be around here more now we are properly ttc again :)


Hey ladies my name is Bailee :)
Well in married and had a mc in December :(. My due date was the 31st of this month so in having a hard time . I am now TTC. I have depression and a really bad panic disorder in on medication for both but my doctor says being on the nerve medication is really bad, I just don't know that I could stop it all together even being on such a low dose :(. Anyhow just wanted to say hi :)

Welcome Baileeboo77! Hope your stay is short and sweet.
Lupenrainbow, my fingers are crossed that the fertitilty specialist helps!!! I hope you get your BFP soon!
I just got my positive OPK, so fingers crossed this is our month! This is a hard week. Thursday is the 1 yr anniversary of my Grandmother dying, and Saturday is the 4 yr anniversary of my grandfather dying. Kinda a rough week. I hope I can get on here more often!!!!
I hope so too! Oooo get :sex: hope this is your cycle :flower: will be keeping fingers tightly crossed for you :hugs: Sorry this week is so hard on you :hugs: I'm always here if you need to talk, its coming up to the 14th anniversary of my mums death so i know how much it hurts and it must be especially hard where its still so new :hugs: sending you lots of baby :dust: and hugs to get you through it, maybe they will help you with getting your baby this cycle

Thanks!!!!! Ditto! I'm here if you need to talk!!!!!!
now i have bronchitis and have to be on antibiotics. plus its making my asthma worse.
July 20
Lending a Hand
On our journey we will have many opportunities to help people we care about. But are we willing? At times our illness will preven us from helpint; at times we just wont feel like it. Maybe we've had a rough day or we're not feeling compassionate.
Yet helpin at those times can benefit us a great deal: lending a hand brings us closer to those we help, makes us feel good about ourselves, and may improve our mood.
Today, do I help those around me as best I can, whether i feel like it or not?
Thought for the Day
Regardless of my problems, lending a helping hand brings the satisfaction of having something to offer others.
IDK how I feel today. I have a migraine, worst one Ive had since first getting Botox in Feb. Not scheduled for more til mid to late August. Im approx 9DPO if my temps are right. FF is still giving me dotted crosshairs, but the other site I use for charting agrees with what I think. I shouldnt normally be due for AF til like July 29, but I usally have a 9-10 day LP. Not good, I know. If it stays like this til I see my OBGYN in Oct, then I guess we know whats wrong huh? My temps have been looking good I think. What do y'all think? Normally I start getting my hopes up by now, but honestly Im not. I guess Ive gotten use to getting BFN that Im expecting it. Hope I wrong. DH keeps telling me to test, but Im pretty sure its too early. Silly men. Sometimes they dont understand it all!
IDK how I feel today. I have a migraine, worst one Ive had since first getting Botox in Feb. Not scheduled for more til mid to late August. Im approx 9DPO if my temps are right. FF is still giving me dotted crosshairs, but the other site I use for charting agrees with what I think. I shouldnt normally be due for AF til like July 29, but I usally have a 9-10 day LP. Not good, I know. If it stays like this til I see my OBGYN in Oct, then I guess we know whats wrong huh? My temps have been looking good I think. What do y'all think? Normally I start getting my hopes up by now, but honestly Im not. I guess Ive gotten use to getting BFN that Im expecting it. Hope I wrong. DH keeps telling me to test, but Im pretty sure its too early. Silly men. Sometimes they dont understand it all!

It is hard to say - I'm no expert pregnancy chart reader. Maybe you ovulated early this cycle and there is an implantation dip (maybe...but don't trust my skills on it)? It happens to lots of ladies. The 9-10 LP is not good, but they do have stuff to fix it and it could be worse (my mother's were under a week always). I think my last LP was 12, which is borderline....

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